Inserting Space/Separator after Select-String -Context - powershell

I have a script that reads series of log files located in different places and looks for an error code with Select-String. After the error code I print out the next four lines to a file with "-Context". That file's content gets dumped into an email and sent off.
$logsToCheck = "F:\Log1.log",
$logsToCheck | % {Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern "SQLCODE:2627" -Context
0, 4} | Out-File $dupChkFile
$emailbody = Get-Content $dupChkFile | ConvertTo-Html
The actual output of the string is poorly formatted and runs together. Is there a way to add blank lines or spaces after the last line when using Select-String -Context?
Originally I was piping the $emailbody to a Out-String but changed it to HTML to try to clear up formatting.

try reading out the match and context separately.
Select-String -Path $_ "SQLCODE:2627" -Context 0,2 | %{
the default output of Select-String with Context is human-readable modified, this will return everything as an array of unmodified strings, so you can be sure there will always be newlines, and it will behave better with other cmdlt's including Out-String or loops.

I would suggest using concatenation:
% { "$(Select-String -Path $_ -Pattern 'SQLCODE:2627' -Context 0, 4)`r`n" } |
Out-File $dupChkFile -Append


Multiple Select Strings in a for loop to separate files

I wrote this script to search a lot of text files (~100,000) for 4 different search criteria and export to 4 separate files, I thought it would be more efficient to perform all 4 searches on each file as it is loaded vs doing 4 full searches like the first iteration below does. I may be missing some other major inefficiencies as I am pretty new to powershell.
I have this script re written from the first version to the second, but can't figure out how to get the path and data to display together like the first version did. I am struggling to reference the object within the loop, and have pieced this second version together, which is working, but not giving me the path to the file which is necessary.
It seems like I am just missing one or two little things to get me going in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help
1st version:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc123" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search2" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc124" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out2.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search3" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc125" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out3.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path "\\file\to\search4" -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "abc126" -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath "\\c:\out4.txt"
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:84: abc123
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:90: abc123
\\file\that\was\found\example.txt:91: abc123
2nd version:
##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Configuration $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
############################################ Global Parameters #############################################
$records = 105325
##----------------------------------------- End Global Parameters -----------------------------------------
########################################### Search Parameters ##############################################
##Search Pattern 1
##Search Pattern 2
##Search Pattern 3
$Pattern3= "abc125"
$SaveFile3= "\\c:\out3.txt"
##Search Pattern 4
$Pattern4= "abc126"
##Search Pattern 5
$Pattern5= ""
##----------------------------------------- End Search Parameters ------------------------------------------
##$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ End of Config $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
############################### SCRIPT #####################################################################
## ------
##$files=Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path $SearchPath -Recurse ## Set all files to variable #### Long running, needs to be a better way #######
##$records=$files.count ## Set record #
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.txt -Path $SearchPath -Recurse | Foreach-Object { ## loop through search folder
$i=$i+1 ## increment record
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern1 -Context 0,3 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile1 ## pattern1 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern2 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile2 ## pattern2 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern3 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile3 ## pattern3 search
Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern4 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile4 ## pattern4 search
##Get-Content $_.FullName | Select-String -Pattern $Pattern5 -Context 0,1 | Out-File -FilePath $SaveFile5 ## pattern5 search (Comment out unneeded search lines like this one)
$progress ="Record $($i) of $($records)" ## set progress
Write-Host "Record $($i) of $($records)" ## Writes progress to window
$progress | Out-File -FilePath $ProgressFile ## progress file
} ##
Edit: Also I am trying to figure out a good way to not have to hard code in the number of records for a decent progress readout, I commented out the way I thought would work (1st & 2nd line of the script), but there needs to be a more efficient way than rerunning the same search twice, one for a count and one for the for loop.
I would be very interested in any runtime efficiency information you could provide.
[edit - thanks to mklement0 for pointing out the errors about speed and the -SimpleMatch switch. [grin]]
the Select-String cmdlet will accept a -Path parameter ... and it is FAR [i was thinking of Get-Content, not Get-ChidItem] faster than using Get-ChildItem to feed the files to S-S. [grin]
also, the -Pattern parameter accepts a regex OR pattern like Thing|OtherThing|YetAnotherThing - and it accepts simple string patterns if you use the -SimpleMatch switch parameter.
