Raw tf-idf on elasticsearch - rest

I'm looking for a really scalable method to do tf-idf searching on a large dataset, so elastic search naturally came to mind. Upon reading the default methods they use for scoring, it seems that none actually do raw tf-idf. The closest is their "Practical Scoring Function", but this combines a query norm, coordination factor, etc. I've attached Lucene's formula below.
Is there any way to get elastic search to return a raw tf-idf score without any of the additional fluff? I've tested each of the built-in implementations and none work as well as just tf-idf.
Raw tf-idf in this application would just be -
Also, I'm using one of the AWS provisioned elaticsearch instances, so I don't have access to the internals of the Java code. Only the REST API.


stereotype user model implementation in Apache Mahout

I working on implementation of both individual and stereotype user model in recommendation system. I came across with Apache Mahout but it seems that it only works with individual user model.
My question is how can i work with stereo type user model in Apache Mahout Taste?
My understanding for the recommendation engine is
that you have these core parameters
Method of information acquisition (Implicit or explicit)
User model (Individual or stereotype)
Recommendation techniques (Collaborative or content base)
Taste is being deprecated. Mahout has undergone a major reboot and no longer accepts Hadoop MapReduce code. Many of the Hadoop MapReduce algorithms have been rewritten on the Mahout Samsara codebase that virtualizes a great deal of linear algebra type operations to run on multiple compute engines. The most complete is Spark, which runs something like 10x faster than Hadoop MapReduce.
That as a preamble the new "recommender" implementations, although they include ALS, also have code for item and row similarity, which in recommender data means item and user similarity.
See the description of "spark-rowsimilarity" here: http://mahout.apache.org/users/algorithms/intro-cooccurrence-spark.html#2-spark-rowsimilarity
The example is wrong for your case but works just as well to compute user similarities by inputting user interaction vectors.
Another way to do this is put user interaction vectors into a similarity engine that uses Lucene like Solr or Elasticsearch. Then query with a specific user's data and you will get back similar users.

MongoDB + Elasticsearch or only Elasticsearch?

