how work with contact ,camera, gps in flutter without using plugins - flutter

I'm trying to do CRUD on contacts and SMS using flutter, but after so much searching I feel flutter does not have any core options about contacts or SMS. there is nothing in the official documentation.
how work with contacts, camera, GPS in flutter without using plugins?

because the contact has a different implementation in android and IOS you need to have a code for each platform. in flutter its called Plugin or platform-specific code. and as I said there is no way to work with a contact without plugins cause its platform-specific code. if you don't want to use plugin You should write your own plugins for contact. and I think this is the hard way.
if you want to have your own plugin check Writing custom platform-specific code link


Local Notifications

I'm building my first app in Flutter and want to include local notifications for Android and iOS. I've searched quite extensively for how to implement these, but every search result on Medium, Youtube, or random website uses flutter_local_notifications on (I can't find anything on except for icons). I'm sure it's a great resource, but I've been trying to code everything from scratch rather than use these plugins so I can understand the foundational mechanics better.Anyone know of a resource to guide me?
As Notifications are pretty platform-specific, there is no direct approach of calling notifications from flutter itself. You rather have to write your own native code for both ios and android in order to send notifications. For android, you can either use Java or Kotlin as a native language, and for iOS, you use Swift.
You can follow this tutorial in order to get your hands on a native method for calling notifications on android.

How to scan 2D barcodes in flutter web?

I have an application, written in flutter, that is heavily dependent on the feature of scanning pdf-417 type codes. In the Android port, it works easily, using the qr_code_scanner 0.0.13 library from I need a web application, for various reasons, and I want to implement the scanning functionality in it. I have tried searching librarys that support the web also, but couldn't find anything relevant. I tried creating a html/js scanner webpage, with zxing-js, that works in a normal browser, but not in the flutter webview, which uses the easy_web_view package. It seems from the errors, that it cannot access the camera. What should be the easiest way of solving this? Thanks in advance for your answers.
You can use this package that support web, android and IOS in flutter.
Also see this link

How to make Modularization in Flutter to separate each application feature

On Android native to separate each application feature, structured the project, implementing architecture component and to make it easier to work in a team you can use modularization, so each person can focus on their respective work by focusing only on the module. If I want to make a flutter application with examples of 3 application features (login, register, profile) and want to implement modularization for each feature to make it easier to work as a team. How do you implement the modular? Are there references to its best practices for modularizing Flutter? Because if on Android Native there are already many related articles while I check for Flutter it hasn't found it yet.
Create each feature as a package(library) and add it whenever you want to the main app. For example in my app I use main.dart as a navigator manager and each screen is in different packages.
And this is an example of implementing it:

How to implement sms retrieve api in flutter

I want my app to take OTP automatically, In android, we have the SMS retrieval API for that, so how to implement the same thing for IOS and android using flutter
Currently, there is no official Flutter plugin developed by the Flutter team for this. You have two options for this:
Use plugins created by the developer community. Try sms_retriever.
Write your own platform-specific code (e.g. your Android code in Java), and invoke it from Flutter. Read more about this here.

Read contacts from Addressbook using Xamarin Forms

Within my Xamarin Forms App I need to get a list of all contacts stored in the local addressbook of the phone (iOS and Android). Unfortunately all posts I found (e.g. How to Read contacts in Xamarin forms , How to read user phone book contacts without using any plugin or package or How to access address book in Xamarin.Forms ) advise to use James Montemagnos Contacts.Plugin.
But on the plugin page it says "THIS PLUGIN IS NOT UNDER DEVELOPMENT AND NOT SUPPORTED". Additionally also the nuget package is unlisted so it could not be added to new projects.
I did not find any other plugin to read contacts from iOS and Android Addressbook using Xamarin Forms. Anyone any idea? Many thanks!
Plugins are just someone else's code you can write yourself as well. If there are no (actively developed) plugins available, you will have to write something yourself.
This will involve heavy use of the DependencyService in Xamarin.Forms. The code by James can actually be a good starting point. The fact that is not under active maintenance doesn't mean it's unusable. Try to incorporate usable bits that fulfill your requirements.
Or, if you're really ambitious, fork the plugin, see what still works or what needs to be improved and make it your own.