SuiteCRM metadata for SAML Authentication - single-sign-on

I am trying to integrate SAML authentication for SuiteCRM 7.8.5 version. Have set up the Login URL, SLO URL and X509 Certificate in the Password Management page.I also have a Shibboleth IDP installed on another server and need the metadata of the SuiteCRM installtion to configure there. I have been going through the suitecrm forums and also tried to make some connection with the sugarcrm docs to find out the url/location for getting the metadata xml. But so far no luck.
Is there any url that will give the metadata?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

There is no metadata xml automatically generated unfortunately, you will need to craft your own but the key information you need is:
AssertionConsumerService = ""
SingleLogoutService = ""
NameIDFormat = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress"
nameidattribute = "uid"
The login action handles both login and logout when used with SAML. Note the name id attribute you use is equivalent to the users.user_name database field and that is what SuiteCRM will login as.

This has changed in recent versions of SuiteCRM. Metadata are located here: https://suitecrm-domain.tld/index.php?entryPoint=SAML2Metadata


Keycloak IDP integration with ServiceNow SSO. After successfully creating keycloak configuration ,how to use it at ServiceNow SSO?

this is what I want to do. I am using Keycloak IDP with local ADFS as identity provider to authenticate users into my servicenow platform. The first part is done. Now on the servicenow platform, they require an metadata URL or XML, where can I find it? Are there any already made solutions on how to do so? This is my first time doing so I am a little confused .Would appreciate any help! Thank You!

Configuring Shibboleth Metadata File

We have recently migrated to a new hosting environment so have installed a fresh instance of Shibboleth. When we generate sp metadata files, the urls are non-secure (ie http) even though the url used to generate the metadata uses https.
When using the test connection from our own Azure AD system, we see the obvious error: "The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application:"
I have limited knowledge of configuring the system beyond working on shibboleth2.xml and attribute-map.xml so would be very grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction to fix this.
I'm not sure if you managed to configure it but i'm currently working on this as well, and i think i can help.
So the ReplyURL you need to provide in the Azure Portal, is the reply URL that accepts the authentiaction reply message from the identity provider.
In the case of Shibboleth it is:
So if your webpage is for instance:
The replyURL should be:
Notice that the page "Foo" is not in the replyURL.
After the authentication the browser should send the IDP reply to https://localhost/Shibboleth.SSO/Auth/Saml, after which Shibboleth should redirect you back to https://localhost/Foo
At least that's the default behaviour.

Keycloak integration with Pingfederate

What I want to do is this:
I have keycloak integrated with my application. So when my app is launched , keycloak login page is shown to user. Now , I am trying to provide an option to login with PingFedrate. So a button to login with PingFed appears(once a new SAML provider is configured in keycloak). On PingFedrate I tried to integrate SP inititated SSO:
I added a new SP connection and there I configured it as SSP initiated SSO. (It forced me to configure SOAP Authentication , where I selected basic and configured random username password). Then I downloaded metatdata.xml from this SP and imported in keycloak which autofilled the login url as : https://myserver:9031/idp/SSO.saml2 (i.e. without client id). After this when user clickon Login with PingFed - PingFed gives following error:
Unexpected System Error Sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact
your administrator for assistance and provide the reference number
below to help locate and correct the problem.
I found the solution to this.
Firstly, we need to add SP inititated SSO in Pingfed for keycloak.
Secondly, the reason I could not make SP inititated SSO work was that keycloak's entityId should be same as Pingfed SP connection's Partner's Entity Id / Connection Id.
Keycloak, by default keeps entity id equal to url of keyloak server containing your realm. E.g
(and I could not find a way to change it through Keycloak UI)
You need to enter this URL in Pingfed.
To avoid adding this manually, you can download the keycloak config from download export tab of identity provider.
And on Pingfed , import this file.
On a side note, though I was importing it earlier, I was changing value of Partenr id to some other name as I was not aware of above restriction until I started decoding the SAML tokens in request.

implementing SSO concept for php application

I am new to SSO concept . I have a metadata link from Identity Provider.
Need to send a metadata link back to them .
How can we build this .
Web application is created on a PHP framework with username and password login.
Can this be re-structured also to support SSO login.
Please Suggest .
As you want to interact with a SAML IdP your application needs to play the role of a SAML SP (Service Provider). Using PHP you could have a look at

How can I enable login button of identity provider (external) on SP login page

I am using WSO2 Identity server product version 5.0.0. I use SP1. In our latest architecture we use a specific login page for each service provider. Each service provider can be configured under different tenant domains, eventually with differences (for an example, for a tenant is configured the internal and the facebook login but for another tenant just the internal login).
I want to know if it is possible to visualize on the login page the external Identity provider login button according to the Service provider configuration under the specific tenant domain. Please help me to solve this, I am stuck on this advance configuration. I could not find any documents for this.
Yes, according to my knowledge your requirement is possible with WSO2-IS.
Please refer document [1] for Customizing the login page for SAML SSO service providers.
And you can get more custom configuration details using this blog as well. [2]
Also if you need to re-theming wso2 management console, that also possible with WSO2-IS. Please find the reference document [3].