Leaflet Search Address By Name - leaflet

How to search address by name in leaflet?
I use leaflet search control but just search marker in map. the example in http://labs.easyblog.it/maps/leaflet-search/examples/google-geocoding.html use geocoding, can i search address without use google geocoding api or nominatim ? cause my project is offline.

If your project is offline then you need to install a local geocoder, for example Nominatim.


How to bind bing maps in Flutter?

I Used google Maps in Flutter and it works out of box for us. I am able to do with the help of documentation like how to use google maps in Flutter But i want to Use Bing Maps in Flutter and all properties like current loc. ,Drawing polylines,custom marker,popUp on marker. Can someone suggest me where to learn thiese things or any other suggestions??
I'm not aware of any Bing Maps map control for Flutter. One option might be to use the open source Flutter map control: https://github.com/fleaflet/flutter_map
Details on how to directly access Bing Maps tiles can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/rest-services/directly-accessing-the-bing-maps-tiles
The open source Flutter Map control has an example that uses Azure Maps as well, which is another Microsoft mapping platform to consider.

Search for locations with flutter_map

I am using the Flutter Package "flutter_map" (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_map) and have implemented a map into my flutter application.
Now I want to add a search box where I can search for places which will be then focused on the map. Is something like that already included in the flutter_map-Package? I could not find anything so far.
You'll need to use an external API to search for places. As long as you follow their terms of service and don't use them for auto completion, https://nominatim.org/ is a good one for this, and it's free + open source.
Then, you can use flutter_map's MapController() to move the map to that latitude longitude returned from the API request.

Open street map server with correct India Map

Due to statutory requirements, we need to create our own open street map server with correct India map which includes the disputed boundaries. I have already installed OSM server using the instructions given in the following link:
I also have the correct shape files but I am not able to render the correct maps. I can still see disputed regions not part of India.
any body have any experience, kindly help me.
Do you already know about the OpenStreetMap India project? You can get more information about it at their GitHub project or via the talk-in mailing list. For personal projects you can also use their tile server.
Finally I am able to correct the India maps on my own tile server. For details please find the link below:

Use geocoding ext for own extension?

I have a question.
I have a custom address extension with a mapAction.
Now I would like to create a google map with marker of all addresses.
How can I output all addresses in latlng with the extension "geocoding"?
I do not know how I use this? I would need latlng in fluid.
If this is not so easy, I will have to insert the latlng over the backend itself.
Thank you.
I use TYPO3 8.7.x
What do you want to output exactly? I think, the extension geocoding provides you an API to get LatLng and range search powered by Google Maps. But I see no hints that there is a map output.
I would suggest to use an extension which provides this e.g. maps2:

Is there any easy way to duplicate the search functionality of the Google Maps app on iPhone?

I'd like to be able to search and have the results pop up as annotations just like the Maps app on the iPhone. How do I go about doing it, and how difficult is it?
You need a forward geocoder to take a string (from your search bar) and find a list of possible matches, with coordinates and such. ... there isn't one included with the MapKit (only a reverse geocoder -- from coordinates to address string). However, there's a few services out that that do this. I think GeoSimple, CloudMaps, and a few others. The one linked below is an objective-c package that pulls results from Google Maps SDK.