Unable to install new software on Eclipse Neon - eclipse

Whenever I click 'Install New Software' in the Help menu, I get a popup with
An internal error occurred during: "Contacting Software Sites".
Clicking 'OK' and selecting 'Neon' or 'Eclipse Update' in the 'Works with' dropdown list gives me another error popup:
'Fetching children of Neon' has encountered a problem.
I have seen various questions with a similar issue, but none of the answers solve my problem.
I hope to install 'JST Server adapters' to add Tomcat server in Eclipse.
I am using Eclipse Neon.1 on Fedora 25.
If the 'Install New Software' issue cannot be resolved, is there any way that I can add tomcat server in Eclipse?

I've downloaded Eclipse Neon.1
I've this version: eclipse-jee-neon-1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
The following installation will use:
Tomcat 8.5.15
Eclipse Neon.1 Release (4.6.1) Build id: 20160913-0900
Fedora 25
in my case, I do not Have any issue when:
I click on Install New Software OR
Selecting Neon
To add a tomcat server to Eclipse Neon.1 follow the following steps:
download the tar.gz file from https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi#8.5.15
direct link:
(extract your files with tar -xvzf apache-tomcat-8.5.15.tar.gz in a Console)
Go to File, New, Other, type server, hit next, choose Tomcat 8.5,
Indicate the server location files and hit Finish
right click the Tomcat 8.5 server, properties, and click on Switch Location
Final step
in the screenshot follow the red 1, 2, 3 steps:
double click on Tomcat v8.5 Server at localhost.server at left
choose: Use Tomcat installation (take control of Tomcat installation)
save All
Now start your server under the server tab
And go to localhost:8080 in your browser.
Now for manager-gui, you have to edit your tomcat-users.xml file to edit the different user roles...


Configuring an Eclipse project to run on Tomcat

Eclipse (Version: 2020-12 (4.18.0) has been downloaded, and a new workspace created, together with one new project (Spring Boot starter, maven), which displays in Project Explorer. In order to install Tomcat server to Eclipse , Tomcat has been downloaded and installed locally.
In the Eclipse Servers tag, the following link is selected:
No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server.
This popup appears:
After selecting the Tomcat version and selecting Next, the following popup allows the server installation to be specified:
After clicking Next, the following popup appears:
I am expecting the new project to be available to be added to the tomcat server, but the left pane is empty.
What is the issue?

Installing GlassFish server in luna

I am trying to install GlassFish server manually and have installed the GlassFish tool from Eclipse market place.
However, when I go to
Windows > Show Views > Other > Server > Servers
New->Server still no option for GlassFish is show.
I am still unable to see the GlassFish server option
How do I resolve this?
How did you install the Glassfish Tools? The correct way is:
install Glassfish (outside of eclipse)
click Window->Preferences
click Runtime Environment
click Add
(probably you won't find Glassfish otherwise go directly to 13.) click link Download additional server adapters
choose Glassfish Tools
Reboot Eclipse!
click Window->Preferences
click Runtime Environment
click Add
choose GlassFish
choose GlassFish installation directory (possible if you finnished 1.)
Now you should be able use the New Server Wizard within the Server View.

Cannot install Apache Tomcat in Eclipse

I've downloaded apache-tomcat-8.0.8 archive, then I've unzipped it and tried to add it in Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environments by clicking Search and selecting path to the uzipped archive. What I'm getting is Server Error
No new server runtime environments were found.
Any ideas why it might be happening? I have no Apache Tomcat options in New Server Runtime Environment window, which I get by clicking Add in the previous one. There are such options in every tutorial I read.
I think there currently is no adapter for Tomcat 8 in Eclipse.
Don't use the search button. Click add and choose an adapter first. Open Apache and choose Tomcat 7. Click next and point the installation directory at your Tomcat folder.
It seem that you have Eclipse without Java EE components.
so you see something like
instead of
Check Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments (need to install JST Server Adapters )
Once you have plugins installed follow dialog flow e.g. like
Seems like no java EE component.
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 'Servers' doesn't exist.
Therefore download correct Eclipse IDE. It is Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers(Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers).
Open Eclipse IDE > Click on the Servers tab located at the bottom > right click > New > click on Server.
Select Apache and then select the appropriate version of tomcat server.click Next.
Select tomcat Installation Directory and JRE. Click next.Click Finish.

Adding Tomcat into Eclipse

I am trying to add a tomcat server into runtime environments. I successfully installed tomcat. I already have Java EE eclipse, BUT after I click search under Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime environments and select apache tomcat and then click OK a window with the following text popups: No new server runtime environments were found. What am I doing wrong? I thought after switching to Java EE and installing tomcat I will be able to add the RE... Many thanks in advance!
After trying to add the RE: no tomcat servers list!!!
after trying to search (C:/Program Files/Apache...)
and finally the popup after choosing "apache software foundation" and hitting ok
You need to specify the server runtime in that window. From the browse button, select the base path of the directory where you have installed tomcat and hit next. Hopefully that should do it. There should also be an option to download and install, if you have internet connectivity.
If you dont see any server types in the 'add new Server' dialog, then you are probably missing the server adapters. In which case click on the 'Download additional server adapters' link. This will allow you to pick and download 'tomcat server adapter'. Once that is done.
Some screenshots etc would also help in understanding and helping you resolve your issue.
Hope this helps.
Run time environment click on add button select Apache tomcat-> Click on next button -> Browse the Tomcat 7.0 path -> Finish.
Because you are not having JST server adapters...you are not able to see installed apache in eclipse ....just install this through 'install new software' in help menu ....
You are most likely are missing the Eclipse Tomcat Server Feature. You can either try reinstalling all of the WTP plugins or maybe install Spring STS which I'm sure has the plugin installed.

Eclipse error when Adding Tomcat as server runtime environment

When I try to add Tomcat as a server runtime environment in eclipse, I get the following error "No new server runtime environments were found"
The way I am trying to add Tomcat is as follows:
Click "Window"-> "preferences"
Expand "Server->Runtime Environments"
Click Search
In the directroy browser dialog, navigate to and select my Tomcat dir
"C:\program files\apache-tomcat-6.0.26"
Click "ok"
Does anyone know what eclipse is actually looking for when you tell it what folder to search in? If I knew this, I could troubleshoot myself a bit more.
I have tried re-installing tomcat, also installed the next version up (6.0.26)
but still eclipse cannot find it. The version of eclipse I am running is -
"Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" Build id: 20090920-1017
It works fine for me but i'm using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.