what the code does ...
defines the source dir
defines the file spec
joins those two into a wildcard file path
builds an array of string patterns to use
calls Select-String with a path and an array of strings to search for
uses Group-Object and a calculated property to group the matches by the last part of .Line property from the S-S call
saves that to a $Var
shows that on screen
at that point, you can use the .Name property of each GroupInfo to select the items to send out to each file AND to build your file names.
the code ...
$SourceDir = 'D:\Temp\zzz - Copy'
$FileSpec = '*.log'
$SD_FileSpec = Join-Path -Path $SourceDir -ChildPath $FileSpec
$TargetPatternList = #(
'Accordion Cajun Zydeco'
'Piano Rockabilly Rowdy'
$GO_Results = Select-String -Path $SD_FileSpec -SimpleMatch $TargetPatternList |
Group-Object -Property {$_.Line.Split(':')[-1]}
output ...
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
6 Accordion Cajun Zydeco {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:11:Accordion Cajun Zydeco, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:11:Accordion Cajun Zy...
6 Bawdy Dupe Piano Rocka... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:108:Bawdy Dupe Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:108:Bawdy...
6 Bawdy Piano Rockabilly... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:138:Bawdy Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:138:Bawdy Pian...
6 Dupe Piano Rockabilly ... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:948:Dupe Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:948:Dupe Piano ...
6 Instrumental Piano Roc... {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:1563:Instrumental Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:1563:I...
6 Piano Rockabilly Rowdy {D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-02.log:1781:Piano Rockabilly Rowdy, D:\Temp\zzz - Copy\Grouping-List_08-09.log:1781:Piano Rockabil...
note that the .Group contains an array of lines from the matches sent out by the S-S call. you can send that to your output file.
Here is my take at solving this problem, very similar to Lee_Dailey's nice answer but with a foreach loop. I would recommend investing some time into researching the multi-threading options available on PowerShell in case you need to increase the performance of the script, you can look specifically at the ThreadJob module by Microsoft which is really easy to use or if you can't install modules due to some work policy, you can use Runspace.
It is worth adding that you can use the -List switch on Select-String, this way the performance of the script would be increased even more:
Only the first instance of matching text is returned from each input file. This is the most efficient way to retrieve a list of files that have contents matching the regular expression.
$map = #{
abc123 = 'C:\out_abc123.txt'
abc124 = 'C:\out_abc124.txt'
abc125 = 'C:\out_abc125.txt'
$pattern = $map.Keys -join '|'
$match = foreach($file in Get-ChildItem *.txt)
Select-String -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Pattern $pattern
$match | Group-Object { $_.Matches.Value } | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Select-Object Path, LineNumber, Line | Out-File $map[$_.Name]
To compliment the answers #Santiago Squarzon and Lee_Dailey, I think you were actually on the good way yourself knowing that the Group-Object cmdlet is pretty expensive especially in memory usage as it chokes the PowerShell pipeline causing all the search results to be piled up in memory.
Besides, the Select-String cmdlet supports multiple (-SimpleMatch) patterns, where concatenating the search patters with an | (-join '|') will force you to use an (escaped) regular expression.
To continue on your approach:
(note that in the example, I am using my own settings to search through my script files)
$ProgressFile = '.\ResultsCount.txt'
$SearchRoot = '..\'
$Filter = '*.ps1'
$Searches = #{
'Null' = '.\Null.txt'
'Test' = '.\Test.txt'
'Object' = '.\Object.txt'
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Filter $Filter -Path $SearchRoot -Recurse
$Total = $Files.count
$Searches.Values |ForEach-Object { Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Value '' }
$i = 0
ForEach ($File in $Files) {
Get-Content -LiteralPath $File.FullName |
Select-String #($Searches.Keys) -AllMatches |ForEach-Object {
$Value = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $File.FullName, $_.LineNumber, $_
Add-Content -LiteralPath $Searches[$_.Pattern] -Value $Value
'Record {0} of {1}' -f ++$i, $Total |Tee-Object -Append .\ProgressFile.txt
$Searches = #{ ...
Maps the search patters with the files, you might also use a PSObject list to specify each search (where you could add columns with e.g. context start/end values, etc.)
$Searches.Values |ForEach-Object { Set-Content -LiteralPath $_ -Value '' }
Empties the result files (knowing that they are not part of the main stream you can't use Add-Content)
$i = 0
Unfortunately there is no automatic index that initializes with a foreach loop (yet, see: #13772 Automatic variable for the pipeline index)
Get-Content -LiteralPath $File.FullName
Load the content once into memory
Note1: this is a string array.
Note2: the $Content will be reused each iteration and therefore overwrites the previous one and unloads it from memory
Select-String #($Searches.Keys) -AllMatches |ForEach-Object {
Searches the string array using your (multiple) defined patterns. (you might consider to use the -SimpleMatch parameter if your search strings contain special characters.)
Note: Unfortunately you need to embedded the $Searches.Keys in a array subexpression operator #( ), for details see .Net issue: #56835 Make OrderedDictionaryKeyValueCollection implement IList
$Value = '{0}:{1}:{2}' -f $File.FullName, $_.LineNumber, $_
Build an result output string.
Note: the result of the Select-String does have a (hidden) LineNumber and (matched) Pattern property.
Add-Content -LiteralPath $Searches[$_.Pattern] -Value $Value
Add the result string to the specific mapped output file.
'Record {0} of {1}' -f $i++, $Total |Tee-Object -Append .\ProgressFile.txt
Tee-Object will write the progress to the standard output (display) and also to the specific file.

