Trouble updating a Simple Schema sub document - mongodb

I'm trying to update a sub document on an existing collection. I'm getting a MongoDB error message.
"MongoError: The positional operator did not find the match needed from the query. Unexpanded update: articleWords.$ [409]"
From my Articles Simple Schema
"articleWords.$": {
type: Object
"articleWords.$.wordId": {
type: String,
label: 'Word ID'
"articleWords.$.word": {
type: String,
label: 'Word'
Update Function
function updateArticle(_id,wordArr) {
_.each(wordArr,function(elem) {
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { 'articleWords.$': { 'wordId': elem.wordId, 'word': elem.word } }
return true;
As you can see I am passing an array of objects. Is there a better way to do this than _.each ?
Thank you to #corvid for the answer. I think I didn't make my question clear enough. There does exist an article record, but there is no data added to the articleWords attribute. Essentially we are updating a record but insert into the articleWords array.
A second attempt, is also not working
_.each(wordArr,function(elem) {
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { 'articleWords.$.wordId': elem.wordId, 'articleWords.$.word': elem.word } }

Yes, you need your selector to match something within the subdocument. For example,
'_id': <someid>,
'words.wordId': <somewordid>
}, {
$set: {
'words.$.word': elem.word,
'words.$.wordId': elem.wordId

If the array doesn't exist yet then you're going about this in the hardest way possible. You can just set the entire array at one go:
var ret = Articles.update(
{'_id': _id},
{ $set: { articleWords: wordArr }}
I can see that wordArr already has the id and string. This will work as long as it doesn't have more content. If it does then you can just make a second version with the parts you want to keep.


mongodb need to populate a new field with an old fields value, without destroying other data

I have a situation where a model changed at some point in time and I am faced with (for argument sake) half my data liks like this
_id: OID,
things: [{
arm: string,
body: string
other: string
and the other half of my data look like this
_id: OID,
things: [{
upper_appendage: string,
body: string
other: string
I would like to 'correct' half of the data - so that I DON'T have to accommodate both names for 'arm' in my application code.
I have tried a couple different things:
The first errors
.forEach(function (record) {
record.things.arm = record.things.upper_appendage;;
and this - which destroys all the other data in
.forEach(function (record) {
record.things = {
upper_appendage.arm = record.things.upper_appendage
Keeping in mind that there is other data I want to maintain...
How can I do this???
the $rename operator should have worked for this job but unfortunately it doesn't seem to support nested array fields (as of mongodb server 4.2). instead you'd need a forEach like the following:
things: {
$elemMatch: {
arm: {
$exists: true
}).forEach(function(item) {
for (i = 0; i != item.things.length; ++i)
item.things[i].upper_appendage = item.things[i].arm;
delete item.things[i].arm; ;
_id: item._id
}, item);
note: i've assumed you want to make all records have upper_appendageand get rid of 'arm' field. if it's the other way you want, just switch things around.

Updating a value that is dependent on a newly updated document key

My goal is to add a comment to my CommentFeed and while doing that I want to push that comment into my topComments field and also update the 'numOfComments' . I want to limit the topComments to only 3 comments (How would I even set that up?). And how do I take the previous value of numOfComments and add one to it?
{ _id: commentId },
$push: {
comments: {
text: req.body.text
$push: topComments:{text: req.body.text}, <--- Limit this somehow to only allow an array length of 3?
$set: numOfComments: ? , <---What kind of logic is used here?
{ new: true }
CommentFeed Schema
const CommentFeedSchema = new Schema({
comments: [
text: { type: String, required: true }
For the first issue (limiting the topComments array size) you can use the $slice operator. This has already been answered in other questions. But you might consider computing topComments from comments using the$slice operator in the projection argument:
CommentFeed.find( {}, { comments: { $slice: -3 } } )
For the second issue (updating a document using existing fields from that document), it is not something you can do in a simple findOneAndUpdate call. This was also discussed in other questions.
But you might consider computing numOfComments instead of updating it every time. You can do that with the $size operator of the aggregation framework:
CommentFeed.aggregate({$project: { numOfComments: { $size:"$comments" }}})

