Sprite Kit: Waiting to call a function until condition X is met - sprite-kit

I'm working on a game (top-down shooter) and have run into a bit of a snag. Up to this point, I've spawned enemies with functions that just work with delays:
Wave One Function - Delay 3, spawn enemies //
Wave Two Function - Delay 6, spawn enemies
I do this because I haven't found a way to wait for all actions in a given function to complete before calling the next - as things stand, functionWaveOne calls functionWaveTwo, which calls functionWaveThree (etc).
This has worked until now. What's changed is I want two enemies to remain on-screen and until they're dead, I don't want the next wave to come. My initial solution to this was to have a running count of how many enemies died in wave four:
Detect collision -> Apply Damage -> Check if dead -> If yes, deadWaveFourEnemies++
Here's my problem: I have a primary weapon that's two parallel lasers, so they have potential to collide with an enemy at exactly the same time. This results in false positives, making the dead enemy count go higher than it should. I even tried adding an "am I alive" function to the enemy class, but to no avail.
Have any of you got a recommendation on how to either call functions in a better way or to get around these false positives? Thanks!
In case it helps:
if([enemySprite.name isEqual: #"shooter"]){
enemyShooter *enemyClass = (enemyShooter *)enemySprite;
itDied = [enemyClass doDamageWithAmount:secondaryWeaponDamage];
scoreIncrease = [enemyClass getScoreIncrease];
stillAlive = [enemyClass amIAlive];
[weaponSprite removeFromParent];
[self increasePlayerScoreBy:scoreIncrease];
if(inWaveFour == 1 && stillAlive == 1){
NSLog(#"Seconday / Number killed: %i", waveFourKilled);


How do I randomly spawn enemies(Kinematicbod) in Vector3

I am making my first 3d fps in Godot and I don't understand how to spawn enemies in a general area. If someone could show me a tutorial or something that would be great.
Make a scene with only your enemy character, Give it control scripts as needed (movement, etc), and save it as a scene (Ex: myEnemy.tscn).
In your main script (or wherever you're calling it from), load the enemy scene and store it as a variable by writing:
onready var loadedEnemy = preload("res://myEnemy.tscn")
Then in your _process() or _ready() function (depending on what you need it for):
Instance the enemy by writing
var enemy = loadedEnemy.instance()
Add the instance to the scene with
3.Specify the location of the enemy placement. For a random placement somewhere in a 10 x 10 area on the ground level (Y=0) by writing
enemy.transform.origin = Vector3( rand_range(0,10), 0, rand_range(0,10) )
You can also specify rotation with
enemy.transform.basis = Vector3(90deg, 0, 0) (example)
You can add more enemies by repeating these steps beginning from var enemy = loadedEnemy.instance() (Ex: The next enemy would be var enemy2 = loadedEnemy.instance())
If you need them to appear at different times, add them in the on_timer_timeout() function of a different Timer nodes.
Good Luck

Context leak detected, msgtracer returned -1 (Swift 3)

