MongoDB Full and Partial Text Search - mongodb

MongoDB (3.2.0) with Mongoose
Text Index creation:
BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObject options = new BasicDBObject();
options.put("name", "userTextSearch");
options.put("unique", Boolean.FALSE);
options.put("background", Boolean.TRUE);
userCollection.createIndex(keys, options); // using MongoTemplate
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "LEONEL" } } ) => FOUND
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "leonel" } } ) => FOUND (search caseSensitive is false)
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "LEONÉL" } } ) => FOUND (search with diacriticSensitive is false)
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "LEONE" } } ) => FOUND (Partial search)
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "LEO" } } ) => NOT FOUND (Partial search)
db.users.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "L" } } ) => NOT FOUND (Partial search)
Any idea why I get 0 results using as query "LEO" or "L"?
Regex with Text Index Search is not allowed.
.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "/LEO/i",
"$caseSensitive": false,
"$diacriticSensitive": false }} )
.count() // 0 results
.find( { "$text" : { "$search" : "LEO",
"$caseSensitive": false,
"$diacriticSensitive": false }} )
.count() // 0 results
MongoDB Documentation:
Text Search
Text Indexes
Improve Text Indexes to support partial word match

As at MongoDB 3.4, the text search feature is designed to support case-insensitive searches on text content with language-specific rules for stopwords and stemming. Stemming rules for supported languages are based on standard algorithms which generally handle common verbs and nouns but are unaware of proper nouns.
There is no explicit support for partial or fuzzy matches, but terms that stem to a similar result may appear to be working as such. For example: "taste", "tastes", and tasteful" all stem to "tast". Try the Snowball Stemming Demo page to experiment with more words and stemming algorithms.
Your results that match are all variations on the same word "LEONEL", and vary only by case and diacritic. Unless "LEONEL" can be stemmed to something shorter by the rules of your selected language, these are the only type of variations that will match.
If you want to do efficient partial matches you'll need to take a different approach. For some helpful ideas see:
Efficient Techniques for Fuzzy and Partial matching in MongoDB by John Page
Efficient Partial Keyword Searches by James Tan
There is a relevant improvement request you can watch/upvote in the MongoDB issue tracker: SERVER-15090: Improve Text Indexes to support partial word match.

As Mongo currently does not supports partial search by default...
I created a simple static method.
import mongoose from 'mongoose'
const PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: { type: String, default: '', trim: true },
body: { type: String, default: '', trim: true },
PostSchema.index({ title: "text", body: "text",},
{ weights: { title: 5, body: 3, } })
PostSchema.statics = {
searchPartial: function(q, callback) {
return this.find({
$or: [
{ "title": new RegExp(q, "gi") },
{ "body": new RegExp(q, "gi") },
}, callback);
searchFull: function (q, callback) {
return this.find({
$text: { $search: q, $caseSensitive: false }
}, callback)
search: function(q, callback) {
this.searchFull(q, (err, data) => {
if (err) return callback(err, data);
if (!err && data.length) return callback(err, data);
if (!err && data.length === 0) return this.searchPartial(q, callback);
export default mongoose.models.Post || mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema)
How to use:
import Post from '../models/post''Firs', function(err, data) {

Without creating index, we could simply use:
db.users.find({ name: /<full_or_partial_text>/i}) (case insensitive)

If you want to use all the benefits of MongoDB's full-text search AND want partial matches (maybe for auto-complete), the n-gram based approach mentioned by Shrikant Prabhu was the right solution for me. Obviously your mileage may vary, and this might not be practical when indexing huge documents.
In my case I mainly needed the partial matches to work for just the title field (and a few other short fields) of my documents.
I used an edge n-gram approach. What does that mean? In short, you turn a string like "Mississippi River" into a string like "Mis Miss Missi Missis Mississ Mississi Mississip Mississipp Mississippi Riv Rive River".
Inspired by this code by Liu Gen, I came up with this method:
function createEdgeNGrams(str) {
if (str && str.length > 3) {
const minGram = 3
const maxGram = str.length
return str.split(" ").reduce((ngrams, token) => {
if (token.length > minGram) {
for (let i = minGram; i <= maxGram && i <= token.length; ++i) {
ngrams = [...ngrams, token.substr(0, i)]
} else {
ngrams = [...ngrams, token]
return ngrams
}, []).join(" ")
return str
let res = createEdgeNGrams("Mississippi River")
Now to make use of this in Mongo, I add a searchTitle field to my documents and set its value by converting the actual title field into edge n-grams with the above function. I also create a "text" index for the searchTitle field.
I then exclude the searchTitle field from my search results by using a projection:
.find({ $text: { $search: mySearchTerm } }, { projection: { searchTitle: 0 } })

I wrapped #Ricardo Canelas' answer in a mongoose plugin here on npm
Two changes made:
- Uses promises
- Search on any field with type String
Here's the important source code:
// mongoose-partial-full-search
module.exports = exports = function addPartialFullSearch(schema, options) {
schema.statics = {
makePartialSearchQueries: function (q) {
if (!q) return {};
const $or = Object.entries(this.schema.paths).reduce((queries, [path, val]) => {
val.instance == "String" &&
[path]: new RegExp(q, "gi")
return queries;
}, []);
return { $or }
searchPartial: function (q, opts) {
return this.find(this.makePartialSearchQueries(q), opts);
searchFull: function (q, opts) {
return this.find({
$text: {
$search: q
}, opts);
search: function (q, opts) {
return this.searchFull(q, opts).then(data => {
return data.length ? data : this.searchPartial(q, opts);
exports.version = require('../package').version;
// PostSchema.js
import addPartialFullSearch from 'mongoose-partial-full-search';
// some other file.js
import Post from '../wherever/models/post''Firs').then(data => console.log(data);)

If you are using a variable to store the string or value to be searched:
It will work with the Regex, as:
{ collection.find({ name of Mongodb field: new RegExp(variable_name, 'i') }
Here, the I is for the ignore-case option

The quick and dirty solution, that worked for me: use text search first, if nothing is found, then make another query with a regexp. In case you don't want to make two queries - $or works too, but requires all fields in query to be indexed.
Also, you'd better not to use case-insensitive rx, because it can't rely on indexes. In my case I've made lowercase copies of used fields.

Good n-gram based approach for fuzzy matching is explained here
(Also explains how to score higher for Results using prefix Matching)
Note : n-gram based approaches can be storage extensive and mongodb collection size will increase.

I create an additional field which combines all the fields within a document that I want to search. Then I just use regex:
user = {
firstName: 'Bob',
lastName: 'Smith',
address: {
street: 'First Ave',
city: 'New York City',
notes: 'Bob knows Mary'
// add combined search field with '+' separator to preserve spaces
user.searchString = `${user.firstName}+${user.lastName}+${user.address.street}+${}+${user.notes}`
db.users.find({searchString: {$regex: 'mar', $options: 'i'}})
// returns Bob because 'mar' matches his notes field
// TODO write a client-side function to highlight the matching fragments

full/partial search in MongodB for a "pure" Meteor-project
I adpated flash's code to use it with Meteor-Collections and simpleSchema but without mongoose (means: remove the use of .plugin()-method and schema.path (altough that looks to be a simpleSchema-attribute in flash's code, it did not resolve for me)) and returing the result array instead of a cursor.
Thought that this might help someone, so I share it.
export function partialFullTextSearch(meteorCollection, searchString) {
// builds an "or"-mongoDB-query for all fields with type "String" with a regEx as search parameter
const makePartialSearchQueries = () => {
if (!searchString) return {};
const $or = Object.entries(meteorCollection.simpleSchema().schema())
.reduce((queries, [name, def]) => {
def.type.definitions.some(t => t.type === String) &&
queries.push({[name]: new RegExp(searchString, "gi")});
return queries
}, []);
return {$or}
// returns a promise with result as array
const searchPartial = () => meteorCollection.rawCollection()
// returns a promise with result as array
const searchFull = () => meteorCollection.rawCollection()
.find({$text: {$search: searchString}}).toArray();
return searchFull().then(result => {
if (result.length === 0) throw null
else return result
}).catch(() => searchPartial());
This returns a Promise, so call it like this (i.e. as a return of a async Meteor-Method searchContact on serverside).
It implies that you attached a simpleSchema to your collection before calling this method.
return partialFullTextSearch(Contacts, searchString).then(result => result);

import re
db.collection.find({"$or": [{"your field name": re.compile(text, re.IGNORECASE)},{"your field name": re.compile(text, re.IGNORECASE)}]})


How to use azure cognitive search ? Can we use for global filteron table with pagination and sorting?

