Max date available in data to title - tableau-api

I wanna put the latest date available in my data to the title. I created a calculated fild max(date). However, it's stuck in measures and not available in the menu when I choose insert in the Title menu.
Any other ideas how to handle this? Thanks!

With this approach I assume that you wanted to add last refreshed datetime to Title. If yes, then you just need to double click on Title and then in Edit Title window click on 'Insert' to select Data Update Time. Content of Edit Title box can be like -
<Sheet Name> refreshed at <Data Update Time>
Now to answer your specific question - I would recommend to create a calculated field max_date as lookup(max([Date]),0) and drag it to 'Detail' Marks. Right click it and select MDY format. After this you should have max_date field in 'Insert' option of Edit Title box. Hope this helps!
Don't forget to let us know if it solved your problem :)

What actually helped to solve the problem is to use LOD. So my calculated field now looks like: {FIXED: MAX(date) }

To get the max date from your dataset you'll want to avoid using FIXED, INCLUDE, or EXCLUDE. The curly braces by themselves will get you what you're after.
Add that calculation to the detail shelf of the marks card so it's available to you in the title.
Once selected you'll see the max date of your dataset in the title.
Remember, it won't be available until you add it to your view.
Hope that helps!

Make another calculated field to convert your MAX date into a string:
Then you'll be able to add this field to your worksheet title.

In my case this issue came up when working on a dashboard and none of the other answers helped.
Create a new worksheet to use as the title in your dashboard.
In the new worksheet, create a new calculation Max([Date]) and drag it to the Text mark. Then click the Text mark and then click the ellipses, and insert the Max([Date]) into your title. Then make sure to hide your worksheet's title by clicking the 'More Options' arrow and clicking 'Title'.
Here is a tutorial to help illustrate.


A way for static "now" in google sheet?

I would like to insert a formula with a checklist. That is, when I check the checklist, I want the date and time when I did it to appear in the cell next to it. Obviously, however, the "now" formula is updated with each click of the checklists, and I want the date when I checked it to remain. How can I enter a static date? if you have to use VBA, how do you open it? would it be google script? help!
i've tried this formula
but it works only if is FALSE....and no data.
Replace your references to now() with lambda(x;x)(now()). Volatile functions (like NOW, RAND,etc.) can be made 'sticky' by encapsulating them in a LAMBDA like this.

How to exclude "others" in my pie chart in Data Studio

I have a pie chart in Data Studio as below:
As you can see from the donut, there is "others" slice which I don't want to see it there, and I want to customize the label to show "python (88%)".
Can anyone share your expertise and enlighten me on how to do it?
Thank you very much.
Following #Jaishree's suggestion, I have selected only the top 10, so there is no "others" now.
however, I still don't get it on how to show the label as "python (88%)"
As you can see, I have two fields in my data source (the table on the left): Category and TagsTotal. There is NO percentage_field.
To show "percentage", all I need to do is switch to "percentage" in the STYLE option:
What I ended up of creating this customized labeling is detailed below for future readers:
Back to the data source, create another field pctg:
round((TagsTotal * 100 / (Select Sum(TagsTotal) From cte)),2) as pctg
for the donut chart, create a new field named my_label
CONCAT(category," (",pctg ,"% )")
add the new field my_label as the Dimension field
change in STYLE to show "label"
Very cumbersome but finally kind of working with the rest to be sorted out:
1. The newly created field is not showing up in the right-side panel as an available field and how to modify it?
2. The legend needs to be customized to display two lines instead of showing a pagina
In Pie chart and donuts chart you can only show 20 slices. The chart shows the results in a sorted way. If you do not want to see others, then you have select only 20 data points.
"python (88%)" If you want to show the labels as "python (88%)" you can add a new field and customize the labels as you want.
You can do that by click on "create new field " then "add new field" and then give a name to the new field in formula type the below code:
CONCAT(category," (",percentage_field,"% )")
To use the above formula you have to create a percentage_field also before, in the same way with percentage formula.

Title of crystal report- can concatinate?

I wanted to find out if there is a possibility to concatenate parameters for the title?
for example:
i have parameter of sysdate and my title of the report is Chani Test i want to see in the title
Chani Test 6.11.2018
is it possible?
I waiting for your answer
If I understand correctly, you can add a textbox and place it where you want the title to show (Remove current title). Then in the textbox type 'Chani Test', add a space and finally drag you sysdate parameter inside the textbox along with the title you just typed
In the image below, you can see the edges of the textbox and my text inside it. Please ignore my Year parameter.

Dynamic Title In Tableau

Looking for a solution to how to show All in Dashboard or sheet title. Along with the Title i am adding Country Name in the title. It works perfectly for individual selection but when all countries are selected i need to show All rather than name of all the countries.
The alternative that gives you the most control is to create a worksheet that displays the text you want, and position this worksheet in place of the title on the dashboard.
Same goes for filters and legends. If you don't like how the stock ones behave, make a worksheet that looks and behaves as you prefer, and use that worksheet as a substitute for the stock filter or legend.
There is an easy fix, i had not selected show "All" Values from the customize filter drop down.