Powershell Select Specific Text

Hello and thank you for your time. Here is what I am looking to do. I have several log files that I need to search through. I do this by using Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mylogfiles\*.log | Select-String -Pattern 'MyTextHere' However, now I want to complicate my life and only select text that is between single quotes in the log files.
Here is a sample of my log file:
This is some sample text in my log file. It has a lot of garbage that I don't want to see. However, it has text that I want to find, and if found I would like it to save just the selected text to a CSV file. I want to copy everything that is between single quotes. Here comes the text 'Please copy this text that is between the single quotes'
Any idea how I would go about doing this?
The following combines Select-String with ForEach-Object to extract only the phrases of interest (the parts of the line that matched the regex), wraps them in a [pscustomobject] instance with a .Phrase property and exports the results with Export-Csv:
Select-String -Path C:\mylogfiles\*.log -AllMatches -Pattern "'.*?'" |
ForEach-Object {
foreach ($phrase in $_.Matches.Value) {
[pscustomobject] #{ Phrase = $phrase.Trim("'") }
} |
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding utf8 result.csv
Note: If there can only ever be at most one phrase of interest per line, you can omit the -AllMatches switch and replace the ForEach-Object call with the following Select-String call, which uses a calculated property:
# ... |
Select-Object -Property #{ Name='Phrase'; Expression={ $_.Matches.Value.Trim("'") } } |
# ...

Powershell Remove spaces in the header only of a csv

First line of csv looks like this spaces are at after Path as well
author ,Revision ,Date ,SVNFolder ,Rev,Status,Path
I am trying to remove spaces only and rest of the content will be the same .
I tried below
Import-CSV .\script.csv | ForEach-Object {$_.Trimend()}
expanding on the comment with an example since it looks like you may be new:
$text = get-content .\script.csv
$text[0] = $text[0] -replace " ", ""
$csv = $text | ConvertFrom-CSV
Note: The solutions below avoid loading the entire CSV file into memory.
First, get the header row and fix it by removing all whitespace from it:
$header = (Get-Content -TotalCount 1 .\script.csv) -replace '\s+'
If you want to rewrite the CSV file to fix its header problem:
# Write the corrected header and the remaining lines to the output file.
# Note: I'm outputting to a *new* file, to be safe.
# If the file fits into memory as a whole, you can enclose
# Get-Content ... | Select-Object ... in (...) and write back to the
# input file, but note that there's a small risk of data loss, if
# writing back gets interrupted.
& { $header; Get-Content .\script.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 } |
Set-content -Encoding utf8 .\fixed.csv
Note: I've chosen -Encoding utf8 as the example output character encoding; adjust as needed; note that the default is ASCII(!), which can result in data loss.
If you just want to import the CSV using the fixed headers:
& { $header; Get-Content .\script.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 } | ConvertFrom-Csv
As for what you tried:
Import-Csv uses the column names in the header as property names of the custom objects it constructs from the input rows.
This property names are locked in at the time of reading the file, and cannot be changed later - unless you explicitly construct new custom objects from the old ones with the property names trimmed.
Import-Csv ... | ForEach-Object {$_.Trimend()}
Since Import-Csv outputs [pscustomobject] instances, reflected one by one in $_ in the ForEach-Object block, your code tries call .TrimEnd() directly on them, which will fail (because it is only [string] instances that have such a method).
Aside from that, as stated, your goal is to trim the property names of these objects, and that cannot be done without constructing new objects.
Read the whole file into an array:
$a = Get-Content test.txt
Replace the spaces in the first array element ([0]) with empty strings:
$a[0] = $a[0] -replace " ", ""
Write over the original file: (Don't forget backups!)
$a | Set-Content test.txt
$inFilePath = "C:\temp\headerwithspaces.csv"
$content = Get-Content $inFilePath
$csvColumnNames = ($content | Select-Object -First 1) -Replace '\s',''
$csvColumnNames = $csvColumnNames -Replace '\s',''
$remainingFile = ($content | Select-Object -Skip 1)

