Scala group by with mapped keys - scala

I have a DataFrame that has a list of countries and the corresponding data. However the countries are either iso3 or iso2.
.filter(size($"") > 0)
Now this country field can have USA as the country code or US as the country code. I need to map both USA / US ==> "United States" and then do a groupBy. How do I do this in scala.

Create another DataFrame with country_name, iso_2 & iso_3 columns.
Join your actual DataFrame with this DataFrame & Apply your logic on that data.
Check below code for sample.
|country_name |iso_2|iso_3|
|Afghanistan |AF |AFG |
|?land Islands |AX |ALA |
|Albania |AL |ALB |
|Algeria |DZ |DZA |
|American Samoa |AS |ASM |
|Andorra |AD |AND |
|Angola |AO |AGO |
|Anguilla |AI |AIA |
|Antarctica |AQ |ATA |
|Antigua and Barbuda|AG |ATG |
|Argentina |AR |ARG |
|Armenia |AM |ARM |
|Aruba |AW |ABW |
|Australia |AU |AUS |
|Austria |AT |AUT |
|Azerbaijan |AZ |AZE |
|Bahamas |BS |BHS |
|Bahrain |BH |BHR |
|Bangladesh |BD |BGD |
|Barbados |BB |BRB |
only showing top 20 rows ```
|USA |
|US |
|IN |
|IND |
|ID |
|IDN |
|IQ |
|IRQ |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country|country_name |
|USA |United States of America|
|US |United States of America|
|IN |India |
|IND |India |
|ID |Indonesia |
|IDN |Indonesia |
|IQ |Iraq |
|IRQ |Iraq |
scala> df
.join(countryDF,(df("country") === countryDF("iso_2") || df("country") === countryDF("iso_3")),"left")
|country_name |country_code|country_count|
|Iraq |[IQ, IRQ] |2 |
|India |[IN, IND] |2 |
|United States of America|[USA, US] |2 |
|Indonesia |[ID, IDN] |2 |


pyspark dataframe check if string contains substring

i need help to implement below Python logic into Pyspark dataframe.
df1['isRT'] = df1['main_string'].str.lower().str.contains('|'.join(df2['sub_string'].str.lower()))
|id | main_string |
| 1 | i am a boy |
| 2 | i am from london |
| 3 | big data hadoop |
| 4 | always be happy |
| 5 | software and hardware |
|id | sub_string |
| 1 | happy |
| 2 | xxxx |
| 3 | i am a boy |
| 4 | yyyy |
| 5 | from london |
Final Output:
|id | main_string | isRT |
| 1 | i am a boy | True |
| 2 | i am from london | True |
| 3 | big data hadoop | False |
| 4 | always be happy | True |
| 5 | software and hardware | False |
First construct the substring list substr_list, and then use the rlike function to generate the isRT column.
df3 ='collect_list(lower(sub_string))').alias('substr'))
substr_list = '|'.join(df3.first()[0])
df = df1.withColumn('isRT', F.expr(f'lower(main_string) rlike "{substr_list}"'))
For your two dataframes,
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(['i am a boy', 'i am from london', 'big data hadoop', 'always be happy', 'software and hardware'], 'string').toDF('main_string')
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(['happy', 'xxxx', 'i am a boy', 'yyyy', 'from london'], 'string').toDF('sub_string')
|main_string |
|i am a boy |
|i am from london |
|big data hadoop |
|always be happy |
|software and hardware|
|sub_string |
|happy |
|xxxx |
|i am a boy |
|yyyy |
|from london|
you can get the following result with the simple join expression.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
df1.join(df2, f.col('main_string').contains(f.col('sub_string')), 'left') \
.withColumn('isRT', f.expr('if(sub_string is null, False, True)')) \
.drop('sub_string') \
| main_string| isRT|
| i am a boy| true|
| i am from london| true|
| big data hadoop|false|
| always be happy| true|
|software and hard...|false|

Use different dataframes to create new one with information (Scala Spark)

