Scala library, Bintray not syncing versions to JCenter - scala

I found a similar issue but couldn't understand any action to take. I have two open-source scala libraries - I published the second one just yesterday. Everything looks good on the Bintray repo, but only one version makes it to jCenter. :
aws-request-signer_2.12/ <-- latest scala version, missing later
reactive-kraken_2.12/ <-- latest scala version, missing later :
Is there a way I can solve this? Thanks.

Thank you for your submitting this issue.
We have managed to resolve the issue you were experiencing. The issue occurred due to a bad link to JCenter.
Usually in order to add packages to JCenter, we add only packages under 'groupID/groupID/artifactID'. Since Scala packages are different and they contain versions of their own we needed to change the link to groupID only without artifactID (groupID/groupID. i.e /io/ticofab).
This means that all artifactIDs (reactive-kraken_2.11, reactive-kraken_2.12, aws-request-signer_2.10, aws-request-signer_2.11, aws-request-signer_2.12) are now approved and synced to JCenter.
We hope this clarifies. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
Best Regards,
Yonatan Brand
JFrog Support


Drools 6.5: java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal class for global. Expected [com.user.PersonAccount], found [com.user.PersonAccount]

I'm using the "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools" dependency in my Grails application for the live reload of the application on code change. The problem is, it seems that this dependency is causing some conflict with drools.
On kieSession.setGlobal(name, value) in my code, I get the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal class for global. Expected [com.user.PersonAccount], found [com.user.PersonAccount]
Removing the "spring-boot-devtools" dependency fixes the issue but I need this dependency for the live reload, it's important in development.
Anyone knows why this dependency is causing this conflict? and what I can do to fix it or as a workaround?
Thanks in advance!
To whoever might have the same issue in future, the issue is already reported and described before: and a fix has been included in drools starting from version 7.26.0.Final (
If you don't want to upgrade to the latest version of drools, there's still a workaround to fix the issue which is already mentioned on the devtools page of spring-boot (
I added META-INF/ with the jars that I want to include in the restart classloader (mainly the drools + kie jars) & the issue is fixed.
When the devtools recompile the class, the byte code no longer matches the byte code from your rules. It's not doing a very good job of warning you, but what it's trying to say is "you are trying to give me a com.user.PersonAccount instance, but it doesn't look like what I know a com.user.PersonAccount instance should look like."
Therefore if you insist on using this tool which will recompile things on the fly, you'll need to also recompile and reload the rules on the fly. Or not use spring-boot-devtools.

Can not run single test after upgrading cucumber-js to v3

I'm upgrading cucumber-js library in my project from v 1.3.2 to 3.0.3.
For now most things work as expected, but I found out that while I'm trying to run a single test scenario old way:
./node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor ./tmp/config/devDirectConnect.js --specs ./features/redirects.feature:20
the whole feature file runs.
Do you know what is a reason and maybe the solution?
The syntax has changed since 1.x, and my answer to this question should also answer this one, as I show the syntactic changes needed to upgrade to 2.x or 3.x in the examples that I give there.
If there are any other syntactical errors, update your question and post a comment below to notify me, and I'll update my answer.
Fix for the issue has been released in cucumber-js 3.1.0:

How to update nuget without changing version

I just published a package to nuget but realize I forgot to include a css file. My versioning is tied to the library I'm packaging (which I don't own) so I can't really increment it.
How do I force a re-push or what's the recommended thing to do in this scenario?
Found out an answer to my own question.
There is apparently no limit on how many version places there are so you can simple append yet another version place.
So for example if the package you're packaging is 0.0.1 you can upload another one

Autofac AggregateService exists in NuGet?

I found Autofac AggregateService awesome but what is the right way to include it in my project: clone it from or use NuGet?
I got used to use NuGet but I can't find nothing about AggegateService there. Any help?
It seems that AggregateService and the other Extras are currently "in limbo". There's been a recent change in that the contributions are now being made part of the same solution as Autofac core, while they were previously a separate solution. From the current build file you can see that extras will be made available as a separate Autofac.Extras package and a separate download from the Autofac page.
Meanwhile, you can use AutofacContrib 2.6.1 or to grab the source and compile a dll yourself.
Btw, thanks for finding AggregateService awesome ;)
Update: actually, reading the build file properly (and looking at the current source structure), the Extras parts will be distributed as individual packages. So expect to find Autofac.Extras.AggregateService on Nuget in the future.

Upgrade N2CMS to latest version collected from github trunk

I am upgrading an old N2CMS website to the newest version released in the trunk (2.2.5 or something like that), following these instructions but i am getting an error when tring to compile the project:
Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
Has anyone done this before and know if there's anything else i should be doing appart from just copying files?
Complete text of this error contains the name of DLL you are missing. Read it carefully and you will find out what DLL you need to add. It could be something like Lucene.dll which was introduced recently (it depends how old your project is).