How to avoid double quote when using export-csv in Powershell [duplicate]

I am using ConvertTo-Csv to get comma separated output
get-process | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ","
It outputs like:
However I would like to get output without quotes, like
Here is a way to remove the quotes
get-process | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," | % {$_ -replace '"',''}
But it has a serious drawback if one of the item contains a " it will be removed !
Hmm, I have Powershell 7 preview 1 on my mac, and Export-Csv has a -UseQuotes option that you can set to AsNeeded. :)
I was working on a table today and thought about this very question as I was previewing the CSV file in notepad and decided to see what others had come up with. It seems many have over-complicated the solution.
Here's a real simple way to remove the quote marks from a CSV file generated by the Export-Csv cmdlet in PowerShell.
Create a TEST.csv file with the following data.
Save As: TEST.csv
Store file contents in a $Test variable
$Test = Get-Content .\TEST.csv
Load $Test variable to see results of the get-content cmdlet
Load $Test variable again and replace all ( "," ) with a comma, then trim start and end by removing each quote mark
Save/Replace TEST.csv file
$Test.Replace('","',",").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"') | Out-File .\TEST.csv -Force -Confirm:$false
Test new file Output with Import-Csv and Get-Content:
Import-Csv .\TEST.csv
Get-Content .\TEST.csv
To Sum it all up, the work can be done with 2 lines of code
$Test = Get-Content .\TEST.csv
$Test.Replace('","',",").TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"') | Out-File .\TEST.csv -Force -Confirm:$false
I ran into this issue, found this question, but was not satisfied with the answers because they all seem to suffer if the data you are using contains a delimiter, which should remain quoted. Getting rid of the unneeded double quotes is a good thing.
The solution below appears to solve this issue for a general case, and for all variants that would cause issues.
I found this answer elsewhere, Removing quotes from CSV created by PowerShell, and have used it to code up an example answer for the SO community.
Attribution: Credit for the regex, goes 100% to Russ Loski.
Code in a Function, Remove-DoubleQuotesFromCsv
function Remove-DoubleQuotesFromCsv
param (
if (-not $OutputFile)
$OutputFile = $InputFile
$inputCsv = Import-Csv $InputFile
$quotedData = $inputCsv | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
$outputCsv = $quotedData | % {$_ -replace `
'\G(?<start>^|,)(("(?<output>[^,"]*?)"(?=,|$))|(?<output>".*?(?<!")("")*?"(?=,|$)))' `
$outputCsv | Out-File $OutputFile -Encoding utf8 -Force
Test Code
$csvData = #"
1,hello world.,classic,123
2,"a comma, is in here","test data 1",345
3,",a comma, is in here","test data 2",346
4,"a comma, is in here,","test data 3",347
5,"a comma, is in here,","test data 4`r`nwith a newline",347
6,hello world2.,classic,123
$data = $csvData | ConvertFrom-Csv
"`r`n---- data ---"
$quotedData = $data | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation
"`r`n---- quotedData ---"
# this regular expression comes from:
$fixedData = $quotedData | % {$_ -replace `
'\G(?<start>^|,)(("(?<output>[^,"\n]*?)"(?=,|$))|(?<output>".*?(?<!")("")*?"(?=,|$)))' `
"`r`n---- fixedData ---"
$fixedData | Out-File e:\test.csv -Encoding ascii -Force
"`r`n---- e:\test.csv ---"
Get-Content e:\test.csv
Test Output
---- data ---
id string notes number
-- ------ ----- ------
1 hello world. classic 123
2 a comma, is in here test data 1 345
3 ,a comma, is in here test data 2 346
4 a comma, is in here, test data 3 347
5 a comma, is in here, test data 4... 347
6 hello world2. classic 123
---- quotedData ---
"1","hello world.","classic","123"
"2","a comma, is in here","test data 1","345"
"3",",a comma, is in here","test data 2","346"
"4","a comma, is in here,","test data 3","347"
"5","a comma, is in here,","test data 4
with a newline","347"
"6","hello world2.","classic","123"
---- fixedData ---
1,hello world.,classic,123
2,"a comma, is in here",test data 1,345
3,",a comma, is in here",test data 2,346
4,"a comma, is in here,",test data 3,347
5,"a comma, is in here,","test data 4
with a newline","347"
6,hello world2.,classic,123
---- e:\test.csv ---
1,hello world.,classic,123
2,"a comma, is in here",test data 1,345
3,",a comma, is in here",test data 2,346
4,"a comma, is in here,",test data 3,347
5,"a comma, is in here,","test data 4
with a newline","347"
6,hello world2.,classic,123
This is pretty similar to the accepted answer but it helps to prevent unwanted removal of "real" quotes.
$delimiter = ','
Get-Process | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter $delimiter -NoTypeInformation | foreach { $_ -replace '^"','' -replace "`"$delimiter`"",$delimiter -replace '"$','' }
This will do the following:
Remove quotes that begin a line
Remove quotes that end a line
Replace quotes that wrap a delimiter with the delimiter alone.
Therefore, the only way this would go wrong is if one of the values actually contained not only quotes, but specifically a quote-delimiter-quote sequence, which hopefully should be pretty uncommon.
Once the file is generated, you can run
set-content FILENAME.csv ((get-content FILENAME.csv) -replace '"')
Depending on how pathological (or "full-featured") your CSV data is, one of the posted solutions will already work.
The solution posted by Kory Gill is almost perfect - the only issue remaining is that quotes are removed also for cells containing the line separator \r\n, which is causing issues in many tools.
The solution is adding a newline to the character class expression:
$fixedData = $quotedData | % {$_ -replace `
'\G(?<start>^|,)(("(?<output>[^,"\n]*?)"(?=,|$))|(?<output>".*?(?<!")("")*?"(?=,|$)))' `
I wrote this for my needs:
function ConvertTo-Delimited {
Begin {
if ( $ExcludeHeader -eq $false ) {
$InputObject[0].PsObject.Properties | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
) -Join $Delimiter
Process {
foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
$item.PsObject.Properties | `
Select-Object Value | `
ForEach-Object {
if ( $null -ne $_.Value ) {$_.Value.ToString()}
else {''}
) -Join $Delimiter
End {}
$Data = #(
A = $null
B = Get-Date
C = $null
A = 1
B = Get-Date
C = 'Lorem'
A = 2
B = Get-Date
C = 'Ipsum'
A = 3
B = $null
C = 'Lorem Ipsum'
# with headers
PS> ConvertTo-Delimited $Data
1|7/17/19 9:07:23 PM|Lorem
2|7/17/19 9:07:23 PM|Ipsum
# without headers
PS> ConvertTo-Delimited $Data -ExcludeHeader
1|7/17/19 9:08:19 PM|Lorem
2|7/17/19 9:08:19 PM|Ipsum
Here's another approach:
Get-Process | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," |
foreach { $_ -replace '^"|"$|"(?=,)|(?<=,)"','' }
This replaces matches with the empty string, in each line. Breaking down the regex above:
| is like an OR, used to unite the following 4 sub-regexes
^" matches quotes in the beginning of the line
"$ matches quotes in the end of the line
"(?=,) matches quotes that are immediately followed by a comma
(?<=,)" matches quotes that are immediately preceded by a comma
I found that Kory's answer didn't work for the case where the original string included more than one blank field in a row. I.e. "ABC",,"0" was fine but "ABC",,,"0" wasn't handled properly. It stopped replacing quotes after the ",,,". I fixed it by adding "|(?<output>)" near the end of the first parameter, like this:
% {$_ -replace `
'\G(?<start>^|,)(("(?<output>[^,"]*?)"(?=,|$))|(?<output>".*?(?<!")("")*?"(?=,|$))|(?<output>))', `
I haven't spent much time looking for removing the quotes. But, here is a workaround.
get-process | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Verbose -Path $env:temp\test.csv
$csv = Import-Csv -Path $env:temp\test.csv
This is a quick workaround and there may be a better way to do this.
A slightly modified variant of JPBlanc's answer:
I had an existing csv file which looked like this:
I wanted to export only the first and third column to a new csv file. And for sure I didn't want any quotes ;-)
It can be done like this:
Import-Csv -Path .\source.csv -Delimiter ',' -Header A,B,C | select A,C | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ',' | % {$_ -replace '"',''} | Out-File -Encoding utf8 .\target.csv
Couldn't find an answer to a similar question so I'm posting what I've found here...
For exporting as Pipe Delimited with No Quotes for string qualifiers, use the following:
$objtable | convertto-csv -Delimiter "|" -notypeinformation | select -Skip $headers | % { $_ -replace '"\|"', "|"} | % { $_ -replace '""', '"'} | % { $_ -replace "^`"",''} | % { $_ -replace "`"$",''} | out-file "$OutputPath$filename" -fo -en ascii
This was the only thing I could come up with that could handle quotes and commas within the text; especially things like a quote and comma next to each other at the beginning or ending of a text field.
This function takes a powershell csv object from the pipeline and outputs like convertto-csv but without adding quotes (unless needed).
function convertto-unquotedcsv {
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$csv, $delimiter=',', [switch]$noheader=$false)
begin {
$NeedQuotesRex = "($([regex]::escape($delimiter))|[\n\r\t])"
if ($noheader) { $names = #($true) } else { $names = #($false) }
process {
$psop = $
if (-not $names) {
$names = $ | % {if ($_ -match $NeedQuotesRex) {'"' + $_ + '"'} else {$_}}
$names -join $delimiter # unquoted csv header
$values = $psop.value | % {if ($_ -match $NeedQuotesRex) {'"' + $_ + '"'} else {$_}}
$values -join $delimiter # unquoted csv line
end {
$names gets an array of noteproperty names and $values gets an array of notepropery values. It took that special step to output the header. The process block gets the csv object one piece at a time.
Here is a test run
$delimiter = ','; $csvData = #"
id,string,notes,"points per 1,000",number
4,"a delimiter$delimiter is in here,","test data 3",1,348
5,"a comma, is in here,","test data 4`r`nwith a newline",0.5,347
6,hello world2.,classic,"3,000",123
$csvdata | convertfrom-csv | sort number | convertto-unquotedcsv -delimiter $delimiter
id,string,notes,"points per 1,000",number
6,hello world2.,classic,"3,000",123
5,"a comma, is in here,","test data 4
with a newline",0.5,347
4,"a delimiter, is in here,",test data 3,1,348

I use -NoTypeInformation so why do I get header back when using Out-File?

I filtered by date this file data1.csv
I don't get a header with -NoTypeInformation:
$CutOff = (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)
$filePath = "data1.csv"
$Data = Import-Csv $filePath -Header Date,Time,A,B,C,D,E
$Data2 = $Data | Where-Object {$_.Date -as [datetime] -gt $Cutoff} | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," | % {$_ -replace '"',''}
But when rewriting with Out-File
$Data2 | Out-File "data2.csv" -Encoding utf8 -Force
I get header back as data2.csv contains:
Why do I have Date,Time,A,B,C,D,E ?
-NoTypeInformation is not about the header but the data type of the rows in the file. Remove it to see what shows up. From Microsoft
Omits the type information header from the output. By default, the string in the output contains #TYPE followed by the fully-qualified name of the object type.
Emphasis mine.
CSVs need headers. That is why it is making one. If you don't want to see the header in the output use Select-Object -Skip 1 to remove it.
$Data |
Where-Object {$_.Date -as [datetime] -gt $Cutoff} |
ConvertTo-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
% {$_ -replace '"'}
I would not pipe Out-File to itself. You could pipe to Set-Content here just as well.
I am guessing this whole process is to keep the source file in the same state just with some lines filtered out based on date. You could skip most of this just by parsing the date out in each line.
$threshold = (Get-Date).AddDays(-2)
$filePath = "c:\temp\bagel.txt"
(Get-Content $filePath) | Where-Object{
[datetime]$date -gt $threshold
} | Set-Content $filePath
Now you don't have to worry about PowerShell CSV object structure or output since we act on the raw data of the file itself.
That will take each line of the input file and filter it out if the parsed date does not match the threshold. Change encoding on the input output cmdlets as you see necessary. What $date,$null=$_.Split(",",2) is doing is splitting the line
on the comma into 2 parts. First of which becomes $date and since this is just a filtering condition we dump the rest of the line into $null.
Properly-formed CSV files must have column headers. Your use of -NoTypeInformation in generating the CSV does not affect column headers; instead, it affects whether the PowerShell object type information is included. If you Export-CSV without -NoTypeInformation, the first line of your CSV file will have a line that looks like #TYPE System.PSCustomObject, which you don't want if you're going to open the CSV in a spreadsheet program.
If you subsequently Import-CSV, the headers (Date, Time, A, B, C) are used to create the fields of a PSObject, so that you can refer to them using the standard dot notation (e.g., $CSV[$line].Date).
The ability to specify -Header on Import-CSV is essentially a "hack" to allow the cmdlet to handle files that are comma-separated, but which did not include column headers.