Read contacts from Addressbook using Xamarin Forms - plugins

Within my Xamarin Forms App I need to get a list of all contacts stored in the local addressbook of the phone (iOS and Android). Unfortunately all posts I found (e.g. How to Read contacts in Xamarin forms , How to read user phone book contacts without using any plugin or package or How to access address book in Xamarin.Forms ) advise to use James Montemagnos Contacts.Plugin.
But on the plugin page it says "THIS PLUGIN IS NOT UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND NOT SUPPORTED". Additionally also the nuget package is unlisted so it could not be added to new projects.
I did not find any other plugin to read contacts from iOS and Android Addressbook using Xamarin Forms. Anyone any idea? Many thanks!

Plugins are just someone else's code you can write yourself as well. If there are no (actively developed) plugins available, you will have to write something yourself.
This will involve heavy use of the DependencyService in Xamarin.Forms. The code by James can actually be a good starting point. The fact that is not under active maintenance doesn't mean it's unusable. Try to incorporate usable bits that fulfill your requirements.
Or, if you're really ambitious, fork the plugin, see what still works or what needs to be improved and make it your own.


how work with contact ,camera, gps in flutter without using plugins

I'm trying to do CRUD on contacts and SMS using flutter, but after so much searching I feel flutter does not have any core options about contacts or SMS. there is nothing in the official documentation.
how work with contacts, camera, GPS in flutter without using plugins?
because the contact has a different implementation in android and IOS you need to have a code for each platform. in flutter its called Plugin or platform-specific code. and as I said there is no way to work with a contact without plugins cause its platform-specific code. if you don't want to use plugin You should write your own plugins for contact. and I think this is the hard way.
if you want to have your own plugin check Writing custom platform-specific code link

Flutter - Am I able to creat a module with Flutter and use it in my iOS and Android projects?

In my company, we are working on a huge product. We have a repo for the Android project and also we have another repo for the iOS project.
I think it is impossible to rewrite the whole of the project in Flutter. So, something that popped in my mind but I am not sure if it is feasible. Each Android/iOS project contains many modules. I am working on a module called Enterprise. It has its own Activities, Fragments and business logic. So, my question is, Am I able to consider this module as a black box (it has a few inputs that are coming from the other modules and a few outputs that will be presented in the app module) and make it by Flutter. Then I will use its .aar version in the Android project as well as the iOS project.
Does an implementation like this is feasible?
Okay, I found Flutter is thinking of a way to solve this issue. I found two links that might be useful to you, too:
Add Flutter to existing apps. According to this page, "The "add-to-app" support is in preview, and is so far only available on the master channel.".
Integrating Flutter into an Existing App.
I will be more than happy to accept your answer if you have a better approach.

Phonegap for iphone development on Windows questino re native api

I've spent the day googling all the leads on developing iphone apps on Windows and apart from buying a mac the most suitable route seems to be Phonegap. I cannot find out whether Phonegap gives access to all the native functionality. For example I want to access and manipulate the address book contents. I also want to be able to send text messages programatically and intercept and examine incoming text messages. It would be helpful if someone could confirm whether this can be done with Phonegap.
My understanding is that Phonegap is based on webapps but I am assuming that an app developed with it can run offline for operations that dont require internet access.
Even using Phonegap you will still need access to a mac to actually build your iOS application. This is a restriction that Apple has in place, and to my knowledge there is no way around it.
Phonegap uses a UIWebView to display your application built using HTML, CSS, Javascript etc, but this does not mean that an Internet connection is required for the app to run (so offline apps are definitely possible).
With regards to Phonegap's functionality, details of the Phonegap API can be found on their website. Specific to your needs, I believe phonegap provides access to the device's address book through the contacts API:
I don't think Phonegap provides the ability to send SMS messages itself, but many people have developed extensions to add extra functionality to their applications through plugins. The majority of Phonegap iOS plugins can found at the following GitHub repo. The plugin I think you require is the SMSComposer:

Xtify Integration For Dreamweaver Phone app

I am creating my first native phone application using dreamweaver and phonegap build service, one of the most important features I need is the ability to send push notifications. That being said I am having a hard time finding a tutorial on integrating xtify with an app built in dreamweaver. any suggestions? All the documentation on xtify assumes I am building the program in phonegap. First thing you need to understand is that I am not a programmer, I work for a non profirt organization and this is just part of my job here.
Dreamweaver uses Adobe PhoneGap Build which packages mobile apps in the cloud. They don't support custom phonegap plugins (like Xtify) yet but they are working on it. Details here.
From the website:
Right now, you cannot submit your own plugins to PhoneGap Build and
have them included on our system. We are working on the infrastructure
changes to allow this support.

How can I access to the iPhone address book in a web app?

I'm currently developing a web app for my company. In this application, there's a form with input fields containing informations about contacts. I would like to create a button which allows to create a contact in the address book on a click.
Is there anyway to access the address book with JavaScript or other web language ?
For example, on windows and IE we can create an ActiveX object in JavaScript to create contacts in Outlook...
If this turns out to be possible, I'm eating my Mighty Mouse ..
I apologize for the slightly unrelated answer
P.S: to make this answer slightly more related; you could accomplish this by creating a hybrid between a native application and a web app, where the native app will pop-up the address book and then return its data to the web app.
If you create a link that generates a file in the vCard format, the iPhone version of Safari might recognize it as a contact and automatically launch the address book app when they click on the link.
It appears that this would NOT work as of iPhone 2.1 (no vCard support in safari), but it might work in 3.0 - I have seen that people will be able to send vCards via MMS on the iPhone, so maybe they'll work in safari too? I guess you'd just have to try it to find out.