I have one dataframe with games and three valoration for every game from different reviews, every valoration is traduced in another dataframe as you can see:
|Game | rev_1 | rev_2 | rev_3 |
+- ------+-------+-------+--------+
|CA |XX+ | K2 | L1 |
|FT |Z- | K1+ | L3 |
| review_1 | Equivalence |
|XX+ | 9 |
|Y | 6 |
|Z- | 3 |
| review_2 | Equivalence |
|K2 | 7 |
|K1+ | 6 |
|K3 | 10 |
| review_3 | Equivalence |
|L3 | 10 |
|L2 | 9 |
|L1 | 8 |
I have to traduce it in a new dataframe with the valoration traduced and add a column with the second best valoration, for this example would be:
|Game | rev_1_t | rev_2_t | rev_3_t | second_best |
|CA | 9 | 7 | 8 | 8 |
|FT | 3 | 6 | 10 | 6 |
To traduce it, I am trying with a left join but I am so lost. How can I deal with this?
####### Second Part ######
How can I translate columns from one dataframe to others from another dataframe, joining with multiple columns vs one? for example:
|Game | rev_1 | rev_2 | rev_3 |
+- ------+-------+-------+--------+
|CA |XX+ | K2 | L1 |
|FT |Z- | K1+ | L3 |
|Valorat | num |
+- ------+-------+
|X |3 |
|XX+ |5 |
|Z |7 |
|Z- |6 |
|K1+ |6 |
|K2 |4 |
|L1 |5 |
|L2 |6 |
|L3 |7 |
|Game | rev_1 | rev_2 | rev_3 |
+- ------+-------+-------+--------+
|CA |5 | 4 | 5 |
|FT |6 | 6 | 7 |
I am doing this as you can see:
val joined = df_reviews
.join(df_equiv, df_reviews("rev_1") === df_equiv("num") && df_reviews("rev_2") === df_equiv("num")
&& df_reviews("rev_3") === df_equiv("num"), "left")
Thanks in advance!
You can do some left joins and get the second highest column using sort_array:
val joined = df_reviews
.join(df_rev1, df_reviews("rev_1") === df_rev1("review_1"), "left")
.join(df_rev2, df_reviews("rev_2") === df_rev2("review_2"), "left")
.join(df_rev3, df_reviews("rev_3") === df_rev3("review_3"), "left")
val array_sort_udf = udf((x: Seq[Int]) => x.sortBy(_ != null))
val result = joined.withColumn(
array(col("rev_1_t").cast("int"), col("rev_2_t").cast("int"), col("rev_3_t").cast("int"))
greatest(col("rev_1_t").cast("int"), col("rev_2_t").cast("int"), col("rev_3_t").cast("int"))
| CA| 9| 7| 8| 8|
| FT| 3| 6| 10| 6|
For your second question:
val joined ="r1")
.join("e1"), expr("r1.rev_1 = e1.Valorat"), "left")
.selectExpr("Game", "e1.num as rev_1", "rev_2", "rev_3")
.join("e2"), expr("r2.rev_2 = e2.Valorat"), "left")
.selectExpr("Game", "rev_1", "e2.num as rev_2", "rev_3")
.join("e3"), expr("r3.rev_3 = e3.Valorat"), "left")
.selectExpr("Game", "rev_1", "rev_2", "e3.num as rev_3")
| CA| 5| 4| 5|
| FT| 6| 6| 7|

SparkSQL- Add new column to DataFrame based on the aggregation

Having the following DataFrame:
|user_id |level |new_columns |
|4 |B |null |
|6 |B |null |
|5 |A |col1 |
|3 |B |col2 |
|5 |A |col2 |
|2 |A |null |
|1 |A |col3 |
I need to convert each not null value of the new_columns column to a new column, which should be done based on the aggregation on the user_id column. The desired output would be
|user_id | col1 | col2 | col3 |
|4 | null | null | null |
|6 | null | null | null |
|5 | A | A | null |
|3 | null | B | null |
|2 | null | null | null |
|1 | null | null | A |
As you can see, the value of the new columns comes from the level column in the base DF. I know how to use the withColumn method to add new columns on a DF but here the critical part is how to add new columns on the aggregated DF (for the case of the user_id = 5).
Every hint based on the DataFrame API would be appreciated.
You can do a pivot:
val df2 = df.groupBy("event_id")
|user_id | col1 | col2 | col3 |
|4 | null | null | null |
|6 | null | null | null |
|5 | A | A | null |
|3 | null | B | null |
|2 | null | null | null |
|1 | null | null | A |
You can collect the non-null values from new_columns first before doing pivot :
val nonNull ="new_columns").filter("new_columns is not null").distinct().as[String].collect
val df1 = df.groupBy("user_id")
.pivot("new_columns", nonNull)
//| 1| A|null|null|
//| 6|null|null|null|
//| 3|null|null| B|
//| 5|null| A| A|
//| 4|null|null|null|
//| 2|null|null|null|

