How to adjust the width of the ag-grid container based on its contents? - ag-grid

In ag-grid, the value of domLayout can be set to autoHeight in order to disable vertical scrolling of the ag-grid panel. Instead, the entire page adapts its height to show all the rows.
How can I have the same behavior for the horizontal scrolling?
There is the suppressHorizontalScroll option when set to true hides the horizontal scroll bar, but this doesn't force the entire page to have a scroll. Instead, the overflowing content is just hidden.

you can do this to some extent by juggling the minWidth, maxWidth, and width attributes on your columns while setting the width of the columns automatically based on their content using the gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(colId) method.
I say to some extent because it is quite hard, with agGrid, to set different row sizes for rows with certain cells having a lot of text or big images in them. This would force some columns to expand to accommodate for the content, or just clip it completely. Thus forcing the horizontal scroll.
Note : for the method above to work, you need to call gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(colId) after you get your rows setUp.


Unity Vertical Layout Group height not calculating off children

I feel like I am not understanding the Vertical Layout Group component in Unity 2020.3.21 and I am hoping that someone can explain what I am missing.
I have a series of runtime-controlled UI components that I want displayed vertically top-to-bottom. I need to be able to toggle these components on and off at run-time, and have the parent Vertical Layout Group size automatically update to the height of all of the active children. This is exactly the sort of thing the Vertical Layout Group is supposed to handle, right?
When I build out a simple example, I am seeing that the Vertical Layout Group correctly positions the children in a vertical list. However, it competely ignores the sizes of the children when measuring it's own height. This is a problem because I want to be able to throw this container in a Scroll View -- if the height is not accurate, then the Scroll View doesn't work properly.
Here's my demo. I have a series of children in a VLG that all have explicit set heights in their RectTransform. All of them are direct children of the VLG. None of them use a LayoutElement; all heights are explicitly defined in a RectTransform. Here's the scene hierarchy, with the compile-time RectTransform heights of each component in parenthesis.
Canvas (325x812)
GameObject (812)
Vertical Layout Group (100)
Text (45)
Spacer (100)
Text Input (48)
Spacer (20)
Button (48)
Here are my VLG settings:
When I run the game, I can see the outline of each UI object in the Scene tab. The children clearly have their heights set. Yet the VLG still has it's static compile-time height of 100 instead of the sum of the child heights.
Am I missing something about how the Vertical Layout Group works? How can I get this VLG to have it's Height property set to the actual total height of it's active children at runtime?
ContentSizeFitter with Vertical Fit set to preferred size should do the trick. I did a quick test using simplified structure based on your example and got height calculated correctly (height of children objects is 100+50+75):

What's the proper way to align a strechable Text and an image to two ends in Unity UI?

I have an UI element that has a Text and an Image as its children. It has a HorizontalLayoutGroup component that enables Control Child Size and Child Force Expand.
I want the Image has a fixed size, and Text has strechable size controlled by the HorizontalLayoutGroup. So when the Image is set to inactive, the Text fills the whole space and when the Image is active, the Text shrinks a little bit in order to give space to the Image. Right now this part works good.
My second goal is to align them to both ends: the Text in the left and the Image on the right with space in between. But changing Child Alignment can't achieve this.
I tried the following solution:
Add LayoutElement both to Image and Text. On Text, enable Flexible Width and set a a value, on Image, enable Min Width and set to a value. Manually adjust the two values until it seems right.
This solution seems to work, but I don't know why. Is anyone familiar with this?What's the recommended way to do it? Thanks!
I worked it out. On the LayoutElement, treat Preferred Width or Preferred Height as Max Width or Max Height. Enable them, set the value the same with min value. One the other objects that you want to stretch, enable Flexible values. Then all worked as we want.

Setting row to minimum child height flutter

I'm trying to produce a widget like this below to be contained inside of a listview. I have managed an effect like this rather simply based on the example given on the flutter website for YouTube. However, the part I'm struggling with is that I would like the image to resize vertically depending on how large the text is.
Currently this is created with a row. If possible I'd like to set the row height somehow but only dependent on the height of the text. As some elements will have more text and some will have less I would like to have the image fill the vertical space so the height is the same as the text height.
I basically want this -
but where the image height on the left matches the text height on the right
Thanks in advance!

Make intrinsicContentSize adapt to external constraints

The Context
I often have situations where I want multiple NSTextViews in a single NSStackView. Naturally, Auto Layout is not pleased with this since this makes height ambiguous (assuming the stack view is not set to fill equally). Even after adding constraints to resolve these issues, macOS Interface Builder appears to have a bug where it refuses to actually update frames when asked.
For this reason and others, I'm attempting to create a TextBox class (subclassing NSView) to encapsulate an NSTextView (and associated scroll view) and include an intrinsic content size to avoid layout issues. The intrinsic content size would be calculated based on a user-specified min and max number of lines (to display without requiring scroll). In other words, up to a certain max number of lines, TextBox will resize itself so that scrolling is unnecessary.
The Problem
This would seem to require an intrinsicContentSize that is dependant on frame width.
But, intrinsicContentSize documentation states:
The intrinsic size you supply must be independent of the content frame, because there’s no way to dynamically communicate a changed width to the layout system based on a changed height.
However, Auto Layout Guide states:
A text view’s intrinsic content size varies depending on the content, on whether or not it has scrolling enabled, and on the other constraints applied to the view. For example, with scrolling enabled, the view does not have an intrinsic content size. With scrolling disabled, by default the view’s intrinsic content size is calculated based on the size of the text without any line wrapping. For example, if there are no returns in the text, it calculates the height and width needed to layout the content as a single line of text. If you add constraints to specify the view’s width, the intrinsic content size defines the height required to display the text given its width.
Given that when scrolling is disabled in a text view:
If you add constraints to specify the view’s width, the intrinsic content size defines the height required to display the text given its width.
Then it seems there is a way to do what I want by perhaps looking at existing constraints.
The Question
How can I define an intrinsic content size that calculates height based on otherwise specified width, as described in the last quoted sentence above?
The solution should produce the effect described in "The Context" and not produce errors or warnings when used inside a Stack View.

GWT DataGrid resizes the columns

From what I understand the DataGrid auto resizes the columns.
What I would like is DataGrid to respect the column widths I set, and to show the horizontal scrollers accordingly. Is there a way to achieve this?
DataGrid gives you complete control over the width of its columns.
For example, if you set the width of all columns in pixels except for one column which has a width equal to 100%, then all columns will have exactly the width you specified, except for the percentage column which will shrink or expand based on the width of a DataGrid itself. If you want all columns to have fixed width, then you should set the width of the entire DataGrid explicitly in pixels.
There is also an important .setMinimumTableWidth method. You can use it to tell the DataGrid that it can resize with the width of its parent container, but never be smaller than a certain number of pixels. In this case, if a parent container is too small to accommodate all columns at their desired width, the horizontal scrollbar will appear.