Why does 'stack ghci' not load my test files? - ghci

I have a project structure that looks like this
Note that the 'api/test' directory contains 'Spec.hs', and 'api' is my project root directory containing my '.cabal' and '.yaml' files.
When I run $ stack ghci from the project root (api), api/test/Spec.hs is not in scope. Whereas my modules in api/src/ are in scope.
Why are the modules defined in api/test not in scope?
My .cabal file is configured properly such that $ stack test is able to successfully run the code of api/test/Spec.hs.
I am not able to even load the Spec.hs module from ghci. Attempting to do so by running
> :l test/Spec.hs from within ghci gives many 'Failed to load interface' errors.

By default "stack ghci" just loads the library in, not tests, executables, or benchmarks. Use "stack ghci --test" to also try to load all tests.


How to debug unit test while developping a package in Julia

Say I develop a package with a limited set of dependencies (for example, LinearAlgebra).
In the Unit testing part, I might need additional dependencies (for instance, CSV to load a file). I can configure that in the Project.toml all good.
Now from there and in VS Code, how can I debug the Unit tests? I tried running the "runtests.jl" in the debugger; however, it unsurprisingly complains that the CSV package is unavailable.
I could add the CSV package (as a temporary solution), but I would prefer that the debugger run with the configuration for the unit testing; how can I achieve that?
As requested, here is how it can be reproduced (it is not quite minimal, but instead I used a commonly used package as it give confidence the package is not the problem). We will use DataFrames and try to execute the debugger for its unit tests.
Make a local version of DataFrames for the purpose of developing a feature in it. I execute dev DataFrames in a new REPL.
Select the correct environment (in .julia/dev/DataFrames) through the VS-code user interface.
Execute the "proper" unit testing by executing test DataFrames at the pkg prompt. Everything should go smoothly.
Try to execute the tests directly (open the runtests.jl and use the "Run" button in vs-code). I see some errors of the type:
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package CategoricalArrays not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("CategoricalArrays")` to install the CategoricalArrays package.
which is consistent with CategoricalArrays being present in the [extras] section of the Project.toml but not present in the [deps].
Finally, instead of the "Run" command, execute the "Run and Debug". I encounter similar errors here is the first one:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
merge | 19 19
PASSED: index.jl
FAILED: dataframe.jl
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package DataStructures not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("DataStructures")` to install the DataStructures package.
So I can't debug the code after the part requiring the extras packages.
After all that I delete this package with the command free DataFrames at the pkg prompt.
I see the same behavior in my package.
I'm not certain I understand your question, but I think you might be looking for the TestEnv package. It allows you to activate a temporary environment containing the [extras] dependencies. The discourse announcement contains a good description of the use cases.
Your runtest.jl file should contain all necessary imports to run tests.
Hence you are expected to have in your runtests.jl file lines such as:
using YourPackageName
using CSV
# the lines with tests now go here.
This is a standard in Julia package layout. For an example have a look at any mature Julia such as DataFrames.jl (https://github.com/JuliaData/DataFrames.jl/blob/main/test/runtests.jl).

pyinstaller Adafruit DHT library raspberry_Pi_Driver.so: cannot open shared object

I'm using Adafruit_DHT library in a file and when I try to use pyinstaller to compile, I get an error that Raspberry_Pi_Driver.so: cannot open shared object file
I'm using normal RPi (not model 2) and raspbian. The file that I'm trying to compile works by itself fine. The Raspberry_Pi_Driver.so is there I did find ./ | grep Raspberry_Pi_Driver.so and it existed. I tried also to use the --hidden-import=Adafruit_DHT when compiling the pyinsatller and that did not work too. When compiling it does not give any error.
I noticed after compilation and in the build folder thee is an Adafruit_DHT folder that has the driver and etc.
Any idea what's going on? Could it be that the library has been recreated under build folder and this is confusing when executing the file?
I found a resolution for this (thanks to: k4ml.me/posts/pyinstaller.html) I just added '-p /path/to/mylib' when creating the exe file and mylib was the directory that Adafruit_DHT folder was (that Adafruit_DHT_Driver.so file was there).

