upgraded unity to unity 2017 and games are now glitchy - unity3d

I recently upgraded to unity 2017 from unity 5.1 to get the 'service' tab, however players in the game blink (especially on the editor). Is there a quick fix to this, or should I downgrade, and if so, to which version?

If you downgrade, glitches will stay. Same happened to me and after I downgrade it got a lot messy. So, dont upgrade if you have a project in another version and unity allows you to do that. I had a project in unity3d while i started another project in unity5. You can have both versions.
To save your project (if you dont have a back-up), scripts are not the problem but the editor and configurations are glitchy. So creating a new project and adding your scripts, 3d objects etc. Should fix it


Hololens 2 Unity app rarely renders anything to the screen

So this question I think is the same as this but the solution for this problem was downgrading to Unity 2017 LTS, which is incompatible with my current project.
Basically, whenever I build, there's maybe a 10% chance that the app runs in the Hololens. Most of the time however, no floating balls animation pops up, no Unity splash screen appears, and I don't see any of my app content. Strangely enough, the app does ask for microphone permissions, but that's all. It should ask for eye tracking too, but it doesn't. (Not sure if that's related but I'm out of ideas.) On a proper run, I get the floating balls, Unity splash, and all permissions asked before the content. The most frustrating part is that it sometimes works, and there has been no trend at all towards what helps or what doesn't.
I've tried rebuilding in Unity, redeploying in VS, reinstalling the appx, updating VS, updating Windows, and checked every forum post I could find but I can't figure this out. Does anyone have any ideas?
I thought it might be an OpenXR / Holographic remoting problem, but those have both been dead ends. Really not sure what to do at this point. Thanks in advance.
Unity version: 2020.3.36f1,
VS 2022, MRTKv2, HoloLens 2
Thanks for the help everyone! For some reason, my solution is just as confusing as the problem, but it seems to reliably work.
Problem has something to do with the Holographic Remoting for OpenXR, so simply enabling and then disabling that feature in the editor right before building seems to fix a buggy build. Tested this a few times now and it works pretty consistently. Hope this can help someone and eventually get patched.
EDIT: Previous answer didn't work. Now I'm thinking the problem was actually caused by a toggle in the Project Settings. For a successful build it seems as though XR Plug-in Management > Windows Mixed Reality > UWP > Use Primary Window should be checked on. Seems weird since I'm using OpenXR anyways, but this might help someone so thought I'd update. Works most of the time now - needs more testing.
There are two solutions:
Use "Windows Mixed Reality" plug-in provider.
Use "OpenXR plugin". For this case the order of installation of packages plays important role:
When you create new project, manually install OpenXR plugin using Package Manager of Unity.
Using "Mixed Reality Feature Tool", install other features of MRTK2 including "Mixed Reality Open XR plugin" in "Platform Support".
XR Plug-in Management
OpenXR features

Vuforia Engine AR not visible in package manager in Unity 2020

I'm new to unity and vuforia to complete a project i need vuforia engine AR in package manager, the steps shown in the video for unity are Window->Package Manager -> All Packages ->Vuforia Engine AR.
I couldn't access the AllPackages menu so someone suggested that i preview all the packages,i used player setting and selected preview packages, for all the other packages, this doesn't work either.
So i downloaded the vuforia sdk form the site, and i imported all of them into the project,it still didn't show me anything in the GameObject window, i tried to search for the required components like ARCamera and GroundPlaneFinder in the file i imported and they weren't in there.
Can anyone help me with this?
Nevermind, i figured it out, apparently in versions above 2020 in unity it is labelled as vuforia engine to access it go to window->package manager-> my assets->vuforia engine-> import(these were my settings don't know if it changes from version to version)
Be careful and don't try to import it in middle of a project though apparently it needs to be initialized/imported at the start of the project to avoid dependencies. you can create your project later.