I am trying to return all the records that match my searchtext.So far I have only seen examples where we need to specify field name but I want return records if any of the field contains the searchtext, without specifying any field name. And I got to see $text , but unfortunatly it's not supported in cosmosdb API mongodb.
Can someone please help me to resolve this issue ?
Here is what I tried but failed
let querySpec = {
entity: "project",
$text: { $search: "\"test\"" } ,
$or: [{
accessType: "Private",
userName: userName
}, {
accessType: "Public"
dbHandler.findandOrder(querySpec, sortfilter, "project").then(function (response) {
status: 'success',
data: utils.unescapeList(response),
exports.findandOrder = function (filterObject, sortfilter, collectionname) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return getConnection().then((db) => {
if (db == null) {
console.log("db in findandOrder() is undefined");
} else {
db.db(config.mongodb.dbname).collection(collectionname).find(filterObject).sort(sortfilter).toArray((err, res) => {
if (db) {
if (err) {
} else {
I am using $regex as temperory solution as $text is not supported.
Please suggest ...
From the MongoDB manual, Create a Wildcard Index on All Fields:
db.collection.createIndex( { "$**" : 1 } )
but this is far from an ideal way to index your data. On the same page is this admonition:
Wildcard indexes are not designed to replace workload-based index planning.
In other words, know your data/schema and tailor indices accordingly. There are many caveats to wildcard indices so read the manual page linked above.
Alternately you can concatenate all the text you want to search into a single field (while also maintaining the individual fields) and create a text index on that field.

How can I return the element I'm looking for inside a nested array?

I have a database like this:
and with this code I manage to update one of the objects in my array. specifically the object where character: wolverine
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
}, {
$set: {
"saga.$[].characters.$[].character": "lobezno",
"saga.$[].characters.$[].picture": "618035022354.png",
}, {
new: false
it returns all my document, I need ONLY the document matched
I would like to return the object that I have updated without having to make more queries to the database.
I have been told that my code does not work well as it should, apparently my query to update this bad, I would like to know how to fix it and get the object that matches these search criteria.
In other words how can I get this output:
in a single query using filters
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
My MongoDB knowledge prevents me from correcting this.
Use the shell method findAndModify to suit your needs.
But you cannot use the positional character $ more than once while projecting in MongoDb, so you may have to keep track of it yourself at client-side.
Use arrayFilters to update deeply nested sub-document, instead of positional all operator $[].
Below is a working query -
var query = {
universe: 'comics'
var update = {
$set: {
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].character': 'lobezno',
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].picture': '618035022354.png',
var fields = {
'saga.characters': 1
var updateFilter = {
arrayFilters: [
'': 'x-men'
'inner.character': 'wolverine'
arrayFilters: updateFilter.arrayFilters
new: true
If I understand your question correctly, your updating is working as expected and your issue is that it returns the whole document and you don't want to query the database to just to return these two fields.
Why don't you just extract the fields from the document returned from your update? You are not going to the database when doing that.
var extractElementFromResult = null;
if(result != null) {
extractElementFromResult = result.saga
.filter(item => == "x-men")[0]
.filter(item => item.character == "wolverine")[0];

How to guarantee unique primary key with one update query

In my Movie schema, I have a field "release_date" who can contain nested subdocuments.
These subdocuments contains three fields :
I need to guarantee the first two fields are unique (primary key).
I first tried to set a unique index. But I finally realized that MongoDB does not support unique indexes on subdocuments.
Index is created, but validation does not trigger, and I can still add duplicates.
Then, I tried to modify my update function to prevent duplicates, as explained in this article (see Workarounds) :
$ne works well but in my case, I have a combination of two fields, and it's a way more complicated...
$addToSet is nice, but not exactly what I am searching for, because "details" field can be not unique.
I also tried plugin like mongoose-unique-validator, but it does not work with subdocuments ...
I finally ended up with two queries. One for searching existing subdocument, another to add a subdocument if the previous query returns no document.
insertReleaseDate: async(root, args) => {
const { movieId, fields } = args
// Searching for an existing primary key
const document = await Movie.find(
_id: movieId,
release_date: {
$elemMatch: {
country_code: fields.country_code,
if (document.length > 0) {
throw new Error('Duplicate error')
// Updating the document
const response = await Movie.updateOne(
{ _id: movieId },
{ $push: { release_date: fields } }
return response
This code works fine, but I would have preferred to use only one query.
Any idea ? I don't understand why it's so complicated as it should be a common usage.
Thanks RichieK for your answer ! It's working great.
Just take care to put the field name before "$not" like this :
insertReleaseDate: async(root, args) => {
const { movieId, fields } = args
const response = await Movie.updateOne(
_id: movieId,
release_date: {
$not: {
$elemMatch: {
country_code: fields.country_code,
{ $push: { release_date: fields } }
return formatResponse(response, movieId)
Thanks a lot !

