Check if Two Values in Array / Data Table match - powershell

I put this question on here before, but I missed an important detail which causes huge issue. There will be duplicate account numbers. So I'm doing it by current_read_date now to avoid duplicates in account number. To ensure values being added to $accounts are new from the CSV.
I am trying to get all the accounts from $f which do not match the accounts in $table4 into $accounts. But I need to also check if the current_read_date matches or not.
CSV into Array $f:
Account_no |occupant_code|current_read_date
12345 | 1 | 7/17/2017 15:32:00 AM
67890 | 2 | 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM
45678 | 3 | 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM
DataTable $table4
Account_no |occupant_code|current_read_date
12345 | 1 | 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM
12345 | 1 | 7/17/2017 15:32:00 AM
67890 | 1 | 7/17/2017 13:00:00 AM
67890 | 1 | 7/17/2017 22:00:00 AM
45678 | 3 | 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM
Desired result:
$accounts =
67890 | 2 | 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM
Current code:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, current_read_date |
where { $table4.account_no -notcontains $_.account_no }
What this needs to do is to check that current_read_date doesn't match, i.e.:
12345: account and date from $f and $table4 match; so it's ignored
67890: account matches $table4, but the current_read_date does not match, so it is a new value, thus it is added to $accounts.
I believe I need to use Group-Object, but I do not know how to use that correctly.
I tried:
Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, occupant_code |
Group-Object account_no |
Where-Object { $_.Group.current_read_date -notcontains $table4.current_read_date }
This is the previous question:
How to use Group-Object on this?
All the answers here failed because I forgot to provide the information that account_no is not unique; there will be frequent duplicates.
All assistance would be greatly appreciated, I've been stuck on this for awhile.
I've also tried this
$testList = #()
$testList = Import-Csv $f | select account_no, occupant_code, current_read_date, current_reading
$accounts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testSet = $table4
foreach($myThing in $testList)
if($myThing.account_no -in $testSet.account_no )
foreach($ts in $testSet)
if ($myThing.account_no -match $ts.account_no -and $myThing.occupant_code -match $ts.occupant_code)
else {
$accounts.add($myThing) | out-null
write-host $mything
This fails because it goes through each number, therefore, 12345 will be checked against 67890, and will added 12345 to the $accounts list, even though it already exists, because I cannot compare each individually at a time with table4.

$accounts = $f | Where {
$Record = $_
$AccNo = $table4 | Where {$_.Account_no -eq $Record.Account_no}
!($AccNo | Where {$_.current_read_date -eq $Record.current_read_date})
$accounts | Format-Table
Account_no occupant_code current_read_date
---------- ------------- -----------------
67890 2 7/17/2017 12:00:00 AM

Build a reference list from the records in $table4
$ref = $table4 | ForEach-Object {
$_.Account_no, $_.occupant_code, $_.current_read_date -join ','
then filter the records from $f by that reference list:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f | Where-Object {
$ref -notcontains ($_.Account_no, $_.occupant_code, $_.current_read_date -join ',')
} | Select-Object -Expand Account_no -Unique


