Fading 2 sounds in Wed Audio API - web-audio-api

I'm trying to fade out 2 sounds at the same time in the piano app on this page:
I'm using the "voices" approach and the exponential fadeout is working fine in single-note mode;
vca.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, audioContext.currentTime + 1);
oscillator.stop(audioContext.currentTime + 1);
However, after choosing "Combined signal: yes" (where you hear a 220 Hz note plus the note played), the above will fade out the non-220 Hz note correctly, but the fundamental A-220 plays at full volume for the whole 1-second duration after key up. It's ugly, especially on small speakers.
I've disabled the fadeout for now in the "combined" case (both sounds just stop immediately, which is better than having one not fade at all.)
This is the function called on key up:
function doUp(thisKey, e) {
if(audioContext) {
for(i=-1; i<18; i++) {
if( typeof(active_voices['key'+i]) != "undefined") {
delete active_voices['key'+i];
audioOn = false;
I have tried changing the first line of the middle "if" to the following, but it didn't improve things:
active_voices['key'+i].stop(audioContext.currentTime + 1);
How to fade out 2 voices at the same time?


How to get current frame from Animated Tile/Tilemap.animationFrameRate in Unity

I am using tilemaps and animated tiles from the 2dExtras in unity.
My tiles have 6 frames, at speed=2f, and my tilemap frame rate is 2.
New tiles placed always start on frame 1 and then immediately jump to the current frame of the other tiles already placed, the tilemap is keeping every tile at the same pace, which is working as I want.
However I would like the newly placed tiles to start at the frame the others are currently on,(instead of placing a tile that jumps from frame 1 to frame 4) I would like the new tile to start on frame 4
I've found how to pick the frame I want to start on, however I am having trouble retrieving which frame the animation is currently on, so I was wondering how exactly can I access the current frame of animation of a given tilemap ( Or a given tile, I can create a dummy tile and just read the info out of it, how can I get the current frame of an animated tile? )
The animated tilemaps feature seems to lack the feature to retrieve this information, also when I try tilemap.getsprite it always returns the first frame of the sequence(does not return the sprite currently displayed), and there doesn't seem to be any method to poll info from tilemap.animationFrameRate.
I thought another method would be to set a clock and sync it to the rate of the animation but since I can't get the exact framerate duration the clock eventually goes out of sync.
Any help would be appreciated!
I found a way to solve this question. But it's not 100% insurance.
First of all, I used SuperTile2Unity. That doesn't seem to be the point.
private void LateUpdate()
// I use this variable to monitor the run time of the game
this.totalTime += Time.deltaTime;
private void func()
// ...
TileBase[] currentTiles = tilemap.GetTilesBlock(new BoundsInt(new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(x, y, 1)));
Dictionary<string, Sprite> tempTiles = new Dictionary<string, Sprite>();
//I use SuperTiled2Unity. But it doesn't matter, the point is to find animated tile
foreach (SuperTiled2Unity.SuperTile tile in currentTiles)
if (tile == null)
if (tile.m_AnimationSprites.Length > 1 && !tempTiles.ContainsKey(tile.name))
// find animated tile current frame
// You can easily find that the way SuperTile2Unity is used to process animation is to generate a sprite array based on the time of each frame set by Tiled animation and the value of AnimationFrameRate parameter.
// The length of array is always n times of AnimationFrameRate. You can debug to find this.
tempTiles.Add(tile.name, tile.m_AnimationSprites[GetProbablyFrameIndex(tile.m_AnimationSprites.Length)]);
private int GetProbablyFrameIndex(int totalFrame)
//According to the total running time and the total length of tile animation and AnimationFrameRate, the approximate frame index can be deduced.
int overFrameTime = (int)(totalTime * animationFrameRate);
return overFrameTime % totalFrame;
I have done some tests. At least in 30 minutes, there will be no deviation in animations, but there may be a critical value. If the critical time is exceeded, there may be errors. It depends on the size of AnimationFrameRate and the accumulation mode of totalTime. After all, we don't know when and how the unity deals with animatedTile.
You could try using implementation presented in [1] which looks as follows:
MyAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.length * (MyAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime % 1) * MyAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.frameRate;
[1] https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/165289/how-to-fetch-a-frame-number-from-animation-clip

