Call Scala function with explicit default arguments - scala

Is there a way in Scala to explicity tell a function that you want to use the default arguments?
def myFunction(default : Int = 0) { /* logic */ }
myFunction(number match {
case 5 => 5
case _ => ???
Is it possible to replace ??? with something that will act as calling the function with the default? (Of course, I could replace with 0, but assume this example for simplicity)

number match {
case 5 => myFunction(5)
case _ => myFunction()
I think You can do it by using pattern match with function call.

The right way is what #chengpohi suggests. The only way to do exactly what you asked is to mess with how scalac implements default arguments under the hood:
myFunction(number match {
case 5 => 5
case _ => myFunction$default$1
But that is very much not recommended.
Also mind that this will probably not work when pasted without adaptation in the REPL, because the REPL wraps things in additional objects and you'll have to know the absolute path to myFunction$default$1. To test it in the REPL you'll have to wrap it in an object or class:
scala> object Foo {
| def myFunction(a: Int = 0) = println(a)
| val number = 42
| myFunction(number match {
| case 5 => 5
| case _ => myFunction$default$1
| })
| }
defined object Foo
scala> Foo
res5: Foo.type = Foo$#2035f1f0


Getting the element from a 1-element Scala collection

Learning Scala and I keep wanting an equivalent to LINQ's Single() method. Example,
val collection: Seq[SomeType]
val (desiredItem, theOthers) = collection.partition(MyFunc)
// ^^^^^^
I could use desiredItem.head but what if MyFunc actually matched several? I want the assurance that there's only one.
Edit #2 The duplicate question says 'no there isn't but here's how to build it'. So I am thinking if this was a common need it would be in the base API. Do properly written Scala programs need this?
I'd use something more verbose instead of single:
(desiredItem match {
case Seq(single) => single
case _ => throw IllegalStateException("Not a single element!")
Its advantage over single is that it allows you to explicitly control the behavior in exceptional case (trow an exception, return fallback value).
Alternatively you can use destructuring assignment:
val Seq(single) = desiredItem
In this case you'll get MatchError if desiredItem doesn't contain exactly one element.
UPD: I looked again at your code. Destructuring assignment is the way to go for you:
val collection: Seq[SomeType]
val (Seq(desiredItem), theOthers) = collection.partition(MyFunc)
There's no prebuilt method in the API to do that. You can create your own method to do something similar though.
scala> def single[A](xs: List[A]) = xs match{
| case List() => None
| case x::Nil => Some(x)
| case x::xs => throw new Exception("More than one element")
| }
single: [A](xs: Seq[A])Option[A]
scala> single(List(1,2,3))
java.lang.Exception: More than one element
at .single(<console>:11)
... 33 elided
scala> single(List(1))
res13: Any = Some(1)
scala> single(List())
res14: Any = None
Like others indicated, there is no library implementation of what you seek. But it's easy to implement your own using a Pimp My Library approach. For example you can do the following.
object Main extends App {
object PML {
implicit class TraversableOps[T](val collection: TraversableOnce[T]) {
def single: Option[T] = collection.toList match {
case List(x) => Some(x)
case _ => None
import PML._
val collection: Seq[Int] = Seq(1, 2)
val (desiredItem, theOthers) = collection.partition(_ < 2)
println(desiredItem.single) // Some(1)
println(collection.single) // None
println(List.empty.single) // None