PowerShell: Expression only with Last item of an Array

I've been stuck on this for a little while however I've got an array of People and im trying to get the last person and creating a seperate column with that person only.
I've played around with #{NAME = 'NAME' Expression = {}} in Select-Object but I don't really know how to tackle it.
| Employee |
| John Doe |
| Jane West |
| Jordan Row |
| Paul Willson |
| Andrew Wright |
Desired Result:
| Employee | Employee2 |
| John Doe | |
| Jane West | |
| Jordan Row | |
| Paul Willson | Andrew Wright |
So what I decided to do here is create 2 groups. One group contains all of the values except the last 2, and the other group contains these last 2 values
# create the sample array
$employees = #(
'John Doe'
'Jane West'
'Jordan Row'
'Paul Willson'
'Andrew Wright'
$employees |
# Separate objects into 2 groups: those contained in the last 2 values and those not contained in the last 2 values
Group-Object {$_ -in ($employees | Select-Object -Last 2)} |
ForEach-Object {
switch ($_) {
{$ -eq 'False'} { # 'False' Name of group where values are not one of the last 2
# Iterate through all the values and assign them to Employee property. Leave Employee2 property blank
$ | ForEach-Object {
Employee = $_
Employee2 = ''
{$ -eq 'True'} { # 'True' Name of group where values are those of the last 2
# Create an object that assigns the values to Employee and Employee2
Employee = $[0]
Employee2 = $[1]
Employee Employee2
-------- ---------
John Doe
Jane West
Jordan Row
Paul Willson Andrew Wright
Here is another way you can do it
$employees[0..($employees.Count-3)] | ForEach-Object {
Employee = $_
Employee2 = ''
Employee = $employees[-2]
Employee2 = $employees[-1]