Sprite Kit: Waiting to call a function until condition X is met

I'm working on a game (top-down shooter) and have run into a bit of a snag. Up to this point, I've spawned enemies with functions that just work with delays:
Wave One Function - Delay 3, spawn enemies //
Wave Two Function - Delay 6, spawn enemies
I do this because I haven't found a way to wait for all actions in a given function to complete before calling the next - as things stand, functionWaveOne calls functionWaveTwo, which calls functionWaveThree (etc).
This has worked until now. What's changed is I want two enemies to remain on-screen and until they're dead, I don't want the next wave to come. My initial solution to this was to have a running count of how many enemies died in wave four:
Detect collision -> Apply Damage -> Check if dead -> If yes, deadWaveFourEnemies++
Here's my problem: I have a primary weapon that's two parallel lasers, so they have potential to collide with an enemy at exactly the same time. This results in false positives, making the dead enemy count go higher than it should. I even tried adding an "am I alive" function to the enemy class, but to no avail.
Have any of you got a recommendation on how to either call functions in a better way or to get around these false positives? Thanks!
In case it helps:
if([enemySprite.name isEqual: #"shooter"]){
enemyShooter *enemyClass = (enemyShooter *)enemySprite;
itDied = [enemyClass doDamageWithAmount:secondaryWeaponDamage];
scoreIncrease = [enemyClass getScoreIncrease];
stillAlive = [enemyClass amIAlive];
[weaponSprite removeFromParent];
[self increasePlayerScoreBy:scoreIncrease];
if(inWaveFour == 1 && stillAlive == 1){
NSLog(#"Seconday / Number killed: %i", waveFourKilled);

Trying to pinpoint 4 coordinates out of a region

I created a simple macro for Piano Tiles 2 just to see if I could automate it indefinitely.
My code here:
search = true
region = {100, 500, 500, 1}
while search do
findColorTap(0, 1, region);
findColorTap(258, 1, region);
findColorTap(16758018, 1, region);
Works for all three tiles.
--0 being jet black notes
--258 being hold notes which have a smaller "hitbox"
--16758018 being extra notes which have an even small "hitbox"
Currently the script will check every color on the screen in a 1pixel horizontal line from start to finish (100->500), and when it returns with the color I need, it will tap that pixel once.
I'm curious how to take just 4 points from the region and check those just the same.
I'm also curious if the above is possible, would Lua be able to compile the script faster or slower than checking the region.
My thoughts would be that once findColorTap returns the value I need. The other checks are essentially wasting valuable time. But, I also know that the more intricate the code gets, the harder my phone has to work to process these commands.
I have tried:
Example 1
check = true
while check do
note1 = getColor(80,500)
note2 = getColor(240,500)
note3 = getColor(400,500)
note4 = getColor(560,500)
while check do
if note1 == 0 then
elseif note1 == 258 then
elseif note1 == 16758018 then
This ends up either not reading any notes at all or when it does catch it falls out of sync with the game.
Example 2
function fct(startX, maxX, y, increment)
for x=startX,maxX,160 do
if check == 0 then
v = true
fct(80,560,500) until
v == false
This one was checking correctly and much faster, but was tapping in the wrong locations.
The other checks are essentially wasting valuable time. But, I also know that the more intricate the code gets, the harder my phone has to work to process these commands.
The "other checks" you're calling are vastly more intricate than anything in your code.
You don't need to worry about how many lines of code you have, you need to worry about computationally expensive ones being executed a lot.
would Lua be able to compile the script faster or slower than checking the region.
You mean run faster. Compiling is done once on startup, and doesn't affect run speed.
And yes, it will be faster to check 4 pixels than hundreds of pixels.
I have tried
Saying what you've tried does us no good unless you tell us why it didn't work.
while check do
note1 = getColor(80,500)
note2 = getColor(240,500)
note3 = getColor(400,500)
note4 = getColor(560,500)
while check do
if note1 == 0 then
elseif note1 == 258 then
elseif note1 == 16758018 then
This looks like it will never leave the first loop (unless you're setting check inside getColor).
Also, every branch in the second loop produces the exactly same tap.
It's hard to tell what you're asking, but if the goal is to check the color at specified locations, then tap at another specified location depending on the color you found, you could do something like this:
-- which points to check
points = {
{ x= 80, y=500 },
{ x=240, y=500 },
{ x=400, y=500 },
{ x=560, y=500 },
-- map a found color to a resulting tap point
tapPoints = {
[0] = { x=80, y=500 }, -- these
[258] = { x=80, y=500 }, -- should
[16758018] = { x=80, y=500 }, -- be different!
while check do
for checkPoint in ipairs(points) do
local note = getColor(checkPoint.x, checkPoint.y)
local tapPoint = tapPoints[note]
tap(tapPoint.x, tapPoint.y)

