GroupBy based on conditions in Spark dataframe - scala

I have two dataframe,
Dataframe1 contains key/value pairs:
| Key | Value |
| key1 | Column1 |
| key2 | Column2 |
| key3 | Column1,Column3 |
Second dataframe:
This is actual dataframe where I need to apply groupBy operation
| Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Amount |
| A | A1 | XYZ | 100 |
| A | A1 | XYZ | 100 |
| A | A2 | XYZ | 10 |
| A | A3 | PQR | 100 |
| B | B1 | XYZ | 200 |
| B | B2 | PQR | 280 |
| B | B3 | XYZ | 20 |
Dataframe1 contains the key,value columns
It has to take the keys from dataframe1, it has to take the respective value and do the groupBy operation on the dataframe2
Dframe= df.groupBy($"key").sum("amount").show()
Expected Output: Generate three dataframes based on number of keys in dataframe
d1= df.grouBy($"key1").sum("amount").show()
it has to be : df.grouBy($"column1").sum("amount").show()
| A | 310 |
| B | 500 |
result: df.grouBy($"column2").sum("amount").show()
| A1 | 200 |
| A2 | 10 |
Code :
| A | XYZ | 320 |
| A | PQR | 10 |
| B | XYZ | 220 |
| B | PQR | 280 |
In future, if I add more keys , it has to show the dataframe. Can someone help me.

Given the key value dataframe as ( which I suggest you not to form dataframe from the source data, reason is given below)
|Key |Value |
|key1|Column1 |
|key2|Column2 |
and actual dataframe as
|A |A1 |XYZ |100 |
|A |A1 |XYZ |100 |
|A |A2 |XYZ |10 |
|A |A3 |PQR |100 |
|B |B1 |XYZ |200 |
|B |B2 |PQR |280 |
|B |B3 |XYZ |20 |
I would suggest you not to convert the first dataframe to rdd maps as
val maps = => row(0) -> row(1)).collect()
And then loop the maps as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
for(kv <- maps){
df2.groupBy(kv._2.toString.split(",").map(col): _*).agg(sum($"Amount")).show(false)
//you can store the results in separate dataframes or write them to files or database
You should have follwing outputs
|B |500 |
|A |310 |
|A2 |10 |
|B2 |280 |
|B1 |200 |
|B3 |20 |
|A3 |100 |
|A1 |200 |
|B |PQR |280 |
|B |XYZ |220 |
|A |PQR |100 |
|A |XYZ |210 |


Scala group by with mapped keys

I have a DataFrame that has a list of countries and the corresponding data. However the countries are either iso3 or iso2.
.filter(size($"") > 0)
Now this country field can have USA as the country code or US as the country code. I need to map both USA / US ==> "United States" and then do a groupBy. How do I do this in scala.
Create another DataFrame with country_name, iso_2 & iso_3 columns.
Join your actual DataFrame with this DataFrame & Apply your logic on that data.
Check below code for sample.
|country_name |iso_2|iso_3|
|Afghanistan |AF |AFG |
|?land Islands |AX |ALA |
|Albania |AL |ALB |
|Algeria |DZ |DZA |
|American Samoa |AS |ASM |
|Andorra |AD |AND |
|Angola |AO |AGO |
|Anguilla |AI |AIA |
|Antarctica |AQ |ATA |
|Antigua and Barbuda|AG |ATG |
|Argentina |AR |ARG |
|Armenia |AM |ARM |
|Aruba |AW |ABW |
|Australia |AU |AUS |
|Austria |AT |AUT |
|Azerbaijan |AZ |AZE |
|Bahamas |BS |BHS |
|Bahrain |BH |BHR |
|Bangladesh |BD |BGD |
|Barbados |BB |BRB |
only showing top 20 rows ```
|USA |
|US |
|IN |
|IND |
|ID |
|IDN |
|IQ |
|IRQ |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country|country_name |
|USA |United States of America|
|US |United States of America|
|IN |India |
|IND |India |
|ID |Indonesia |
|IDN |Indonesia |
|IQ |Iraq |
|IRQ |Iraq |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country_name |country_code|country_count|
|Iraq |[IQ, IRQ] |2 |
|India |[IN, IND] |2 |
|United States of America|[USA, US] |2 |
|Indonesia |[ID, IDN] |2 |

