How does Distributed Shared Memory work in the presence of cache and registers? - distributed-computing

I recently read a few papers describing DSM.
Some of them tried to provide a Sequential consistency. I understand how the algorithm works and how it utilizes the page fault handler to accomplish it. But one thing puzzles me is that even though the memory itself is Sequential consistency, the cache and register one each machine may break the sequential consistency model.
How does it work with cache/registers?
Even the DSM, supporting relaxed consistency ( like TreadMarks paper ), which does all synchronization in the Lock() / Unlock operations, it still has the same problem:
How does it handle cache and register to prevent private copy on each machine?

DSM is to be extended into a DCSM ( + best with smart beyond-NUMA controls )
A Distributed Coherent Shared Memory ( DCSM ) architecture, as a form of such suitable memory architecture, where a physically separate areas of memory
can be still addressed as one contiguous, logically shared address space.
For this concept to work as requested above, the word "Coherent" is the key ( and the NUMA / L1, L2, { L3 | local-memory } management controls all the filigree CPU intrinsics, from registers to CPU-local caches and memory ).
Industry available robust DCSM implementations must have solved the very consistency issue, in order to ever become feasible, and the user-view of such underlying DCSM system is thus just a view of a big / fat monolythic-(abstract)-host, where in spite of so many thousands of CPU-s and all the physically distributed computing resources ( spanning from CPU-s, DRAM-memory-blocks, all-kinds of IO-devices, incl. storage, all network-interfaces, etc. ), the whole DCSM-integrated infrastructure still remains a coherent highly performant "super"-host.
So no direct user-code interactions are expected or needed and one can spin-up any of the legacy-code, now having some 8000+ CPU-s + XYZ [TB] RAM as a coherent space for pure in-RAM computing ( where XYZ can recently scale to ranges above a few hundreds, if not thousands, limited more by one's budget than in principle ).
One can easily feel, what to expect from such computing device, having under the hood such a beast with such an immense computing resources, where the user-code need not and does not bother how / where the actual resource is physically harnessed, as the O/S-level abstraction keeps the user-code to assume, it is just there and coherently runs "across" such a distributed compute-resources DCSM infrastructure.
Isn't this great?


Page Replacement and LRU

If a page fault occured, then we have to replace the least recently used page of the process that request the frame or we have to replace the page that is least recently used all over the main memory?
Thank you.
Assume that there are N pages of data, which includes:
all data belonging to all processes
all file data on disk (that could be pre-fetched into a virtual file system cache)
all DNS lookup information (that could be pre-fetched into some kind of DNS cache)
all static HTML pages, images, etc (that could be pre-fetched into some kind of web page cache)
anything else you could possibly pre-fetch before software could want it
all data that can be pre-generated by software (e.g. things like prime number sieves, cached pixel data generated from fonts, mipmaps, ...)
The goal is to fill RAM with the "most likely to be needed next" data from all possible sources. Note that this can include (e.g.) sending recently used data belonging to a process from RAM to swap space so that you can use that RAM to pre-fetch data from the internet that has not been requested (if you know the data is more likely to be needed sooner than the data from the process).
There are 3 major problems:
some of the data is controlled by normal processes and not the OS; and there's no standard way of allowing normal processes to participate in the operating system's "keep RAM filled with the most likely to be needed next data" scheme.
often you can't accurately predict the future. Note that you can look at things like when a process will wake up after calling "sleep()" to accurately predict a tiny part of the future; and you can track statistics to inaccurately predict other things (e.g. if you know that the user checked a certain web site at lunch time on 9 of the previous 10 days then you can predict that there's a 90% chance they will check that web site at lunch time today). Of course (for some cases) "most recently used" is a reasonable predictor of "most likely to be needed again soon"; which leads to "keep the most recently used in RAM", which is where "evict the least recently used" (LRU) comes from.
there is cost associated with transferring data, where the cost depends on where the data is now and how busy the hardware needed to fetch the data currently is (e.g. fetching data from a fast Internet connection might be cheap when the network card is doing nothing anyway but expensive when the network card is busy doing a lot of other stuff)
You can try to solve all the problems (e.g. keep track of lots of things and have fancy prediction algorithms; and take the cost of transferring and/or generating data into account when deciding what to do; and provide some kind of "current memory pressure notification" that normal processes can use to participate in the operating system's "keep RAM filled with the most likely to be needed data" scheme); but it's all complicated and difficult (e.g. you'd want to ensure that the overhead of figuring out what should/shouldn't be in RAM doesn't cost more performance than you gain), so operating systems often do something much simpler and less effective.
Specifically; a very simple OS might only do "evict the least recently used" (with no pre-fetching, no consideration for the cost of transfers and and without normal processes participating at all); and this might be considered "good enough" despite being horribly bad.
If a page fault occured, then we have to replace the least recently used page of the process that request the frame or we have to replace the page that is least recently used all over the main memory?
Ideally, you'd try to evict the "least likely to be needed soon" data from all of memory (possibly including data belonging to the kernel itself); but compromises are unavoidable and there's nothing to say a "good enough despite being horribly bad" OS can't just evict the least recently used page from the current process.

How does the storage backend influence Datomic?

How should I pick the backend storage service for Datomic?
Is it a matter of preference to select, say, DynamoDB instead of Postgres, or does each option have different tradeoffs? If so, what are they?
Storage Services Requirements
Datomic' storage services should generally meet 3 requirements:
Implement key-value store semantics: efficient read/write access using indexed keys’ values
Support consistent reads. e.g. read your own writes. Ideally, no-contention/lock-free reads.
Support conditional puts. e.g. optimistic locking + snapshot isolation.
Datomic uses storages services to store blocks of sorted, compressed datoms, similar to the way traditional database systems use file systems and the requirements above are pretty much the API between the underlying storage service and Datomic. So the choice in storage services depend on how well they support those three requirements.
Write Scalability
Datomic doesn't usually put a lot of write pressure on the underlying storage service since there's only one component writing to it, the Transactor. Also, Datomic uses a background indexing job to integrate novelty into storage once enough of it has been accumulated (by default ~32MB but can be configured) which further reduces the constant write load. The only thing Datomic immediately writes is the transaction log.
Read Scalability
Datomic uses multiple layers of caching i.e. memcached and peers cache so in ideal circumstances i.e. when the working set fits in memory, the systems won't put a lot o read pressure either.
System Load
If your system doesn't require huge write scalability and your application data tends to fit in memory, then the choice of a particular storage service is irrelevant except, of course, for their operational capabilities (backups, admin tools, etc.) which have nothing to do with Datomic.
If, on the other hand, you system does require huge write scalability or you have a great number of peers, each of them working with more data than can fit in their memory (forcing a lot of data segments to be brought from storage), you'll require a storage system that can horizontally scale e.g. DynamoDB. As mentioned in one of the comments, if you need arbitrary write scalability, Datomic is not the right system for you anyway.

Is NoSQL 100% ACID 100% of the time?

