Facebook share article by image from website - facebook

Facebook allows us to share our website page on facebook by implementing facebook graph og: structure on top of the page. But what if we want to have share button on actual images in the article. Let's say we have 5 images in article, and we have facebook share button near the image. Is there any tutorial how can implementation be achieved by sharing actual image and url of website, instead of preloaded facebook graph og: settings of the page?


Why cant my Facebook page be embedded on a website?

Im attempting to embed a simple Facebook timeline onto my website, unfortunately when I put the link of the facebook page that I want to embed into the Facebook page plugin website, a preview is not available, and it doesn't appear on my website when I copy the code into my HTML.
It does work when I change the link to something else.
This is the link to my Facebook page:
Your page does not appear to be fully public, I get
Sorry, this content isn't available right now
when I follow your Facebook link.
The documentation for the plugin clearly mentions that it won’t work for pages with any kind of privacy restrictions, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/page-plugin/#privacy:
Privacy Restricted Pages
Facebook Pages with privacy restrictions cannot be embedded.

How To Share a link similar to Instagram image links on Facebook

I'm trying to find out how to implement this type of link to be shared to my facebook page. I've seen another page do it a while back, they shared a link to their facebook, and it was their own website, and it was this exact same kind of link, here's the picture.
Does anyone have an idea?

Site Embed Facebook Fan Page Feed WITH Fan Comments

I have a Facebook Fan Page. I could embed this feed into a site using Facebook's social activity plugin right now and we'd have nothing else to discuss. HOWEVER, when I do this, it only includes the content the PAGE posts, not the fan-submitted content. I'd like to have an embeddable stream of my actual page wall, which includes my content and fan-submitted content. Any ideas?
Per the documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/activity/, the social activity plugin is working as described. (of note,
The activity feed displays stories when users like content on your
site, when users share content from your site in Facebook or if they
comment on a page on your site in the Comments box.
If a user is logged into Facebook, the plugin will be personalized to
highlight content from their friends. If the user is logged out, the
activity feed will show recommendations from across your site, and
give the user the option to log in to Facebook.
To get the functionality you want, you will have write your own plugin.

Can you add affiliate links to 'share' URLs?

can anyone let me know if it is possible to add a dynamic URL to a Facebook share website link. So for example would I be able to add an affiliate tracking link to the share URL when a users elects to share one of the items from my store to their facebook page?
I would like to be able to reward users commission if someone see's the share link and then buys the product from my store.
When sharing a link on facebook, it will most likely output 4 things.
An image
The title of the webpage
The URL found after all redirects
A short description
The image and the bold title of your post will have the link you shared, but the URL mentioned in (3) will have a new URL.
With Facebook's sharer.php you can share any URL (urlencoded):

Adding Facebook link to on website to our facebook

Am I allowed to use a Facebook logo to link to my Facebook from our web page. I would basically like to use a visual link versus just the word Facebook on the bottom of the page that will link to our page.
I believe the Facebook Brand Permissions Center contains all the guidelines for this.
In particular, the Logo and Trademarks tab states the difference between using the full Facebook logo and the 'f' logo.