Update Spring Tool Suite to version 3.9.0 (without reinstall it from zero) - spring-tool-suite

I'm using Spring Tool Suite:
Version: 3.8.4.RELEASE
Build Id: 201703310825
Platform: Eclipse Neon.3 (4.6.3)
Today its Dashboard noticed me that the new version 3.9.0 is available.
I tried to use the options menu "Help -> Check for update" and "Help -> Installation Details -> Update button" but no updates are found.
What is the correct procedure to update it, without to reinstall it from zero?
In this page: "https://spring.io/tools/sts/all" there are the "Update Site Archives" and "Update Sites". How I can use them?
Can I extract the archive and overwrite all files?
Or can I use the update site into the menu option "Help -> Install new software" ? (in this case, I have to choose Eclipse 4.6 because it is the current installed version, or can I have to choose Eclipse 4.7 because it is the newer?)
Thanks a lot

The update to 3.9.0 is extremely fresh, maybe some network and cloud caches need to grab it. That might be the reason why the "Check for Updates" doesn't say anything yet on your side. It should, once the updates propagated through the cache levels that might be around.
To double check, you can take a look at the Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Update Sites and check if there is the STS update site listed and active (the one for 4.6). If it is, you can also try to press "Reload". That could help in case p2 uses some stale cached data (and not the network or the cloud somewhere).
In case you have an Eclipse 4.6-based STS, you should continue to use the STS update site for 4.6 AND NOT THE ONE for 4.7. Mixing Eclipse versions in the STS update sites can cause unintended side effects - and in some cases cause parts of your installation to not work properly anymore.

Martin, I've exported the list of active sites in "Available Update":
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/buildship/updates/e46/releases/2.x" selected="true" name="Buildship"/>
<site url="http://jasperstudio.sourceforge.net/updates/" selected="true" name="Jaspersoft Studio Update Site"/>
<site url="https://dl.bintray.com/mapstruct/mapstruct-eclipse-site/" selected="true" name="MapStruct Eclipse repository"/>
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/releases/neon" selected="true" name="Neon"/>
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/releases/neon/201612211000" selected="true" name="Neon"/>
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/drops/R20160221192158/repository/" selected="true" name="Orbit-R20160221192158"/>
<site url="http://download.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/update/e4.6" selected="true" name="SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse 4.6"/>
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.6/" selected="true" name="The Eclipse Project repository"/>
<site url="http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases/" selected="true" name="Xtext All In One (Releases)"/>
I guess that there isn't the site for the STS update "http://dist.springsource.com/release/TOOLS/update/e4.6/" ... maybe this is the problem.
The solution is to add this site in the list?


Can't choose an existing server in a Dynamic Web Project a in Eclipse

My colleague just set up a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse and he also configured the server. He shared the entire project on a git repository and I cloned it. When I try to run the html file I click on 'run on server' but then I'm not able to choose an existing server already configured. Eclipse force me to create a new server with default configuration. I am attaching a screenshot of Eclipse
Help --> Install new software ---> install " eclipse repository - https://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen ".
Then install the package for -- Web,XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development.
Reboot your computer and eclipse. Then it will work. Good luck.
It works for me:
Properties -> Project Facets and do it like this
Right click on you project and go to properties. Go to Project Facets and on Dynamic Web Module click the little drop down menu and select 3.1. I initially had it at 4.0 and it was not supported in my version of Eclipse.

