How to use Calculated Route ID to Load Interactive Bing Map v8 with that Route? - bing-maps

I have used the Bing Maps REST service for driving directions to get a list of route options. In these returned routes, I receive a Route ID as id. I am able to then use the route ids to load static image maps, one for each route option.
Here is one example with the Bing API key removed.
Route ID can be seen in the response as an example here:
Given that I can load a static image map using the route ID, how can I load the Interactive Bing Maps v8 Controls with that route ID? The DirectionsManager Class does not take a route ID.

Route ID is not a documented or supported part of the Bing Maps platform. You shouldn't use that for the REST services, let alone any of the other Bing Maps API's. The REST services that's in route options as documented here: All of these same route options are available in Directions module of the Bing Maps V8 interactive SDK.


Bing Search -- ACL/Security Filtering

Is it possible to filter out search results based on user security/roles using Bing Search API
I know with Google you could use metadata to filter out. Is that the correct way to security filter pages/items from search results for both Google and Bing

How to grab right-hand side results from Bing using Bing's API

When you use Bing or Google, searching for certain types of things will give you a special information box on the side that grabs info from top hits, usually Wikipedia.
Is there any way to ask for this box using Bing's API? I suppose you can ask for the whole page and then try to piece it out, but I'd rather just get this entire box.
I'm from the Bing API team. There is a Bing API to get information about entities (the right rail box you mention), known as Knowledge and Action Graph API: Unfortunately, this is currently a private API, which is not offered broadly yet.

How can I obtain user location information such as state/region and country from the Facebook Graph API without using FQL?

How can I obtain user location information such as state/region and country from the Facebook Graph API without using FQL? According to Facebook documentation, FQL is deprecated after v2.1 so that will not be a solution for much longer. With the Facebook Graph API, if I use a get request to retrieve '/v2.2/me', I can obtain a location object containing a page ID of 112747725406609 and a location name containing a city and region. If I use a GET request to retrieve the page object from '/v2.2/112747725406609', that page object has a location object with a NULL state and country value; however, it does have a latitude and longitude value.
I know from my website I can turn an IP address into a location using a MaxMind IP Location Database. I know that I could use the latitude and longitude to query the Google Map API to get a more precise location. However, I am looking for a solution that does not require an external database or external API other than the Facebook Graph API.
Anybody have any suggestions or recommendations?

Collect data through google analytics api

I searched the web for a long time but I didn't find an answer for my question. Maybe it's general not possible what I try to do or I'm searching with the wrong keywords. If an anonymous user go to my website, google analytics creates the _ga cookie to identify this user later. This cookie holds an identifier. I want to use this identifier to collect more information about the user through the google analytics API. Maybe it's possible thorugh filters of the google analytics api?

How to create a place in Facebook using the sdk

I'm building an LBS app that will integrate facebook places as part of its functunality and I'm trying to find out how to bring my set of POIs to facebook so that I can have them associated with my db of POIs... any clues how to do this thru the Graph API?
You cannot create places through the API.