Bing Search -- ACL/Security Filtering - bing

Is it possible to filter out search results based on user security/roles using Bing Search API
I know with Google you could use metadata to filter out. Is that the correct way to security filter pages/items from search results for both Google and Bing


Graph API search people by Phone Number

I want to search people by using phone number. If you open Facebook and type mobile number on search bar you get user that's belong to it. But I want to do with Graph API. There is option for search but it's provide only username.
search/type=user&q=03001234567 // (#200) Application does not have the capability to make this API call
How can I search users by using Mobile numbers.
How can I search users by using Mobile numbers.
You can’t.
The search functionality provided via the UI, and the API search are two different things.
I assume Facebook is deliberately not exposing all the functionality via API, because that would just be too powerful a tool for all sorts of data mining.

How to grab right-hand side results from Bing using Bing's API

When you use Bing or Google, searching for certain types of things will give you a special information box on the side that grabs info from top hits, usually Wikipedia.
Is there any way to ask for this box using Bing's API? I suppose you can ask for the whole page and then try to piece it out, but I'd rather just get this entire box.
I'm from the Bing API team. There is a Bing API to get information about entities (the right rail box you mention), known as Knowledge and Action Graph API: Unfortunately, this is currently a private API, which is not offered broadly yet.

Facebook Graph Search

Facebook's graph search is indeed a great way to find people with certain interests, activities, etc.
However, some queries that work well within Facebook's search interface have failed with the API.
Those queries include:
- People who like tennis.
- People who checked in at Heathrow Airport.
- People who work at Facebook.
This is how I wrote the query:
I want to return all the user objects that match the query "people who like tennis".
Is this possible or is the Graph API just limited to simple one word queries?
this is not possible with the Graph API search. Have a look at
to see what is possible concerning Graph API search.
Graph Search that you use on and the Graph API search that you use using the API are two completely different things. There are no API for Graph Search.

Facebook Graph API - Typeahead-like User Search

Using the search API here:
I've noticed a big discrepancy between searching for a name using that API and searching for a name in the typeahead box at I imagine part of it is that the typeahead results are weighted using social relevancy like:
I don't believe it's possible to do an API call like that, but is it possible to do an approximation? I tried ordering by mutual friends using FQL (like this question asks: FQL, search for non-friend people and sort by mutual friends) but the results seem to be too truncated.
Region/city targeting may be useful, but ideally I'd like to a way to do an accurate search without having to specify that.

Difference between search results from the deezer api and the web site

When performing a search using the Deezer API, the results obtained are the not the same as the ones obtained when performing the search from the Deezer web site.
Is there a way to obtain the same results as the web site using the API?
Search results are localized based on the current user's country (IP based).
If you query the website and the API from the same location, you'll get the same results.
You can override the country by passing a user token to the request to make sure you always get the same results.