How do I set size of colums in a table subform datasheet view in MS Access

I have a subform bugging me. The mainform contains buttons etc. Everytime the user close/open the form, the columns width is reset to whatever the table likes. If i open the table directly, the size is as i want. If i change it in the subform, it is not saved. (See screendump)
I would like "Phase" to stay about 2 cm width. I can enter the subform and edit the "Width" but that is only applied to the other views.
I hope you can help, Emil.
I realize this post is almost 2 years old, but I ran into the same problem and came across this post.
I am running MS Access 2013 on Windows 7 Ultimate. I did not find the solutions offered here to work for me, so, I set out to find something that would work for me before I went to VBA code. (Incidentally, I appreciate the link offered by #Patrick_Honorez in his comment on the original post because that was going to be my fall-back solution.)
Anyway, here is what worked for me and I hope perhaps it will work for others as well:
Open the parent form.
In the subform, right-click the column header
for the column for which you wish to adjust the width.
Select the “Field Width” item from the context menu.
In the “Column Width” dialog that appears in step 3, enter the desired column width in points, or, use the [Best Fit] button. Then click the [OK] button to close the dialog and return to the form.
Right-click the parent form’s border to bring up the parent form’s context menu. Click the “Save” item in the context menu.
Now close the parent form.
The next time the form is loaded, the column widths should be as set it step 4 above--at least they are for my setup.
I see this post is quite old and OP must have figured someway to tackle the issue. I came across same issue today and found solution on this link.
For anybody else having same issue, use following code (I modified the code a little because original code from the above mentioned post saves column width of only text boxes but my form has combo boxes too, column width of which was not getting saved) in close and open events of your subform and then open main form in Form View and then manually select desired widths either by mouse, by entering column width value or using best fit. Save the form and reopen to check results. That's it.
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If (ctrl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctrl.ControlType = acComboBox) Then
SaveSetting "propertiesDBS", Me.Name, ctrl.Name, ctrl.ColumnWidth
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim frm As Form
Dim w As Long
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If (ctrl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctrl.ControlType = acComboBox) Then
w = GetSetting("propertiesDBS", Me.Name, ctrl.Name, 0)
If w <> 0 Then ctrl.ColumnWidth = w
End If
End Sub
I know this is late to the party and most likely going to be the last comment anyone reads, but this can be done quite simply in MS Access 2016 - by someone like myself who has no more than 4 days experience in databasing overall and no experience with writing custom Macro's or VB Script (using only what is native to MS Access).
Here's how I did it.
Scenario - Split Form (Form + Datasheet).
Extra Recommendations:
It pays to be across all properties of every object type in your database, as a change in a field property can cause unpredictable erratic effects, which take ages to figure out why it happened and how to stop it from happening again, whilst delivering your desired outcome.
Me.Requery in your VBA script after every necessary event and also in your main form (generally the 'After Update' event is used most), and be wary that too many Me.Requery's (in unnecessary events) can also be detrimental - so too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
Bottom Line Up Front - Modify the format of your query that is to be exported/printed.
In 'Design View' of the query you are concerned with, ensure that the fields are in the order you need them outputted in first as this is exactly how the macro will present them for export/print (example could be "Australia" then "Northern Territory" then "Town's In The Northern Half Of The State" then "Darwin" then "Suburbs In The Northern Half Of City").
Switch to 'DataSheet View' in the same query and use the top left folded over triangle looking thingy to highlight the entire data set then right click that same triangle to present an options menu. Select 'Row Height' and type in "15" (default row height in Excel).
Deselect the entire spreadsheet and this time select every column (left click the left most column, hold shift button, scroll over to the right to the far end of the data set and click the last column) and then right click one of the highlighted columns to present another menu. Select 'Field Width' and within that new pop-up menu select 'Best Fit' and then 'OK'.
(Optional - not sure if this helps or hinders but I did it for my purpose) With the columns still selected right click one of the highlighted columns again and select 'Freeze Fields'.
My scenario had buttons with macros configured to run filtered reports so I was able to check this by simply clicking any of those buttons and seeing the report formatting, which it held true to the work I had just done. I exported using another button with a macro that exports to Excel with 'Print Formatting' selected (my main form also had the datasheet view as the only thing that could be printed and was also set in 'Print' formatting.
The Excel spreadsheet opened with all row heights and column widths in a way that I could read every field/record with perfect ease and without extra modification.
This also worked for cascaded combo boxes, with the export only outputting the 'drilled down/filtered' datasheet records, in a format that required no further modifications.
Hope this helps someone, as its saved my hide! :)
Open the Main form in Design. Go to the SubForm. Click on the square at the top left of the SubForm and select 'Properties'. Right-Click the control 'Phase' and click 'Properties'.Click the 'Format' tab and select 'Width'. What do you see there? That should control the widht of control 'Phase' unless you have some overriding coding elsewhere. Input the size you want and see what happens.
Use continuous forms instead. It gives you complete control over how your subform displays.
If you open your subform directly, your property sheet menu should display automatically if the default view is "Datasheet." Click on "All" and change the "Auto Resize" property to "No." This should solve the issue and avoid the need for VBA.
This only works when you open the subform separately. So if you want the changes to be reflected within your main form, you'll have to close it and switch back and forth.
Super annoying by default.
It seems to work as one would expect of you set the view mode to layout view. Drag column widths as needed and save. Go back to form view and it works. It's really dumb it doesn't work the same way in form view our design view.
In Access 365, open main form, right-click sub-form datasheet columns that need width adjustment, use the Field Width to adjust, click on border of main form to select Layout view, and save changes.
Open subform in datasheet view (by double click on subform in the left pannel)
Resize columns as you want by dragging or by right-click the column header for the column for which you wish to adjust the width and select the “Field Width” item from the context menu.
Right-click the subform border to bring up the context menu. Click the “Save” item in the context menu.
Either open the Main Form in Layout View or directly open your Subform in Datasheet View. Right Click on the Field Header, select Field Width, and enter the desired width. Save. Bewm.
My solution (Access 2016) was to create the main & subform, recreate the subform on its own using form wizard and set it up the way I want it, rename the original subform to something else, and finally rename the recreated subform to the original form name. Open the main form and the subform should be laid out the way you want it. You can then delete the original subform you renamed.