Running Xcode 8.2 on a Swift Playground. It's also making Xcode not respond. This is the error I'm getting.
Context leak detected, msgtracer returned -1
I've traced the problem to these lines of code
while (true){
let rotate = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: angle - CGFloat(M_PI_2), duration: 1)
When I comment out the while loop and leave just the inside it works fine.
The while (true){ part will make that loop execute forever and your code probably will not proceed beyond that point. If you want an action to repeat forever there is an SKAction method for that - take a look at repeat.
If you remove the while (true){ condition and instead use a repeat action, I believe your code should run fine.
#Fahim is 100% correct, by the code posted you are stuck in an endless loop. So the question for you is how to get out of it?
The question for you is - how to make this loop do what you need. I'll guess that you want to change the condition to something like while (someVar == true) and put in a condition inside your loop to change someVar to false. But only you know what that condition is. The syntax would be:
let someVar = true
while (someVar == true){
let rotate = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: angle - CGFloat(M_PI_2), duration: 1)
if someCondition == isMet { // THIS IS FOR YOU TO DECIDE!
someVar = false
I ended up rewriting it completely and using SKAction.repeatForever to run an SKAction (to rotate) and that terminated only if the condition was false.
SKAction.repeatForever (
SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.1),
let angle = atan2(self.point.y - crank.position.y , self.point.x - crank.position.x)
let rotate = SKAction.rotate(toAngle: angle - CGFloat(M_PI_2), duration: 0.25)
if(!(crank.frame.contains(self.point))) {
self.removeAction(forKey: "New Thread")
withKey: "New Thread"
I think the existing answers are missing the point here. You have two "threads" you are dealing with: the active thread running the routine (which will keep pumping new rotate actions onto the actions list for the node as fast as it can) and the action processing thread (which is really not a "thread" per se but can be imagined as one for the purpose of this question) which is where the rotate actions are actually executed.
Essentially, in a given timeslice, the "main" execution thread might pump 100k "rotate" actions onto your node's action list, and the SpriteKit engine will process all of them at the same time as efficiently as it can (I believe by removing duplicate actions but I'm not positive on that).
The effect is that you are doing a lot more work than you have to, and burning CPU in both your spin loop and in the SKAction processing code trying to recover from the millions of actions added to the node every time it comes up to process.
Replace it with a repeat action, as Fahim suggested, and you'll be good. Then you just need a trigger of some sort to stop the action (give it a name to end just the one action, or stop all actions on this node when the trigger fires).
I solve this problem using more singletong. For example SKView() inside the loop in singletong.

Multiple for loops executing at the same time? Swift

Basically I am creating a game that spawns a ball after a certain amount of time has passed. However, as time goes on and the player score increases, balls that are more difficult to kill will spawn.
Prior to this, all the spawn methods I have set in place function as I would like them to, but they were contained in a switch statement that calculated the probability a ball would spawn.
let spawnProbability = arc4random_uniform(100)
switch spawnProbability {
case 0…60: //60% spawn chance
//spawn small ball
case 61…90: //~30% spawn chance
//spawn medium ball
case 91…100: //~9% chance
//spawn large ball
This worked as a plan B, but I'd like to implement what I originally had designed which was the method described above.
My thought process to accomplish what I originally had in mind is:
for loop that spawns small balls until the score counter reached a certain amount
after the score counter reached, say, 100pts, another for loop would be executed in addition to the first loop. So, medium and small balls spawn after a delay.
after the score counter reached another mark, large balls would begin to spawn on top of medium balls and small balls.
Here's what I mean: (pseudocode again)
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//spawn small ball
if score >= 100 {
for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
//spawn medium ball
// . . . and so on
I've put alot of thought into how I could accomplish what I want but I can't come up with a better approach to this problem. I understand why this isn't working and why multiple for loops can't be executed with delay in the same class at the same time (or maybe they can and I'm just going about it in the wrong way) but I'm stuck in the sense that I don't know a better way to implement the spawn technique that I want.. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Why are methods sometimes called more than once in collision checking?

Like many game programmers in SpriteKit, I use collision detection between certain objects to call methods or set properties. However, sometimes my actions happen twice in a collision. Here is an example from inside my didBeginContact method:
uint32_t collision = (contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask | contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask);
if (collision == (WWPhysicsCategoryShip | WWPhysicsCategoryWeapon)) {
SKNode *weapon = (contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask == WWPhysicsCategoryWeapon) ? contact.bodyA.node : contact.bodyB.node;
[weapon removeFromParent];
_localPlayerHP = _localPlayerHP - 5;
NSLog(#"My Health is now at %i.", _localPlayerHP);
You'll notice that my ship's health is decreased by 5 and the enemy weapon that contacted the ship is removed. But when testing the game, I find that my ship's health is often reduced by 10, in increments of 5 (indicating that my decrease health method has fired more than once). I find this odd since the weapon is removed on first contact. How can I ensure that my health is only decreased by 5 once per contact?
Maybe you can try this
if weapon.parent != nil {
_localPlayerHP = _localPlayerHP - 5;
This question talks about another way by making the ship invulnerable for a few seconds after it gets hit.
didBeginContact is being called multiple times for the same SKPhysicsBody

Discursive UIAlertView animation while continuous animation?

