Holoviews: how to update a plot with real time data? - real-time

I am searching for an example that shows how to update a plot from live data.
Alas Holoviews examples/galleries don't show anything about this and I am stuck.
The only page I found is in Tutorial "Live Data" (http://holoviews.org/getting_started/Live_Data.html) but it plays with sliders instead of real data.
Can somebody point me to any source of info?

This is a very old question I found looking for similar information. I believe using holoviews.streams.Pipe() with a holoviews.DynamicMap() is the answer:
See: http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Streaming_Data.html


Is there any way to break up a PDFTable onto a different page?

First time poster here...but been using StackOverflow for solutions whenever I get stuck.. ton of great information here! I will try to describe the question as thoroughly as I can and hope someone can help me out with it. I need to generate a PDF in Swift and present it on an iPad, so i decided to use TPPDF for the PDF generation and then Apple's PDFKit to present it.
TPPDF has been working great for me, however, I ran into an issue where if I create a PDFTable with an enough amount of rows, it overflows into the next page without creating a new table. The last row gets cut off about 1/3 way and the other 2/3 is generated on the next page. This creates a weird visual effect which i'd rather not have if it's possible.
I've been reading through the documentation as well as sifting through the source code to try and figure out if there's a way but I can't find a decent workaround. The only workaround I can think of is splitting up the content and creating multiple PDFTables on new pages (using the createNewPage() method). This would take a good amount of rework in my code so I wanted to post it here to see if anyone has come across this and come up with a solution.
I appreciate any help!!
thanks for asking, this is actually an on-going issue which occured after adding the merge-cell feature. This is discussed in issue #243, so you take a closer look at what's going on there.

Unable to use gist in medium

I have searched a lot and tried several approaches. I believe I am doing something wrong as I am unable to have code from gist in the medium plataform bloggers.
I have only get the links on there but the code does not show or is not integrate. I have tried all the modalities of gist share code possible and paste using the embedded option in medium.
For example,
This code does not show in the medium.
What I am missing? I have looked how people do but does not work for me for some reason and also I have changed from google to firefox and nothing changed.
The vendor that they use for processing embeds is currently down. You can watch the status of the incident here: http://status.embed.ly/
So, basically, the way you are doing it isn't a problem. You'll just have to wait until the incident resolves.

What type of chart would be best for displaying this data?

I don't mean in terms of how to implement it. i mean i dont like how the date is displayed with the bars. what other type of chart would be more suitable. I know a threadhold line wouldnt work beacause the values of the capacity are different for each day. if they were all the same a threadhold line indicating capacity would work
I think a line graph would be an excellent way to show the data.
I made that using the chart wizard. Link: here. I used the data you provided above, so it should be accurate unless I mistyped.
On the chart wizard, you can import this chart using the link I gave you above if you want to clean it up, add axes, etc.
The best way is impossible to answer, depends on too many things specially since you didn't clarify almost anything in you question.
Anyway, Google's chart API would be ans "easy" way to do this.
Good luck, I you clarify further in your question, I'll try to be more specific and improve my answer!
It can do this quite easily:
See here.

Searching an image for specified text

I think I am going to ask very stupid Question here. In my current project i want to give search feature. I have an big image tutorial with lot of information about on a topic and i want to search feature in the image. Suppose use type like "Apple" it will show the Apple occurred how many times in the image and after clicking on of that the image scroll and go to the position where "Apple" is occurred.
Thanks for reading my stupid question but if it is possible let me know and put some sample code??
Here is a broad overview of the approach I would take:
Find a C/C++ based OCR library
Get it to compile on the iPhone
Create a UI to feed images to the OCR library
Store output of OCR, including words found and their location in the image.
Create a UI to allow users to enter a search.
Search OCR output for matches and highlight the location of matches on the image.
I imagine step 2 is going to be the most difficult. Tesseract may work, it is C++ based but I don't know what dependencies it has.
UPDATE: Someone on GitHub has posted a demo iPhone App that uses Tesseract.
Please try to do use WebView or Core Text to render you tutorial, in which search functionality comes pretty much for free. Use OCR for search is just not practical for your need.

Best examples of data visualisation?

I love data visualisation and to spread that love I thought we could share our favourite examples of data visualisation:
Chess moves http://turbulence.org/spotlight/thinking/chess.html
Chris Harrison's Visualisations http://www.chrisharrison.net/projects/visualization.html
I especially like the bible and Wikipedia visualisations.
If you're interested in creating your own visualisations a good place to start would be to check out processing.js (http://ejohn.org/blog/processingjs/).
Information Aesthetics's feed is on my home page and has been the source of many interesting visualizations since I've placed it there.
glTail.rb - real time log info, Linux only.
This is a recent favorite The Ebb and Flow of Movies: Box Office Receipts 1986 — 2008.
Blew my mind is college Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812.
And always check out Tufte.
I always found Gource to be pretty interesting; check out some of the samples. Histories of git projects.
I find codeswarm really amazing. Check out the video of eclipse.
I just came across the JavaScript lib called Raphael, haven't tried it but the demos impressed me:
-- pete
I'm surprised no one has suggested d3 yet. Check out the website, its awesome: http://mbostock.github.com/d3/
For a large collection of manually selected information visualizations, please see http://www.infovis.info -- some of the online collections that I drew from no longer exist!
I show or link some examples in my blog post here: http://mycarta.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/time-to-spice-up-your-visualization-skills/
There is also a terrific selection of examples on this thread in Quora:
A friend of mine did this and got it exposed at MOMA in NY
It represents the trafic in lisbon over time, it was done with processing and there is no map behind it, just the coordinates of cars with public gps moving around