We have a new project there for index a large amount of data and for provide real time. I have also complexe search with facets, full text, geospatial...
The first prototype is to index in MongoDB and next, into Elasticsearch, because I had read that Elasticsearch does not apply a checksum on stored files and the index can't be fully trusted.
But since last versions (in the version 1.5), there is now a checksum and I'm guessing if we can use Elasticsearch as primary data store ? And what is the benefit to use MongoDB in addition to Elasticsearch ?
I can't find up to date answer about thoses features in Elasticsearch
Thanks a lot
Talking about arguments to use Mongo instead of/together with ES:
User/role management.
Built-in in MongoDB. May not fit all your needs, may be clumsy somewhere, but it exists and it was implemented pretty long time ago.
The only thing for security in ES is shield. But it ships only for Gold/Platinum subscription for production use.
ES is schemaless, but its built on top of Lucene and written in Java. The core idea of this tool - index and search documents, and working this way requires index consistency. At back end, all documents should be fitted in flat lucene index, which requires some understanding about how ES should deal with your nested documents and values, and how you should organize your indexes to maintain balance between speed and data completeness/consistency. Working with ES requires you to keep some things about schema in mind constantly. I.e: as you can index almost anything to ES without putting corresponding mapping in advance, ES can "guess" mapping on the fly but sometimes do it wrong and sometimes implicit mapping is evil, because once it put, it can't be changed w/o reindexing whole index. So, its better to not treat ES as schemaless store, because you can step on a rake some time (and this will be pain :) ), but rather treat it as schema-intensive, at least when you work with documents, that can be sliced to concrete fields.
Mongo, on the other hand, can "chew and leave no crumbs" out of almost anything you put in it. And most your queries will work fine, `til you remember how Mongo will deal with your data from JavaScript perspective. And as JS is weakly typed, you can work with really schemaless workflow (for sure, if you need such)
Handling non-table-like data.
ES is limited to handle data without putting it to search index. And this solution is good enough, when you need to store and retrieve some extra data (comparing to data you want to search against).
MongoDB supports gridFS. This gives you ability to handle large chunks of data behind the same interface. I.e., you can store binary data in Mongo and retrieve it within the same interface, from your code perspective.
Well, choose the right tool for the right job. If you require searching capabilities such as full text search, faceting etc, then nothing can beat a full fledged search engine. ElasticSearch(ES) or Solr is just a matter of choice.
You can actually feed(index) documents into ES for searching and then fetch the complete details for a particular entry from MongoDB or any other database.
I can make your task easier, do take a look at my open source work that's using MongoDB, ES, Redis and RabbitMQ, all integrated at one place, here on github
Please note that the application is built in .Net C#.
After having used Elasticsearch on production, I can add up to this thread few notes :
We securized our Elasticsearch clustering via a reverse proxy which check client certificate authenticity at request time before letting the query in : it proves that there is multiple way to add authentication anyway. (If you need more accuracy in security, like by using roles, there is few plugins that can be added to manage permissions)
Elasticsearch mapping and settings (tuning) are really important concepts to fully understand before going on production with it, and that's no that easy to get how everything works quickly.
Clustering and horizontal scaling is very flexible and easy to set up
The suite tools (Kibana, beats, etc ..) are a very convinient way to gather logs, expose key data, etc ...
Search features are extremely advanced, you can really do amazing things when you master a bit how full text search works (fuzzyness, boosting, scoring, stemming, tokenizer, analyzers, and so on ...).
API's are a bit scattered and there is not unique ways to achieve something. And some API are really WTF to use, like the bulk insert API: you need to pass binary data, with JSON format (ofc don't forget end of line characters) and repeating some fields multiple times. This is very verbose and I guess it's legacy code like we all have in our projects ;).
Last thing : if you develop a Java project, do not use Hibernate Search to duplicate data from a datasource to your ES cluster, we had so much issues with Hibernate Search, if we had to do that again, we'd do that manually.
Now about the real question :
To my mind, using only Elasticsearch is sufficient and may reduce complexity of having a multiple NoSQL storage systems.
I think it's worthy when you are doing a duo Relational and Transactional database + NoSQL search engine, but having two system which roughly serves the same purposes is a bit overkilled
I have recently developed a feature in my company,
we wanted to perform some searches and rank the result according to its relevance on multiple factors and conditions.
So in my application, we were already using MongoDB as Db,
So on ElasticSearch index, I exported some of the fields from MongoDB that I want to perform search and filters on.
So according to required conditions I prepared my mongo query and elasticsearch query also and performed the search. Then I filtered and sorted the result according to my need.
The whole flow will was designed in such a way that,
even if there is an error from ES, mongo will fetch the records.
If I get the result from ES then, mongo result will depend on ES result.
This is how I used mongo and ES in combination.
Also, don't forget to properly handle all updates, deletes and new record insertions.
And Just to Know, results for me were Really Good.

What are the pros and cons of DynamoDB with respect to Google Cloud Datastore

My understanding is DynamoDB behave like a giant table which you must specify a hash key and range key.
The core concept of Google Cloud Datastore is entity based (like Cassandra) and is more flexible, i.e. can use more than 1 index.
But are there any more in-depth comparison?
AWS DynamoDB is a pretty simple flat key-value store. It has support for conditional writes and sets which allow for some cool features. You specify the amount of horsepower you want (which you can only adjust a few times a day) and AWS splits up your dataset uniformly across enough database nodes to meet your demands. You have to make sure your key values are sufficiently random as to guarantee balanced access across your dataset. AWS almost guarantees single-digit latencies. Transactions are not supported. You specify the consistency of operations.
Google Cloud Datastore is a more sophisticated key-valueish store with built-in transaction support and entity hierarchy. You don't have to worry about the capacity of the system, it automatically scales to your data size and access patterns. You have less control of some things so you have to pay attention. You cannot specify for a read to be consistent, but you can force consistency by structuring your entities in a certain way.
One downside of Google Cloud products I have experienced is that documentation and language support is not very uniform. Sometimes you have to read documentation of another language to understand the system fully and many features are not supported in certain languages.
There are a lot of other differences. Look at the API reference of your favorite language on both documentation pages and you'll get a decent feel of the specific features of each.

Combining MongoDB and a GraphDB like Neo4J

As part of a CMS I'm developing I've got MongoDB as the primary datastore which feeds to ElasticSearch and Redis. All this is configured decleratively.
I'm currently trying to develop a declarative api in JSON (A DSL of sorts) which, when implemented, will enable me to write uniform queries in JSON, but at the backend these datastores work in tandem to come up with the result. Federated search if you will.
Now, while fleshing out the supported types of queries for this Json api, I've come across a class of queries not (efficiently) supported by my current setup: graph-based queries, like friend-of-friend, RDF-queries, etc. Something I'd like to support as well.
So I'm looking for a way to introduce a GraphDB into this ecosystem with the best fit. I should probably say the app-layer sits in Node.js.
I've come across lots of articles comparing Neo4J (a popular GraphDB) vs MongoDB, but not so much of actual use-cases, real world scenarios in which the 2 are complemented.
Any pointers highly appreciated.
You might want to take a look at structr[1], which has a RESTful graph database backend that you can configure using Java beans. In future versions, there will be a configuration option using REST calls only, so that you can fire up a structr server and configure and use it as a standalone graph database backend.
Just contact us on twitter or via email.
(disclaimer: I'm one of the developers of structr, so this comment may not be 100% impartial :))
[1] http://structr.org
The databases are very much complementary.
Use MongoDB to store your raw data/system of record and load the raw data into Neo4j for additional insights/analysis. When you are dealing with unstructured data, you want to store the information in a datastore which is conducive to unstructure data - MongoDB fits the bill (as does other similar NOSQL databases). While Neo4j is considered a NOSQL database, it doesn't fit the bill for unstructured data. Because you have to determine what is a relationship, what is a node, and what properties are stored for each - it's better suited when you have semi-structured data and some understanding of the type of analysis you want to do.
A great architecture is store your unstructured data in MongoDB and use jobs to load them into Neo4j. This allows you to re-load your graph if you figure out there are new pieces of information you'd like to store in the graph for additional analysis.
They are definitely NOT replacements for each other. They fit very different use cases.

NoSQL for time series/logged instrument reading data that is also versioned

My Data
It's primarily monitoring data, passed in the form of Timestamp: Value, for each monitored value, on each monitored appliance. It's regularly collected over many appliances and many monitored values.
Additionally, it has the quirky feature of many of these data values being derived at the source, with the calculation changing from time to time. This means that my data is effectively versioned, and I need to be able to simply call up only data from the most recent version of the calculation. Note: This is not versioning where the old values are overwritten. I simply have timestamp cutoffs, beyond which the data changes its meaning.
My Usage
Downstream, I'm going to have various undefined data mining/machine learning uses for the data. It's not really clear yet what those uses are, but it is clear that I will be writing all of the downstream code in Python. Also, we are a very small shop, so I can really only deal with so much complexity in setup, maintenance, and interfacing to downstream applications. We just don't have that many people.
The Choice
I am not allowed to use a SQL RDBMS to store this data, so I have to find the right NoSQL solution. Here's what I've found so far:
Looks totally fine to me, but it seems like some of the major users have moved on. It makes me wonder if it's just not going to be that much of a vibrant ecosystem. This SE post seems to have good things to say: Cassandra time series data
Again, this seems fine, but I'm concerned that this is not a major, actively developed platform. It seems like this would leave me a bit starved for tools and documentation.
I have a, perhaps irrational, intense dislike for the Mongo crowd, and I'm looking for any reason to discard this as a solution. It seems to me like the data model of Mongo is all wrong for things with such a static, regular structure. My data even comes in (and has to stay in) order. That said, everybody and their mother seems to love this thing, so I'm really trying to evaluate its applicability. See this and many other SE posts: What NoSQL DB to use for sparse Time Series like data?
This is where I'm currently leaning. It seems like the successor to Cassandra with a totally usable approach for my problem. That said, it is a big piece of technology, and I'm concerned about really knowing what it is I'm signing up for, if I choose it.
This is basically a time-series specific database, built on top of HBase. Perfect, right? I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what another layer of abstraction buys me.
My Criteria
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
So, which NoSQL database actually can help me address my needs? It can be anything, from my list or not. I'm just trying to understand what platform actually has code, not just usage patterns, that support my super specific, well understood needs. I'm not asking which one is best or which one is cooler. I'm trying to understand which technology can most natively store and manipulate this type of data.
Any thoughts?
It sounds like you are describing one of the most common use cases for Cassandra. Time series data in general is often a very good fit for the cassandra data model. More specifically many people store metric/sensor data like you are describing. See:
As far as your concerns with the community I'm not sure what is giving you that impression, but there is quite a large community (see irc, mailing lists) as well as a growing number of cassandra users.
Regarding your criteria:
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
See above links
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
If I understand your description correctly you could solve this multiple ways. You could start writing a new row when the version changes. Alternatively you could use composite columns to store the version along with the timestamp/value pair.
I'll also note that Accumulo, HBase, and Cassandra all have essentially the same data model. You will still find small differences around the data model in regards to specific features that each database offers, but the basics will be the same.
The bigger difference between the three will be the architecture of the system. Cassandra takes its architecture from Amazon's Dynamo. Every server in the cluster is the same and it is quite simple to setup. HBase and Accumulo or more direct clones of BigTable. These have more moving parts and will require more setup/types of servers. For example, setting up HDFS, Zookeeper, and HBase/Accumulo specific server types.
Disclaimer: I work for DataStax (we work with Cassandra)
I only have experience in Cassandra and MongoDB but my experience might add something.
So your basically doing time based metrics?
Ok if I understand right you use the timestamp as a versioning mechanism so that you query per a certain timestamp, say to get the latest calculation used you go based on the metric ID or whatever and get ts DESC and take off the first row?
It sounds like a versioned key value store at times.
With this in mind I probably would not recommend either of the two I have used.
Cassandra is too rigid and it's too heirachal, too based around how you query to the point where you can only make one pivot of graph data from (I presume you would wanna graph these metrics) the columfamily which is crazy, hence why I dropped it. As for searching (which Facebook use it for, and only that) it's not that impressive either.
MongoDB, well I love MongoDB and I am an elite of the user group and it could work here if you didn't use a key value storage policy but at the end of the day if your mind is not set and you don't like the tech then let me be the very first to say: don't use it! You will be no good at a tech that you don't like so stay away from it.
Though I would picture this happening in Mongo much like:
_id: ObjectID(),
metricId: 'AvailableMessagesInQueue',
formula: '4+5/10.01',
result: NaN
ts: ISODate()
And you query for the latest version of your calculation by:
var results = db.metrics.find({ 'metricId': 'AvailableMessagesInQueue' }).sort({ ts: -1 });
var latest = results.getNext();
Which would output the doc structure you see above. Without knowing more of exactly how you wish to query and the general servera and app scenario etc thats the best I can come up with.
I fond this thread on HBase though: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/hbase-user/201011.mbox/%3C5A76F6CE309AD049AAF9A039A39242820F0C20E5#sc-mbx04.TheFacebook.com%3E
Which might be of interest, it seems to support the argument that HBase is a good time based key value store.
I have not personally used HBase so do not take anything I say about it seriously....
I hope I have added something, if not you could try narrowing your criteria so we can answer more dedicated questions.
Hope it helps a little,
Not a plug for any particular technology but this article on Time Series storage using MongoDB might provide another way of thinking about the storage of large amounts of "sensor" data.
Axibase Time-Series Database
Open source
There is a free Community Edition
Works well with Python
https://github.com/axibase/atsd-api-python. There are also other language wrappers, for example ATSD R client.
Appropriate for a small team
Built-in graphics and rule engine make it productive for building an in-house reporting, dashboarding, or monitoring solution with less coding.
Very well documented
It's hard to beat IBM redbooks, but we're trying. API, configuration, and administration is documented in detail and with examples.
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
It's a time-series database from the ground-up so aggregation, filtering and non-parametric ARIMA and HW forecasts are available.
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
ATSD supports versioned time-series data natively in SE and EE editions. Versions keep track of status, change-time and source changes for the same timestamp for audit trails and reconciliations. It's a useful feature to have if you need clean, verified data with tracing. Think energy metering, PHMR records. ATSD schema also supports series tags, which you could use to store versioning columns manually if you're on CE edition or you need to extend default versioning columns: status, source, change-time.
Disclosure - I work for the company that develops ATSD.