There have been various attempts to
overcome SQL’s performance and
scalability problems, including the
buzzworthy NoSQL movement that burst
onto the scene a couple of years ago.
However, it was quickly discovered
that while NoSQL might be faster and
scale better, it did so at the expense
of ACID consistency.
Wait - am I reading that wrongly?
Does it mean that if I use NoSQL, we can expect transactions to be corrupted (albeit I daresay at a very low percentage)?
It's actually true and yet also a bit false. It's not about corruption it's about seeing something different during a (limited) period.
The real thing here is the CAP theorem which simply states you can only choose two of the following three:
Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time)
Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it was successful or failed)
tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss)
The traditional SQL systems choose to drop "Partition tolerance" where many (not all) of the NoSQL systems choose to drop "Consistency".
More precise: They drop "Strong Consistency" and select a more relaxed Consistency model like "Eventual Consistency".
So the data will be consistent when viewed from various perspectives, just not right away.
NoSQL solutions are usually designed to overcome SQL's scale limitations. Those scale limitations are explained by the CAP theorem. Understanding CAP is key to understanding why NoSQL systems tend to drop support for ACID.
So let me explain CAP in purely intuitive terms. First, what C, A and P mean:
Consistency: From the standpoint of an external observer, each "transaction" either fully completed or is fully rolled back. For example, when making an amazon purchase the purchase confirmation, order status update, inventory reduction etc should all appear 'in sync' regardless of the internal partitioning into sub-systems
Availability: 100% of requests are completed successfully.
Partition Tolerance: Any given request can be completed even if a subset of nodes in the system are unavailable.
What do these imply from a system design standpoint? what is the tension which CAP defines?
To achieve P, we needs replicas. Lots of em! The more replicas we keep, the better the chances are that any piece of data we need will be available even if some nodes are offline. For absolute "P" we should replicate every single data item to every node in the system. (Obviously in real life we compromise on 2, 3, etc)
To achieve A, we need no single point of failure. That means that "primary/secondary" or "master/slave" replication configurations go out the window since the master/primary is a single point of failure. We need to go with multiple master configurations. To achieve absolute "A", any single replica must be able to handle reads and writes independently of the other replicas. (in reality we compromise on async, queue based, quorums, etc)
To achieve C, we need a "single version of truth" in the system. Meaning that if I write to node A and then immediately read back from node B, node B should return the up-to-date value. Obviously this can't happen in a truly distributed multi-master system.
So, what is the "correct" solution to the problem? It details really depend on your requirements, but the general approach is to loosen up some of the constraints, and to compromise on the others.
For example, to achieve a "full write consistency" guarantee in a system with n replicas, the # of reads + the # of writes must be greater or equal to n : r + w >= n. This is easy to explain with an example: if I store each item on 3 replicas, then I have a few options to guarantee consistency:
A) I can write the item to all 3 replicas and then read from any one of the 3 and be confident I'm getting the latest version B) I can write item to one of the replicas, and then read all 3 replicas and choose the last of the 3 results C) I can write to 2 out of the 3 replicas, and read from 2 out of the 3 replicas, and I am guaranteed that I'll have the latest version on one of them.
Of course, the rule above assumes that no nodes have gone down in the meantime. To ensure P + C you will need to be even more paranoid...
There are also a near-infinite number of 'implementation' hacks - for example the storage layer might fail the call if it can't write to a minimal quorum, but might continue to propagate the updates to additional nodes even after returning success. Or, it might loosen the semantic guarantees and push the responsibility of merging versioning conflicts up to the business layer (this is what Amazon's Dynamo did).
Different subsets of data can have different guarantees (ie single point of failure might be OK for critical data, or it might be OK to block on your write request until the minimal # of write replicas have successfully written the new version)
The patterns for solving the 90% case already exist, but each NoSQL solution applies them in different configurations. The patterns are things like partitioning (stable/hash-based or variable/lookup-based), redundancy and replication, in memory-caches, distributed algorithms such as map/reduce.
When you drill down into those patterns, the underlying algorithms are also fairly universal: version vectors, merckle trees, DHTs, gossip protocols, etc.
It does not mean that transactions will be corrupted. In fact, many NoSQL systems do not use transactions at all! Some NoSQL systems may sometimes lose records (e.g. MongoDB when you do "fire and forget" inserts rather than "safe" ones), but often this is a design choice, not something you're stuck with.
If you need true transactional semantics (perhaps you are building a bank accounting application), use a database that supports them.
First, asking if NoSql is 100% ACID 100% of the time is a bit of a meaningless question. It's like asking "Are dogs 100% protective 100% of the time?" There are some dogs that are protective (or can be trained to be) such as German Shepherds or Doberman Pincers. There are other dogs that could care less about protecting anyone.
NoSql is the label of a movement, and not a specific technology. There are several different types of NoSql databases. There are document stores, such as MongoDb. There are graph databases such as Neo4j. There are key-value stores such as cassandra.
Each of these serve a different purpose. I've worked with a proprietary database that could be classified as a NoSql database, it's not 100% ACID, but it doesn't need to be. It's a write once, read many database. I think it gets built once a quarter (or once a month?) and then is read 1000s of time a day.
There is a lot of different NoSQL store types and implementations. Every of them can solve trade-offs between consistency and performance differently. The best you can get is a tunable framework.
Also the sentence "it was quickly discovered" from you citation is plainly stupid, this is no surprising discovery but a proven fact with deep theoretical roots.
In general, it's not that any given update would fail to save or get corrupted -- these are obviously going to be a very big issue for any database.
Where they fail on ACID is in data retrieval.
Consider a NoSQL DB which is replicated across numerous servers to allow high-speed access for a busy site.
And lets say the site owners update an article on the site with some new information.
In a typical NoSQL database in this scenario, the update would immediately only affect one of the nodes. Any queries made to the site on the other nodes would not reflect the change right away. In fact, as the data is replicated across the site, different users may be given different content despite querying at the same time. The data could take some time to propagate across all the nodes.
Conversely, in a transactional ACID compliant SQL database, the DB would have to be sure that all nodes had completed the update before any of them could be allowed to serve the new data.
This allows the site to retain high performance and page caching by sacrificing the guarantee that any given page will be absolutely up to date at an given moment.
In fact, if you consider it like this, the DNS system can be considered to be a specialised NoSQL database. If a domain name is updated in DNS, it can take several days for the new data to propagate throughout the internet (depending on TTL configuration).
All this makes NoSQL a useful tool for data such as web site content, where it doesn't necessarily matter that a page isn't instantly up-to-date and consistent as long as it is reasonably up-to-date.
On the other hand, though, it does mean that it would be a very bad idea to use a NoSQL database for a system which does require consistency and up-to-date accuracy. An order processing system or a banking system would definitely not be a good place for your typical NoSQL database engine.
NOSQL is not about corrupted data. It is about viewing at your data from a different perspective. It provides some interesting leverage points, which enable for much easier scalability story, and often usability too. However, you have to look at your data differently, and program your application accordingly (eg, embrace consequences of BASE instead of ACID). Most NOSQL solutions prevent you from making decisions which could make your database hard to scale.
NOSQL is not for everything, but ACID is not the most important factor from end-user perspective. It is just us developers who cannot imagine world without ACID guarantees.
You are reading that correctly. If you have the AP of CAP, your data will be inconsistent. The more users, the more inconsistent. As having many users is the main reason why you scale, don't expect the inconsistencies to be rare. You've already seen data pop in and out of Facebook. Imagine what that would do to stock inventory figures if you left out ACID. Eventual consistency is merely a nice way to say that you don't have consistency but you should write and application where you don't need it. Some types of games and social network application does not need consistency. There are even line-of-business systems that don't need it, but those are quite rare. When your client calls when the wrong amount of money is on an account or when an angry poker player didn't get his winnings, the answer should not be that this is how your software was designed.
The right tool for the right job. If you have less than a few million transactions per second, you should use a consistent NewSQL or NoSQL database such as VoltDb (non concurrent Java applications) or Starcounter (concurrent .NET applications). There is just no need to give up ACID these days.