How can I fix tests in Ember testem with errors such as 'could not load', 'failed', 'could not find module' or 'died'?

I managed to get a couple of EAK/grunt based Ember apps upgraded to 1.11 with HTMLBars, and then got them migrated to Ember CLI/Brocolli. The unit tests were setup for karma test runner so I'm looking at how to get those running in the CLI projects now, but I didn't write the tests and really have no experience with unit testing javascript modules.
Searching around the iNet, I can see that others have also used karma becasue of its coverage output and are trying to get it to work with Ember CLI, but that Ember Core isn't supporting it, though they say anyone should be able to get it set up with a custom addon. I'm also trying to use the 'testem' runner to see what sticks with that.
The Ember site does have an 'automating tests with runners' page for v1.10, with sections on 'testem' and 'karma', but it doesn't appear for v1.11 so I can't tell from that site what is or isn't relevant. But it seems like I should be able to work out a solution for the karma test runner, so I added the old devDependencies to the project package.json:
"karma": "^0.12.31",
"karma-chai": "~0.1.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "~0.1.2",
"karma-coverage": "~0.2.1",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.3",
"karma-junit-reporter": "~0.2.1",
"karma-mocha": "~0.1.3",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.2",
"karma-sinon-chai": "~0.1.5"
I also dropped the old 'karma.conf.js' (along with a few other karma confs) in the project and updated the paths inside (from 'vendor' to 'bower_components'). I did find a 'ember-cli-karma' node mode and installed it, but it seems to just have a 'package.json'. It has no docs and seems like just a stubbed out starter project with no implementation. I also installed 'karma', 'karma-cli' and 'testem' node modules.
The testem docs say to add you src and test files to 'testem.json', but with out examples I don't know what that means; a list of every src and test file? With what path; relative, absolute? Forward slashes, backslashes? preceded with / or ./ or ../? I just left them out because I think the system just finds the src and tests by convention.
When I run 'karma init' I get:
this.line = this.line.slice(this.cursor);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined
When I run 'testem' I get:
Open the URL below in a browser to connect.
...then the project's '../tests/index.html' loads in a browser, but is not able to 'find' any of the asset files (css, js) so nothing executes or renders correctly. I just see template expressions ({{content-for 'head'}}, etc).
When I run 'ember test' I get:
Building...BuildingBuilding.Building..Building...Built project successfully.
# tests 0
# pass 0
# fail 0
# ok
No tests were run, please check whether any errors occurred in the page (ember test --server) and ensure that you have a test launcher (e.g. PhantomJS) enabled.
When I run 'ember test --server' I get:
The test index.html loaded in a browser with a test report. When I uncheck 'hide passed tests' the report indicates '29 passed, 28 failed'. It has 11 sections where a particular test may have 3 problems such as 'could not load', 'failed', 'could not find module', 'attempting to register an unknown factory' or 'died'.
With this, I'm obviously running testem and not karma, so may as well work on getting testem working and figure out karma later. If there were more examples and migration troubleshooting docs I might have a systematic way to work through some of these problems.
I ran into "No tests were run,..." problem recently after a node upgrade. I fixed it with a:
npm install -g phantomjs
This provides some additional options as well:
I had the Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined error on MS Windows, running via MSys2. I have solved it by using karma init from an ordinary cmd prompt.

Why would Eclipse not be able to include a file when running a PHPUnit test?