Reduce a json string column into a key/val column

i have a dataframe with the following structure :
| a | b | c |
|01 |ABC | {"key1":"valueA","key2":"valueC"} |
|02 |ABC | {"key1":"valueA","key2":"valueC"} |
|11 |DEF | {"key1":"valueB","key2":"valueD", "key3":"valueE"} |
|12 |DEF | {"key1":"valueB","key2":"valueD", "key3":"valueE"} |
i would like to turn into something like :
| a | b | key | value |
|01 |ABC | key1 | valueA |
|01 |ABC | key2 | valueC |
|02 |ABC | key1 | valueA |
|02 |ABC | key2 | valueC |
|11 |DEF | key1 | valueB |
|11 |DEF | key2 | valueD |
|11 |DEF | key3 | valueE |
|12 |DEF | key1 | valueB |
|12 |DEF | key2 | valueD |
|12 |DEF | key3 | valueE |
in an efficient way, as the dataset can be quite large.
Try using from_json function then explode the array.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df=Seq(("01","ABC","""{"key1":"valueA","key2":"valueC"}""")).toDF("a","b","c")
val Schema = MapType(StringType, StringType)
//|a |b |key |value |
//|01 |ABC|key1|valueA|
//|01 |ABC|key2|valueC|

Creating a new column based on a window and a condition in Spark

| Timestamp | Property | Value |
| 2019-09-01T01:36:57.000+0000 | X | N |
| 2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000 | A | 3 |
| 2019-09-01T01:42:55.000+0000 | X | Y |
| 2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000 | A | 17 |
| 2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000 | A | 9 |
| 2019-09-01T01:57:32.000+0000 | X | N |
| 2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000 | A | 2 |
| 2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000 | A | 16 |
| 2019-09-01T02:01:40.000+0000 | X | Y |
| 2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000 | A | 21 |
| Timestamp | Property | Value | X |
| 2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000 | A | 3 | N |
| 2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000 | A | 17 | Y |
| 2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000 | A | 9 | Y |
| 2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000 | A | 16 | N |
| 2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000 | A | 21 | Y |
| 2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000 | A | 2 | Y |
Basically, I have a Timestamp, a Property, and a Value field. The Property could be either A or X and it has a value. I would like to have a new DataFrame with a fourth column named X based on the values of the X property.
I start going through the rows from the earliest to the oldest.
I encounter a row with the X-property, I store its value and I insert it into the X-column.
IF I encounter an A-property row: I insert the stored value from the previous step into the X-column.
ELSE (meaning I encounter an X-property row): I update the stored value (since it is more recent) and I insert the new stored value into the X column.
I keep doing so until I have gone through the whole dataframe.
I remove the rows with the X property to have the final dataframe showed above.
I am sure there is some sort of way to do so efficiently with the Window function.
create a temp column with value X's value, null if A. Then use window to get last not-null Temp value. Filter property "A" in the end.
scala> val df = Seq(
| ("2019-09-01T01:36:57.000+0000", "X", "N"),
| ("2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000", "A", "3"),
| ("2019-09-01T01:42:55.000+0000", "X", "Y"),
| ("2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000", "A", "17"),
| ("2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000", "A", "9"),
| ("2019-09-01T01:57:32.000+0000", "X", "N"),
| ("2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000", "A", "2"),
| ("2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000", "A", "16"),
| ("2019-09-01T02:01:40.000+0000", "X", "Y"),
| ("2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000", "A", "21")
| ).toDF("Timestamp", "Property", "Value").withColumn("Temp", when($"Property" === "X", $"Value").otherwise(null))
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [Timestamp: string, Property: string ... 2 more fields]
|Timestamp |Property|Value|Temp|
|2019-09-01T01:36:57.000+0000|X |N |N |
|2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000|A |3 |null|
|2019-09-01T01:42:55.000+0000|X |Y |Y |
|2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000|A |17 |null|
|2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000|A |9 |null|
|2019-09-01T01:57:32.000+0000|X |N |N |
|2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000|A |2 |null|
|2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000|A |16 |null|
|2019-09-01T02:01:40.000+0000|X |Y |Y |
|2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000|A |21 |null|
scala> val overColumns = Window.orderBy("TimeStamp").rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
overColumns: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec = org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec#1b759662
scala> df.withColumn("X", last($"Temp",true).over(overColumns)).show(false)
|Timestamp |Property|Value|Temp|X |
|2019-09-01T01:36:57.000+0000|X |N |N |N |
|2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000|A |3 |null|N |
|2019-09-01T01:42:55.000+0000|X |Y |Y |Y |
|2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000|A |17 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000|A |9 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T01:57:32.000+0000|X |N |N |N |
|2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000|A |16 |null|N |
|2019-09-01T02:01:40.000+0000|X |Y |Y |Y |
|2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000|A |21 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000|A |2 |null|Y |
scala> df.withColumn("X", last($"Temp",true).over(overColumns)).filter($"Property" === "A").show(false)
|Timestamp |Property|Value|Temp|X |
|2019-09-01T01:37:39.000+0000|A |3 |null|N |
|2019-09-01T01:53:44.000+0000|A |17 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T01:55:34.000+0000|A |9 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T02:00:03.000+0000|A |16 |null|N |
|2019-09-01T02:04:03.000+0000|A |21 |null|Y |
|2019-09-01T02:59:40.000+0000|A |2 |null|Y |