How to update Eclipse from 2018-09 to 2018-12

I have Eclipse 2018-09. My impressions was that Eclipse was moving to a rolling quarterly release, and by that I presumed I'd magically be offered updates every quarter to the newest. But now that 2018-12 is out, my instance does not detect any new updates.
Looking at the update sites in Windows -> Preferences, Install/Update -> Available Software Sites (incompletely listed below), I notice they seemed to be pinned to specific versions:
The Eclipse Project Updates: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.9
The Eclipse Project Updates: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.9/categories
Eclipse Project Repository for 2018-09: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.9/R-4.9-201809060745
2018-09: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2018-09
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Dependencies: http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/oepe/
I've noticed there is also now an Eclipse Installer, which says it is "The easiest way to install and update your Eclipse Development Environment.". However, there is no description of updating, and when running it and pointing to the existing folder for 2018-09 (yes, I made a backup first to be safe), it does not update that folder but instead just creates a new sub-folder under the existing 2018-09 version called "eclipse" with presumably a complete copy of the new eclipse. So that's a failed attempt.
What is the recommended way of upgrading from 2018-09 to 2018-12? Is it:
Manually download a new copy of Eclipse and spend hours configuring it to hopefully be almost the same as the configurations in 2018-09
Run the Eclipse installer in some other manner than I already have.
Manually updating the update sites (to what values?). If the so, is there a way to specify to always use the latest on the update train?
See Eclipse FAQ - Always enable major upgrades:
To always enable major upgrades of your IDE once and for all:
from the Available Software Sites preference page
enable the Latest Eclipse release http://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest repository by ticking the checkbox.
Apply and Close
Check for updates
The similar workflow can be used to hide and disable automatic
proposal of major upgrades.
To my knowledge, the update site http://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest exists since Eclipse Photon (4.8) in Window > Preferences: Install/Update > Available Software Sites but is not checked by default.
If you want to change the default of this preference, vote for or comment on Eclipse bug 539281 - Enable http://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest by default.
The two advantages of using the Eclipse Installer over the direct installation of one or more IDE packages are:
The Eclipse Installer saves disk space when installing multiple IDE packages (by using a shared pool for the plug-ins of all IDE packages)
The Eclipse Installer makes it easier to contribute to an Eclipse project (advanced mode).
Another way to install Eclipse 2018-12 is to use Chocolatey on Windows. Eclipse 2018-12 corresponds to version 4.10.
PS C:> choco list eclipse
Chocolatey v0.10.11
eclipse 4.10 [Approved]
PS C:> choco install eclipse
But this won't do an in-place upgrade.
Go to Window-> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites
First, if exists remove duplicate sites
Second, click to eclipse related update sites and Reload

Update EGit to 2.3 or higher in Spring Tool Suite 3.3.0

I've Spring Tool Suite 3.3.0 installed and it comes with EGit 2.2.0. Now I need EGit 2.3.0 or higher and so I have to uninstall the 2.2.0 to install 2.3.0. I can't install the new version because Eclipse detect a conflict with the older version.
The problem is that I can't follow the standard uninstall procedure (Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details), because, since EGit comes with Spring Tool Suite Package, the Uninstall button is disabled for it.
I also tried to delete feature and plugins (org.eclipse.egit, org.eclipse.egit.mylyn, org.eclipse.mylyn.github.feature) and then reboot eclipse with -clean option, but the conflict is still here.
How can I solve this?
I guess it happens because Spring Tool Suite 3.3.0 feature or one of its included/required feature probably references EGit feature as a requirement with mach rule 'equal' or 'equivalent'.
You can try install STS piece by piece instead of one root feature and see if it helps. You can see hierarchy for installed features in Help->About dialog.
I had the same problem with STS (3.6.1.RELEASE) and managed to solve following these steps:
close STS
remove all the features and plugins having git (also jgit)
edit the artifacts.xml in your STS installation and delete all the git artifacts
reboot STS with -clean option
open the "Help > Install new software" dialog and add the EGit main update site:
in the "Help > Install new software" dialog select the newly added site in the "work with" selection list
select all the available items and install
restart eclipse.
At the end EGit was installed and since then it is working.

