Django send welcome email after User created using signals - email

I have a create_user_profile signal and I'd like to use same signal to send a welcome email to the user.
This is what I wrote so far in my
#receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def update_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
if created:
subject = 'Welcome to MyApp!'
from_email = ''
to =
plaintext = get_template('email/welcome.txt')
html = get_template('email/welcome.html')
d = Context({'username': instance.username})
text_content = plaintext.render(d)
html_content = html.render(d)
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
except BadHeaderError:
return HttpResponse('Invalid header found.')
This is failing with this error:
TypeError at /signup/
context must be a dict rather than Context.
pointing to the in my file.
Can you help me to understand what's wrong here?

Just pass a dict to the render instead of a Context object
d = {'username': instance.username}
text_content = plaintext.render(d)

On django 1.11 the template context must be a dict:
Try to just remove the Context object creationg.
d = {'username': instance.username}


Scrape different pages using Scrapy

I've been trying to scrape different pages. First, I scrape a URL from the first page using the xpath(#href) at the parse function. And then I try to scrape the article at that URL, from the parse function request callback. But it doesn't work.
How can I solve this issue? Here is my code:
import scrapy
from string import join
from article.items import ArticleItem
class ArticleSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "article"
allowed_domains = [""]
j_classifications = ['politics','money','society','culture']
start_urls = ["",
def parse(self, response):
sel = scrapy.Selector(response)
urls = sel.xpath('//div[#class="bd"]/ul/li/strong[#class="headline mg"]')
items = []
for url in urls:
item = ArticleItem()
item['url'] = url.xpath('a/#href').extract()
item['url'] = ""+join(item['url'])
for itm in items:
yield scrapy.Request(itm,callback=self.parse2,meta={'item':item})
def parse2(self, response):
item = response.meta['item']
sel = scrapy.Selector(response)
articles = sel.xpath('//div[#id="article_body"]')
for article in articles:
item['article'] = article.xpath('text()').extract()
return items
The problem here is that you restrict the domains: allowed_domains = [""]
If I change this to allowed_domains = [""] I get results in parse2 and article text is extracted -- as unicode but this is OK since the site is not written in latin characters.
And by the way: you can use response.xpath() instead of creating a selector over the response object. This requires some less code and makes it easier to code.

cgi.parse_multipart function throws TypeError in Python 3

I'm trying to make an exercise from Udacity's Full Stack Foundations course. I have the do_POST method inside my subclass from BaseHTTPRequestHandler, basically I want to get a post value named message submitted with a multipart form, this is the code for the method:
def do_POST(self):
if self.path.endswith("/Hello"):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
messagecontent = fields.get('message')
output = ""
output += "<html><body>"
output += "<h2>Ok, how about this?</h2>"
output += "<h1>{}</h1>".format(messagecontent)
output += "<form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='/Hello'>"
output += "<h2>What would you like to say?</h2>"
output += "<input name='message' type='text'/><br/><input type='submit' value='Submit'/>"
output += "</form></body></html>"
self.send_error(404, "{}".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
print(sys.exc_info() )
The problem is that the cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) is throwing an exception: TypeError: can't concat bytes to str, the implementation was provided in the videos for the course, but they're using Python 2.7 and I'm using python 3, I've looked for a solution all afternoon but I could not find anything useful, what would be the correct way to read data passed from a multipart form in python 3?
I've came across here to solve the same problem like you have.
I found a silly solution for that.
I just convert 'boundary' item in the dictionary from string to bytes with an encoding option.
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])
pdict['boundary'] = bytes(pdict['boundary'], "utf-8")
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
In my case, It seems work properly.
To change the tutor's code to work for Python 3 there are three error messages you'll have to combat:
If you get these error messages
c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
AttributeError: 'HTTPMessage' object has no attribute 'getheader'
boundary = pdict['boundary'].decode('ascii')
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
headers['Content-Length'] = pdict['CONTENT-LENGTH']
when running
c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
if c_type == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, p_dict)
message_content = fields.get('message')
this applies to you.
First of all change the first line to accommodate Python 3:
- c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('Content-Type'))
+ c_type, p_dict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.get('Content-Type'))
Secondly, to fix the error of 'str' object not having any attribute 'decode', it's because of the change of strings being turned into unicode strings as of Python 3, instead of being equivalent to byte strings as in Python 3, so add this line just under the above one:
p_dict['boundary'] = bytes(p_dict['boundary'], "utf-8")
Thirdly, to fix the error of not having 'CONTENT-LENGTH' in pdict just add these lines before the if statement:
content_len = int(self.headers.get('Content-length'))
p_dict['CONTENT-LENGTH'] = content_len
Full solution on my Github:
I am doing the same course and was running into the same problem. Instead of getting it to work with cgi I am now using the parse library. This was shown in the same course just a few lessons earlier.
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
length = int(self.headers.get('Content-length', 0))
body =
params = parse_qs(body)
messagecontent = params["message"][0]
And you have to get rid of the enctype='multipart/form-data' in your form.
In my case I used cgi.FieldStorage to extract file and name instead of cgi.parse_multipart
form = cgi.FieldStorage(
print('File', form['file']
print('Name', form['name'].value)
Another hack solution is to edit the source of the cgi module.
At the very beginning of the parse_multipart (around the 226th line):
Change the usage of the boundary to str(boundary)
boundary = b""
if 'boundary' in pdict:
boundary = pdict['boundary']
if not valid_boundary(boundary):
raise ValueError('Invalid boundary in multipart form: %r'
% (boundary,))
nextpart = b"--" + str(boundary)
lastpart = b"--" + str(boundary) + b"--"