very specific requirement for outlier treatment in Spark Dataframe

I have very specific requirement for outlier treatment in Spark Dataframe(Scala)
i want to treat just first outlier and make it equal to second group.
|market|responseVariable |blabla|
|A |r1 | da |
|A |r1 | ds |
|A |r1 | s |
|A |r1 | f |
|A |r1 | v |
|A |r2 | s |
|A |r2 | s |
|A |r2 | c |
|A |r3 | s |
|A |r3 | s |
|A |r4 | s |
|A |r5 | c |
|A |r6 | s |
|A |r7 | s |
|A |r8 | s |
Now per market and responseVariable i want to treat just first outlier..
Group per market and responseVariable:
|market|responseVariable |count |
|A |r1 | 5 |
|A |r2 | 3 |
|A |r3 | 2 |
|A |r4 | 1 |
|A |r5 | 1 |
|A |r6 | 1 |
|A |r7 | 1 |
|A |r8 | 1 |
I want to treat outlier for group market=A and responseVariable=r1 in actual dataset. I want to randomly remove records from group 1 and make it equal to group 2.
Expected output:
|market|responseVariable |blabla|
|A |r1 | da |
|A |r1 | s |
|A |r1 | v |
|A |r2 | s |
|A |r2 | s |
|A |r2 | c |
|A |r3 | s |
|A |r3 | s |
|A |r4 | s |
|A |r5 | c |
|A |r6 | s |
|A |r7 | s |
|A |r8 | s |
|market|responseVariable |count |
|A |r1 | 3 |
|A |r2 | 3 |
|A |r3 | 2 |
|A |r4 | 1 |
|A |r5 | 1 |
|A |r6 | 1 |
|A |r7 | 1 |
|A |r8 | 1 |
I want to repeat this for multiple market.
You will have to know the first and the second groups counts and names which can be done as below
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val first_two_values = df.groupBy("market", "responseVariable").agg(count("blabla").as("count")).orderBy($"count".desc).take((2)).map(row => (row(1) -> row(2))).toList
val rowsToFilter = first_two_values(0)._1
val countsToFilter = first_two_values(1)._2
After you know the first two groups, you need to filter out the extra rows from the first group which can be done by generating row_number and filtering out the extra rows as below
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
def windowSpec = Window.partitionBy("market","responseVariable").orderBy("blabla")
df.withColumn("rank", row_number().over(windowSpec))
.withColumn("rank", when(col("rank") > countsToFilter && col("responseVariable") === rowsToFilter, false).otherwise(true))
You should get your requirement fulfilled

Postgres select from table and spread evenly

I have a 2 tables. First table contains information of the object, second table contains related objects. Second table objects have 4 types( lets call em A,B,C,D).
I need a query that does something like this
|table1 object id | A |value for A|B | value for B| C | value for C|D | vlaue for D|
| 1 | 12| cat | 13| dog | 2 | house | 43| car |
| 1 | 5 | lion | | | | | | |
The column "table1 object id" in real table is multiple columns of data from table 1(for single object its all the same, just repeated on multiple rows because of table 2).
Where 2nd table is in form
|type|value|table 1 object id| id |
|A |cat | 1 | 12|
|B |dog | 1 | 13|
|C |house| 1 | 2 |
|D |car | 1 | 43 |
|A |lion | 1 | 5 |
I hope this is clear enough of the thing i want.
I have tryed using AND and OR and JOIN. This does not seem like something that can be done with crosstab.
Table 2
|type|value|table 1 object id| id |
|A |cat | 1 | 12|
|B |dog | 1 | 13|
|C |house| 1 | 2 |
|D |car | 1 | 43 |
|A |lion | 1 | 5 |
|C |wolf | 2 | 6 |
Table 1
| id | value1 | value 2|value 3|
| 1 | hello | test | hmmm |
| 2 | bye | test2 | hmm2 |
|value1| value2| value3| A| value| B |value| C|value | D | value|
|hello | test | hmmm |12| cat | 13| dog |2 | house | 23| car |
|hello | test | hmmm |5 | lion | | | | | | |
|bye | test2 | hmm2 | | | | |6 | wolf | | |
I hope this explains bit bettter of what I want to achieve.