map expression in case clause in scala pattern matching

I have a configuration value that matches to one of the values in a map and depending on to which it matches i take an action. Here is some sample code of what i am trying to do
val x = 1 // or 2 or 3
val config = Map("c1"-> 1, "c2"-> 2, "c3"-> 3)
x match {
case config("c1") =>
case config("c2") =>
case config("c3") =>
Now this should print 1 because config("c1") evaluates to 1 but it gives error
error: value config is not a case class, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq member
case config("c1") =>
Similarly for the other 2 cases. Why should i have an unapply here? Any pointers?
An expression like that looks like an extractor, hence the message about unapply/unapplySeq methods. If you don't want to use an extractor but just want to match against a plain value, you need to store that value in a stable identifier - you can't use an arbitrary expression as a match case:
val case1 = config("c1")
x match {
case case1 => println("1")
To the best of my knowledge, in Scala, x match {case config("c1") gets translated to config.unapply(x) with the branching dependent on the result of the unapply method. As Imm already mentioned in his answer, this isn't the case for stable identifiers (literals and val), and I'd encourage you to use his solution.
Nevertheless, to show you how you could solve the problem using extractors, I'd like to post a different solution:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
object config {
val configData = Map("c1" -> 1, "c2" -> 2, "c3" -> 3)
def unapply(value: Int): Option[String] = configData find (_._2 == value) map (_._1)
1 to 4 foreach {
case config("c1") => println("1")
case config("c2") => println("2")
case config("c3") => println("3")
case _ => println("no match")
I changed the match for a foreach to show the different results, but this has no effect on the implementation. This would print:
no match
As you can see, case config("c1") now calls the unapply method and checks whether the result is Some("c1"). Note that this is inverse to how you'd use a map: The key is searched according to the value. However, this makes sense: If in the map, "c1" and "c2" both map to 1, then 1 matches both, the same way _ matches everything, in our case even 4 which is not configured.
Here's also a very brief tutorial on extractors. I don't find it particularly good, because both, the returned type and the argument type are Int, but it might help you understand what's going on.
As others have stated, with x match { case config("c1") => ..., scala looks for an extractor by the name of config (something with an unapply method that takes a single value and returns an Optional value); Making pattern matching work this way seems like an abuse of the pattern, and I would not use an extractor for this.
Personally, I would recommend one of the following:
if (x == config("c1"))
else if (x == config("c2"))
else ...
Or, if you're set on using a match statement, you can use conditionals like this:
x match {
case _ if x == config("c1") =>
case _ if x == config("c2") =>
case _ if x == config("c3") =>
Not as clean; unfortunately, there isn't a way to invoke a method call literally where the extractor goes. You can use back-ticks to tell scala "match against the value of this variable" (rather than default behavior, which would yield the value named as that variable):
val (c1,c2,c3) = (config("c1"), config("c2"), config("c3"))
x match {
case `c1` =>
case `c2` =>
case `c3` =>
Finally, if your goal is to reverse-apply a map, maybe try this instead?
scala> Map("a" -> 1).map { case (k,v) => (v,k) }
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map(1 -> a)

How would one implement OCaml / F#'s "function" construct in Scala?

A common tendency I've discovered in Scala is something like this:
def someFunction(a: SomeClass) = a match { ... }
And from there on a is never used ever again. This pattern is SO common in FP that OCaml and F# have a built-in construct to let you ditch that parameter entirely.
Instead of writing this:
let someFunction a =
match a with
| 0 -> true
| _ -> false
you can simply write this:
let someFunction =
| 0 -> true
| _ -> false
So my question is, is it possible to write something like this in Scala?
def someFunction = function {
case 0 => true
case _ => false
Saving an otherwise unnecessary parameter.
I've attempted to write it as a function that takes a call-by-name parameter, but Scala won't let me make an empty match block.
Is it possible? Or does scala perhaps already have something like this built in?
Use a function instead of a method:
val someFunction: Int => Boolean = {
case 0 => true
case _ => false
You have to explicitly write the type annotations, but that must not be a drawback - for API usage it is useful documentation.
You could use partial functions:
def function[A, B](mf: PartialFunction[A, B]): A => B = x => mf(x)
although this requires you to specify the type of the function on the left e.g.
def someFunction: Int => Boolean = function {
case 0 => true
case _ => false
I've found a (very ugly) way of doing it
It's more of a hack/workaround than it is an actual solution, but I figured I'd post it here anyway
You can do this:
def something = (_: Int) match {
case 0 => true
case _ => false
This works and solves the problem, but it's ugly and clunkier to write than what I tried to get away from in the first place.
I'm curious to see what you guys can come up with.

why scala doesn't make tail call optimization?

Just playing with continuations. The goal is to create function which will receive another function as parameter, and execution amount - and return function which will apply parameter given amount times.
The implementation looks pretty obvious
def n_times[T](func:T=>T,count:Int):T=>T = {
def n_times_cont(cnt:Int, continuation:T=>T):T=>T= cnt match {
case _ if cnt < 1 => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"count was wrong $count")
case 1 => continuation
case _ => n_times_cont(cnt-1,i=>continuation(func(i)))
n_times_cont(count, func)
def inc (x:Int) = x+1
val res1 = n_times(inc,1000)(1) // Works OK, returns 1001
val res = n_times(inc,10000000)(1) // FAILS
But there is no problem - this code fails with StackOverflow error. Why there is no tail-call optimization here?
I'm running it in Eclipse using Scala plugin, and it returns
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger(Unknown Source)
at Task_Mult$$anonfun$1.apply(Task_Mult.scala:25)
at Task_Mult$$anonfun$n_times_cont$1$1.apply(Task_Mult.scala:18)
F# code, which is almost direct translation, is working without any issues
let n_times_cnt func count =
let rec n_times_impl count' continuation =
match count' with
| _ when count'<1 -> failwith "wrong count"
| 1 -> continuation
| _ -> n_times_impl (count'-1) (func >> continuation)
n_times_impl count func
let inc x = x+1
let res = (n_times_cnt inc 10000000) 1
printfn "%o" res
The Scala standard library has an implementation of trampolines in scala.util.control.TailCalls. So revisiting your implementation... When you build up the nested calls with continuation(func(t)), those are tail calls, just not optimized by the compiler. So, let's build up a T => TailRec[T], where the stack frames will be replaced with objects in the heap. Then return a function that will take the argument and pass it to that trampolined function:
import util.control.TailCalls._
def n_times_trampolined[T](func: T => T, count: Int): T => T = {
def n_times_cont(cnt: Int, continuation: T => TailRec[T]): T => TailRec[T] = cnt match {
case _ if cnt < 1 => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"count was wrong $count")
case 1 => continuation
case _ => n_times_cont(cnt - 1, t => tailcall(continuation(func(t))))
val lifted : T => TailRec[T] = t => done(func(t))
t => n_times_cont(count, lifted)(t).result
I could be wrong here but I suspect that the n_times_cont inner function is properly converted to use tail recursion; the culprit's not there.
The stack is blown up by the collected continuation closures (i.e. the i=>continuation(func(i))) which make 10000000 nested calls to your inc method, once you apply the result of the main function.
in fact you can try
scala> val rs = n_times(inc, 1000000)
rs: Int => Int = <function1> //<- we're happy here
scala> rs(1) //<- this blows up the stack!
As an aside, you can rewrite
continuation compose func
for the sake of greater readability

Scala: short form of pattern matching that returns Boolean

I found myself writing something like this quite often:
a match {
case `b` => // do stuff
case _ => // do nothing
Is there a shorter way to check if some value matches a pattern? I mean, in this case I could just write if (a == b) // do stuff, but what if the pattern is more complex? Like when matching against a list or any pattern of arbitrary complexity. I'd like to be able to write something like this:
if (a matches b) // do stuff
I'm relatively new to Scala, so please pardon, if I'm missing something big :)
This is exactly why I wrote these functions, which are apparently impressively obscure since nobody has mentioned them.
scala> import PartialFunction._
import PartialFunction._
scala> cond("abc") { case "def" => true }
res0: Boolean = false
scala> condOpt("abc") { case x if x.length == 3 => x + x }
res1: Option[java.lang.String] = Some(abcabc)
scala> condOpt("abc") { case x if x.length == 4 => x + x }
res2: Option[java.lang.String] = None
The match operator in Scala is most powerful when used in functional style. This means, rather than "doing something" in the case statements, you would return a useful value. Here is an example for an imperative style:
var value:Int = 23
val command:String = ... // we get this from somewhere
command match {
case "duplicate" => value = value * 2
case "negate" => value = -value
case "increment" => value = value + 1
// etc.
case _ => // do nothing
println("Result: " + value)
It is very understandable that the "do nothing" above hurts a little, because it seems superflous. However, this is due to the fact that the above is written in imperative style. While constructs like these may sometimes be necessary, in many cases you can refactor your code to functional style:
val value:Int = 23
val command:String = ... // we get this from somewhere
val result:Int = command match {
case "duplicate" => value * 2
case "negate" => -value
case "increment" => value + 1
// etc.
case _ => value
println("Result: " + result)
In this case, you use the whole match statement as a value that you can, for example, assign to a variable. And it is also much more obvious that the match statement must return a value in any case; if the last case would be missing, the compiler could not just make something up.
It is a question of taste, but some developers consider this style to be more transparent and easier to handle in more real-world examples. I would bet that the inventors of the Scala programming language had a more functional use in mind for match, and indeed the if statement makes more sense if you only need to decide whether or not a certain action needs to be taken. (On the other hand, you can also use if in the functional way, because it also has a return value...)
This might help:
class Matches(m: Any) {
def matches[R](f: PartialFunction[Any, R]) { if (f.isDefinedAt(m)) f(m) }
implicit def any2matches(m: Any) = new Matches(m)
scala> 'c' matches { case x: Int => println("Int") }
scala> 2 matches { case x: Int => println("Int") }
Now, some explanation on the general nature of the problem.
Where may a match happen?
There are three places where pattern matching might happen: val, case and for. The rules for them are:
// throws an exception if it fails
val pattern = value
// filters for pattern, but pattern cannot be "identifier: Type",
// though that can be replaced by "id1 # (id2: Type)" for the same effect
for (pattern <- object providing map/flatMap/filter/withFilter/foreach) ...
// throws an exception if none of the cases match
value match { case ... => ... }
There is, however, another situation where case might appear, which is function and partial function literals. For example:
val f: Any => Unit = { case i: Int => println(i) }
val pf: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case i: Int => println(i) }
Both functions and partial functions will throw an exception if called with an argument that doesn't match any of the case statements. However, partial functions also provide a method called isDefinedAt which can test whether a match can be made or not, as well as a method called lift, which will turn a PartialFunction[T, R] into a Function[T, Option[R]], which means non-matching values will result in None instead of throwing an exception.
What is a match?
A match is a combination of many different tests:
// assign anything to x
case x
// only accepts values of type X
case x: X
// only accepts values matches by pattern
case x # pattern
// only accepts a value equal to the value X (upper case here makes a difference)
case X
// only accepts a value equal to the value of x
case `x`
// only accept a tuple of the same arity
case (x, y, ..., z)
// only accepts if extractor(value) returns true of Some(Seq()) (some empty sequence)
case extractor()
// only accepts if extractor(value) returns Some something
case extractor(x)
// only accepts if extractor(value) returns Some Seq or Tuple of the same arity
case extractor(x, y, ..., z)
// only accepts if extractor(value) returns Some Tuple2 or Some Seq with arity 2
case x extractor y
// accepts if any of the patterns is accepted (patterns may not contain assignable identifiers)
case x | y | ... | z
Now, extractors are the methods unapply or unapplySeq, the first returning Boolean or Option[T], and the second returning Option[Seq[T]], where None means no match is made, and Some(result) will try to match result as described above.
So there are all kinds of syntactic alternatives here, which just aren't possible without the use of one of the three constructions where pattern matches may happen. You may able to emulate some of the features, like value equality and extractors, but not all of them.
Patterns can also be used in for expressions. Your code sample
a match {
case b => // do stuff
case _ => // do nothing
can then be expressed as
for(b <- Some(a)) //do stuff
The trick is to wrap a to make it a valid enumerator. E.g. List(a) would also work, but I think Some(a) is closest to your intended meaning.
The best I can come up with is this:
def matches[A](a:A)(f:PartialFunction[A, Unit]) = f.isDefinedAt(a)
if (matches(a){case ... =>}) {
//do stuff
This won't win you any style points though.
Kim's answer can be “improved” to better match your requirement:
class AnyWrapper[A](wrapped: A) {
def matches(f: PartialFunction[A, Unit]) = f.isDefinedAt(wrapped)
implicit def any2wrapper[A](wrapped: A) = new AnyWrapper(wrapped)
val a = "a" :: Nil
if (a matches { case "a" :: Nil => }) {
I wouldn't do it, however. The => }) { sequence is really ugly here, and the whole code looks much less clear than a normal match. Plus, you get the compile-time overhead of looking up the implicit conversion, and the run-time overhead of wrapping the match in a PartialFunction (not counting the conflicts you could get with other, already defined matches methods, like the one in String).
To look a little bit better (and be less verbose), you could add this def to AnyWrapper:
def ifMatch(f: PartialFunction[A, Unit]): Unit = if (f.isDefinedAt(wrapped)) f(wrapped)
and use it like this:
a ifMatch { case "a" :: Nil => println("match") }
which saves you your case _ => line, but requires double braces if you want a block instead of a single statement... Not so nice.
Note that this construct is not really in the spirit of functional programming, as it can only be used to execute something that has side effects. We can't easily use it to return a value (therefore the Unit return value), as the function is partial — we'd need a default value, or we could return an Option instance. But here again, we would probably unwrap it with a match, so we'd gain nothing.
Frankly, you're better off getting used to seeing and using those match frequently, and moving away from this kind of imperative-style constructs (following Madoc's nice explanation).