Detecting repetitions in Conway's game of life - conways-game-of-life

This is a bit of a theoretical question. In a programming assignment, we have been told to implement the Game of Life by John Conway. As an additional task, we've been asked to modify the program so that it can detect repetitions of patterns for periods up to four generations. For example, the program should behave like this, given this specific "seed" to the game:
| | 
| OOO |
| | 
| |
| |
| 0 | 
| 1 |
| 0 | 
| |
| |
| | 
| O2O |
| | 
| |
| |
Repetition detected (2): exiting
Indicating that the program repeated itself and that the period was 2 generations long.
My question is this. Is it possible to really know when a program is simply repeating the same pattern over and over again? I've heard of the "Halting problem". Is this related to that?
Now, if it indeed is possible, how can the program that the teachers seem to be running seem to be able to detect it after just one repetition? Second, is it really reasonable to expect students of a basic programming course to write a program that detects repeating patterns in the Game of Life? I have a feeling that what they mean to say is "modify your program to exit when the same state is reached twice within a 4 generation window" which seems to me like an entirely different matter than to detect if the pattern will truly repeat itself forever.
Here's what the specification says:
You are to modify the program to detect a repetition of a previous pattern. Your program should be able to detect repeating patterns with periods of up to four generations. When such a repetitions is discovered, the program should exit with a different message:
Period detected (4): exiting
replacing the "Finished" message, with the length of the period indicated by the number in brackets. The repeated pattern should be printed before exiting.

Is it possible to really know when a program is simply repeating the same pattern over and over again?
Conway's Game of Life is 100% deterministic, which means that no matter when you encounter a pattern, you always know exactly what the next evolution of the pattern will be. On top of this, a given input in one generation will always result in one specific output for the next generation, regardless of when that input is received.
So to find periods in the evolution of the state, all you'd have to do is detect when/if a duplicate state appears; at that moment, you know you've found a cycle. I'm going to write my example code in C++, but any language which has a "Hash Table" or similar data structure can use the same basic algorithms.
//We're expressly defining a grid as a 50x50 grid.
typedef std::array<std::array<bool, 50>, 50> Conway_Grid;
struct Conway_Hash {
size_t operator()(Conway_Grid const& grid) const {
size_t hash = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {for(int j = 0; j < grid[i].size(); j++) {
hash += (i * 50 + j);
//I make no guarantees as to the quality of this hash function...
return hash;
struct Conway_Equal {
bool operator()(Conway_Grid const& g1, Conway_Grid const& g2) const {
for(int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++) {for(int j = 0; j < grid[i].size(); j++) {
if(g1[i][j] != g2[i][j])
return false;
return true;
typedef int Generation;
std::unordered_map<Conway_Grid, Generation, Conway_Hash, Conway_Equal> cache;
Conway_Grid get_next_gen(Conway_Grid const& grid) {
Conway_Grid next{};
for(int i = 1; i < grid.size() - 1; i++) {for(int j = 1; j < grid[i].size() - 1; j++) {
int neighbors = 0;
for(int x = i - 1; x <= i + 1; x++) { for(int y = j - 1; y <= j + 1; y++) {
if(x == i && y == j) continue;
if(grid[x][y]) neighbors++;
if(grid[i][j] && (neighbors == 2 || neighbors == 3))
next[i][j] = true;
else if(!grid[i][j] && (neighbors == 3))
next[i][j] = true;
return next;
int main() {
Conway_Grid grid{};//Initialized all to false
grid[20][20] = true;
grid[21][20] = true;
grid[22][20] = true;//Blinker
for(Generation gen = 0; gen < 1'000; gen++) { //We'll search a thousand generations
auto it = cache.find(grid);
if(it != cache.end()) {//"Is the grid already in the cache?"
std::cout << "Period found at generation " << gen;
std::cout << ", which was started on generation " << it->second;
std::cout << ", which means the period length is " << gen - it->second << '.' << std::endl;
cache[grid] = gen; //"Inserts the current grid into the cache"
grid = get_next_gen(grid); //"Updates the grid to its next generation"
return 0;
Note that this code actually works for any period length, not just a length less than 4. In the above code, for a blinker (three cells in a row), we get the following result:
Period found at generation 2, which was started on generation 0, which means the period length is 2.
As a sanity check, I decided to import a Gosper Glider Gun to make sure that it worked just as well.
grid[31][21] = true;
grid[29][22] = true;
grid[31][22] = true;
grid[19][23] = true;
grid[20][23] = true;
grid[27][23] = true;
grid[28][23] = true;
grid[41][23] = true;
grid[42][23] = true;
grid[18][24] = true;
grid[22][24] = true;
grid[27][24] = true;
grid[28][24] = true;
grid[41][24] = true;
grid[42][24] = true;
grid[7][25] = true;
grid[8][25] = true;
grid[17][25] = true;
grid[23][25] = true;
grid[27][25] = true;
grid[28][25] = true;
grid[7][26] = true;
grid[8][26] = true;
grid[17][26] = true;
grid[21][26] = true;
grid[23][26] = true;
grid[24][26] = true;
grid[29][26] = true;
grid[31][26] = true;
grid[17][27] = true;
grid[23][27] = true;
grid[31][27] = true;
grid[18][28] = true;
grid[22][28] = true;
grid[19][29] = true;
grid[20][29] = true;
Gosper's Glider Gun doesn't normally have a period, since it creates an infinite number of gliders over time, and the pattern never repeats. But because the grid is bounded, and we simply erase cells on the border of the grid, this pattern will eventually create a repeating pattern, and sure enough, this program finds it:
Period found at generation 119, which was started on generation 59, which means the period length is 60.
(This is doubly good, because the period of just the gun is supposed to be 60)
Note that this is almost certainly not the best solution to this problem, as this solution saves each generated grid in memory, and for larger grids, this will both eat up RAM and CPU cycles. But it's the simplest solution, and you'll likely be able to find a similar solution for whichever programming language you're using.


STM32 - Capable of generating VGA signal?

To be clear, I'm very new to STM32 and MBED programming, but is it possible to create valid VGA signal, using STM32 nucleo-F070RB board? I've picked up this standard, and my goal is to display "something" on screen. With this i mean I should have control which pixel i want to, well, turn on.
For demo, here is my (very crude) sketch:
#include <mbed.h>
DigitalOut led(LED1);
DigitalOut h_sync(PC_3);
DigitalOut v_sync(PC_2);
DigitalOut c_red(PC_0);
int main() {
h_sync = 1;
v_sync = 1;
int line_count = 0;
int color_red = 0;
while(1) {
h_sync = 0;
h_sync = 1;
if (color_red == 16) { color_red = 0; c_red = !c_red; }
if (line_count == 601) v_sync = 0;
if (line_count == 605) v_sync = 1;
if (line_count == 628) { line_count = 0; c_red = 0; color_red = 0; }
I have connected V-Sync to V-Sync of my monitor, same with H-Sync and c_red (color red) through 560Ohm resistor to RED signal. And it (kind of) worked! It displayed red strips every 16 lines. Perfect, but I need to be able to control every pixel (if it's possible). I've seen some VGA libraries (maybe), but i really need to write it myself - something very crude. I just only want to have some sort of control over pixels, not the some super-super something (Just for me to learn :) ). And because I don't have much experience with STMs, after hours i was not able to "convince" my board to generate such "high-speed" signals, so, it is after all possible?
I was using MBED's Ticker function to generate the timing for each pixel, but it did not work - the fastest the Ticker went for me was something around few miliseconds, far too much. Can I use timer interrupts? Or something else?

How to generate a model for my code using boolector?

I'm experimenting a bit with boolector so I'm trying to create model for simple code. Suppose that I have the following pseudo code:
int a = 5;
int b = 4;
int c = 3;
For this simple set of instructions I can create the model and all works fine. The problem is when I have other instructions after that like
b = 10;
c = 20;
Obviously it fails to generate the model because b cannot be equal to 4 and 10 within the same module. One of the maintainer suggested me to use boolector_push and boolector_pop in order to create new Contexts when needed.
The code for boolector_push is :
boolector_push (Btor *btor, uint32_t level)
BTOR_TRAPI ("%u", level);
BTOR_ABORT (!btor_opt_get (btor, BTOR_OPT_INCREMENTAL),
"incremental usage has not been enabled");
if (level == 0) return;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < level; i++)
BTOR_PUSH_STACK (btor->assertions_trail,
BTOR_COUNT_STACK (btor->assertions));
Instead for boolector_pop is
boolector_pop (Btor *btor, uint32_t level)
BTOR_TRAPI ("%u", level);
BTOR_ABORT (!btor_opt_get (btor, BTOR_OPT_INCREMENTAL),
"incremental usage has not been enabled");
BTOR_ABORT (level > BTOR_COUNT_STACK (btor->assertions_trail),
"can not pop more levels (%u) than created via push (%u).",
BTOR_COUNT_STACK (btor->assertions_trail));
if (level == 0) return;
uint32_t i, pos;
BtorNode *cur;
for (i = 0, pos = 0; i < level; i++)
pos = BTOR_POP_STACK (btor->assertions_trail);
while (BTOR_COUNT_STACK (btor->assertions) > pos)
cur = BTOR_POP_STACK (btor->assertions);
btor_hashint_table_remove (btor->assertions_cache, btor_node_get_id (cur));
btor_node_release (btor, cur);
In my opinion, those 2 functions maintains track of the assertions generated using boolector_assert so how is it possible to obtain the final and correct model using boolector_push and boolector_pop considering that the constraints are going to be the same?
What am I missing?
As you suspected, solver's push and pop methods aren't what you're looking for here. Instead, you have to turn the program you are modeling into what's known as SSA (Static Single Assignment) form. Here's the wikipedia article on it, which is quite informative:
The basic idea is that you "treat" your mutable variables as time-varying values, and give them unique names as you make multiple assignments to them. So, the following:
a = 5
b = a + 2
c = b + 3
c = c + 1
b = c + 6
a0 = 5
b0 = a0 + 2
c0 = b0 + 3
c1 = c0 + 1
b1 = c1 + 6
etc. Note that conditionals are tricky to deal with, and generally require what's known as phi-nodes. (i.e., merging the values of branches.) Most compilers do this sort of conversion automatically for you, as it enables many optimizations down the road. You can either do it by hand, or use an algorithm to do it for you, depending on your particular problem.
Here's another question on stack-overflow, that's essentially asking for something similar: Z3 Conditional Statement
Hope this helps!

Sand 3D Printer Slicing Issue

For my doctoral thesis I am building a 3D printer based loosely off of one from the University of Twente:
So far, everything has gone relatively smoothly. The hardware part took longer than expected, but the electronics frighten me a little bit. I can sucessfully jog all the motors and, mechanically, everything does what is supposed to do.
However, now that I am working on the software side, I am getting headaches.
The Pwder people wrote a code that uses Processing to take an .STL file and slice it into layers. Upon running the code, a Processing GUI opens where I can load a model. The model loads fine (I'm using the Utah Teapot) and shows that it will take 149 layers.
Upon hitting "convert" the program is supposed to take the .STL file and slice it into layers, followed by writing a text file that I can then upload to an SD card. The printer will then print directly from the SD card.
However, when I hit "convert" I get an "Array Index Out of Bounds" error. I'm not quite sure what this means.. can anyone enlighten me?
The code can be found below, along with a picture of the error.
Thank you.
// Convert the graphical output of the sliced STL into a printable binary format.
// The bytes are read by the Arduino firmware
PrintWriter output, outputUpper;
int loc;
int LTR = 0;
int lowernozzles = 8;
int uppernozzles = 4;
int nozzles = lowernozzles+uppernozzles;
int printXcoordinate = 120+280; // Left margin 120
int printYcoordinate = 30+190; // Top margin 30
int printWidth = 120; // Total image width 650
int printHeight = 120; // Total image height 480
int layer_size = printWidth * printHeight/nozzles * 2;
void convertModel() {
// Create config file for the printer, trailing comma for convenience
output = createWriter("PWDR/PWDRCONF.TXT"); output.print(printWidth+","+printHeight/nozzles+","+maxSlices+","+inkSaturation+ ",");
int index = 0;
byte[] print_data = new byte[layer_size * 2];
// Steps of 12 nozzles in Y direction
for (int y = printYcoordinate; y < printYcoordinate+printHeight; y=y+nozzles ) {
// Set a variable to know wheter we're moving LTR of RTL
// Step in X direction
for (int x = 0; x < printWidth; x++) {
// Clear the temp strings
String[] LowerStr = {""};
String LowerStr2 = "";
String[] UpperStr = {""};
String UpperStr2 = "";
// For every step in Y direction, sample the 12 nozzles
for ( int i=0; i<nozzles; i++) {
// Calculate the location in the pixel array, use total window width!
// Use the LTR to determine the direction
if (LTR % 2 == 1){
loc = printXcoordinate + printWidth - x + (y+i) * width;
} else {
loc = printXcoordinate + x + (y+i) * width;
if (brightness(pixels[loc]) < 100) {
// Write a zero when the pixel is white (or should be white, as the preview is inverted)
if (i<uppernozzles) {
UpperStr = append(UpperStr, "0");
} else {
LowerStr = append(LowerStr, "0");
} else {
// Write a one when the pixel is black
if (i<uppernozzles) {
UpperStr = append(UpperStr, "1");
} else {
LowerStr = append(LowerStr, "1");
LowerStr2 = join(LowerStr, "");
print_data[index] = byte(unbinary(LowerStr2));
UpperStr2 = join(UpperStr, "");
print_data[index] = byte(unbinary(UpperStr2));
if (sliceNumber >= 1 && sliceNumber < 10){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR000"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 10 && sliceNumber < 100){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR00"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 100 && sliceNumber < 1000){
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR0"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
} else if (sliceNumber >= 1000) {
String DEST_FILE = "PWDR/PWDR"+sliceNumber+".DAT";
File dataFile = sketchFile(DEST_FILE);
if (dataFile.exists()){
saveBytes(DEST_FILE, print_data); // Savebytes directly causes bug under Windows
What's happening is that print_data is smaller than index. (For example, if index is 123, but print_data only has 122 elements.)
Size of print_data is layer_size * 2 or printWidth * printHeight/nozzles * 4 or 4800
Max size of index is printHeight/nozzles * 2 * printWidth or 20*120 or 2400.
This seems alright, so I probably missed something, and it appears to be placing data in element 4800, which is weird. I suggest a bunch of print statements to get the size of print_data and the index.