I have the following class and unit test in a PHP project in Eclipse:
I know my unit test works as I can run it at the command line:
Now I want to run this test from Eclipse. I set up PHP Unit in Eclipse like this:
However, when I run the PHPUnit tests:
It tells me that it can't include the class file:
/usr/bin/php -c /var/folders/UA/UAv38snBHd0QMgEPMCmM9U+++TM/-Tmp-/zend_debug/session4910937990995915704.tmp -d asp_tags=off /Applications/eclipse/plugins/org.phpsrc.eclipse.pti.tools.phpunit_0.5.0.R20101103000000/php/tools/phpunit.php --log-junit /var/folders/UA/UAv38snBHd0QMgEPMCmM9U+++TM/-Tmp-/pti_phpunit/phpunit.xml /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests
PHP Warning: include_once(../Product.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 3
PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '../Product.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/PEAR') in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 3
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Product' not found in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 9
Why would PHPUnit be able to find the class when run from the command line but not when run from Eclipse?
When you start something from the command line, the "current directory" has a well-defined meaning: It's the directory where you started the command.
In Eclipse, what is the "current directory"? It's probably the directory from which you started Eclipse or maybe the folder in which Eclipse is installed.
I haven't used PHP in Eclipse before but for other languages, I can set the current directory in the launch config somewhere. If that doesn't work, define a variable which points to your project and then use absolute paths (using that variable as a starting point).
Have same problem. Found only solution by creating tests with internal PHPUnit wizard like at this screenshot:
Source: HowTo create a Test Case Class from a PHP Class
But following investigate show that your test case file should contain reference to tested code for example like this: require_once 'C:\Apache2\htdocs\jobeet\src\Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Jobeet.php';
Other experiments with plugin config not bringing luck. So in my opinion PHPUnit from PHP Tools not well developed plugin. Consider using MakeGood plugin as better alternative.

What is the difference between building C++ Builder project from IDE and command line?

I have different behaviour of compiler, when building project from IDE and from command-line, which I can not explain.
The detailed issue's description is rather big, but it's really simple.
I have a C++ Builder project, which has a PAS-file included (IncludeUnits.pas). This pas-file has several units and inc-files listed. These files are located in separate folders and these folders are listed in library&include paths in project's options.
Folders layout:
Bin is output folder, Project/CBuilder5 holds project (bpr-file), Project/Common holds included pas-file (IncludeUnits.pas), Source and Source/Common hold other files (pas&inc). I think that it's pretty usual layout.
C:\Demo\Project\Common\ IncludeUnits.pas :
unit IncludeUnits;
C:\Demo\Source\ Test.pas :
unit Test;
{$I Test.inc}
C:\Demo\Source\Common\ Test.inc :
// this file is empty
If I compile this project from C++ Builder IDE - it will compile fine. C++ Builder IDE doesn't have any additional paths in IDE settings set.
Now, I want to compile it from command-line. First, I issue
bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr
This command creates MyProject.mak file, where I can see all paths ("....\Source" and "....\Source\Common" are the paths in question):
INCLUDEPATH = $(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common
LIBPATH = $(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common
Now, I run make command:
make.exe -B -f"MyProject.mak"
It gives me the following output:
C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\BIN\dcc32 -N2....\Bin -N0....\Bin -$Y+ -$W -$R -v -JPHNE -M -UC:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common -D_DEBUG;_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT -OC:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common --BCB ..\Common\IncludeUnits.PAS
Borland Delphi Version 13.0 Copyright (c) 1983,99 Inprise Corporation
C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(6) C:\Demo\Source\Test.pas(1) C:\Demo\Source\Test.pas(5) Fatal: File not found: 'Test.inc'
As you can see - all search path is passed to compiler and the file (Test.inc) is all here - in that Source\Common folder. But still compiler can't find it?
Of course, I run both commands from folder with bpr-file. And changing paths to absolute doesn't help.
Copying Test.inc from Source\Common to Source will help. Changing {$I Test.inc} to {$I Common\Test.inc} will also help.
Why? It seems that I'm missing something. Remember: project have no problems with compiling from IDE, Test.inc is found without copying or changing declaration. Did I miss some switch to make or dcc32?
I found the reason: command line for dcc32 misses -I switch, which specifies paths for include files.
For some reason, bpr2mak doesn't respect this option. Fortunately, it allows you to specify alternate template for conversion bpr -> mak. I edited default template and added "-I" option to it, pass new template to bpr2mak - and it worked.