I'm trying to write a little app, where on the main screen, I animate a flying "bubble". This animation has to be continuous. (I reuse the bubbles, which fly off the screen) I heard that animations have to run on the main thread, as does every operation which changes the UI. Is this true? When I try to show a UIAlertView on this screen, it's animation becomes very discursive because of the continuous bubble animation. (this is a custom alertview with an indicator) The device is an iPhone 4, so I don't think it should be a problem to show a normal UIAlertView.
And I would like to ask if I use the correct method for the bubble animation. So first of all, I use an NSTimer, which invokes the startAnimation method in every 0.01 seconds (I start it in the controller's viewDidAppear: method). In the startAnimation method, at first I generate bubbles with random x and y coordinates (to see bubbles on the screen right after the viewdidappear), and I generate bubbles on the bottom with random x and y = 460 coordinates. In the startAnimation method, I run a counter (called frames), and when the value of this counter equals 35, I call the bubble generate method again.
The problem:
I store the generated bubbles in an array, and the 'gone' bubbles (which are off the screen) in another array. First I try to reuse the bubbles in the gonebubbles array, then if the array is run out, I generate new bubbles. While this operation is processed, the continuous animation stops, then continues. The break is about one second, but this is very disturbing.
Can anyone help in this problem? Thanks in advice, madik
- (void)viewDidAppear {
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.01 target:self selector:#selector(startAnimation) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
- (void)startAnimation {
self.current = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
double diff = (self.start - self.current);
if ( diff < 0 ) {
diff = (-1) * diff;
self.start = self.current;
if ( shouldMoveBubbles ) {
[mug moveBubbles:diff];
if ( frames == 35 ) {
DebugLog(#"####################### FRAME = 35 ###########################");
[mug createNewBubbleOnTheBottomOfView:self.view];
frames = 0;
In the Mug class:
- (void)moveBubbles:(double)millisElapsed {
for (Bubble *bubble in bubbles) {
int bubbleSpeed = bubble.speed;
float deltaX = (float)(bubbleSpeed * -degrees_sinus * millisElapsed * 100);
float deltaY = (float)(bubbleSpeed * -degrees_cosinus * millisElapsed);
DebugLog(#"movebubbles x: %f, y:%f, speed: %d, sin:%f, cos:%f", deltaX, deltaY, bubbleSpeed, degrees_sinus, degrees_cosinus);
[bubble moveBubbleX:deltaX Y:deltaY];
And in the Bubble class:
- (void)moveBubbleX:(float)deltaX Y:(float)deltaY {
self.bubbleImage.center = CGPointMake(self.bubbleImage.center.x + deltaX, self.bubbleImage.center.y + deltaY);
This sounds like a memory problem. Slow UIAlertView animation is a sure sign of this. It sounds like the way you are generating bubbles is causing the problem. You mentioned the you keep two arrays of bubbles. You never say if you limit the number of bubbles that can be in either array at once. You also don't mention when you clean up these bubbles. It sounds like a memory "black hole". I'd recommend setting a maximum number of bubbles that you can show on screen at once.
Also, you mention a custom alert view. If you're modifying the UIAlertView, you're going to run into problems since that's not officially supported. Additionally, I've seen UIAlertView animation become slow when memory is tight. If you solve the memory issues with your bubbles, you'll probably solve this one too.
Finally, a word of advice. Making an animated game in UIKit is probably not a good idea. NSTimers are not as accurate as many people would like to think. UIImages are relatively expensive to load. Touching moving buttons is known to be unreliable at worst, hackish at best. I suggest looking into a game framework, such as Cocos2d-iphone.
Good luck!