Finding log2() using sqrt()

This is an interview question I saw on some site.
It was mentioned that the answer involves forming a recurrence of log2() as follows:
double log2(double x )
if ( x<=2 ) return 1;
if ( IsSqureNum(x) )
return log2(sqrt(x) ) * 2;
return log2( sqrt(x) ) * 2 + 1; // Why the plus one here.
as for the recurrence, clearly the +1 is wrong. Also, the base case is also erroneous.
Does anyone know a better answer?
How is log() and log10() actually implemented in C.
Perhaps I have found the exact answers the interviewers were looking for. From my part, I would say it's little bit difficult to derive this under interview pressure. The idea is, say you want to find log2(13), you can know that it lies between 3 to 4. Also 3 = log2(8) and 4 = log2(16),
from properties of logarithm, we know that log( sqrt( (8*16) ) = (log(8) + log(16))/2 = (3+4)/2 = 3.5
Now, sqrt(8*16) = 11.3137 and log2(11.3137) = 3.5. Since 11.3137<13, we know that our desired log2(13) would lie between 3.5 and 4 and we proceed to locate that. It is easy to notice that this has a Binary Search solution and we iterate up to a point when our value converges to the value whose log2() we wish to find. Code is given below:
double Log2(double val)
int lox,hix;
double rval, lval;
hix = 0;
lox =hix-1;
lval = (1<<lox) ;
rval = (1<<hix);
double lo=lox,hi=hix;
// cout<<lox<<" "<<hix<<endl;
//cout<<lval<<" "<<rval;
while( fabs(lval-val)>1e-7)
double mid = (lo+hi)/2;
double midValue = sqrt(lval*rval);
if ( midValue > val)
hi = mid;
rval = midValue;
lval = midValue;
return lo;
It's been a long time since I've written pure C, so here it is in C++ (I think the only difference is the output function, so you should be able to follow it):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const static double CUTOFF = 1e-10;
double log2_aux(double x, double power, double twoToTheMinusN, unsigned int accumulator) {
if (twoToTheMinusN < CUTOFF)
return accumulator * twoToTheMinusN * 2;
else {
int thisBit;
if (x > power) {
thisBit = 1;
x /= power;
thisBit = 0;
accumulator = (accumulator << 1) + thisBit;
return log2_aux(x, sqrt(power), twoToTheMinusN / 2.0, accumulator);
double mylog2(double x) {
if (x < 1)
return -mylog2(1.0/x);
else if (x == 1)
return 0;
else if (x > 2.0)
return mylog2(x / 2.0) + 1;
return log2_aux(x, 2.0, 1.0, 0);
int main() {
cout << "5 " << mylog2(5) << "\n";
cout << "1.25 " << mylog2(1.25) << "\n";
return 0;
The function 'mylog2' does some simple log trickery to get a related number which is between 1 and 2, then call log2_aux with that number.
The log2_aux more or less follows the algorithm that Scorpi0 linked to above. At each step, you get 1 bit of the result. When you have enough bits, stop.
If you can get a hold of a copy, the Feynman Lectures on Physics, number 23, starts off with a great explanation of logs and more or less how to do this conversion. Vastly superior to the Wikipedia article.