Eclipse doesn't have "Project facets" after install of JBoss WTP adapter

I'm trying to use project facets in Eclipse but the "project facets" section under "project -> properties" is gone. I noticed this when switching to Eclipse Juno from Eclipse Indigo. I thought this was related to Juno, so I switched back to Indigo, only to find the "project facets" were gone there too.
I tried both versions as a fresh install and with a clean workspace.
Searching the web for this issue only came up with "go to 'project -> properties -> project facets'", but this simply isn't possible.
I managed to break it down. The facet related stuff disappears after I installed the "JBossAS Tools" package from the JBoss update site (http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/juno/).
Steps to reproduce:
Install Eclipse Juno (4.2.0)
Install project facets from http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno
Under "Modeling": "EMF Facet SDK (Incubation)"
Under "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development": "Eclipse Faceted Project Framework"
After a restart see that Eclipse has possibility to create a faceted project (File -> New -> Other -> Faceted Project)
Install "JBossAS Tools" from http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/juno/
Restart, check for faceted things, aaand it's gone.
This might depend on which install of eclipse you are using. In any case, you can download the needed packages to get Facets working.
Facets are part of the Web Tools Platform. If you can't find it in the package manager, you can download it here:
You should create your Eclipse project using File / New / Project... / General / Faceted Project wizard or use project's popup menu Configure / Convert to Faceted From....
I installed the "JBossAS Tools" package from the nightly built update site. This didn't cause problems regarding project facets.
Nightly update site: http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/core/trunk/

Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors

I have a problem with checkout Maven project in Eclipse Indigo. I've installed m2e plugin, Subclipse, Git, but can't select appropriate SCM type ? How to solve this ?
Affan was correct. The connectors are all still there in Indigo, just hidden a little.
Start Eclipse and open preferences.
Find the Maven group and expand it.
Select the "Discovery" item and click "Open Catalog".
A dialog will pop up with all the goodies. The connectors are at the bottom.
I ran into this issue with Eclipse where when you would try to Import a project via:
"Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project expoler the "scm url" drop down box would be empty.
After googling around, you must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace (which I did) AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse" from the "Help->Install new software" dialog box (which I did not).
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Assumption: You have Subclipse installed.
Click Help->Install New Software
Click "Add..." to add a new software site.
Add this site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/m2eclipse/1.0 (Alternative URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/m2eclipse/latest/)
Select the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".
Tested with Eclipse Juno
Looks like there is some incompatibility issue between Indigo and m2eclipse. This discussion gives more details including a possible solution.
Hope this helps.
Edit 1: Uninstalled m2eclipse 0.12.x from Indigo and installed m2e from Eclipse's m2e releases repository. This version shows a link to download m2e scm connectors from Eclipse marketplace (when you try to check out a maven project from scm). I could see connectors for cvs, git and subversive.
For those using subclipse 1.8.x there is a patched version of the m2e connector.
Here is the update site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/m2eclipse/1.0
(Thanks to RockyMM for posting the link to the WONTFIX issue, which contained the link to the patched version.)
Indigo comes with m2e pre-installed. To get the connectors just click on link where it says find more connectors in the m2e marketplace. From there i installed the m2e-subclipse connector. This is a different approach from previous versions of Eclipse where you had to install another plugin from market place called "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Extras)".
There was an unofficial update of SVN connector. To install it go to http://subclipse.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1557 download attachment org.sonatype.m2e.subclipse.feature-0.13.0-SNAPSHOT-site.zip and follow the steps:
Unzip the file to an empty folder somewhere, remember that folder
In Eclipse,
go to Help/Install New Software…
Click “Add…” to add a new site
In the window, click on “Local…” and choose the folder where you unzipped the
site before. The result in the Location field should look like file:/C:/
Click OK, choose all available packages to install, and continue the
installation as usual
This is related answer by "technocrat" with new update site URLs.
This is working with Eclipse 2019-12:
The problem: "Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project explorer the "scm url" drop down box is be empty.
You must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse".
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Background: The original website of this project (http://subclipse.tigris.org/) redirects to https://github.com/subclipse. The subproject "m2e" is important.
Here, you will find a link to an Eclipse update site: https://dl.bintray.com/subclipse/releases/m2e/1.0.x/. Add this to the eclipse update sites.
Now you will see "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse". Install it.
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".