LinkedIn - Getting Access Token Error - rest

I am facing authentication issues that I see others have also complained about. Following official documentation I was able to get the client id and client secret but when I try to get Access Token I am getting this error:
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "A required parameter \"client_id\" is missing"
I am using POSTMAN to get the access token. After getting the Access Token I intend to work with LinkedIn REST APIs with other software that could consume REST. I am not sure why I am getting this error, I wonder is it not possible to get the token from POSTMAN and have to use Python script?
Also, redirect_uri in step 2 is not a functional callback uri, it's an imaginary URL. Do I need a valid callback URL?

Since you are getting this error
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "A required parameter \"client_id\" is missing"
This is giving a hint that you might need to change the Client Authentication drop-down value to Send client credential in body instead of Send as Basic auth header
This is because when client_id and client_secret are sent in the header, they are combined and converted to base64
Authorization: Basic base64($client_id + ':' $client_secret)
So, no separate client_id is ever sent. But if you choose to send the credentials in body then they are sent separately.
For more info, you can refer the offical RFC here

I solved this issue by adding keys/values in the Params.


AzureAd get groups info when not in token

I few days ago I configured my AzureAd to get Id_Tokens for my app also with groupIds claims within the token.
Everything works fine, but if I add more than 5 groups to an user it fails because azure add the "hasgroups": "true" claims because token is to big to add it in the URL so I have to perform another request.
The point is that I am not be able to perform the request to then obtaining the groups. The token ID_TOKEN I have received is the following:
for the backend and front end azureAD filter this token is perfect and works fine
Then as it it said in the official Microsoft azure docs I have to perform another request to{userID}/getMemberObjects
As you can see the aud claim is the same as my app client ID:
I am trying to perform the request with postman because I need it and this is the result
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.",
"innerError": {
"date": "2020-07-08T13:56:50",
"request-id": "6b2f3374-33e4-4a1a-9709-b8111cd2bc66"
As you can see the aud is not invalid because is the same as client_id
What am I doing wrong>? I have spent a lot of time dealing with that and I can't find the solution.
I have also tried with POST request and BODY
I found the problem, the problem was that I was using an id_token instead of a access_token. But for me ot would be ususer to be able to extract such information only by using id_token.
I still have a horrible inconvenience, because if you can only use access token I will have to change half the application because is only the front end which have access token and in backend I have aspects that were using id_token with the group information contained and did not need the access token at all .Now front end should have to add access token in every request header to be captured in backend to run son filters and aspects that are executed and require such information
Is it possible to get the same info but with id_token instead?
Instead of Get request use Post request for below query
"securityEnabledOnly": true
Please refer to this document
If you want to try with Graph explorer here is the link

Problems getting started--Http 403

I'm trying to access the SmartSheets REST API as described in the "Getting Started" documentation here: and elsewhere. I generated an access token in the UI and, using Postman, tried a couple of simple GET requests cribbed from the documentation:
I set the Authorization and Content-Type headers as indicated. In both cases, I get Http 403-Forbidden errors with the message "You are not authorized to perform this action."
So how do I get authorized to perform these (or any other) actions?
You might want to verify that your access token value is correct. Also, when you set your Authorization header, are you including "Bearer " before your access token?
In Postman, it should look something like this:
Just a typo. I was including "Bearer" in the authorization header, but I had 2 spaces between "Bearer"and the token. You can only have one.

No auth function available for given request

I'm a newbie to access with DropBox's Api (See: Now there's a problem rocking me——
1) I get an access_token successfully.
2) I wanna see the user's detailled info by directly calling "". However the result is:
{"error_description": "No auth function available for given request", "error": "invalid_request"}
It seems that I should give the address something to make sure that I'm already authenticated. But how? I didn't see anything in Documents……? Any where?
The API uses OAuth 2, so you'll want to attach an "Authorization" header with the value "Bearer ACCESSTOKEN", where ACCESSTOKEN is the access token you obtained through the OAuth process.

Linkedin OAuth2 authorization code error

I´m trying to connect via Linkedin Auth2 from a java web application:
Added my own app in linkedin.
Generate the authorization URL:
Introduce my login/password for linkedin in the new popup.
Get back successful the request on the redirect_uri previus, and take the authorization code "code"
Generate the accessToken URL
Make a POST with:
Get next error in response: {"error_description":"missing required parameters, includes an invalid parameter value, parameter more than once. : Unable to retrieve access token : appId or redirect uri does not match authorization code or authorization code expired","error":"invalid_request"}
I´ve verified url parameters are correct:
- "code" is the token receive on step 4.
"redirect_uri" is the same URL on step 2 and 4. I added this URL on section "OAuth 2.0 redirect URL" on my APP.
"client_id" and "client_secret" are the "Client API" and "Secret API" on my APP.
Time between first and second request is less than 20 seconds.
The value of your redirect_uri parameter must be URL-encoded, so at 6. do:
and it need not be sent as a POST but as a GET.
If You Are Sending a Request For Access Token it must be POST Request
Refer the OAuth Documentation
I actually Copied the Whole URL From My Eclipse Console To URL It is Still Valid
In Your Case The Problem is with URL Encoding As HanZ said .
You Have to Encode Your URL For Post Request.
I too got bugged with this issue for long time. Please keep few things in mind which I did and eventually sorted it out.
Hit the api to get authorization code by using get request.
The authorization code has a life span of about 20 seconds, so its difficult to manually copy the code from the url and make a request for token access. You should do it pro-grammatically.
Make a post request for getting access token.
Most Important: Old linkedin applications that I had created was not working and giving the above error. Create a new linkedin application and try. Doing this worked for me.
I assume that all the other parameters like client_id, secret, redirect_uri are correct.
please try and let us know.

Getting a 403 Error with valid API key - Private App

I've created a Private App (got the API Key, Password, and Secret) but it's not allowing me access for some reason. I'm issuing the GET request without any parameters... should I be using something in the request? Thanks! Josh
"Error message:
GET returned a response status of 401 Unauthorized
"Server response": {
"errors":"[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"
Hmm… can you check the request that’s coming from your machine using a web debugging proxy like Charles or Fiddler and see if an Authorization header is really being passed in the request?
The format that is in works for browsers and some clients, but is an unofficial shorthand, and not always supported.