Assembler Category Listing Pages in Endeca Assembler - atg

I am working on the Assembler Category Listing Pages and gave the following query:
It is returning all the Root Level categories, however I also need to return the Sub Level Categories. How to achieve it using Assembler?

There is no way to get a second level of categories (dim values) out of the box. You will need to build a custom handler for this purpose.

Try giving Ne=<id#1>+<id#2>+<id#3>
Refer to Dimensions and dimension values section of Endeca Concepts Guide for more information.


WIQL or query to get all related work-item, but NOT listing the parents

I have a query listing all features and their child/related work-items.
Is there a way not to display the features (parents) itself? Just a flat list of all work-items having a link with a feature in this project.
I am afraid you cannot use the flat list of work items to query the work items with links.
You can have a try using a Work items and direct links type of query to show the children work items of the Features on the top level. See below:
If you want to add a query result account widget on dashboards, you can check out the Query Tile PRO tool.

Tableau MarkLogic Data Modelling

I am using Tableau with MarkLogic. I have the following XML Structure
<CustomerInformation CustomerId="1">
<EmployerName IsCurrentEmployer=""></EmployerName>
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
<Policy PolicyId="">
<PolicyClaim ClaimId="">
<PolicyComplaint ComplaintId="">
<Billing BillingId="">
I have created a view on above structure.
Initially I have created a single view for all elements, but on Tableau I got duplicate values as well as Cartesian join result.
So to tackle this, I used approach of fragment root.
Since there can be multiple PolicyDetails for single customer. I have created fragment root on Policy.
Similarly Claims, Complaints, Billing, Quote can be multiple for single policy, I have created fragment root on each one of them.
Now after doing this it resolves the duplicate issue as well as Cartesian join result set. It gives unique set of record for each entities (CustomerInfo, Policy, Claims, Complaints, Quote, Employer, Billing).
However I am not able to relate this entities with each other (as in foreign-primary key).
I have created the following view with element scope and all. I am pasting only Customer and Policy details, if this resolves other entities can be similarly managed
view:column("CustomerId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("CustomerInformation"), xs:QName("CustomerId"))),
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("QuoteNumber", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Quote"), xs:QName("QuoteNumber"))),
view:column("ComplaintId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("PolicyComplaint"), xs:QName("ComplaintId"))),
view:column("BillingId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Billing"), xs:QName("BillingId"))),:)
view:column("CustomerFirstName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerFirstName"))),
view:column("CustomerLastName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("CustomerLastName")))
view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))),
view:column("PolicyName", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyName"))),
view:column("PolicyType", cts:element-reference(xs:QName("PolicyType")))
All pre-requisites like element-range index and all is been done.
I am trying to relate these entities using view:column("PolicyId", cts:element-attribute-reference(xs:QName("Policy"), xs:QName("PolicyId"))) in CustomerBasicInfo view.
If I do so it shows zero results in Tableau or Query console.
If I remove it, gives unique record but without any relationship with each other.
All I want is to achieve relationship between Policy-Customer
Kindly go through the code snippet, if more clarification required please let me know
The getting of cartesian join results is a known issue with the SQL views driven from Range indexes in MarkLogic, particularly with aggregate docs like above.
The simplest way to solve it for SQL views would be to split your docs into separate Policies, with embedded copies of the customer into. That could mean a fair amount of data duplication if customers often have multiple policies.
You could also consider taking these docs apart, and storing policies and customer details separately, with id refs from policy to customer, so that you can join them together afterwards, in Tableau, or SQL.
MarkLogic 9 comes with a new feature though, that would prevent the need for all this. It is called Template Driven Extraction. It also provides SQL views on data, but works in a different way. It is driven with a match pattern (called the context) that controls the rows in the view. You would use Policy as context in this case. From there you would use relative paths to go up the tree to customer details, and down to get policy details.
TDE templates are installed using tde:template-insert. The documentation of that function shows a simple example of such a TDE:
You can also play around with tde:node-data-extract first, to get the hang of it.

Manual sorting of sys_category

On my TYPO3 7 site, i'm not able to choose an order to the categories of a page or a news (plugin tx_news). I can only choose what categories that page or news have, using the checkboxes to select them.
Is there any configuration for that?
Alternatively, I may override these fields with my own TCA, but have no ideas on how to get a sorting tree of categories. Any hint?
On my sites running previous TYPO3 versions with tt_news plugin, its category tree allows to change the sorting after selecting the categories.
I coudn't find anything about it on the "select" documentation ( Looks like MM relations doesn't support sorting.
Does anyone knows how to get it?
Make sure you have the "extended view" checked at the end of the page. You can then sort the sys_category-entries using the up/down arrows.
If you need to sort your categories per item and not globally then a default MM relation will not work as it doesn't support sorting. You're on the right track. Override or extend the TCA, don't specify a MM relation and don't use the tree view rendering. Use a standard select like you would select pages. This should store the values as a comma-list string in the database and so represent the sorting like you would see it the backend.

Microstrategy - Creating 3 selectors on the same attribute

I have a requirement of comparing Product line (attribute) and Brand (Attribute) using 3 different selectors. Product line and Brand is having one to one relationship .
My dashboard should look like below.(sorry I cant attach the snapshot)
Prod line (selector) Brand(selector)
Prod line (selector) Brand(selector)
Prod line (selector) Brand(selector)
These selectors should be only dropdown type.
User will select a particular product line and can compare it with a particular brand at a time.
I created 3 selectors with the same attributes , but it is not working.
Please help me with the above scenario ASAP. We suggested the checkbox type selector but the client requirement is only dropdown
We had a similar scenario (a bit easier, only [Region]->[Street] in the dataset and we wanted to select two streets from this region from and target a single panel).
What we ended up with: Creating additional attributes. These attributes must not be built on the same table so you have to create aliases for that.
You'd end up with "lu_product", "lu_product_alias1" and "lu_product_alias2". Then just copy the Product attribute twice and alter the id/desc-attribute forms to point to the correct alias-table. If this doesn't help you might have to repeat the process for Brand.
Personally I think this brute-force solution is insane, but it worked for us and a small dataset. I'd be glad to see other and more lightweight solutions though.

Is it possible to prioritise the product order in Adobe Business Catalyst?

A client has asked if they can prioritise a certain product in their online catalogue so that it appears as the second product rather than the sixth or so. Is this possible?
This is all I can find in the help section, which points to a no answer.
Customizing how sub-catalogs list appears
rowLength Number of catalogs per
row targetFrame e.g. _blank.
Specify the frame you want the product
to open in resultsPerPage
Number of catalogs you wish to display
before the page paginates
notUsed this field is not currently
used. Leave empty. sortType
- Alphabetical
- Weight (Defaut) hideEmptyMessage if a catalog does not
have any sub-catalogs you will see a
message This catalog has no
sub-catalogs. You can hide it by
setting it to true.
Hopefully I'm just missing a really obvious control in the BC interface somewhere.
So that help documentation you've pulled up is regarding catalogs. If you want the catalogs to appear in a different order, use the "Weight" sortType in your tag_cataloguelist and assign weights to your catalogs when setting them up.
For individual products in the list view, assign a weight to each product under eCommerce > Products in the detailed product settings. You can also assign weights in bulk by downloading the entire product list then reimporting the product database.