Create custom transition in Corona SDK

I went through the docs and couldn't find anything.
Is it possible to create a custom transition?
I have to simulate a throw with custom easing etc.
In cocos2d I was able to just create a custom action, with corona I'm puzzled.
The docs are quite silent on the topic. However, if you do some trying out, you will find out that a custom easing function takes four parameters (only nil from the fifth parameter and up). Some playing around reveals that a custom easing function looks like this:
function easer(currentTime, duration, startValue, targetDelta)
currentTime / duration: duration is self-explanatory, and currentTime is simply [0..duration] during the course of the transition.
startValue: Snapshot of the value at the beginning of the transition.
targetDelta: This is the value of the target-value, minus the startValue, i.e. the distance the easing-function "has to walk"
Annotated Example
Say you have the following code:
foo.frob = 1
transition.to(foo, {time=1001, frob=0.25})
I.e., you want a transition of foo.frob of [1..0.25]. Then:
function easer(currentTime, duration, startValue, targetDelta)
-- currentTime: [0..1001]
-- duration: 1001
-- startValue: 1
-- targetDelta: to-from = 0.25-1 = -0.75
return startValue + (currentTime/duration) * targetDelta -- a linear interpolator
Return Value
The return value should be startValue in the beginning, and startValue+targetDelta at the end. It is perfectly allowed to leave that range; however, once the transition stops, it automatically becomes startValue+targetDelta, so make it startValue and startValue+targetDelta at the beginning and end.
But you can be creative between the start and end, and let the function bounce back and forth, for example, like some of the included easing functions already do.
Well the answer is in the docs.
One of the params to transition.to is easing, which can be a custom function.

Discursive UIAlertView animation while continuous animation?

I'm trying to write a little app, where on the main screen, I animate a flying "bubble". This animation has to be continuous. (I reuse the bubbles, which fly off the screen) I heard that animations have to run on the main thread, as does every operation which changes the UI. Is this true? When I try to show a UIAlertView on this screen, it's animation becomes very discursive because of the continuous bubble animation. (this is a custom alertview with an indicator) The device is an iPhone 4, so I don't think it should be a problem to show a normal UIAlertView.
And I would like to ask if I use the correct method for the bubble animation. So first of all, I use an NSTimer, which invokes the startAnimation method in every 0.01 seconds (I start it in the controller's viewDidAppear: method). In the startAnimation method, at first I generate bubbles with random x and y coordinates (to see bubbles on the screen right after the viewdidappear), and I generate bubbles on the bottom with random x and y = 460 coordinates. In the startAnimation method, I run a counter (called frames), and when the value of this counter equals 35, I call the bubble generate method again.
The problem:
I store the generated bubbles in an array, and the 'gone' bubbles (which are off the screen) in another array. First I try to reuse the bubbles in the gonebubbles array, then if the array is run out, I generate new bubbles. While this operation is processed, the continuous animation stops, then continues. The break is about one second, but this is very disturbing.
Can anyone help in this problem? Thanks in advice, madik
- (void)viewDidAppear {
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.01 target:self selector:#selector(startAnimation) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
- (void)startAnimation {
self.current = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
double diff = (self.start - self.current);
if ( diff < 0 ) {
diff = (-1) * diff;
self.start = self.current;
if ( shouldMoveBubbles ) {
[mug moveBubbles:diff];
if ( frames == 35 ) {
DebugLog(#"####################### FRAME = 35 ###########################");
[mug createNewBubbleOnTheBottomOfView:self.view];
frames = 0;
In the Mug class:
- (void)moveBubbles:(double)millisElapsed {
for (Bubble *bubble in bubbles) {
int bubbleSpeed = bubble.speed;
float deltaX = (float)(bubbleSpeed * -degrees_sinus * millisElapsed * 100);
float deltaY = (float)(bubbleSpeed * -degrees_cosinus * millisElapsed);
DebugLog(#"movebubbles x: %f, y:%f, speed: %d, sin:%f, cos:%f", deltaX, deltaY, bubbleSpeed, degrees_sinus, degrees_cosinus);
[bubble moveBubbleX:deltaX Y:deltaY];
And in the Bubble class:
- (void)moveBubbleX:(float)deltaX Y:(float)deltaY {
self.bubbleImage.center = CGPointMake(self.bubbleImage.center.x + deltaX, self.bubbleImage.center.y + deltaY);
This sounds like a memory problem. Slow UIAlertView animation is a sure sign of this. It sounds like the way you are generating bubbles is causing the problem. You mentioned the you keep two arrays of bubbles. You never say if you limit the number of bubbles that can be in either array at once. You also don't mention when you clean up these bubbles. It sounds like a memory "black hole". I'd recommend setting a maximum number of bubbles that you can show on screen at once.
Also, you mention a custom alert view. If you're modifying the UIAlertView, you're going to run into problems since that's not officially supported. Additionally, I've seen UIAlertView animation become slow when memory is tight. If you solve the memory issues with your bubbles, you'll probably solve this one too.
Finally, a word of advice. Making an animated game in UIKit is probably not a good idea. NSTimers are not as accurate as many people would like to think. UIImages are relatively expensive to load. Touching moving buttons is known to be unreliable at worst, hackish at best. I suggest looking into a game framework, such as Cocos2d-iphone.
Good luck!