keycloak bearer token error - Didn't find publicKey for specified kid - keycloak

I am following this document to secure the rest services. I am able to obtain the access token. However when I try to use the token to invoke a service, I am getting the error -
Status: 401
WWW-Authenticate Bearer realm="bkofc", error="invalid_token",
error_description="Didn't find publicKey for specified kid"
What am I missing here ? Anything to do with the realm settings ?

401 could actually only mean, that the token is not provided correctly. The Header "Authorization" needs to be set properly. It actually works fine, when you are doint it right.
Desides, the document you are using is written by a person, who knows exactly, what to do for people, who know exaclty what to do. So may be you are just doing something wrong, which is not recognisable from your question.


Azure Graph API 2.0 error in refreshing token: Provided grant is invalid or malformed (AADSTS70000)

I'm following step by step guide on Microsoft's site (, everything is working correctly but every time I try to refresh the access token, I get this error: AADSTS70000: Provided grant is invalid or malformed. error_codes: 70000.
I've created a Postman collection for testing, also downloaded the official postman collection from the Microsoft's site, everything is working correctly until the access token does not expire. When it expire, trying to refresh the token always lead to an error and I'm pretty stuck with it. I've double and triple checked correspondence between redirect_url, permission, grant, copy/paste errors, waited for the access_token to expire before trying to refresh... I've done almost 100 tests, and every time I'm stuck at the refresh part!
I start with doing the normal call to Microsoft Login API in my browser, and getting the code in query string from the browser (no problems here) (please note that client_id is URL encoded because, in my test environment, client id is an URL due to the configuration of the Drupal portan we're using, I'm truing to recreate the same behaviour in postman){tenant_guid}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={myclient_id_urlencoded}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect_uri_urlencoded}&
Then with the code in query string, i POST to the token endpoint:
POST /{tenant_guid}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: a0456a8d-6979-491f-b61e-86b5d614c577
I receive back an accesso token (that is working like a charm in accessing for an hour) and a refresh token. I would love to get a new pair of access/refresh token when the original access token expires, using the refresh_token grant_type
POST /tenant_guid/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 5d71f813-768e-476c-a97f-c109fba3165e
But no matter if I try before access token expiration or after, closing and reopening postman, I always receive that error back. I've done almost 50 tests (always with the full round of login/authorization to use always a fresh refresh token) with no luck.
Seems like I'm missing something really stupid here because I can't imagine that everybody else is behaving correctly... but really can't find a way out!
So I just got mine working! Here are the required parameters I needed:
client_id = your client id
refresh_token = the refresh token here
grant_type = refresh_token,
client_secret = secret
NOTE: Everything I read told me to URLEncode the values. I found it worked with them UNENCODED - no idea if it will really make a difference or not. Since it is going in the body of the post, which means it is TLS encrypted.
The other important thing was the url I posted to. There seem to be so many examples and none seem to be consistent. I used this format:{tenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token
The last thing is to be sure you are using the correct app id. In my case I was using the appId for the wrong app and it didnt have consent. Hope this helps. I do wish Microsoft would make a concerted effort to spell out things consistently and think like someone who doesn't do security for a living.
Finally resolved thanks yo the Azure Support.
The problem is the client id: as I supposed before, Microsoft allow you to define another application name, but always want to use the GUID client id to submit any request. Unfortunately, it was warning me when I didn't url-encoded it, but did not alert me that it was not correct until I tried to use the refresh token.
So just read very very well the documentation: client_id: The Application (client) ID that the Azure portal – App registrations experience assigned to your app (so not the one you choose).
Maybe including a format validation in the documentation would help!

LinkedIn - Getting Access Token Error

I am facing authentication issues that I see others have also complained about. Following official documentation I was able to get the client id and client secret but when I try to get Access Token I am getting this error:
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "A required parameter \"client_id\" is missing"
I am using POSTMAN to get the access token. After getting the Access Token I intend to work with LinkedIn REST APIs with other software that could consume REST. I am not sure why I am getting this error, I wonder is it not possible to get the token from POSTMAN and have to use Python script?
Also, redirect_uri in step 2 is not a functional callback uri, it's an imaginary URL. Do I need a valid callback URL?
Since you are getting this error
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "A required parameter \"client_id\" is missing"
This is giving a hint that you might need to change the Client Authentication drop-down value to Send client credential in body instead of Send as Basic auth header
This is because when client_id and client_secret are sent in the header, they are combined and converted to base64
Authorization: Basic base64($client_id + ':' $client_secret)
So, no separate client_id is ever sent. But if you choose to send the credentials in body then they are sent separately.
For more info, you can refer the offical RFC here
I solved this issue by adding keys/values in the Params.

Problems getting started--Http 403

I'm trying to access the SmartSheets REST API as described in the "Getting Started" documentation here: and elsewhere. I generated an access token in the UI and, using Postman, tried a couple of simple GET requests cribbed from the documentation:
I set the Authorization and Content-Type headers as indicated. In both cases, I get Http 403-Forbidden errors with the message "You are not authorized to perform this action."
So how do I get authorized to perform these (or any other) actions?
You might want to verify that your access token value is correct. Also, when you set your Authorization header, are you including "Bearer " before your access token?
In Postman, it should look something like this:
Just a typo. I was including "Bearer" in the authorization header, but I had 2 spaces between "Bearer"and the token. You can only have one.

No auth function available for given request

I'm a newbie to access with DropBox's Api (See: Now there's a problem rocking me——
1) I get an access_token successfully.
2) I wanna see the user's detailled info by directly calling "". However the result is:
{"error_description": "No auth function available for given request", "error": "invalid_request"}
It seems that I should give the address something to make sure that I'm already authenticated. But how? I didn't see anything in Documents……? Any where?
The API uses OAuth 2, so you'll want to attach an "Authorization" header with the value "Bearer ACCESSTOKEN", where ACCESSTOKEN is the access token you obtained through the OAuth process.

Should I expose my authentication URI in a 401 error response?

I use OAuth 2 in a REST API and I my API returns a 401 error, if my access token is invalid.
My 401 response isn't meaningful right now and I wonder if I could place my authentication URI in my response? Something like
"error": 401,
"authentication_uri": ""
Can I do that? Is this secure? (It seems that all these params are exposed in the URL anyway...) Are there other common methods to get a meaningful response from 401? I couldn't find something useful about this topic.
I am not a security expert, but I don't see a problem with doing this. I'm not aware of any value in hiding how to authenticate, and I don't see you exposing anything that they don't already have (assuming client_id and redirect_uri were in the original request).
To answer my own question: While it is certainly possible to do this and has benefits as you don't need to know the authentication URI beforehand, it has some pitfalls.
Say you develop multiple apps separately at http://localhost and you want to communicate the same REST API. The REST API can't deduce your client_id just from your Referer or Origin header field as it is always http://localhost. You could develop "App 1" or "App 2" and each has a different client_id. Therefor you would need to support URI templates. E.g.:
"error": 401,
"authentication_uri": "{&client_id}"
See here for more examples about URI templates.