What am I doing wrong with this Python class? AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'usernames'

Hey there I am trying to make my first class my code is as follows:
class Twitt:
def __init__(self):
self.usernames = []
self.names = []
self.tweet = []
self.imageurl = []
def twitter_lookup(self, coordinents, radius):
twitter = Twitter(auth=auth)
coordinents = coordinents + "," + radius
print coordinents
query ="", geocode='33.520661,-86.80249,50mi', rpp=10)
print query
for result in query["statuses"]:
What I am trying to be able to do is then use my class like so:
test = Twitt()
hello = test.twitter_lookup("38.5815720,-121.4944000","1m")
print hello.usernames
This does not work and I keep getting: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'usernames'"
Maybe I just misunderstood the tutorial or am trying to use this wrong. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
I see the error is test.twitter_lookup("38.5815720,-121.4944000","1m") return nothing. If you want the usernames, you need to do
test = Twitt()
Your function twitter_lookup is modifying the Twitt object in-place. You didn't make it return any kind of value, so when you call hello = test.twitter_lookup(), there's no return value to assign to hello, and it ends up as None. Try test.usernames instead.
Alternatively, have the twitter_lookup function put its results in some new object (perhaps a dictionary?) and return it. This is probably the more sensible solution.
Also, the function accepts a coordinents (it's 'coordinates') argument, but then throws it away and uses a hard-coded value instead.

Facebook & Classic ASP - Passing custom parameters to fan page tab - error with no data

We have our app working using this code (Is it possibile to pass parameters to the callback URL of a FB app which is accessed through a tab?), but the issue arises when there is no app_data parameter passed in. Here is an example of what we mean:
Works Fine: ("test" is written out fine)
Does NOT Work:
Code used with Base64 Encode & JSON Decode:
myArray = Split(Request("signed_request"), ".")
encoded_sig = myArray(0)
payload = myArray(1)
sig = base64_decode(Replace(encoded_sig, "-_", "+/"))
set data = JSON.parse(base64_decode(Replace(payload, "-_", "+/")))
Response.Write data.app_data
This is the error we receive when no parameter is passed in:
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'data.app_data'
Anyone have any thoughts on how to trap for this? I cannot do anything with "data.app_data" since this is what throws the error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you.
I found a work around for this. Wanted to share to others could benefit. thanks, Dennis
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/includes/fb_base64.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/includes/fb_json_decode.asp"-->
Function parsePageSignedRequest()
If Request("signed_request") <> "" Then
myArray = Split(Request("signed_request"), ".")
payload = myArray(1)
payload_decoded = base64_decode(payload)
set data = JSON.parse(payload_decoded)
If instr(payload_decoded,"""app_data""") Then
AppData = data.app_data
End If
If instr(payload_decoded,"liked"":true,") Then
LikeStatus = True
End If
End If
End Function

How to get the underlying object from a SpyMessage in JBossMQ

I am trying to write a simple Java program that reads from JBossMQ's jms_messages table using JDBC. I am using JBoss 4.0.4.GA.
I can get the as far as getting a SpyMessage, but how can I get the actual message content (which is an Object in the particular case I'm looking at).
I have a result set "rs" from this statement:
SELECT messageid, messageblob FROM jms_messages WHERE DESTINATION LIKE 'TOPIC.MyTopic%' limit 3"
and then I do this (based on JBoss code):
long messageid = rs.getLong(1);
SpyMessage message = null;
byte[] st = rs.getBytes(2);
ByteArrayInputStream baip = new ByteArrayInputStream(st);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(baip);
message = SpyMessage.readMessage(ois);
message.header.messageId = messageid;
String jmstype = message.getJMSType();
String jms_message_id = message.getJMSMessageID();
System.out.println("jmstype=" +jmstype);
System.out.println("jms_message_id=" +jms_message_id);
String propertyName;
Enumeration e = message.getPropertyNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements())
propertyName = (String)e.nextElement();
System.out.println("property name = " +propertyName);
but I get no properties printed and I don't know how to get my actual object from the SpyMessage (actually a SpyObjectMessage). I'd be grateful for any pointers.
I've tried asking this question on the JBoss forum without reply, so I'm hoping for better luck here.
Sorry - the answer was so obvious I'm not really sure what I was thinking when I posted the question - simply:
Object objMessage = ((SpyObjectMessage)message).getObject();