Select Fields From Duplicate Records for an Array

I've got a CSV file that is imported that looks like this:
Customer ID Contract Start Contract End Region Customer
2-213456 2/20/2018 1/1/2030 NA Acme
2-213456 6/18/2019 6/17/2020 NA Acme
2-213456 6/18/2020 6/30/2021 NA Acme
3-213458 6/27/2019 6/26/2020 CAN Acme Shipping
2-123456 6/27/2020 6/27/2021 AUS Acme Manufacturing
5-123576 6/29/2019 6/28/2020 AUS Acme Storage
Which I'm trying to build an array that only has the unique values (Customer ID) but, would like to include the earliest Contract Start date and the latest Contract End date to get a result like:
Customer ID Contract Start Contract End Region Customer
2-213456 2/20/2018 6/30/2021 NA Acme
3-213458 6/27/2019 6/26/2020 CAN Acme Shipping
2-123456 6/27/2020 6/27/2021 AUS Acme Manufacturing
5-123576 6/29/2019 6/28/2020 AUS Acme Storage
This is what I have but, I keep getting a System.Object[] for the dates
$Data = import-csv -path "C:\Customers.csv"
$Final = #()
$N = 0
$count = $Data.count
foreach ($record in $Data)
Write-Host "Record " $N " of " $Count
$Rec = New-Object System.Object
$Rec | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Customer ID" -value $record.'Customer ID'
$StartDate = $Data | Foreach-Object {$_.'Contract Start' = [DateTime]$_.'Contract Start'; $_} | Group-Object 'Customer ID' | Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object 'Contract Start' | Select-Object -Property $record.'Contract Start' -first 1}
$Rec | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Contract Start" -value $StartDate
$EndDate = $Data | Foreach-Object {$_.'Contract End' = [DateTime]$_.'Contract End'; $_} | Group-Object 'Customer ID' | Foreach-Object {$_.Group | Sort-Object 'Contract End' | Select-Object -Property $record.'Contract End' -Last 1}
$Rec | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Contract End" -value $EndDate
$Rec | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Region" -value $record.'Region'
$Rec | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Customer" -value $record.'Customer'
$Final += $Rec
I got a lot of errors about Datetime trying to replicate what you have posted above. You've tried to do a lot in one place when setting and sorting the start and end dates, so our first task is to simplify that. Knowing that you could potentially have a lot of customer data, I thought it best to group the customers by their ID in a hashtable. That way we can call the customer ID and immediately just have their records. PowerShell classes allow us to create a couple of methods to import the data in to the hashtable, parse the dates as part of the import. The final method exports your data picking the earliest start date, and the latest end date. Fully tested solution below.
class Customers {
# Constructor
Customers() {
$this.Accounts = #{}
# Methods
[void]AddCustomerData([psobject[]]$Records) {
foreach ($Record in $Records) {
# Convert the dates to datetime objects so we can sort them later
$Record = $this.ParseDates($Record)
$ID = $Record."Customer ID"
# If the hashtable already contains the customer ID, we need to add the new record to their existing ones.
if ($this.Accounts.Contains($ID)) {
$CustomerRecords = $this.Accounts[$ID]
$CustomerRecords += $Record
$this.Accounts[$ID] = $CustomerRecords
# If it doesn't we create a new record with the value as an array.
else {
$this.Accounts[$ID] = #(,$Record)
[psobject]ParseDates([psobject]$Row) {
# Your dates appear to be US format, so I've kept them that way, change the culture from 'en-US' if you need to.
$Row."Contract Start" = [Datetime]::Parse($Row."Contract Start",[cultureinfo]::new("en-US",$false))
$Row."Contract End" = [Datetime]::Parse($Row."Contract End",[cultureinfo]::new("en-US",$false))
return $Row
[psobject[]]PrintCustomerData() {
$CustomerData = #()
# Loop through the hashtable
$this.Accounts.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
$Contracts = $_.Value
# Find the earliest start date for the current customer by sorting in ascending order
$StartDate = $Contracts."Contract Start" | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
# Find the latest end date for the current customer by sorting in descending order
$EndDate = $Contracts."Contract End" | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
# Create a new PSObject for each customer, selecting a Unique value for Region and Customer as it should be the same across records
$CustomerData += [PSCustomObject] #{
"Customer ID" = $_.Key
"Contract Start" = $StartDate
"Contract End" = $EndDate
Region = $($Contracts | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty Region)
Customer = $($Contracts | Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty Customer)
return $CustomerData
$csv = Import-Csv -Path .\Desktop\test.csv
# Create a new instance of the class
$customers = [Customers]::new()
# Add the CSV data to a the Accounts hashtable
# Print out the data from the hashtable in the desired format.
$customers.PrintCustomerData() | Format-Table -AutoSize
Customer ID Contract Start Contract End Region Customer
----------- -------------- ------------ ------ --------
2-213456 20/02/2018 00:00:00 01/01/2030 00:00:00 NA Acme
2-123456 27/06/2020 00:00:00 27/06/2021 00:00:00 AUS Acme Manufacturing
3-213458 27/06/2019 00:00:00 26/06/2020 00:00:00 CAN Acme Shipping
5-123576 29/06/2019 00:00:00 28/06/2020 00:00:00 AUS Acme Storage
And now you have your records in a hashtable, you can do other awesome stuff like look up the records for a particular customer.
$customers.Accounts['2-213456'] | Format-Table -AutoSize
Customer ID Contract Start Contract End Region Customer
----------- -------------- ------------ ------ --------
2-213456 20/02/2018 00:00:00 01/01/2030 00:00:00 NA Acme
2-213456 18/06/2019 00:00:00 17/06/2020 00:00:00 NA Acme
2-213456 18/06/2020 00:00:00 30/06/2021 00:00:00 NA Acme
Using this data.csv as an example input:
Customer ID,Contract Start,Contract End,Region,Customer
3-213458,6/27/2019,6/26/2020,CAN,Acme Shipping
2-123456,6/27/2020,6/27/2021,AUS,Acme Manufacturing
5-123576,6/29/2019,6/28/2020,AUS,Acme Storage
We can use Group-Object to group by Customer ID and use Sort-Object to sort by datetime versions of Contract Start and Contract End. Then we can construct a new System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject for each compressed record, and format the System.Object[] array with Format-Table.
$array = Import-Csv -Path .\data.csv | Group-Object -Property "Customer ID" | ForEach-Object {
$contractStart = $_.Group |
Sort-Object -Property #{Expression = {[datetime]$_."Contract Start"}} |
Select-Object -First 1
$contractEnd = $_.Group |
Sort-Object -Property #{Expression = {[datetime]$_."Contract End"}} |
Select-Object -Last 1
"Customer ID" = $_.Name
"Contract Start" = $contractStart."Contract Start"
"Contract End" = $contractEnd."Contract End"
"Region" = $contractStart.Region
"Customer" = $contractStart.Customer
$array | Format-Table -AutoSize
Which results in the following table result:
Customer ID Contract Start Contract End Region Customer
----------- -------------- ------------ ------ --------
2-123456 6/27/2020 6/27/2021 AUS Acme Manufacturing
2-213456 2/20/2018 1/1/2030 NA Acme
3-213458 6/27/2019 6/26/2020 CAN Acme Shipping
5-123576 6/29/2019 6/28/2020 AUS Acme Storage

Group by and add or subtract depending on the indicator

I have a file which has transaction_date, transaction_amount and debit_credit_indicator. I want to write a program which shows for each date total count and total amount.
Total amount is calculated as follows -
if debit_credit_indicator is 'C' add else if 'D' subtract.
I got till grouping by indicators but don't know how to proceed after wards.
My ouput looks like this
---------------- ------------------- ----------- -----
2019-02-26 C 1478
2019-02-25 D 100
2019-02-26 D 200
(Get-Content $inputFileName) -replace '\|', ',' | Set-Content c:\learnpowershell\test.csv
$transactionData = Import-csv c:\learnpowershell\test.csv | Group-Object -Property TRANSACTION_DATE, DEBIT_CREDIT_INDICATOR
[Array] $newsbData += foreach($gitem in $transactionData)
#{Name = ‘TotalAmount’;Expression = {(($ | measure -Property TRANSACTION_AMOUNT -sum).sum}},
#{Name = ‘Count’;Expression = {(($ | Measure-Object -count).count}}
write-output $newsbData
I suppose you want replace '|' by ',' because you dont know -delimiter option otherwise keep you code for replace. now i propose my code for your problem:
#import en group by date
import-csv "c:\learnpowershell\test.csv" -Delimiter '|' | group TRANSACTION_DATE | %{
#calculation by date for every group
$_.Group | %{
#output result
Total_DebitCredit=$TotalCredit - $TotalDebit
You can add ' | Format-Table ' if you want print result formated in table

Partial/near match for name and/or username in Active Directory / Powershell

Our users sometimes gives us misspelled names/usernames and I would like to be able to search active directory for a near match, sorting by closest (any algorithm would be fine).
For example, if I try
Get-Aduser -Filter {GivenName -like "Jack"}
I can find the user Jack, but not if I use "Jacck" or "ack"
Is there a simple way to do this?
You can calculate the Levenshtein distance between the two strings and make sure it's under a certain threshold (probably 1 or 2). There is a powershell example here:
Levenshtein distance in powershell
Jack and Jacck have an LD of 1.
Jack and ack have an LD of 1.
Palle and Havnefoged have an LD of 8.
Interesting question and answers. But a possible simpler solution is to search by more than one attribute as I would hope most people would spell one of their names properly :)
Get-ADUser -Filter {GivenName -like "FirstName" -or SurName -Like "SecondName"}
The Soundex algorithm is designed for just this situation. Here is some PowerShell code that might help:
OK, based on the great answers that I got (thanks #boxdog and #Palle Due) I am posting a more complete one.
Major source: - PowerShell Approximate String Matching. Great Module for this topic.
1) FuzzyMatchScore function
# download functions to the temp folder
$urls =
"" ,
"" ,
"" ,
$paths = $urls | %{$_.split("\/")|select -last 1| %{"$env:TEMP\$_"}}
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
for($i=0;$i -lt $urls.count;$i++){
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $urls[$i] -OutFile $paths[$i]
# concatenating the functions so we don't have to deal with source permissions
foreach($path in $paths){
cat $path | Add-Content "$env:TEMP\Fuzzy_score_functions.ps1"
# to save for later, open the temp folder with: Invoke-Item $env:TEMP
# then copy "Fuzzy_score_functions.ps1" somewhere else
# source Fuzzy_score_functions.ps1
. "$env:TEMP\Fuzzy_score_functions.ps1"
Simple test:
Get-FuzzyMatchScore "a" "abc" # 98
Create a score function:
## start function
function get_score{
if($nlist -eq $null){$nlist = 10}
$scores = foreach($string in $searchData){
$score = Get-LevenshteinDistance $searchQuery $string }
$score = Get-FuzzyMatchScore -Search $searchQuery -String $string }
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject][Ordered] #{
Score = $score
Result = $string
$I = $searchData.indexof($string)/$searchData.count*100
$I = [math]::Round($I)
Write-Progress -Activity "Search in Progress" -Status "$I% Complete:" -PercentComplete $I
if($levd) { $scores | Sort-Object Score,Result |select -First $nlist }
else {$scores | Sort-Object Score,Result -Descending |select -First $nlist }
} ## end function
get_score "Karolin" #("Kathrin","Jane","John","Cameron")
# check the difference between Fuzzy and LevenshteinDistance mode
$names = "Ferris","Cameron","Sloane","Jeanie","Edward","Tom","Katie","Grace"
"Fuzzy"; get_score "Cam" $names
"Levenshtein"; get_score "Cam" $names -levd
Test the performance on a big dataset
## donload baby-names
$url = ""
$output = "$env:TEMP\baby-names.csv"
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output
$babynames = import-csv "$env:TEMP\baby-names.csv"
$babynames.count # 258000 lines
$babynames[0..3] # year, name, percent, sex
$searchdata = $[0..499]
$query = "Waren" # missing letter
"Fuzzy"; get_score $query $searchdata
"Levenshtein"; get_score $query $searchdata -levd
$query = "Jon" # missing letter
"Fuzzy"; get_score $query $searchdata
"Levenshtein"; get_score $query $searchdata -levd
$query = "Howie" # lookalike
"Fuzzy"; get_score $query $searchdata;
"Levenshtein"; get_score $query $searchdata -levd
$query = "John"
$res = for($i=1;$i -le 10;$i++){
$searchdata = $[0..($i*100-1)]
$meas = measure-command{$res = get_score $query $searchdata}
write-host $i
Write-Output (,([PSCustomObject][Ordered] #{
N = $i*100
MS = $meas.Milliseconds
MS_per_line = [math]::Round($meas.Milliseconds/$searchdata.Count,2)
| N | MS | MS_per_line |
| - | -- | ----------- |
| 100 | 696 | 6.96 |
| 200 | 544 | 2.72 |
| 300 | 336 | 1.12 |
| 400 | 6 | 0.02 |
| 500 | 718 | 1.44 |
| 600 | 452 | 0.75 |
| 700 | 224 | 0.32 |
| 800 | 912 | 1.14 |
| 900 | 718 | 0.8 |
| 1000 | 417 | 0.42 |
These times are quite crazy, if anyone understand why please comment on it.
2) Generate a table of Names from Active Directory
The best way to do this depends on the organization of the AD. Here we have many OUs, but common users will be in Users and DisabledUsers. Also Domain and DC will be different (I'm changing ours here to <domain> and <DC>).
# One way to get a List of OUs
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -Properties CanonicalName |
Select-Object -Property CanonicalName
then you can use Where-Object -FilterScript {} to filter per OU
# example, saving on the temp folder
Get-ADUser -f * |
Where-Object -FilterScript {
($_.DistinguishedName -match "CN=\w*,OU=DisabledUsers,DC=<domain>,DC=<DC>" -or
$_.DistinguishedName -match "CN=\w*,OU=Users,DC=<domain>,DC=<DC>") -and
$_.GivenName -ne $null #remove users without givenname, like test users
} |
select #{n="Fullname";e={$_.GivenName+" "+$_.Surname}},
GivenName,Surname,SamAccountName |
Export-CSV -Path "$env:TEMP\all_Users.csv" -NoTypeInformation
# you can open the file to inspect
Invoke-Item "$env:TEMP\all_Users.csv"
# import
$allusers = Import-Csv "$env:TEMP\all_Users.csv"
$allusers.Count # number of lines
get_score "Jane Done" $allusers.fullname 15 # return the 15 first
get_score "jdoe" $allusers.samaccountname 15

How to use Group-Object on this?

I am trying to get all the accounts from $f which do not match the accounts in $table4 into $accounts. But I need to also check if the occupancy number matches or not.
CSV $f:
Account_no |occupant_code
12345 | 1
67890 | 2
45678 | 3
DataTable $table4
Account_no |occupant_code
12345 | 1
67890 | 1
45678 | 3
Current code:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, occupant_code |
where { $table4.account_no -notcontains $_.account_no }
What this needs to do is to check that occupant_code doesn't match, i.e.:
12345: account and occupant from $f and $table4 match; so it's ignored
67890: account matches $table4, but occupancy_code does not match, so it is added to $accounts.
Current result:
Desired result: 67890
I believe I need to use Group-Object, but I do not know how to use that correctly.
I tried:
Import-Csv $f |
select account_no, occupant_code |
Group-Object account_no |
Where-Object { $_.Group.occupant_code -notcontains $table4.occupant_code }
An alternative to Bill's suggestion would be to fill a hashtable with your reference data ($table4) and look up the occupant_code value for each account from $f, assuming that your account numbers are unique:
$ref = #{}
$table4 | ForEach-Object {
$ref[$_.Account_no] = $_.occupant_code
$accounts = Import-Csv $f |
Where-Object { $_.occupant_code -ne $ref[$_.Account_no] } |
Select-Object -Expand Account_no
PowerShell command:
Compare-Object (Import-Csv .\csv1.csv) (Import-Csv .\csv2.csv) -Property occupant_code -PassThru
Account_no occupant_code SideIndicator
---------- ------------- -------------
67890 1 =>
67890 2 <=
$f | InnerJoin $table4 {$Left.Account_no -eq $Right.Account_no -and $Left.occupant_code -ne $Right.occupant_code} #{Account_no = {$Left.$_}} | Format-Table
occupant_code Account_no
------------- ----------
{2, 1} 67890
For details see: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?
In addition to all the other answers, you might be able to leverage the IndexOf() method on arrays
$services = get-service
I am on a tablet right now and don't have a handy way to test it, but something along these lines might work for you:
should fetch the index your account_no lives in for $table 4, so you could jam it all into one ugly pipe:
$accounts = Import-Csv $f | select account_no, occupant_code |
where { ($table4.account_no -notcontains $_.account_no) -or ($table4[$table4.account_no.IndexOf($_.account_no)].occupant_code -ne $_.occupant_code) }
An inner join or a normal loop might just be cleaner though, especially if you want to add some other stuff in. Since someone posted an innerjoin, you could try a loop like:
$accounts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testSet = $table4.account_no
foreach($myThing in Import-Csv $f)
if($myThing.account_no -in $testSet )
$i = $testSet.IndexOf($myThing.account_no)
if($table4[$i].occupant_code -eq $myThing.occupant_code) {continue}
Edit for OP, he mentioned $table4 is a data.table
There is probably a much better way to do this, as I haven't used data.table before, but this seems to work fine:
$table = New-Object system.Data.DataTable
$col1 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn Account_no,([string])
$col2 = New-Object system.Data.DataColumn occupant_code,([int])
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "12345"
$row.occupant_code = 1
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "67890"
$row.occupant_code = 1
$row = $table.NewRow()
$row.Account_no = "45678"
$row.occupant_code = 3
$testList = #()
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "12345"; occupant_code = 1}
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "67890"; occupant_code = 2}
$testlist += [pscustomobject]#{Account_no = "45678"; occupant_code = 3}
$accounts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testSet = $table.account_no
foreach($myThing in $testList)
if($myThing.account_no -in $testSet )
$i = $testSet.IndexOf($myThing.account_no)
if($table.Rows[$i].occupant_code -eq $myThing.occupant_code) {continue}
$accounts.add($myThing) | out-null