How to make the jar file to been a service with install4j? - install4j

I already have the jar file of my application. I've created the installer with install4j and chosen the service executable type. However, after the installation none service is added to windows. Can anybody help me?

You have to add an "Install a service" action on the Installer->Screen & Actions step.


Java executable Jar as Service

I am new to install4j and exploring it for our product.
I build sample installer "Install a Service" screen. I can see service gets created. But I want to run my executable jar being managed by this service.
Please let me know how I can run Java executable on Service start using Install4j. I essentially want service should control the java code execution.
I saw "Run executable or Batch file" screen but this is not our requirement we want service to manage executable jar
Thanks in Advance.
You have to generate a service on the "Launchers" step. In the class path configuration of your launcher, you specify your JAR file and for the main class you can then select the main class from your JAR file.
Then you can select that executable in the "Install a service" action.

Decode installer made by install4j

I want to build an installer as Jira by install4j but they have some custom actions in the installer. I am wondering that is there a method to decode installer or reserve an installer made by install4j to install4j project file? So I can refer those to make my own.
Thank you.
No this is not possible. The installer is a binary artifact and while it does have a config file in .install4j/i4jparams.config it does not contain all required information for reversing it.

jBPM 6 in Eclipse

I have just started my working with jBPM6. I can make new jBPM Process with "a simply hello world process", but I don't know how to use it and i'm looking for some tutorial, in which I can see how to use jBPM in Eclipse, some example etc. Can anyone help me? It will be helpful for me if some tutorial/user guide show step by step how to do something in Eclipse with jBPM.
If you are unable to run the default hello world project, then you might not have included all the required jar files.
Just include all jar files and you should be fine.
I think jBPM distribution that is downloaded from jBPM site contains complete distribution with embedded JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse environment. By running ant install.demo it downloades complete distro.
Try to do the following:
download jbpm installer
unzip it in some directory and run "ant install.demo". This will download all the necessary files to your machine
run "ant start.demo". This will run JBoss AS, H2 database and Eclipse
on finish, type "ant stop.demo"
Details are described in install.html file.
Afterwards, if you want to run Eclipse only, simply type "ant start.eclipse".

How to register .net dll in installer4j

I am using install4j for my project and i have couple of dll's which needs to be registered with regasm.exe (.net) any help would be much appreciated in this regards.
install4j will not automatically register installed DLL files.
You can use "Run executable or batch file" actions to invoke regasm.exe with the correct parameters in order to register your DLLs.

install4j deploy no jar file

I'm new to install4j.
So I hope this question is easy to answer and not obvios.
I involved to an Java-development-project.
We decided to use install4j to create a nice installer for our customers.
Now i've got an install4j license and testing to create an installer.
I Use the install4j Launcher Wizard to make a .exe file out of my .jar file.
Now the Problem: If I remove the .jar file from the installer, the .exe file doesn't work anymore.
So the question: Is it possible to deploy with install4j an .exe file without the .jar file ?
WebStart is not an option in this project.
The .exe is just a launcher to start the JVM. Your Java code is not compiled into native code by install4j. If you want to protect your code, you have to use an obfuscator, for example yguard.
I think install4j can package the Jar inside the executable, as shown in this blog post: