Issue with firebase query - swift

My query:
let query = recentRef.queryOrderedByChild(FRECENT_GROUPID).queryEqualToValue(group_id)
query.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
And database structure is :
And my query looks like:
(/Recent {
ep = fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c;
i = groupId;
sp = fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c;
and getting Snap (Recent) <null> when I print(snapshot).
Its strange that it was working fine but now its suddenly stopped working.
Complete JSON:
"Message" : {
"fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c" : {
"-Kp0jed1EZ5BLllL5_cm" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500046597341153E9,
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"objectId" : "-Kp0jed1EZ5BLllL5_cl",
"senderId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2",
"senderName" : "Test1 Test1",
"status" : "",
"text" : "hi",
"type" : "text",
"updatedAt" : 1.50004659734136E9
"Recent" : {
"-Kp0jecwejhzQbbm62CW" : {
"counter" : 0,
"createdAt" : 1.500046600967624E9,
"description" : "Test1 Test1",
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"lastMessage" : "hi",
"members" : [ "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2", "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" ],
"objectId" : "-Kp0jecwejhzQbbm62CV",
"picture" : "",
"type" : "private",
"updatedAt" : 1.500046600967647E9,
"userId" : "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2"
"-Kp0jed-FU1PXt1iPr29" : {
"counter" : 0,
"createdAt" : 1.500046600971885E9,
"description" : "Srikant Root",
"groupId" : "fb343534ca520c70fe35b0a316ea8e4c",
"lastMessage" : "hi",
"members" : [ "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2", "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" ],
"objectId" : "-Kp0jed-FU1PXt1iPr28",
"picture" : "",
"type" : "private",
"updatedAt" : 1.500046600971896E9,
"userId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2"
"User" : {
"fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500045753102713E9,
"email" : "",
"firstname" : "Srikant",
"fullname" : "Srikant Yadav",
"handle" : "Srikant",
"lastname" : "Yadav",
"networkImage" : "",
"objectId" : "fnRvHFpaoDhXqM1se7NoTSiWZIZ2",
"online" : false,
"updatedAt" : 1.500045753102731E9
"lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2" : {
"createdAt" : 1.500045791892967E9,
"email" : "",
"firstname" : "Test1",
"fullname" : "Test1 Test1",
"handle" : "test1",
"lastname" : "Test1",
"networkImage" : "",
"objectId" : "lI6SRppSboScWo5xVjcfLL82Ogr2",
"online" : false,
"updatedAt" : 1.500046571456235E9


Mongoose Return One Object from Array

I use mongoose and I have this data in my mongodb :
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
"status" : "invited",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e13ff7c56a896987c190"),
"code" : "rm",
"name" : "The Manage",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
How can I return only one workspace? The output that I need is like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e1edf7c56a896987c191"),
"deleted" : false,
"email" : "",
"firstName" : "Klinik",
"lastName" : "Koding",
"resetToken" : null,
"workspaces" : [
"status" : "active",
"_id" : ObjectId("5f13e124f7c56a896987c18e"),
"code" : "kk",
"name" : "Klinik Koding",
"_roleId" : ObjectId("5f13de3eb33fa33ce2a3b0dd")
Anyone can help me with this query?
Try this.
async function retrieve(){
// You can retrieve it by any field. I used email because it is unique.
let data=await yourModelName.findOne({email:""})
console.log("your final result",data)

Inserting values into an array in a nested data mongodb

I have a data set where a documents looks like this.
"_id" : ObjectId("5c9873aa0fd62b0c9c84e749"),
"account_id" : "1",
"company_tree" : [
"id" : "5d561a07-6d2c-45ae-b249-757aa41e9b2b",
"name" : "dept12",
"privacy_advisor" : {
"name" : "wfewf",
"email" : "fwefw",
"phone" : "fwef"
"controller" : {
"name" : "qwqwerf",
"email" : "fwefew",
"phone" : "fwefwe"
"index" : 1,
"items" : [
"id" : "a2aae8b2-24d1-44ee-98a6-29d78835fcfd",
"name" : "dept3",
"privacy_advisor" : {
"name" : "wfewf",
"email" : "fwefw",
"phone" : "fwef"
"controller" : {
"name" : "qwqwerf",
"email" : "fwefew",
"phone" : "fwefwe"
"index" : 0,
"users" : [
"id" : "1",
"name" : "admin",
"email" : "",
"primary_locale" : "nb",
"role_membership" : {
"id" : 1,
"active_status" : true,
"name" : "leader"
"id" : "f18ed780-c3c4-4a43-b1e2-f7b5deef2660",
"name" : "user",
"email" : "",
"primary_locale" : "nb",
"role_membership" : {
"id" : 1,
"active_status" : true,
"name" : "user"
"items" : [
"id" : "83923ba0-8d0f-4c47-8953-0f9a86a7fcbf",
"name" : "dept4",
"privacy_advisor" : {
"name" : "wfewf",
"email" : "fwefw",
"phone" : "fwef"
"controller" : {
"name" : "qwqwerf",
"email" : "fwefew",
"phone" : "fwefwe"
"index" : 0,
"users" : [
"id" : "1",
"name" : "admin",
"email" : "",
"primary_locale" : "nb",
"role_membership" : {
"id" : 1,
"active_status" : true,
"name" : "leader"
"id" : "f18ed780-c3c4-4a43-b1e2-f7b5deef2660",
"name" : "user",
"email" : "",
"primary_locale" : "nb",
"role_membership" : {
"id" : 2,
"active_status" : true,
"name" : "user"
"items" : [
"id" : "34bfbd43-0d48-4ccf-a1a8-27770ee9048f",
"name" : "dept5",
"privacy_advisor" : {
"name" : "wfewf",
"email" : "fwefw",
"phone" : "fwef"
"controller" : {
"name" : "qwqwerf",
"email" : "fwefew",
"phone" : "fwefwe"
"index" : 0,
"items" : [
"id" : "1b8f13af-ff80-46c1-ad59-df454268b4fd",
"name" : "dept6",
"privacy_advisor" : {
"name" : "wfewf",
"email" : "fwefw",
"phone" : "fwef"
"controller" : {
"name" : "qwqwerf",
"email" : "fwefew",
"phone" : "fwefwe"
"index" : 0,
"statistics" : {
"insight" : {
"value" : "88"
"privacyQuality" : {
"value" : "44"
"expanded" : true,
"statistics" : {
"privacyQuality" : {
"value" : "56"
"expanded" : true,
"selected" : true,
"isAccount" : true
"expanded" : true,
"statistics" : {
"insight" : {
"value" : "44"
"privacyQuality" : {
"value" : "89"
"isAccount" : true,
"details" : {
"company_name" : "New Company"
"public_id" : "e4f5ed70-3be6-11e9-b57b-ed1bd06820e4",
"internal_id" : "e4f5ed70-3be6-11e9-8fde-3df658dfaac7",
"is_public_link_published" : true,
"theme" : {
"primary" : "#3c99df",
"secondary" : "#5cc1ed",
"tertiary" : "#2176b6"
"expanded" : true,
"statistics" : {
"insight" : {
"value" : "75"
//more objects with nested properties.
I need to insert data to "users" array in a object in company_tree array checking the name property ("name" : "dept12"). Each object in company_tree array has nested object in "items". I already have the document _id,user data, name of department ("name" : "dept12").
This is the code that i have tried and im kind a stuck here. It would be greate if someone can guide me on hos to update this.
db.getCollection('organization').find({"_id" : ObjectId("5cdbc8d4a3a4280fe86b9085")},{"company_tree":1,'_id': false}).toArray(function (err, result) {

How to write mongo query for the object

"_id" : "WR10005",
"_class" : "com.bioraid.mes.model.WorkOrders",
"rountingNumber" : "R006",
"orderId" : "MR-1017",
"consumables" : "Chip",
"workOrderStatus" : "pending",
"deliveryStatus" : "on time",
"lastCompletedStage" : "testProces",
"dateAssigned" : ISODate("2017-02-17T05:38:57.631Z"),
"dateCompleted" : ISODate("2017-02-17T07:53:32.680Z"),
"opretorProcessStatus" : [
"opretorid" : "USER114",
"process" : "testProces",
"status" : "Done",
"workCenterId" : "WC1",
"startDate" : ISODate("2017-02-17T06:30:16.813Z"),
"endDate" : ISODate("2017-02-17T06:42:23.237Z"),
"qualityManagerReview" : {
"qaId" : "",
"status" : "Done",
"note" : ""
"opretorid" : "USER116",
"process" : "testProces",
"status" : "Done",
"workCenterId" : "WC1",
"startDate" : ISODate("2017-02-17T06:30:16.813Z"),
"endDate" : ISODate("2017-02-17T06:42:23.237Z")
"workOrdersRouting" : {
"testProces" : [
"routingStep" : "R006*010",
"operationName" : "Operation1",
"operationStatus" : "Completed",
"operationResult" : "Pass",
"operationNote" : "test"
"routingStep" : "R006*020",
"operationName" : "adalks",
"operationStatus" : "Completed",
"operationResult" : "Pass",
"operationNote" : "sddsdfsf"
"Embossing" : [
"routingStep" : "R006*030",
"operationName" : "Water Cleaning",
"operationStatus" : "",
"operationResult" : "",
"operationNote" : ""
"Turbidity" : [
"routingStep" : "R006*040",
"operationName" : "Embossing Assembly",
"operationStatus" : "",
"operationResult" : "",
"operationNote" : ""
I want to get {'opretorProcessStatus.qualityManagerReview.status' : {$ne : null}} but this is not giving proper result can any one help me to write this.
and other one is db.getCollection('workOrders').find({'opretorProcessStatus.qualityManagerReview.status' : "Done"}).
You can use $elemMatch to get the Document which you need.
To find documents with opretorProcessStatus.qualityManagerReview.status = Done, use this query:
To find the documents which don't have status as null:

How to query all IDs by a value from Firebase

Here is my data on Firebase
"messages" : {
"-KFdphRHtKSovYfCRYWE" : {
"senderId" : "95cf99d8-377b-4685-a8ee-2afe69a82419",
"text" : "Chechen"
"-KFdpisBYxFaSrm2CO67" : {
"senderId" : "425c9449-b3f7-4d21-b57c-4134b76712dd",
"text" : "sdd"
"-KFdpmKXuRrzDnl_JRmF" : {
"senderId" : "425c9449-b3f7-4d21-b57c-4134b76712dd",
"text" : "c dđcv"
"-KFdpnSJIX48yh1KpjFo" : {
"senderId" : "95cf99d8-377b-4685-a8ee-2afe69a82419",
"text" : "Bilbo,m"
"tasks" : {
"-KEPuc8aGpYLT0-NOo50" : {
"assignee" : "Kaito Kid",
"description" : "Task1",
"endTime" : "13:58 Thursday,07/04",
"from" : "Khuong Pham",
"priority" : 1,
"progress" : 10,
"startTime" : "13:58 Tuesday,05/04"
"-KFbsI0Q6WB5dWc90pIR" : {
"assignee" : "Khoa Pham",
"description" : "Task2",
"endTime" : "12:38 Thursday,21/04",
"from" : "Khuong Pham",
"priority" : 2,
"progress" : 0,
"startTime" : "12:38 Wednesday,20/04"
"-KFdngdnHyfG2pygRx3L" : {
"assignee" : "Khoa Pham",
"description" : "Task3",
"endTime" : "21:37 Wednesday,20/04",
"from" : "Khuong Pham",
"priority" : 0,
"progress" : 10,
"startTime" : "21:37 Tuesday,19/04"
"-KFdo-Q8HrrPZoaQcGRj" : {
"assignee" : "Khuong Pham",
"description" : "task4",
"endTime" : "23:44 Thứ Hai,18/04",
"from" : "Khoa Pham",
"priority" : 1,
"progress" : 7,
"startTime" : "21:41 Thứ Hai,18/04"
"-KFdpXmuGrLOBonb976Q" : {
"assignee" : "Khoa Pham",
"description" : "Task5",
"endTime" : "21:46 Friday,22/04",
"from" : "Khuong Pham",
"priority" : 2,
"progress" : 0,
"startTime" : "21:46 Tuesday,19/04"
"-KFdpdnPb_BVIDQ32Ym6" : {
"assignee" : "Khuong Pham",
"description" : "task6",
"endTime" : "23:46 Thứ Hai,18/04",
"from" : "Khoa Pham",
"priority" : 1,
"progress" : 0,
"startTime" : "23:46 Thứ Hai,18/04"
"typingIndicator" : {
"95cf99d8-377b-4685-a8ee-2afe69a82419" : false
"users" : {
"33ab67aa-6357-4f3e-aee8-623e294c7de2" : {
"dateJoin" : "19/04/2016",
"dateOfBirth" : "01/01/1990",
"firstName" : "Binh",
"gender" : "Male",
"group" : "PHP ",
"lastName" : "Nguyen",
"phone" : "0123456789",
"position" : "PHP Developer"
"425c9449-b3f7-4d21-b57c-4134b76712dd" : {
"dateJoin" : "01/01/2010",
"dateOfBirth" : "03/03/1990",
"firstName" : "Khoa",
"gender" : "Male",
"group" : "iOS Team",
"lastName" : "Pham",
"phone" : "0939133994",
"position" : "Senior iOS Developer"
"95cf99d8-377b-4685-a8ee-2afe69a82419" : {
"dateJoin" : "20/01/2016",
"dateOfBirth" : "29/10/1993",
"firstName" : "Khuong",
"gender" : "Male",
"group" : "iOS Team",
"lastName" : "Pham",
"phone" : "01655961231",
"position" : "iOS Developer"
"f88a6c6f-cbc8-4d37-a7d9-4ee4c3a6fd32" : {
"dateJoin" : "13/03/2016",
"dateOfBirth" : "01/01/1993",
"firstName" : "Kaito",
"gender" : "Male",
"group" : "Android Team",
"lastName" : "Kid",
"phone" : "0939133994",
"position" : "Android Developer"
I want to query all IDs which has "from" key that has value "Khuong Pham".
FIREBASE_REF.childByAppendingPath("tasks").observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { (snapshot) -> Void in
print(snapshot.key) // all IDs
// Then Use this value to compare with "from" key has value "Khuong Pham"
// Then find the ID of it.
If I try this way, I have to spend more time to filter them.
Is there anyway to query faster that I can get the ID.
Any helps would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here is the code:
func deleteTaskInFireBase() {
FIREBASE_REF.childByAppendingPath("tasks").queryOrderedByChild("from").observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { snapshot in
if let from = snapshot.value["from"] as? String where (snapshot.value["from"] as? String) == "Khuong Pham" {
print("\(snapshot.key): \(from)")
Result is:
-KEPuc8aGpYLT0-NOo50: Khuong Pham
-KFbsI0Q6WB5dWc90pIR: Khuong Pham
-KFdngdnHyfG2pygRx3L: Khuong Pham
-KFdpXmuGrLOBonb976Q: Khuong Pham