Paging: Basic, Hierarchical, Hashed, and Inverted

With respect to operating systems and page tables, it seems there are 4 general methods to paging and page tables
Basic - A single page table which stores the page number and the offset
Hierarchical - A multi-tiered table which breaks up the virtual address into multiple parts
Hashed - A hashed page table which may often include multiple hashings mapping to the same entry
Inverted - The logical address also includes the PID, page number and offset. Then the PID is used to find the page in to the table and the number of rows down the table is added to the offset to find the physical address for main memory. (Rough, and probably terrible definition)
I am just wondering what are the pros and cons of each method? It seems like basic is the easier method but may also take up more space in memory for a larger address space.
What else?
The key to building a usable page model is minimizing the unused space for entries that are not necessary. You want to minimize the amount of memory needed while keeping the computation cost of a memory lookup low.
Basic can take up a lot of memory (for a modern system using 4GB of memory, that might amount to 300 MB only for the table) and is therefore impractical.
Hierarchical reduces that memory a lot by only adding subtables that are actually in use. Still, every process has a root page table. And if the memory footprint of the processes is scattered, there may still be a lot of unnecessary entries in secondary tables. This is a far better solution regarding memory than Basic and introduces only a marginal computation increase.
Hashed does not work because of hash collisions
Inverted is the solution to make Hashed work. The memory use is very small (as big as a Basic table for a single process, plus some PID and chaining overhead). The problem is, if there is a hash collision (several processes use the same virtual address) you will have to follow the chain information (just as in a linked list) until you find the entry with a matching PID. This may produce a lot of computing overhead in addition to the hash computing, but will keep the memory footprint as small as possible.

Why can't DMBSes rely on the OS buffer pool?

