A way for static "now" in google sheet? - date

I would like to insert a formula with a checklist. That is, when I check the checklist, I want the date and time when I did it to appear in the cell next to it. Obviously, however, the "now" formula is updated with each click of the checklists, and I want the date when I checked it to remain. How can I enter a static date? if you have to use VBA, how do you open it? would it be google script? help!
i've tried this formula
but it works only if is FALSE....and no data.

Replace your references to now() with lambda(x;x)(now()). Volatile functions (like NOW, RAND,etc.) can be made 'sticky' by encapsulating them in a LAMBDA like this.


Google Sheets conditional formatting with differently styled dates

in Google Sheets I'd like to format an area of cells automatically by comparing its date value to another cell. In fact, I have some cells representing a month (the area of cells to be formatted) and a single cell with another date (05.05.2022 formatted as 05.05. see screenshot).
So date for homework is located in U6 and cell area for moth of may is K11:Q16. When I set conditional formatting to
apply to range: K11:Q16
Date is: exact date: =U6 or custom formula is: =U6
it does not work. But when I set range to N12 (05.05.2022 formatted as 5) it does work.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I created a separate sheet for sharing, so this does not fit to the screenshot:
try like this:
=COUNTIF($I$2:$I$5; D11)
=MATCH(D11; $I$2:$I$5; )

Accessing object that is below a floating object

Link to original post
Here is what I am facing.
I am using the 'sheet selector' technique to switch between two sheets and the sheet selector parameter is the 'PY' and 'Date Range' option.
I also want to hide the corresponding filters along with the sheets.
When I pick PY - the checkboxes will be displayed.
When I pick date range Rebate Commit Date will be displayed.
I was able to successfully hide PY option by setting it to 'Only relevant values'.
However that is not working for date range
So I used a floating object in a vertical container to hide the date range.
It is hiding successfully but when I need to access date range am not able to do that because of the floating object on top.
Any ideas are highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Answered in tableau community - Link

LibreOffice BASIC function - Copy if over a value to a new sheet

I'm trying to create a simple function on a LibreOffice Calc sheet.
I have a table of information where cells A1:K2 has headings (the cells in Row 2 are merged)
all the information runs from A3:K176
The sheet has various functions running on it already, all I need is one more function.
At first I wanted it to automate when i open, but then i thought running the BASIC macro off of a button might be better, so i can edit and then just hit the button once I'm done.
I have the button linked up to run the macro already, but now im stuck... I have tried many ways of writing the code, but it seems that i am just too green to figure it out.
the last time i ran Excel advanced functions i was in high school.
ok, enough talking...
All I need the macro to do is once I hit the button, I need it to check column K and any value > 1 it needs to take that whole row and copy it then go to a target sheet, clear any data on the target sheet. then copy that set of rows to the next open row in the target sheet. possibly even exporting the result to a .txt file as a bonus.
this is a start...
in future I would like to add another button that will do the same function to a array lower down and put that into a different sheet.
Option Compatible
Sub SWD_AwakeningsTrade
Dim i, LastRow
LastRow = Sheets("Card_List").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("Awakenings For trade").range("A2:I500").clearContents
For i=2 to LastRow
If Sheets("Card_List").Cells(i,"K").Value = "(>1)" Then
Sheets("Card_List").Cells(i, "K").EntireRow.Copy
Destination:=Sheets("Awakenings For trade").Range("A" & Rows.Count.end(xlUp)
End if
next i
End Sub

Max date available in data to title

I wanna put the latest date available in my data to the title. I created a calculated fild max(date). However, it's stuck in measures and not available in the menu when I choose insert in the Title menu.
Any other ideas how to handle this? Thanks!
With this approach I assume that you wanted to add last refreshed datetime to Title. If yes, then you just need to double click on Title and then in Edit Title window click on 'Insert' to select Data Update Time. Content of Edit Title box can be like -
<Sheet Name> refreshed at <Data Update Time>
Now to answer your specific question - I would recommend to create a calculated field max_date as lookup(max([Date]),0) and drag it to 'Detail' Marks. Right click it and select MDY format. After this you should have max_date field in 'Insert' option of Edit Title box. Hope this helps!
Don't forget to let us know if it solved your problem :)
What actually helped to solve the problem is to use LOD. So my calculated field now looks like: {FIXED: MAX(date) }
To get the max date from your dataset you'll want to avoid using FIXED, INCLUDE, or EXCLUDE. The curly braces by themselves will get you what you're after.
Add that calculation to the detail shelf of the marks card so it's available to you in the title.
Once selected you'll see the max date of your dataset in the title.
Remember, it won't be available until you add it to your view.
Hope that helps!
Make another calculated field to convert your MAX date into a string:
Then you'll be able to add this field to your worksheet title.
In my case this issue came up when working on a dashboard and none of the other answers helped.
Create a new worksheet to use as the title in your dashboard.
In the new worksheet, create a new calculation Max([Date]) and drag it to the Text mark. Then click the Text mark and then click the ellipses, and insert the Max([Date]) into your title. Then make sure to hide your worksheet's title by clicking the 'More Options' arrow and clicking 'Title'.
Here is a tutorial to help illustrate.

How to change months with Datepicker

Is there any way to change the date (value returned by getDate) pressing the change month arrows without using setDate?
It's not much clear your request..try to specify better; anyway see the documentation about datepicker https://jqueryui.com/datepicker/#dropdown-month-year