Query to filter the information from a mongodb collection

I have to retrieve a list of users from list of documents which matches the condition. The document structure look like below
"_id" : ObjectId("660ff865d4f9075d40a1101c"),
"orderFormId" : "OF-rJw4elBYK",
"orderDetails" : [
"courseId" : "53fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad61",
"userInfo" : [
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "M",
"status" : "Pending Appproval",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Arun"
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdasd",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "asdafasd",
"userId" : "RQ-11xDPALgR",
"eMail" : ""
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdaf",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "fsdsdf",
"userId" : "RQ-OdoXAOLrB",
"eMail" : ""
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdas",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "asdasd",
"userId" : "RQ-Bw2Xokmda",
"eMail" : ""
"userCount" : 5,
"Name" : "Compilers",
"coursePrice" : 1000,
"coursetype" : "offline"
"courseId" : "53fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad62",
"userInfo" : [
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "Raj",
"status" : "requested",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Nithul"
"dob" : "2015-03-22T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "P C",
"status" : "requested",
"eMail" : "",
"firstName" : "Kahyoom"
"userCount" : 1,
"Name" : "Computer Science 101",
"coursePrice" : 0,
"coursetype" : "offline"
"courseId" : "57fc31f443fa1fe885d3ad64",
"userInfo" : [
"status" : "requested",
"firstName" : "asdasd",
"dob" : "2015-03-23T18:30:00.000Z",
"lastName" : "aasdasd",
"userId" : "RQ-WqEXBkjv5",
"eMail" : ""
"userCount" : 1,
"coursePrice" : 0,
"Name" : "Introduction to Haptics: Self-Paced",
"coursetype" : "offline"
"companyId" : ObjectId("54128cc57525614f6e3e710a"),
"createdDate" : ISODate("2015-03-23T11:26:29.027Z"),
"updatedDate" : ISODate("2015-03-24T15:00:33.248Z"),
"crmId" : ObjectId("660ab20bd4f9075d40a10d52"),
"urmId" : ObjectId("660ab20bd4f9075d40a10d52"),
"activeFlag" : 0,
"customCompanyCode" : "baa-106",
"status" : "Pending approval"}
From above document i have to get the users who have the status "Approved" in userInfo object which exists inside this document. I have created one query but this will output all the users who have different status.My query look like below,
db.clnTrainingRequest.find({companyId:ObjectId('54128cc57525614f6e3e710a'), "orderDetails.userInfo.status":{$in:['Approved']}}).toArray()
Please any one help me to sort out this issue
You can use aggregation. You need to $unwind orderDetails and the userInfo arrays and then use the $match to get users with status Approved
[ { "$match": { "companyId": ObjectId('54128cc57525614f6e3e710a') },
{ "$unwind": "$orderDetails" },
{ "$unwind": "$orderDetails.userInfo" },
{ "$match": { "orderDetails.userInfo.status": "Approved" }}