OrientDB query all out edges - orientdb

I want to do a query in OrientDB but i don't know how it works.
I'm using the Graph API and my DB looks like this:
class(V): #route (Name, Start, Length, Goal)
class(V): #direction (Goal, length)
class(E): #has_A
class(E): #start_Direction
class(E): #has_Follower
The Edges are connected to the Vertices like this:
route -> has_A -> direction
route -> start_Direction -> direction
direction -> has_Follower -> direction
now i need to find all followers by the name of the route,
what works so far is when i enter a rid (of the class startDirection) directly to the query for example:
select * from (traverse outE('has_Follower'),has_Follower.in from #??:?) where #class='direction'
But now i need to get to the rid over the Name of the route (which is the problem), what i tried so far is:
select * from (traverse outE('has_Follower'),has_Follower.in from (select #rid from start_Direction where start_Direction.out = (select #rid from route where Name = 'nameOfroute'))) where #class='direction'
But this gives me an empty query, although when i type in the rid from start_Direction of which i know has a has_Follower it works.
Hope this is understandable, thanks for any help in advance.

One problem in your query is probably start_Direction.out = (select..., you have to use an IN instead of an =, eg start_Direction.out IN (select....
In general, I think the easiest way to do what you need is as follows:
{class:route, as:route} -start_Direction-> {} -has_Follower-> {as:direction, while:(true)}
RETURN route.#rid, route.Name, route.Start, route.Length, route.Goal, direction.Goal, direction.length
Or just RETURN $elements if you want single records per row


OrientDB: select edge where out=(select ??) does not work

I have a problem. I think that this is supposed to work, otherwise someone else would have run into this problem.
The following command works perfectly:
// suppose my record id is #10:0
select from MyEdgeType where out=#10:0
This works.
select from MyNodeType where name="this"
> returns obj with #rid = #10:0
The following does not work:
select from MyEdgeType where out=(select from MyNodeType where name="this")
select from MyEdgeType where out=(select #rid from (select from MyNodeType where name="this")
select from MyEdgeType let $rec = (select fcom MyNodeType...) where out=$rec.rid
... etc.
Nothing works. Nothing. How do I select from edges such that I do not have to know the record id which is incident to the edges I would like to grab ahead of time?
You're comparing a single field on a resultset (it's like comparing a string to an array), try something like this:
select from MyEdgeType where out IN (select from MyNodeType where name="this")
I got this to work.
Since my nodes are unique (this is a constraint), I used the unique property to ID them during the filtration, rather than the record id from a subquery:
select from MyEdgeType where out.unique_identifier=...

Cassandra Select Query for List and Frozen

I have user define type like
CREATE TYPE point ( pointId int, floor text);
And I have table like:
id timeuuid,
val timeuuid,
PointList list<frozen <point>>,
And have create index like
create index on path(PointList);
But the problem is I am not able to execute select query where PointList = [floor : "abc"].
I google for 2 hours but not able to find the hint.
I am using this query to execute select query
Select * from path where val = sdsdsdsdsds-dsdsdsd-dssds-sdsdsd and PointList contains {floor: 'eemiG8NbzdRCQ'};
I can see this data in my cassandra table but not able to get that data using above query.
I want select query where we can only use floor and val. Because we only have data for floor and val
I tried many different ways but nothing is working.
I would appreciate any kind of hint or help.
Thank you,
Frozen point means point type is frozen, you can't partially provide point value, you have to provide the full value of point
Example Query :
select * from path where pointlist CONTAINS {pointId : 1, floor : 'abc'};

What's the opposite of the intersect function in OrientDB?

I'm currently looking for the opposite of the function intersect
Let me explain with some queries :
the first one return a list of #rid
The seconde one retun a list of #rid
The third one return a list of #rid which are in the first and in the second one
-> I'm looking for the query that return a list of #rid which are in the first but not in the second
SELECT in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent") FROM 89:50
-> #69:110 #62:19 #60:1 #59:38 #62:114
SELECT out("Pertinent") FROM 89:50
-> #69:110 #62:19 #60:1
SELECT intersect(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent"), out("Pertinent")) FROM #89:50
-> #62:19 #60:1 #69:110
I'm looking for this query :
SELECT except/difference(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent"), out("Pertinent")) FROM #89:50
-> #59:38 #62:114
Ok i find what was missing !
I have to compare on #rid :
SELECT difference(in("Regroupe").in("Obligatoire").out("Pertinent").#rid, out("Pertinent").#rid) FROM #89:50

OrientDB Equal Query not returning results

I ran a query like this:
select urlName from User where urlName like 'Nkj-Fm20%';
Which returns one record.
But when I run a query like this:
select * from User where urlName = 'Nkj-Fm20'
No record is found.
Can you help me?
the like operator allow usage of % jolly character, while the = doesn't. So with your second query it returns only the users with the exact urlName Nkj-Fm20.

OrientDB SQL Check if multiple pairs of vertices are connected

I haven't been able to find an answer for the SQL for this.
Given pairs of vertices (record ids) and edge types between them, I want to check if all pairs exists.
V1 --E1--> V2
V3 --E2--> V4
... and so on. The answer I want is true / false or something equivalent. ALL connections must be present in order to evaluate to true, so at least one edge (of correct type) must exist for each pair.
Pseudo, the question would be:
Does V1 have edge <E1EdgeType> to V2?
Does V3 have edge <E2EdgeType> to V4?
... and so on
Does anyone know what the orientDB SQL would be to achieve this?
I did already have one way of checking if one single edge exists between known vertices. It's perhaps not very pretty either, but it works:
SELECT EXPAND(out('TestEdge')) FROM #12:0
) WHERE #rid=#12:1
This will return the destination record (#12:0) if an edge of type 'TestEdge' exists from #12:0 to #12:1. However, if I have two of those, how can I query for one single result for both queries. Something like:
SELECT <something with $c> LET
$a = (SELECT FROM (SELECT EXPAND(out('TestEdge')) FROM #12:0) WHERE #rid=#12:1)
$b = (SELECT FROM (SELECT EXPAND(out('AnotherTestEdge')) FROM #12:2) WHERE #rid=#12:3)
$c = <something that checks that both a and b yield results>
That's what I aim towards doing. Please tell me if I'm solving this the wrong way. I'm not even sure what the gain is to merge queries like this compared to just repeat queries.
Given a pair of vertices, say #11:0 and #12:0, the following query will effectively check whether there is an edge of type E from #11:0
to #12:0
select from (select #this, out(E) from #11:0 unwind out) where out = #12:0
# |#CLASS|this |out
0 |null |#11:0|#12:0
This is highly inelegant and I would encourage you to think about formulating an enhancement request accordingly at https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues
One way to incorporate the boolean tests you have in mind is illustrated by the following:
select from
(select $a.size() as a, $b.size() as b
let a=(select count(*) as e from (select out(E) from #11:0 unwind out)
where out = #12:0),
b=(select count(*) as e from (select out(E) from #11:1 unwind out)
where out = #12:2))
where a > 0 and b > 0
Yes, inelegance again :-(
It might be useful to you the following query
SELECT eval('sum($a.size(),$b.size())==2') as existing_edges
let $a = ( SELECT from TestEdge where out = #12:0 and in = #12:1 limit 1),
$b = ( SELECT from AnotherTestEdge where out = #12:2 and in = #12:3 limit 1)
Hope it helps.