COPY command not found in postgres dockerize - postgresql

I am trying to COPY data from CSV to container
From postgres container shell
copy command not found
also tried \copy
but createdb and dropdb works for me.

COPY is not a bash shell command, it's a command run within the psql database query shell.


psql faild to restor file from network drive

i have a dump file on drive z (network drive)
im opening the psql from PgAdmin4
this is the command that im writeing:
psql -U postgres -d postgres -f Z:\DB_BU\md_20220729.sql
and this is the error that im getting:
Invalid command \DB_BU. Try \? for help.
when im doing this:
psql -U postgres -d postgres -f i\ Z:\DB_BU\md_20220729.sql
Invalid command \DB_BU. Try ? for help.
and when im doing this:
psql -U postgres -d postgres -f "Z:\DB_BU\md_20220729.sql"
im not getting any error but also its not restoring the file. how can i restor the file?
You're trying to call psql from within psql or PGAdmin. Since
psql is a standalone program, not an SQL command you can run in PGAdmin SQL window or psql's own, internal meta-command you're getting the error
Invalid command \DB_BU. Try \? for help
indicating that there was an attempt to interpret your entire command as a SQL query or an internal command and that this attempt failed.
You can open "psql tool" from within PGAdmin but your command won't work there either because it's trying to call psql itself, with some command-line options, which you cannot do when you're already inside an interactive psql session. The command
psql -U postgres -d postgres -f Z:\DB_BU\md_20220729.sql
can be used outside psql and PGAdmin, in your terminal, like zsh on Mac, sh/bash on Linux, cmd or PowerShell on Windows, where psql is installed and visible, along with your network path.
If you're able to open the psql tool window in PGAdmin, you can instead try and use an internal psql \i meta-command which is basically the same thing as the -f command-line option, but meant for use inside the psql session:
\i "Z:\DB_BU\md_20220729.sql"

Postgres + Docker: pg_dump does not work from outside

I want to setup a cron script that automatically creates dumps from a specific Postgres database running in a Docker container. I know how to execute commands in a container from outside and also am familiar with pg_dump.
Somehow, for my container and database , I can't seem to make it work:
docker exec <container> pg_dump -U postgres <mydb> > /pg-snaps/<mydb>_$(date).sql
I get the following error:
zsh: no such file or directory: /pg-snaps/<mydb>_<date>.sql
The directory /pg-snaps exists. I can execute the same command inside the container, and it works. I have no idea why it doesn't work with docker exec. I looked up the methodology on how to do this, and it suggests the same as I want to do. Adding " " around the command to be executed also results in a 'no such file or directory'.
try this example:
docker exec -it <container> sh -c 'pg_dump -U postgres <mydb> > /pg-snaps/<mydb>_$(date).sql'

Running PostgreSQL commands from anywhere on the terminal

First off, let me say that I'm new to both using Mac and PostgreSQL. I just installed Postgres using their installer and it was installed in /Library/Postgres/... when I tried running createdb from the terminal it returned an error createdb: command not found. I ended up using /library/postgresql/9.6/bin/createdb before I coud get it to work.
Here's my question, how do I set it so that I don't have to type in the full path again to use the createdb command.
I'd love a detailed explanation.
First you need to execute the psql command to get into the postgresql interacive shell.
In your terminal:
Postgresql interactive shell should start. In this shell
> createdb yourdatabasename;
Btw: If psql is not found you will probably need to add it to your path and restart your terminal, something like this with the path matching your machine:
export PATH=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.5/bin:$PATH

Is there a way to use 'COPY' command(PostgreSQL) in windows cli?

Trying to use 'copy' command of PostgreSQL in windows cli command:
COPY myTable FROM value.txt (DELIMITER('|'));
I can't find 'copy' executable file in bin directory.
Can you let me know how can I run 'copy' command in cli?
My windows application is going to use the 'Copy' feature.
Need to run it directly from Application.
Thanks in advance.
I could manage to see my required result with following approach.
psql.exe -f copy.sql -p 5433 -U user -s postgres
\copy TARGET_TABLE FROM source.txt (DELIMITER('#'));
You have the right command (COPY), but you need to begin an interactive session with Postgres if you want use the COPY command from the Windows command line.
psql -U username yourdb
This should leave you at a prompt looking like the following:
Now you can use the COPY command and it should work:
COPY myTable FROM value.txt (DELIMITER('|'))
The problem you were having is that COPY is not a Windows executable program, it is a Postgres command which is only understood by Postgres.
For loading Json use the below command-
\COPY myTable (data) FROM '~specifypath/data.json';
data is the column where you want to push the json

Unable to restore the postgresql data through command prompt

I am trying to restore the postgres sql data from a file . I am trying to do so but it is not importing .
Here is the command which i am using:
postgres-# psql -hlocalhost -p5432 -u postgres -d test -f C:/wamp/www/test/database_backups/backup004.sql
Please help me what I am doing wrong .
I am using windows and the above command does not throws any error but it does not import data.
The only immediate thing I can see there is the capitilsation of -u for username (should be -U).
Correction: You're typing the command line into the psql shell.
You should exit to the CMD.EXE shell, and try the command there. With the correct capitalisation of -U, by the way.
OR, use this to replay the script into that psql shell:
\i C:/wamp/www/test/database_backups/backup004.sql
The forward slashes don't cause a problem on my Windows machine.