Stonebraker's paper (Operating System Support for Database Management) explains that, "the overhead to fetch a block from the buffer pool manager usually includes that of a system call and a core-to-core move." Forget about the buffer-replacement strategy, etc. The only point I question is the quoted.
My understanding is that when a DBMS wants to read a block x it issues a common read instruction. There should be no difference from that of any other application requesting a read.
I'm not looking for generic answers (I got them, and read papers). I seek a detailed answer of the described problem.
See Does a file read from a Java application invoke a system call?
Reading from your other question, and working forward:
When the DBMS must bring a page from disk it will involve at least one system call. At his point most DBMSs place the page into their own buffer. (They also end up in the OS' buffer, but that's unimportant).
So, we have one system call. However, we can avoid any further system calls. This is possible because the DBMS is caching pages in its own memory space. The first thing the DBMS will do when it decides it needs a page is check and see if it has it in its cache. If it does, it retrieves it from there without ever invoking a system call.
The DBMS is free to expire pages in its cache in whatever way is most beneficial for its IO needs. The OS's cache is expired in a more general way since the OS has other things to worry about. One example of this is that a DBMS will typically use a great deal of memory to cache pages as it knows that disk IO is one of the most expensive things it can do. The OS won't do this as it has to balance the cost of disk IO against having memory for other applications to use.
The operating system disk i/o must be generalised to work for a variety of situations. The DBMS can sometimes gain significant performance using less general code that is optimised to its own needs.
The DBMS does its own caching, so doesn't want to work through the O/S caching. It "owns" the patch of disk, so it doesn't need to worry about sharing with other processes.
The link to the paper is a help.
Firstly, the paper is almost thirty years old and is referring to long-obsolete hardware. Notwithstanding that, it makes quite interesting reading.
Firstly, understand that disk i/o is a layered process. It was in 1981 and is even more so now. At the lowest point, a device driver will issue physical read/write instructions to the hardware. Above that may be the o/s kernel code then the o/s user space code then the application. Between a C program's fread() and the disk heads moving, there are at least three or four levels and might be considerably more. The DBMS may seek to improve performance might seek to bypass some layers and talk directly with the kernel, or even lower.
I recall some years ago installing Oracle on a Sun box. It had an option to dedicate a disk as a "raw" partition, where Oracle would format the disk in its own manner and then talk straight to the device driver. The O/S had no access to the disk at all.
It's mainly a performance issue. A dbms has highly specific and unusual I/O demands.
The OS may have any number of processes doing I/O and filling its buffers with the assorted cached data that this produces.
And of course there is the issue of size and what gets cached (a dbms may be able to peform better cache for its needs than the more generic device buffer caching).
And then there is the issue that a generic “block” may in fact amount to a considerably larger I/O burden (this depends on partitioning and such like) than what a dbms ideally would like to bear; its own cache may be tuned to work better with the layout of the data on the disk and thereby able to minimise I/O.
A further thing is the issue of indexes and similar means to speed up queries, which of course works rather better if the cache actually knows what these mean in the first place.
The real issue is that the file buffer cache is not in the filesystem used by the DBMS; it's in the kernel and shared by all of the filesystems resident in the system. Any memory read out of the kernel must be copied into user space: this is the core-to-core move you read about.
Beyond this, some other reasons you can't rely on the system buffer pool:
Often, DBMS's have a really good idea about its upcoming access patterns, and it can't communicate these patterns to the kernel. This can lead to lower performance.
The buffer cache is traditional stored in a fixed-size kernel memory range, so it cannot grow or shrink. That also means the cache is much smaller than main memory, so by using the buffer cache a DBMS would be unable to take advantage of system resources.
I know this is old, but it came up as unanswered.
The OS uses a separate address spaces for every process.
Retrieving information from any other address space requires a system call or page fault. **(see below)
The DBMS is a process with its own address space.
The OS buffer pool Stonebraker describes is in the kernel address space.
So ... to get data from the kernel address space to the DBMS's address space, a system call or page fault is unavoidable.
You're correct that accessing data from the OS buffer pool manager is no more expensive than a normal read() call. (In fact, it's done with a normal read call.) However, Stonebraker is not talking about that. He's specifically discussing the caching needs of DBMSes, after the data has been read from the disk and is present in RAM.
In essence, he's saying that the OS's buffer pool cache is too slow for the DBMS to use because it's stored in a different address space. He's suggesting using a local cache in the same process (and therefore same address space), which can give you a significant speedup for applications like DBMSes which hit the cache heavily, because it will eliminate that syscall overhead.
Here's the exact paragraph where he discusses using a local cache in the same process:
However, many DBMSs including INGRES
[20] and System R [4] choose to put a
DBMS managed buffer pool in user space
to reduce overhead. Hence, each of
these systems has gone to the
trouble of constructing its own
buffer pool manager to enhance
He also mentions multi-core issues in the excerpt you quote above. Similar effects apply here, because if you can have just one cache per core, you may be able to avoid the slowdowns from CPU cache flushes when multiple CPUs are reading and writing the same data.
** BTW, I believe Stonebraker's 1981 paper is actually pre-mmap. He mentions it as future work. "The trend toward providing the file system as a part of shared virtual memory (e.g., Pilot [16]) may provide a solution to this problem."