OrientDB: select edge where out=(select ??) does not work - orientdb

I have a problem. I think that this is supposed to work, otherwise someone else would have run into this problem.
The following command works perfectly:
// suppose my record id is #10:0
select from MyEdgeType where out=#10:0
This works.
select from MyNodeType where name="this"
> returns obj with #rid = #10:0
The following does not work:
select from MyEdgeType where out=(select from MyNodeType where name="this")
select from MyEdgeType where out=(select #rid from (select from MyNodeType where name="this")
select from MyEdgeType let $rec = (select fcom MyNodeType...) where out=$rec.rid
... etc.
Nothing works. Nothing. How do I select from edges such that I do not have to know the record id which is incident to the edges I would like to grab ahead of time?

You're comparing a single field on a resultset (it's like comparing a string to an array), try something like this:
select from MyEdgeType where out IN (select from MyNodeType where name="this")

I got this to work.
Since my nodes are unique (this is a constraint), I used the unique property to ID them during the filtration, rather than the record id from a subquery:
select from MyEdgeType where out.unique_identifier=...


Use postgresql query results to form another query

I am trying to select from one table using the select result from another table. I can run this in two queries but would like to optimize it into just one.
First query.. Select ids where matching other id
select id from lookuptable where paid = '547'
This results in something like this
I would like to then use this result to make another selection. I can do it manually like below. Note, there could be many rows with these values so I've been using a IN statement
select * from "othertable" where id in (6316352,6316353,6318409,6318410,6320468,6320469,6320470,6322526,6322527,6324586,6324587,6326648);
"othertable" as ot
lookuptable as lt
ot.id = lt.id
lt.paid = '547'
The IN operator supports not just value lists but also subqueries, so you can literally write
select * from "othertable" where id in (select id from lookuptable where paid = '547');

postgres case statement with subquery

I have a subquery like this
with subquery as (select host from table_A where << some condition >>)
and in my main query, I am querying data from another table called table_B, and one of the columns is called destination_host. Now I need to check if the destination_host is in the list returned from my subquery, then I want to output TypeA in my select statement or else TypeB. My select statement looks something like
select name, place, destination_host
from table_B
where <<some condition>>
I want to output a fourth column that is based on a condition check, let's say we call this host_category and if the destination_host value exists in the subquery then I want to add value typeA or else typeB. Please can you help me understand how to write this. I understand that it is hard to provide guidance if you don't have actual data to work with.
I tried using case statements such as this one:
when (destination_host in (select host from subquery)) THEN 'typeA'
when (destination_host not in (select host from subquery)) THEN 'typeB'
end as host_category
but I don't think this is the way to solve this problem.
I would use EXISTS:
WITH subquery AS (...)
WHERE subquery.host = table_b.destination_host)
THEN 'typeA'
ELSE 'typeB'
FROM table_b;
With queries like that, you have to take care of NULL values. If table_b.destination_host is NULL, the row will always show up as typeB, because NULL = NULL is not TRUE in SQL.

Save value from sub query and reuse it later?

How do I use the result of a sub query multiple times? Is there any way to name that result and use it somewhere else? I know about with xyz as ... and that doesn't seem to work?
I found this and would like something more specific?
Sample of broken code:
with g_surf as (select surface_area from countries where name like 'Germa%')
select abs(surface_area - g_surf) from countries;
working code that uses the entire sub query:
select abs(surface_area - (select surface_area from
countries where name like 'Germa%')) from countries;
Just to mark the question as solved:
g_surf, in your example, is the CTE (Common Table Expression), i.e. it acts as a table, not as a field.
with g_surf as (select surface_area from countries where name like 'Germa%')
select abs(surface_area) from g_surf;
Of course, if you have a g_surf field in your countries table, you can write:
with myCTE as (select surface_area, g_surf from countries where name like 'Germa%')
select abs(surface_area - g_surf) from myCTE;
More about CTE here.

oracle: grouping on merged columns

I have a 2 tables FIRST
My requirement is twofold,
1, i first need to get all columns from both tables with common rl_no. So i used:
SELECT a.ID,a.rl_no,a.adm_date,a.fees,b.rollno,b.fare,b.type FROM FIRST a
SECOND b ON a.rl_no = b.rollno
The output is like this:
2,Next i wanted to get the sum(fare) of those rollno that were common between the 2 tables and also whose fare >= fees from FIRST table group by rollno and id.
My query is:
SELECT x.ID,x.rl_no,,x.adm_date,x.fees,x.rollno,x.type,sum(x.fare) as "fare" from (SELECT a.ID,a.rl_no,a.adm_date,a.fees,b.rollno,b.fare,b.type FROM FIRST a
SECOND b ON a.rl_no = b.rollno) x, FIRST y
WHERE x.rollno = y.rl_no AND x.fare >= y.fees AND x.type IS NOT NULL GROUP BY x.rollno,x.ID ;
But this is throwing in exceptions.
ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
00979. 00000 - "not a GROUP BY expression"
The expected output will be like this:
So could someone care to show an oracle newbie what i'm doing wrong here?
It looks like there's a couple different problems here;
Firstly, you're trying to group by an x.ID column which doesn't exist; it looks like you'll want to add ID to the selected columns in your sub-query.
Secondly, when aggregating with GROUP BY, all selected columns need to be either listed in the GROUP BY statement or aggregated. If you're grouping by rollno and ID, what do you want to have happen to all the extra values for adm_date, fees, and type? Are those always going to be the same for each distinct rollno and ID pair?
If so, simply add them to the GROUP BY statement, ie,
GROUP BY adm_date, fees, type, rollno, ID
If not, you'll need to work out exactly how you want to select which one to be output; If you've got output like your example (adding in an ID column here)
Call that result set 'a'. If I run;
SELECT a.ID, a.rollno, SUM(a.fare) as total_fare
GROUP BY a.ID, a.rollno
Then the result will be a single row;
So, if you also select the adm_date, fees, and type columns, oracle has no idea what you mean to do with them. You're not using them for grouping, and you're not telling oracle how you want to pick which one to use.
You could do something like
FIRST(a.adm_date) as first_adm_date,
FIRST(a.fees) as first_fees,
SUM(a.fare) as total_fare,
FIRST(a.type) as first_type
GROUP BY a.ID, a.rollno
Which would give the result;
I'm not sure if that's what you mean to do though.

Specifice order to tables in postgres

I just created a temporary table as:
create temporary table userAndProductSales as
select p.p_name, u.u_name, u.s_price, u.quantity
from product p
join userAndStates u
on p.s_id = u.s_id
Now I want to select some columns with a particular order. For example, I want the select to give me an output of:
u_name1 p_name1
u_name1 p_name2
u_name1 p_name3
u_name1 p_name4
u_name2 p_name1
u_name2 p_name2
u_name2 p_name3
and so on and so forth. How do I get this ouput? I've tried something on the lines of:
select (select u_name from userandproductsales order by u_name), p_name from userandproductsales
but I'm getting an error
UPDATE: Figured out that the table I'm joining isn't giving me the correct data I want. Thanks for the help though.
Here is how to use ORDER BY :
SELECT * from userandstatesales
order by u_name , p_name
Unless there is a reason for creating a temporary table (like needing to access it later in the same session), you should avoid the expense and simply do a order by from your select. For example:
select p.p_name, u.u_name, u.s_price, u.quantity
from product p
join userAndStates u
on p.s_id = u.s_id
order by u.u_name, p.p_name;