Add Handler to Read Processed Value - OPC Advosol .Net Server ToolKit - opc

I am using Advosol OPC .Net Server Toolkit and trying to read Processed value from OPC Client But wanted to know how can I add handler for Processed value at server side ? How can I get Event of request of reading processed value from client side ? Please help me on this


Mapping of C# objects to OPCUA

I am new to OPC UA,
Our requirement is that the OPC UA Client app will do the reads/write data from/to a backend system (which is the system of record) via a OPC UA server. How can we represent the backend system C# objects in an OPC UA Server? So that the data gets directly updated in the backend system rather being on nodes(nodes object), we are more concerned on the duplicate data in both places (OPC UA server and Backed system) and also the data need to be UPTODATE on both the OPCUA server and backend system
I know this is not exactly an answer but maybe it can help you.
Look in the with the Quickstarts and especially AlarmCondition Server. There you see a simple implementation of an "Underlying System".
Maybe this can be of help?

How can I know if the plc connection is lost once I subscribed a tag?

I created a client application that has a subscription to monitor several tags through the OPC UA server(c#). If the connection between the OPC server and the PLC is lost while the client is running, the client stops receiving information from the server and it is never notified that the plc is not reachable any more.
I am evaluating to implement a periodic reading operation for one tag through the OPC server to actually know if the plc connection is active or not, but if there is a native mechanism in OPC UA I would like to avoid it.
Is there a way (eg. an event) to notify the client that the connection with the plc is lost for the running subscription?
A compliant OPC UA server must send notification with one of the "Bad" status codes, when the connection to the target system is lost. This is the normal notification event, same channel as the "good" ones, it just carries a different DataValue that happens to have the StatusCode with corresponding bits set so that it indicates a problem.
So, you need to check the StatusCode in the incoming notifications. If you are already doing that, but the server truly sends nothing in case of communication loss, you need to complain to the server vendor, because such behavior isn't really acceptable for any serious server.
Note: There are ways to specify a data change "filter" when subscribing to monitored item, and you can tell whether you want to be notified e.g. when just the timestamp changes and not the value, etc. But no matter how the filter is set, changes in StatusCode are always sent. Therefore the problem cannot be in having incorrect filter set.

When developing a new VSCODE extension, how to generate a Language Sever Protocol requirement and deal with the response?

When using the LSP provided by microsoft, at client how to generate a requiring json data and send it to the server? And then how to deal with the json data responded by the server?
I've read official documents but didn't find the way. All I want to do is to get the function definition text string instead of just showing it in a "hover".
VSCode sends the information to the implemented server for you. For example, the initialize request is sent to the server as soon as the plugin is started on the client-side.
Then, the server would have to build logic to handle the JSON payload sent by the client and return a specific response that conforms to the LSP specifications. I would suggest you turn on tracing in VSCode to see the messages being sent/received by the client and server. For lsp-sample, you can set this setting: "languageServerExample.trace.server": "verbose" in your package.json to enable tracing.
In terms of your question regarding function definition text string, I'm assuming you somehow want this in your client code(?) If this is the case, you would have to extract the function definition string in your hover handler, since that's how the server is sending that information over.

How to process the webservice xml message in mirth

How to process the webservice XML message in Mirth Connect 3.x?
If I understand your question correct, you are asking for how to configure Mirth to become a Web server. It's actually easy and hard at the same time.
The easy way - create a new channel and configure the Source connector as Web Service Listener. Deploy the channel and you have a web server waiting for SOAP messages to be sent to a configured IP port. But the structure of these SOAP messages is governed by Mirth WSDL at localhost:8081/services/Mirth?wsdl.
If you want the SOAP message structure to be different then you are going to deep dive into creating your own Java class and overriding default web service methods. There is no a single answer for that, it is a completely separate topic.
I hope you are asking how to consume XML webservice message in Mirth?..
If you are receiving specifically SOAP you need to set webservice listener as your source channel listener. (as said previous answer, you will have the URL)
Go to your transformer and type the following code:;
Once you do this you can see the data you received inside Mirth on the logger area.

JMS | IBM Websphere Application Server 8.5 | How to see messages and their formats lying on queues

I am working on a POC wherein I am trying to achieve SOAP over JMS. Basically I'll be submitting my SOAP messages directly to the jms queue and a consumer will further read these SOAP messages and process them. The reason we want to stick to SOAP is because it is a standard formatand we'll not have to do something extra to design a new standard form messages.
For this poc I am using the default messaging provider which comes by default with IBM websphere app server 8.5. I referred to the following and I am able to submit my messages to queue. The problem is that I expected the SOAP to stay as XML/String on my queue however it is getting converted into a byte message.
I want to check the message and its type on my queue using some kind of queue browser tool which could work with IBM WAS8.5 . I googled and found that there are a lot of Queue browser tools available for servers like Glassfish etc but I couldn't find any tool or option for IBM WAS8.5?
Can you please guide me on what I can do to ensure that my SOAP message stays as XML on JMS queue and any GUI tool/option I could use to see the message and its type on Queue ?
You can use the SIB Explorer tool to view the messages on the queue in WAS. The link to the tool is here.
There is also the SIB Destination Handler tool that allows you to perform more actions on the messages that you might find useful for your issue (like printing out properties etc). The SIB Destination Handler tool can be found here.
In addition to tools mentioned by whitfiea you can use web admin console and go to:
Buses > myBus > Destinations > myQueue > Queue points >
myQueue#rad9vmNode02.server1-myBus > (switch to the Runtime tab) > Messages
then select the message. You should be able to see the message contents.