Carefully deleting N items from a "circular" vector (or perhaps just an NSMutableArray)

Imagine a std:vector, say, with 100 things on it (0 to 99) currently. You are treating it as a loop. So the 105th item is index 4; forward 7 from index 98 is 5.
You want to delete N items after index position P.
So, delete 5 items after index 50; easy.
Or 5 items after index 99: as you delete 0 five times, or 4 through 0, noting that position at 99 will be erased from existence.
Worst, 5 items after index 97 - you have to deal with both modes of deletion.
What's the elegant and solid approach?
Here's a boring routine I wrote
after:(NSInteger)nn howManyToDelete:(NSInteger)desired
#define ORCO ((NSInteger)[original count])
static NSInteger kount, howManyUntilLoop, howManyExtraAferLoop;
if ( ... our array is NOT a loop ... )
// trivial, if messy...
for ( kount = 1; kount<=desired; ++kount )
if ( (nn+1) >= ORCO )
[original removeObjectAtIndex:( nn+1 )];
else // our array is a loop
// messy, confusing and inelegant. how to improve?
// here we go...
howManyUntilLoop = (ORCO-1) - nn;
if ( howManyUntilLoop > desired )
for ( kount = 1; kount<=desired; ++kount )
[original removeObjectAtIndex:( nn+1 )];
howManyExtraAferLoop = desired - howManyUntilLoop;
for ( kount = 1; kount<=howManyUntilLoop; ++kount )
[original removeObjectAtIndex:( nn+1 )];
for ( kount = 1; kount<=howManyExtraAferLoop; ++kount )
[original removeObjectAtIndex:0];
#undef ORCO
InVariant's second answer leads to the following excellent solution. "starting with" is much better than "starting after". So the routine now uses "start with". Invariant's second answer leads to this very simple solution...
N times do if P < currentsize remove P else remove 0
// exception if removeThisOneFirst > ra highestIndex
// exception if countToDelete is > ra size
// so easy thanks to Invariant:
for ( do this countToDelete times )
if ( removeThisOneFirst < [ra count] )
[ra removeObjectAtIndex:removeThisOneFirst];
[ra removeObjectAtIndex:0];
Toolbox has pointed out the excellent idea of working to a new array - super KISS.
Here's an idea off the top of my head.
First, generate an array of integers representing the indices to remove. So "remove 5 from index 97" would generate [97,98,99,0,1]. This can be done with the application of a simple modulus operator.
Then, sort this array descending giving [99,98,97,1,0] and then remove the entries in that order.
Should work in all cases.
This solution seems to work, and it copies all remaining elements in the vector only once (to their final destination).
Assume kNumElements, kStartIndex, and kNumToRemove are defined as const size_t values.
vector<int> my_vec(kNumElements);
for (size_t i = 0; i < my_vec.size(); ++i) {
my_vec[i] = i;
for (size_t i = 0, cur = 0; i < my_vec.size(); ++i) {
// What is the "distance" from the current index to the start, taking
// into account the wrapping behavior?
size_t distance = (i + kNumElements - kStartIndex) % kNumElements;
// If it's not one of the ones to remove, then we keep it by copying it
// into its proper place.
if (distance >= kNumToRemove) {
my_vec[cur++] = my_vec[i];
my_vec.resize(kNumElements - kNumToRemove);
There's nothing wrong with two loop solutions as long as they're readable and don't do anything redundant. I don't know Objective-C syntax, but here's the pseudocode approach I'd take:
endIdx = after + howManyToDelete
if (Len <= after + howManyToDelete) //will have a second loop
firstloop = Len - after; //handle end in the first loop, beginning in second
firstpass = howManyToDelete; //the first loop will get them all
for (kount = 0; kount < firstpass; kount++)
remove after+1
for ( ; kount < howManyToDelete; kount++) //if firstpass < howManyToDelete, clean up leftovers
remove 0
This solution doesn't use mod, does the limit calculation outside the loop, and touches the relevant samples once each. The second for loop won't execute if all the samples were handled in the first loop.
The common way to do this in DSP is with a circular buffer. This is just a fixed length buffer with two associated counters:
//make sure BUFSIZE is a power of 2 for quick mod trick
#define BUFSIZE 1024
int CircBuf[BUFSIZE];
int InCtr, OutCtr;
void PutData(int *Buf, int count) {
int srcCtr;
