Features supported in Syncfusion Grid control (Essential JS 2 for Angular) - syncfusion

I am trying to explore Syncfusion Grid control (Essential JS 2 for Angular).
Following is the link for documentation -
I have been trying to find whether the following facilities/support is available in the above mentioned grid -
Edit/Add/Delete row - Come to know that these features are not
available for Essential JS 2 pure JavaScript controls. But what
about the grid control(Essential JS 2 for Angular)
Search functionality - I can see there are attributes like
[allowSorting],[allowFiltering],[allowGrouping] to achieve
sorting,filtering, grouping etc. Is there any similar property to
perform Free text search on the grid? Or the only way is to take a
reference of the grid
in the parent component (.ts file) and call search method
that is present in GridComponent class?
Hierarchy Grid
Stacked Header
Is there any way to apply average/max/min/Sum etc operators on a numeric field during group by and displaying the result in the grid itself ? I mean if there are 3 columns (A-string, B-string, C- numeric) is there any way perform
Sum on column C when user performs group by on Column A or Column B
Reorder Column,
Add/Remove Column

Currently Editing support for Grid is not available in our Essential JS2 Angular. It will be available on our upcoming releases.
In Essential JS 2 Grid, searching behavior is always enabled, so that we are not provided allowSearching property in Grid component. You can search the grid records using the “search” method in GridComponent and we have created a simple sample in pluker. Please refer the below link.
Sample link: http://plnkr.co/edit/Q9TMJiGe0oh41eMixSo1?p=preview
Currently Hierarchy Grid feature is not available in our Essential JS2 Angular. It will be available in our next release.
This feature is available on our Grid component.
Sample link: http://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/grid/column/stackedheader
Currently, Aggregate feature for Grid is not available in our Essential JS2 Angular. It will be available in our next release.
Reorder column feature is available in Grid component.
Please find the sample link: http://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/grid/column/reorder
Visible/hidden Grid columns feature is available in Grid component.
Sample link: http://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/grid/column/showhide


ag-grid v19 filters are not retained

We were using ag-Grid v9. We updated to ag-Grid v19.
We have a drop down in which multiple categories are loaded, we can select one category at a time and its data is loaded in the ag-Grid.
We apply column filters for a selected category and respective rows get filtered. However when we change the category the applied filters are not retained.
Earlier with v9 it was working correctly
Earlier we were using OnAfterFilterChanged() but with v19 it got deprecated so we are using onFilterChanged()
To retain the state of grid filters, sort etc we should update data rather than replace data.
Use the grid property deltaRowDataMode=true
Very nicely explained in the article DataUpdate

AG-Grid: Add and remove columns in column groups while maintaining the state of other columns

I have a table built with AG Grid which needs to display different columns depending on the type of data we give it. This is proving slightly difficult, as I can't find a proper interface in AG Grid which allows you setup new columns in existing column groups, and without blowing up user-driven changes (hidden columns, resizing, pinning, etc).
The biggest issue is that I can't figure out how to access column group definitions.
This function from aggrid does not directly provide column groups, just the child columns. Looping through the columns via this function, they have a parent property, but that does not include the coldef for the column group, which means there isn't even really a way to reconstruct the coldef based on the data you get from it (also, the parent property is private in typescript).
Here is a rough plunker, modified from one of the ag grid documentation examples which illustrates it
I did try having all the columns present in the table at all times, and hiding them programmatically based on the incoming data, however that creates several issues with the default column show/hide functionality (you can manually show the invalid columns). Using the initial coldefs won't work too well either, since that will discard any modifications the user has made to the columns.
Is there anyone out there who can point me in the right direction?

Assembler Category Listing Pages in Endeca Assembler

I am working on the Assembler Category Listing Pages and gave the following query:
It is returning all the Root Level categories, however I also need to return the Sub Level Categories. How to achieve it using Assembler?
There is no way to get a second level of categories (dim values) out of the box. You will need to build a custom handler for this purpose.
Try giving Ne=<id#1>+<id#2>+<id#3>
Refer to Dimensions and dimension values section of Endeca Concepts Guide for more information.

Sencha GXT3 - Grid Column Header: Doubleclick Handler between two column headers

I have the following problem:
customer wants Excel like behaviour on a table. When double-clicking on the space between two column-headers, the column should be sized like the biggest text inside that column.
Question: Is there a build in GXT function to add a Handler to the space between two column headers? I havent found sth. like that, browsing the documentation of grid...
Additional Information: GXT: 3.0.1 GWT: 2.5.1
Thank you very much!
No, it doesn't seem GXT exposes any handlers for actions on the column separators. A possible solution would be to have a option in the column drop down. There is an aricle about that here: http://greatlogic.com/2014/06/02/autofit-column-width-in-a-gxt-grid/

SqlDataSource filter on conditional dropdownlist values

i have 3 dropdownlists that i need to filter my datasource at runtime.
Each of the dropdownlists must be combined with the other two BUT they also have a 'special' value of "ALL". in this case i want to disable filtering on the specific filed and show all values.
Does this come with some out of the box functionality from asp.net or i have to build the string every time ?
After searching in many places i finally found out that there is NOT an out of the box functionality of asp.net to dynamically build WHERE clauses based on the values of every control that i want to participate in filtering.
I ended up with custom coding on the gridview selectedindexchanged event that builds the selectcommand text and binds the gridview again.
works fine!