Xamarin : iOS Device logic board get damage - iphone

Since we started developing App using Xamarin Studio, 4 device's logic board get damaged. i.e. auto restart the device, auto power off etc.
Earlier we developed using xCode and never face this kind of issue. Is this related to Xamarin Studio?
PS: This issue is only for iOS devices and not for Android.


Flutter nearby connections on IOS

I want to make chat app using nearby connections/bluetooth. I was using flutter_nearby_connection pack, which should work on both platform (ios + android), but it works only on IOS emulator. Real device is calling methods flutter -> swift.
I gave a lot of permissions (info.plist / permission handler/NSBonjourServices key). Right now I have a error [Core Bluetooth] XPC connection invalid . NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription is added to plist and sandbox is off.
Did someone try this on real IOS? Documentation only has tests on IOS emulator, so idk if its problem by my side. Can u recommend other pack that will allow me to chat between Android - IOS?
MacOs 12.6.2, Xcode 14.2, IOS 15.7.1

React Native Expo iOS simulator in windows

I am starting a React Native app and I work on Windows (I do not have any ios devices). How do I know how does my app look and work on iOS devices? Is it even possible to run some kind of simulator in windows that will allow me to render my RN app in an iphone? I have android studio and an android phone so android is covered but I wanted to know how I can do the same for iphones. Thanks
Running IOS simulator is only possible on macOS.

I can't "Download Xamarin Live Player from the App Store..."

New to Xamarin and trying to open Xamarin Live Player from App store on my iPhone 6. App store shows "No Results" for "Xamarin Live Player" even though typing "Xam" automatically found the title, but not a single app. This is the app that scans the QR code on your PC. Am I doing something wrong or has this been discontinued or baned from App store? My coworker tried on his brand new iPhone and same results.
You have to do it by TestFlight and then install Xamarin Live Player, you need to register to Xamarin Live Player program and redeem code.
Apple has removed Xamarin from TestFlight. There appears to no longer be a way to use Xamarin Live Player with iOS. Apple appears to have cut this program off to prevent Visual Studio users from previewing their apps on iOS devices without owning a Mac harkening back to the days when they almost went completely out of business by not participating in the free market.

iPhone emulator for Windows Mobile

Say I want to develop applications for iPhone, but I only have a phone with Windows Mobile and for whatever reason I cannot switch to iPhone or buy a new phone.
Is there any iPhone emulator for Windows Mobile that would allow me to run apps on Windows Mobile 6? I have HTC HD2.
P.S. I'm not interested in emulators for any other platform.
No there no is none, since the CocoaTouch platform is is not opensourced you can't really emulate the platform.
Nor is it possible to emulate iOS on your device, since iOS will require some specific hardware.
You will also need a Mac to develop app since Xcode will only run on OSX.
No. You can't do it without an iPhone and obviously a developer account in order to provision your device.
In your question, you should be asking something like" iOS emulator for windows", which is no.
Understand more about SDKs and emulators, you cannot emulate iOS on a actual WM device but a simulator in a computer; this is not a platform problem, it's a understanding problem, you can still code apps without iPhone and publish it, it's just skipping a step.
If you are on Mac OSX, your good to go, grab the SDK and use the emulator bundled with it
BTW, even if you do get a iphone, you still need a computer with OSX and xcode installed to start coding

iPhone Simulator Display

I'm using Titanium to build my first mobile app. Ultimately, I need to to be universal, but I'm focusing on the iPhone initially in order to learn my way around. I'm running into a problem with image display in that I need to test both the retina and non-retina display, but I can't seem to toggle between the 2.
By default, for whatever reason, my simulator launches with the "old" iPhone resolution (specifically, the combo of iOS 5 -- so location bits mostly work -- and old iPhone hardware). I see in the simulator's Hardware menu that I should be able to switch to iPhone (retina), but attempting to do so just aborts the simulator all together.
Is there a better way to navigate between hardware/software combinations in the simulator? Can the default configuration be changed? Any tips or techniques would be much appreciated by this n00b to mobile dev. For whatever it's worth, the simulator version is 5.0 (272) and, although I'm not developing native code, my XCode version is 4.2.1.
Titanium has a debugger connection running between the simulator and Titanium Studio. When you switch hardware the connection is severed and titanium aborts the simulator all together.
What you can do, is create a build in titanium studio, which builds an Xcode project (project name > build > iPhone).
Then, open this build in xCode, and run it from there. This way there is no debugging session running, but you can test it on multiple devices / OS versions.
Good luck!