MarkLogic connecting to Tableau - tableau-api

I know you can connect Tableau to Marklogic by modelling your Marklogic data as a SQL view and connecting through the ODBC connector in Tableau.
We have had problems using this approach to connect our ML data to Tableau as our MarkLogic databases have tens of millions of documents(mapped to rows in the view) and the Tableau ODBC connector times out trying to import this data. Has anyone experienced similar issues and know of a workaround while still using the MarkLogic SQL views?
I have read that it also possible to connect to Marklogic from Tableau using the web data connector although I cannot find much detailed documentation on this and Marklogic seem to push the SQL/ODBC connector as the way to connect to Tableau. Is this a better option? Does anyone know where there is detailed documentation on this?
Finally, we have been able to extract the ML data into a text file and import that into Tableau. We can use this approach going forward but would prefer to connect directly from Tableau to MarkLogic. Any comments on whether that should be possible given our MarkLogic DB sizes would be appreciated!


Possible to pull data from Tableau published Data Source without Tableau Desktop?

Besides TabPython, is there some programming language or tool outside of Tableau Desktop/Prep that can be used to do this ?
You can use Tableau Prep to connect to the published data source and ingest the data in excel/csv or database table

What's the easiest way to copy postgreSQL tables from a schema to Snowflake?

I want to copy tables from a postgreSQL schema to Snowflake (including data). What's the easiest way to do this?
My postgreSQL database lives in AWS RDS.
I went through this a couple of months ago and will share what I learned.
Snowflake does not recognize psql so a psql export/import will not work.
The recommendation I received from support was to export the tables as csv files, recreate the DDL, and then stage the csv files in S3.
There are third party tools that help connect and sync Postgres databases to Snowflake. Stitch being the one my group looked at.
So you can write your own integration or use Stitch to connect the two. There could be a more effective way to do this but if you are moving a large database over, I am afraid there is not an easy way to do this. That said, it is not terribly difficult but will take time to move everything over. Hope that helps!
Please check out the following community article which explains the steps to migrate.
This is from one of the Snowflake partners who provides the tools to migrate the data.

Connect SAS to mongodb without using ODBC

One of ours statistician is stuck trying to read data from mongoDB using SAS.
In my experience connecting mongo to other languages always require a native driver, but in this case I've found that is only possible using ODBC.
I've tried to find a better way to connect this two software but the only idea that came to my mind is to expose mongo via webservice.
Any of you have a better solution to connect SAS to mongodb?
After some tries we found that using webservice is the most convenient way to solve mongodb access in ours case.
Some statistician required to load data on laptop from outside the corporate network so we decided to extend our web service to expose some more informations and access it in SAS like this
Thanks all for the clarification regarding ODBC, to me was a real surprise that is still the preferred way to load data in enterprise environments.

How tableau connect to Arangodb?

How does tableau connect to arangoDB? Is there any ODBC driver for arangodb as a new datasource for tableau desktop/server on windows?
there is at the moment no official Tableau driver for ArangoDB. Maybe you will find a driver on their community page. If you really need a binding you should ask Tableau if they could support the database. The more people ask the more likely it is that they will include official support in a future release. I am happy to provide them with help in case they decide to support ArangoDB.

Connect to an ADO.NET database using ODBC

We have a bespoke column based database which we access progamatically using its ADO.NET driver which we wrote in-house. However a colleague wants to use Excel etc to access this database using ODBC.
I expected to find some form of connector to provide an ODBC connection over an ADO.NET datasource (or some config in the ODBC) but I can't find anything.
I know this is using a new tech to connect to a much older one, but its what they want! So if anybody knows of a way to do this it would be much appreciated.
Sounds like you've created a ADO.NET driver first, as opposed to an ODBC driver first. This sounds a little crazy as everyone knows you can access ODBC driver from ADO/NET but not the other way round.
ODBC is actually a much better interface and used by far more applications, is you question actually correct??