Mongoose: MongoError: >1 field while trying to project out $elemMatch

I'm trying to project out only the matched element of an array, in the updated version. But I'm getting the error: "MongoError: >1 field in obj: { _id: 0, lotes.$: 1 }"
If I remove 'new: true', it works. But then I have the doc before the update. And I would really like the updated version.
What's wrong? How can I fix it?
The Offer doc is something like:
series: [ Serie ]
Serie structure is something like:
public.available: Number
public.expDate: Date
I'm using Mongoose:
var query = {
'_id': offerId,
'series': {
$elemMatch: {
'_id': serieId,
'public.available': {$gt:0},
'public.expDate': {$gt: now}
var update = {
$inc: { 'series.$.public.available' : -1 }
var options = { // project out just the element found, updated
select: {
'_id': 0,
'series.$': 1
Offers.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options)
.then( element => {
For anyone else experiencing this error, it is also the most common error when trying to perform an illegal action such as trying to update a database element inside of a findOne request.
Making sure your request is correct, such as findOneAndUpdate should be your first port of call when you get this error.
As Anthony Winzlet pointed out in the links, there seems to be an issue with Mongoose, in which if you use 'new:true', you can't project out the $elemMatch.
So my solution was to keep using 'new:true' only, without projections. And reduce the array later on to get the $elemMatch:
.then( (result) => {
var aux = result.series.reduce((acu, serie, index) => {
if (serie._id == req.params.serieId) return index;
var element = result.series[aux];

Meteor/Mongo - add/update element in sub array dynamically

So I have found quite few related posts on SO on how to update a field in a sub array, such as this one here
What I want to achieve is basically the same thing, but updating a field in a subarray dynamically, instead of just calling the field name in the query.
Now I also found how to do that straight in the main object, but cant seem to do it in the sub array.
Code to insert dynamically in sub-object:
_.each(, function(val, key) {
var obj = {};
obj['general.'+key] = val;
insert = 0 || (Documents.update(
{ _id: data._id },
{ $set: obj}
Here is the tree of what I am trying to do:
Documents: {
_id: '123123'
_id: '456456'
name: 'name1'
description: 'description1'
Here is my code:
// insert a new object in smallRoom, with only the _id so far
var newID = new Mongo.ObjectID;
var createId = {_id: newID._str};
Documents.update({_id: data._id},{$push:{smallRooms: createId}})
And the part to insert the other fields:
_.each(, function(val, key) {
var obj = {};
obj['simpleRoom.$'+key] = val;
_id: data._id, <<== the document id that I want to update
smallRoom: {
_id : newID._str, <<== the smallRoom id that I want to update
$set: obj
Ok, having said that, I understand I can insert the whole object straight away, not having to push every single field.
But I guess this question is more like, how does it work if smallRoom had 50 fields, and I want to update 3 random fields ? (So I would NEED to use the _each loop as I wouldnt know in advance which field to update, and would not want to replace the whole object)
I'm not sure I 100% understand your question, but I think the answer to what you are asking is to use the $ symbol.
_id: data._id, smallRoom._id: newID._str
$set: { smallroom.$.name: 'new name' }
You are finding the document that matches the _id: data._id, then finding the object in the array smallRoom that has an _id equal to newId._str. Then you are using the $ sign to tell Mongo to update that object's name key.
Hope that helps

Update nested array object (put request)

I have an array inside a document of a collection called pown.
_id: 123..,
name: pupies,
pups:[ {name: pup1, location: somewhere}, {name: pup2, ...}]
Now a user using my rest-service sends the entire first entry as put request:
{name: pup1, location: inTown}
After that I want to update this element in my database.
Therefore I tried this:
var updatedPup = req.body;
var searchQuery = {
_id : 123...,
pups : { name : }
var updateQuery = {
$set: {'pups': updatedPup }
db.pown.update(searchQuery, updateQuery, function(err, data){ ... }
Unfortunately it is not updating anythig.
Does anyone know how to update an entire array-element?
As Neil pointed, you need to be acquainted with the dot notation(used to select the fields) and the positional operator $ (used to select a particular element in an array i.e the element matched in the original search query). If you want to replace the whole element in the array
var updateQuery= {
"$set":{"pups.$": updatedPup}
If you only need to change the location,
var updateQuery= {
"$set":{"pups.$.location": updatedPup.location}
The problem here is that the selection in your query actually wants to update an embedded array element in your document. The first thing is that you want to use "dot notation" instead, and then you also want the positional $ modifier to select the correct element:
{ "": },
{ "$set": { "pups.$.locatation": req.body.location }
That would be the nice way to do things. Mostly because you really only want to modify the "location" property of the sub-document. So that is how you express that.