Trouble updating a Simple Schema sub document

I'm trying to update a sub document on an existing collection. I'm getting a MongoDB error message.
"MongoError: The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query. Unexpanded update: articleWords.$ [409]"
From my Articles Simple Schema
"articleWords.$": {
type: Object
"articleWords.$.wordId": {
type: String,
label: 'Word ID'
"articleWords.$.word": {
type: String,
label: 'Word'
Update Function
function updateArticle(_id,wordArr) {
_.each(wordArr,function(elem) {
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { 'articleWords.$': { 'wordId': elem.wordId, 'word': elem.word } }
return true;
As you can see I am passing an array of objects. Is there a better way to do this than _.each ?
Thank you to #corvid for the answer. I think I didn't make my question clear enough. There does exist an article record, but there is no data added to the articleWords attribute. Essentially we are updating a record but insert into the articleWords array.
A second attempt, is also not working
_.each(wordArr,function(elem) {
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { 'articleWords.$.wordId': elem.wordId, 'articleWords.$.word': elem.word } }
Yes, you need your selector to match something within the subdocument. For example,
'_id': <someid>,
'words.wordId': <somewordid>
}, {
$set: {
'words.$.word': elem.word,
'words.$.wordId': elem.wordId
If the array doesn't exist yet then you're going about this in the hardest way possible. You can just set the entire array at one go:
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { articleWords: wordArr }}
I can see that wordArr already has the id and string. This will work as long as it doesn't have more content. If it does then you can just make a second version with the parts you want to keep.

Remove multiple documents from mongo in a single query

I have a list of mongo '_id' which I want to delete. Currently I am doing this
# inactive_users --> list of inactive users
for item in inactive_users:
db.users.remove({'_id' : item})
but my problem is the list is too huge... (it might go 100,000 +). So querying for every item in list will only increase the load on server. Is their a way to pass the entire list in mongo query so that I dont have to fire query again and again.
Thank you
List them all and use $in operator:
db.users.remove({_id:{$in:[id1, id2, id3, ... ]}})
You need to pass the ids in a specific format using ObjectId():
db.users.remove({_id: {$in: [ObjectId('Item1'), ObjectId('Item2'), ObjectId('Item2')]}});
Remove doesn't accept integer - you have to use ObjectId instance with _id format as a string.
var collection = db.users;
var usersDelete = [];
var ObjectID = req.mongo.ObjectID; //req is request from express
req.body.forEach(function(item){ //req.body => [{'_id' : ".." , "name" : "john"}]
usersDelete.push(new ObjectID(item._id));
collection.remove({'_id':{'$in': usersDelete}},function(){
I had the same question and ran across these answers but it seems the MongoDB manual is recommending deleteMany instead of remove. deleteMany returns the delete count as well as an acknowledgement of the write concern (if the operation succeeded).
const ids = [id1, id2, id3...];
const query = { _id: { $in: ids} };
dbo.collection("users").deleteMany(query, function (err, obj) {
if (err) throw err;
Or with an arrow function:
const ids = [id1, id2, id3...];
const query = { _id: { $in: ids} };
dbo.collection("users").deleteMany(query, (err, obj) => {
if (err) throw err;
Or better yet, with a promise:
const ids = [id1, id2, id3...];
const query = { _id: { $in: ids} };
.then(result => {
console.log("Records Deleted");
//for number removed...
console.log("Removed: " + result["n"]);
.catch(err => {