Vuforia & Unity: Build UWP Successfully but No Live Camera Feed (Black Screen)

Unity Version: Unity 2019.3.9f1
Vuforia Version: 9.0.12
The app works fine in unity editor, it builds and runs successfully without error but no camera feed (black screen). Can't seem to find up to date solutions online.
Updated the Vuforia version to 9.2.7 does not seem to solve the problem.
I don't think to check the "Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported" under the "XR Settings" is an option, because it's able to deprecate. Also Checking the "Windows Mixed Reality" plug-in under XR Plug-in Management didn't solve the problem.
I already checked the "InternetClient" and "WebCam" in the publish setting for UWP.
Do I need to change anything in ARCamera's "Open Vuforia Engine configuration"? Some solutions mention disabling the Vuforia play mode will help, but I can't seem to find the option anywhere.
Anyone encountered the same issue and find a solution? Thanks.
I don't have a current solution, but would like to share my experience working with vuforia, UWP.
I found that there are varying breaking versions of unity and vuforia's SDK.
The latest version may not necessarily work I had to trial and error before I found a compatible version, so you might want to try that out. perhaps a older version of either unity/vuforia in reference with https://library.vuforia.com/platform-support/supported-versions.html
And yeah, definitely run your "hello world" tests on the sample projects first.
Best of luck, it's a great SDK ,once you get it to work.

How can I fix "Network is obsolete" in unity 2019.1.9?

I made a game and use "Energy bar toolkit" unity package in unity 5.3.4
so I have "Network" contax Error when I transfer from unity 5.3.4 to unity 2019.1.9
because network removed in unity 2018.2 and newer
How can I repair This Error?
In general
You shouldn't make huge jumps in Unity versions. 5.3.4 is from 2015, 2019.1.9 from mid of 2019 ... you can expect a lot of API changes between over 3 years apart software versions in general.
You should rather make incremental step-wise updates and also when you do be aware of what changes each version in between brings.
When using an asset from the Asset-Store that says Unity version 5.2.1 or higher ... I would suspect maintanace kind of stopped quite a while ago and there will at minimum be some severe hickups in implementing it into most latest Unity versions over 3 years later.
UNet is obsolete
This has been **known for quite a while** already. It will soon be (almost) completely deprecated.
The fix for now
In order to still be able to use the HLAPI for now you have to go to the PackageManager (Window →Package Manager ) and find and import the Multiplayer HLAPI package.
See Packages for more information about the PackageManager and packages in general.
There might still be some changes to do and I'm not saying this will completely fix that asset. If you still have trouble you should rather directly contact the makers of the asset.
I hope this method works with you, unity added a replacement for unity network via the PackageManager so we want to auto-convert the old Multiplayer to the new Networking System.
First, get back to the project on unity 5.3.4, and start upgrading it gradually,
First, open the project on Unity 5.5.6 then 2017.1.5f1 then 2017.4.32f1 and so on, open it on the first release and upgrade it to the LTS release, 2018.1.9f2 to 2018.4.10f1 then open it on the 2019 version.
and be sure all plugins are updated. hope that help
I Do not understand this answers and need for this package("Energy bar toolkit") only
if I can change Network with other context ,it maybe work
I wrote a letter to maker asset ad am wait for answer

Unity crashing with DirectX on new computer

I have recently purchased a new computer :
And I have installed Unity on it. The problem is that every time I try to move the layouts unity screen becomes black and freezes.
After trying to search online, post on multiple forums, contacting Unity Team and Nvidia support I have found that the only solution is running unity from the command using -force-glcore
In fact, Nvidia support have been unable to find the solution and Unity Team was stressing that I update my graphic drivers and Directx version however both of them are latest versions and so is Windows 10.
This is the latest email I have received from Unity Team :
as well as the link for unity forum that also includes the error and editor logs:
I also tried multiple versions of Unity from 2017 and 2018.
I will provide any additional information needed.
How can I solve the problem so I can run Unity smoothly and without having to go to force-glcore ? And what is truly happening?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read
How can I solve the problem so I can run Unity smoothly and without
having to go to force-glcore ?
There are other things you can try.
1.Use DirectX9 instead of DirectX11. The default on the new Unity verions is DirectX11.
Go to File ---> Build Settings... ---> Player Settings ---> Other Settings then un-check the Auto Graphics API for Windows API checkbox. From there drag and move Direct3D9 above Direct3D11 click Apply and restart the Unity Editor.
If Direct3D9 is already above Direct3D11 then move Direct3D11 above Direct3D9.
2.If #1 doesn't work, try other graphics API. You can try other 3 graphics API such as Direct3D9, Vulkan and OpenGL Core.
These are hidden and you must click the + sign then manually add them to the menu then drag them to the top.
Then you can chose which one to add and then drag them to the top to force Unity use them.
Once of these should work for you. Chose the one that works the most. You don't need -force-glcore when opening Unity to use this. Your issue is mostly a driver issue sometimes, a workaround like this solves it until the driver is fixed.