int destCtr = InCtr & (BUFSIZE - 1); // if BUFSIZE is a power of 2, equivalent to and faster than destCtr = InCtr % BUFSIZE
for (srcCtr = 0; (srcCtr < count) && (destCtr < BUFSIZE); srcCtr++, destCtr++)
CircBuf[destCtr] = Buf[srcCtr];
for (destCtr = 0; srcCtr < count; srcCtr++, destCtr++)
CircBuf[destCtr] = Buf[srcCtr];
InCtr += count;
void GetData(int *Buf, int count) {
int srcCtr = OutCtr & (BUFSIZE - 1);
int destCtr = 0;
for (destCtr = 0; (srcCtr < BUFSIZE) && (destCtr < count); srcCtr++, destCtr++)
Buf[destCtr] = CircBuf[srcCtr];
for (srcCtr = 0; srcCtr < count; srcCtr++, destCtr++)
Buf[destCtr] = CircBuf[srcCtr];
OutCtr += count;
int BufferOverflow() {
return ((InCtr - OutCtr) > BUFSIZE);
This is pretty lightweight, but effective. And aside from the ctr = BigCtr & (SIZE-1) stuff, I'd argue it's highly readable. The only reason for the & trick is in old DSP environments, mod was an expensive operation so for something that ran often, like every time a buffer was ready for processing, you'd find ways to remove stuff like that. And if you were doing FFT's, your buffers were probably a power of 2 anyway.
These days, of course, you have 1 GHz processors and magically resizing arrays. You kids get off my lawn.
Another method:
N times do {remove entry at index P mod max(ArraySize, P)}
N=5, P=97, ArraySize=100
1: max(100, 97)=100 so remove at 97%100 = 97
2: max(99, 97)=99 so remove at 97%99 = 97 // array size is now 99
3: max(98, 97)=98 so remove at 97%98 = 97
4: max(97, 97)=97 so remove at 97%97 = 0
5: max(96, 97)=97 so remove at 97%97 = 0
I don't program iphone for know, so I image std::vector, it's quite easy, simple and elegant enough:
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <cassert> //no need for using, assert is macro
template<typename T>
void eraseCircularVector(vector<T> & vec, size_t position, size_t count)
assert(count <= vec.size());
if (count > 0)
position %= vec.size(); //normalize position
size_t positionEnd = (position + count) % vec.size();
if (positionEnd < position)
vec.erase(vec.begin() + position, vec.end());
vec.erase(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + positionEnd);
vec.erase(vec.begin() + position, vec.begin() + positionEnd);
int main()
vector<int> values;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
cout << "Values: ";
for (vector<int>::const_iterator cit = values.begin(); cit != values.end(); cit++)
cout << *cit << ' ';
cout << '\n';
eraseCircularVector(values, 5, 1); //remains 9: 0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9
eraseCircularVector(values, 16, 5); //remains 4: 3,4,6,7
cout << "Values: ";
for (vector<int>::const_iterator cit = values.begin(); cit != values.end(); cit++)
cout << *cit << ' ';
cout << '\n';
return 0;
However, you might consider:
creating new loop_vector class, if you use this kind of functionality enough
using list if you perform many deletions (or few deletions (not from end, that's simple pop_back) but large array)
If your container (NSMutableArray or whatever) is not list, but vector (i.e. resizable array), you most definitely don't want to delete items one by one, but whole range (e.g. std::vector's erase(begin, end)!
Edit: reacting to comment, to fully realize what must be done by vector, if you erase element other than the last one: it must copy all values after that element (e.g. 1000 items in array, you erase first, 999x copying (moving) of item, that is very costly).
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
clock_t start, end;
vector<int> vec;
const int items = 64 * 1024;
cout << "using " << items << " items in vector\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < items; ++i) vec.push_back(i);
start = clock();
while (!vec.empty()) vec.erase(vec.begin());
end = clock();
cout << "Inefficient method took: "
<< (end - start) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < items; ++i) vec.push_back(i);
start = clock();
vec.erase(vec.begin(), vec.end());
end = clock();
cout << "Efficient method took: "
<< (end - start) * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
return 0;
Produces output:
using 65536 items in vector
Inefficient method took: 1.705 ms
Efficient method took: 0 ms
Note it's very easy to get inefficient, look e.g. have at