joining two dataframes having duplicate row

I have the following two dataframes
|id | amount | fee |
|1 | 10.00 | 5.0 |
|3 | 90 | 130.0 |
|exId | exAmount | exFee |
|1 | 10.00 | 5.0 |
|1 | 10.0 | 5.0 |
|3 | 90.0 | 130.0 |
I am joining between them using all three columns and trying to identify columns which are common between the two dataframes and the ones which are not.
I'm looking for output:
|id | amount | fee |exId | exAmount | exFee |
|1 | 10.00 | 5.0 |1 | 10.0 | 5.0 |
|null| null | null |1 | 10.0 | 5.0 |
|3 | 90 | 130.0|3 | 90.0 | 130.0 |
Basically want the duplicate row in df2 with exId 1 to be listed separately.
Any thoughts?
One of the possible way is to group by all three columns and generate row numbers for each dataframe and use that additional column in addition to the rest three columns while joining. You should get what you desire.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
def windowSpec1 = Window.partitionBy("id", "amount", "fee").orderBy("fee")
def windowSpec2 = Window.partitionBy("exId", "exAmount", "exFee").orderBy("exFee")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
df1.withColumn("sno", row_number().over(windowSpec1)).join(
df2.withColumn("exSno", row_number().over(windowSpec2)),
col("id") === col("exId") && col("amount") === col("exAmount") && col("fee") === col("exFee") && col("sno") === col("exSno"), "outer")
.drop("sno", "exSno")
and you should be getting
|id |amount|fee |exId|exAmount|exFee|
|null|null |null |1 |10.0 |5.0 |
|3 |90 |130.0|3 |90 |130.0|
|1 |10.00 |5.0 |1 |10.00 |5.0 |
I hope the answer is helpful

GroupBy based on conditions in Spark dataframe

I have two dataframe,
Dataframe1 contains key/value pairs:
| Key | Value |
| key1 | Column1 |
| key2 | Column2 |
| key3 | Column1,Column3 |
Second dataframe:
This is actual dataframe where I need to apply groupBy operation
| Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Amount |
| A | A1 | XYZ | 100 |
| A | A1 | XYZ | 100 |
| A | A2 | XYZ | 10 |
| A | A3 | PQR | 100 |
| B | B1 | XYZ | 200 |
| B | B2 | PQR | 280 |
| B | B3 | XYZ | 20 |
Dataframe1 contains the key,value columns
It has to take the keys from dataframe1, it has to take the respective value and do the groupBy operation on the dataframe2
Dframe= df.groupBy($"key").sum("amount").show()
Expected Output: Generate three dataframes based on number of keys in dataframe
d1= df.grouBy($"key1").sum("amount").show()
it has to be : df.grouBy($"column1").sum("amount").show()
| A | 310 |
| B | 500 |
result: df.grouBy($"column2").sum("amount").show()
| A1 | 200 |
| A2 | 10 |
Code :
| A | XYZ | 320 |
| A | PQR | 10 |
| B | XYZ | 220 |
| B | PQR | 280 |
In future, if I add more keys , it has to show the dataframe. Can someone help me.
Given the key value dataframe as ( which I suggest you not to form dataframe from the source data, reason is given below)
|Key |Value |
|key1|Column1 |
|key2|Column2 |
and actual dataframe as
|A |A1 |XYZ |100 |
|A |A1 |XYZ |100 |
|A |A2 |XYZ |10 |
|A |A3 |PQR |100 |
|B |B1 |XYZ |200 |
|B |B2 |PQR |280 |
|B |B3 |XYZ |20 |
I would suggest you not to convert the first dataframe to rdd maps as
val maps = => row(0) -> row(1)).collect()
And then loop the maps as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
for(kv <- maps){
df2.groupBy(kv._2.toString.split(",").map(col): _*).agg(sum($"Amount")).show(false)
//you can store the results in separate dataframes or write them to files or database
You should have follwing outputs
|B |500 |
|A |310 |
|A2 |10 |
|B2 |280 |
|B1 |200 |
|B3 |20 |
|A3 |100 |
|A1 |200 |
|B |PQR |280 |
|B |XYZ |220 |
|A |PQR |100 |
|A |XYZ |210 |