Calculated Field to see if point is greater than Standard Deviation - tableau-api

So instead of having a SUM of all the amounts per person, I now instead have a Circle View of all the amounts they have spent (each circle being a transaction).
Now, I need to create a calculated field to see if a transaction is above the standard deviation of ALL transactions (hence making it an outlier).
Any way you can help me create a calculated field? I keep getting errors.
My Calculated Field formula went something like this
ELSE "good"
My Data Points Image

You cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguements. You need to use an LOD (Level of Detail) expression in this case. Below is a valid calculation.
ELSE "good"
You can change the expression based on the Level Of detail required. Please refer to this article for detailed explanation.

Put curly braces {} around the second expression, but not the first.
if [AMOUNT] > { STDEV([AMOUNT]) } then ...
To understand why, read about LOD calculations in the online help


How to divide an Aggregate and Sum function

I am working in Tableau and trying to create a formula that will return me the value of each customer that walks into a store by dividing Net Sales / Traffic. When I try to combine the two separate formulas, it gives me the following error: Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function. The two functions I created that I'm trying to divide are:
SOT = (SUM([Sales Net])-SUM([Sales Gcard Net]))/SUM([Traffic Perday]) and SOT Goal
When I look at it in Tableau, it's stating that SOT is an aggregate function. How do I work around this to be able to get
SOT / SOT Goal
Aggregate variables are values that are calculated in the view, and depend on the level of aggregation in Tableau. e.g. sum(Sales) will show different values in Tableau if it’s next to a Region dimension, or if it’s next to a Category dimension.
In order to avoid the errors you can use many solutions. My favorite is indeed LOD expressions. In your view, though I do not have required sample data and therefore, I cannot try my hands on different possibilities here, I suggest that this should work-
SOT = ({SUM([Sales Net])}-{SUM([Sales Gcard Net])})/{SUM([Traffic Perday])}
Do remember that this solution will over-ride your filters and if you are using filters you have to add all those to Context.
While trying different possibilities remember these things...
{SUM([Sales])} will sum the sales over entire data and {} i.e. curly braces wrapped around the sum function will cause to return the value as non-aggregate. In other words, this will work as LOD and if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales will be shown against each row.
{FIXED [DIMENSION NAME] : sum([Sales])} will sum sales separately for each Dimension value. Fixed statement (LOD) again returns the value as non-aggregate value. if you'll add this field to view, the sum of entire sales for that dimension will be shown against each dimension.

Tableau, how to calculate Weighted Standard Deviation

I've a problem to calculate weighted standard deviation. Here's the formula I used:
sum([Weight]*(([Variable]-[Mean Score - Variable])^2))
But there's a error pop up message "Cannot mix aggregrate and non-aggregrate"
I wonder what's wrong with my formula?
I am assuming Variable and Weight are explicit fields in your dataset, while [Mean Score] is a calculated field you defined in Tableau.
[Mean Score] is an aggregate calculation; Variable is not. You can check this by dragging [Mean Score] to any shelf in Tableau, and note that it is show within the prefix AGG(). Note that you can't select the form of aggregation (SUM, MIN, AVG) to apply in that case, because the aggregation function is defined within that calculation.
You can't mix aggregate and record level calculations directly. Record level calculations are evaluated once for each individual data row. Aggregate calculations are evaluated once for each block of data rows.
The dimensions used in your worksheet determine which data rows are grouped together into blocks (partitioning the data). Analogous to the fields that follow the keyword GROUP BY in SQL select statement. As with SQL, the other fields referenced must be aggregated somehow such as via a SUM(), MIN(), MAX() or other call. Tableau calls those fields measures.
The most straightforward solution is to revise your definition of [Mean Score] to make it a Level Of Detail (LOD) calc instead of an aggregate calc.
That will allow you to essentially first compute the mean score separately, and then reference that result in your record level calculation. You will have to decide among 3 different ways for determining the dimensions for your LOD calc. See the online help for more info on LOD calcs.
For example, try replacing [Mean Score] with { include : [Mean Score] }

Tableau - Dividing two calculated fields, getting wrong result of 1

I've been ripping my hear out trying to figure out why this is happening, any help would be very much appreciated!
I'm trying to divide the result of a calculated field by another calculated field in order to get a percentage ("X% of transactions were at or below SLA" essentially). Not sure if the problem is how I'm calculating the two fields, or this new calculation I'm using.
Here is the calculation I'm using: sum([CALC1]) / ([CALC2]) --I'm getting a result of 1 using this, but am expecting something like .982.
CALC1: IF [Total Time (seconds)] > 180 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
CALC2: COUNT([Trans Id])
I thought it would make sense to add this in the answers portion, even though the correct answer is listed in the comments.
The issue is with how you are displaying the answer. Right click on the measure in the left hand pane and scroll down to "default properties". Go to "Number format" and adjust to the desired number of decimal places.

Table Across Average based on First String Value

Is there a way to calculate the average across a table based on only the value in the first column (School Name) when the first column is a string value? The current values in School Average are not correct due to the additional column values (Grade and Teacher) needed prior to the measures.
This is an ideal use case for LOD calculations. An LOD calculation allows you to specify the dimensions for a calculation as part of the calculation definition -- instead of (solely) by the Tableau shelves and cards.
To start, you can define a calculated field called,say, School_Avg as
{ fixed [School Name] : avg([Grade]) }
Assuming you have a field called Grade.
There is much more to learn about LOD calculations. See the on line help to learn more.

Get 2 max date in Tableau

My requirement is to get the second max date available in report and filter the data set on this.
I tried something like this:
Referred to this link
any help?
You're going to need Tableau 9.0 for this. Basically because any calculation you do on Tableau depends on the level of detail you have on the worksheet (the dimensions you put in there). So datediff('day',dt,max(dt))=1 won't work. First because you're mixing aggregated fields (max(dt)) with non-aggreagated (dt). Second, because the aggregation depends on the dimensions in the workfield.
But Tableau 9.0 has a new awesome feature, called Level of Detail calculations. It allows you to perform calculations in the level of detail you choose, depending not on the dimensions on the sheet. It is also calculated BEFORE any calculation on the worksheet (just after context filters).
Now to the answer. First I'll figure out what is the max(dt). Let's call it max_dt
{ FIXED : MAX(dt) }
This will calculated the maximum of dt in all your database
Now to get the second max, you can go like this:
{ FIXED : MAX(IF dt != max_dt
This will calculated the maximum of dt, ignoring those who are equal to max_dt (that is the true max(dt)). Therefore, the second max.
Take a look on those LOD calculations. They were just released, I'm having tons of fun with them right now
If the view has date dimension
The easy way to do this,is to create a calculated Last()=1
then filter off the records that evaluate to TRUE