password protecting a page on Github not possible? - github

I want to password protect a page on a site built on Github. I've researched online, but it seems it's not possible on Github...? What would you recommend that I do? help would be appreciated...

You are correct, it's not possible. GitHub Pages are public and there's no way to avoid that without using a different backend.


Comment section on Github Pages

I have made a website that I published as Github Page. Since Github Pages is not a server provider and can only store a static website, I cannot use a comment section server side.
Is there any other way of implementing comments / discussion feature on github pages? For example feedback form can be handled using Google Forms.
I do not believe this is possible anymore because as you said they only support static pages now. Yes, you can use google forums or something similar. You can also use GH discussions. You can find it on the top bar or go use a link. They are formated like this<user/orgenisation name>/<repository name>/discussions

"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

Around 12 hours ago, I tried creating a personal blog using 'beautiful jekyll'. I followed the simplest 3-step method to get a basic blog running however, every time I enter my website link, I get
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn
how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user
There isn't anything that I did different from the tutorial. I want to know does github just takes long to publish the pages or is there some sorcery ?
As I commented: would not work, since yourboygorja is not your GitHub username. nitinrabbit is.
So the repo should be called
And some content needs to be pushed to it.
You may need to go to the settings>pages>Source>Main (or subfolders) to activate page root. You may find detailed explanations here.

Google redirect uri no longer saving?

This is so strange...
I implemented Google OAuth2 on Site A (I'm using Ruby on Rails), successfully adding localhost:3000/auth/google_oauth2/callback and to the redirect uri field in my Google Cloud Console.
Tried to do the same with Site B and... I can't set those darn redirect uris at all any more!
So I cheated a bit and used the Site A key and secret for Site B... and it all worked in localhost.
But when I finished in dev and tried to test in production by adding to that original Site A app... not only did it not get added, but the localhost and sitea uri's got deleted, and now I can't add those back.
Help, please? What might be happening, how do I test?
Thank you!
I've been having the same problem, I think it's an issue with Google Cloud Console.
I used the old user interface ( and it worked fine. Use this for the time being, it'll save you a lot of headache.
The redirect URI saving issue was a bug, and it should be fixed by now. Please leave a comment if you still encounter it. Thanks for reporting.

Integrating PunBB login system with the rest of my site

First off, I am presuming this is possible please correct me if I am wrong.
I have a simple login / registration system on my site now, however decided to delete this when installing PunBB discussion board. I prefer PunBB's login to my own so I was wondering whether it is possible to make login to the site only achievable through PunBB. Is their an extension for this? Or do you know of any useful sources that will help me implement this? Thank you in advance.
Undoubtedly, PunBB uses some kind of cookie or hash to determine if a user is logged in or not. Simply use that cookie or hash in your own pages to determine who is logged in when you're not on a PunBB page.
There's probably an include file you can use for that purpose.
Please see this page for information on implementing PunBB functionality into other parts of your website and details of the database schema.

implementing google /open id to log into a wordpress website

so i have tried various plugins to try this including
loginza looks nice but does not log me in just redirects me back to
my homepage and its in russian
janrain loog very good and theres a simple-modal login plugin that looks brilliant too. but it very expensive as i need this for multiple blogs.
open id i think this turns you into an open id provider non the less i need a google button for my login
why i need this is my users have a but google hosted and this eliminates our use for lots of password. also looks like a lot of other people are looking for a solution to this. any one got any ideas how i can get this
Janrain plugin is free check this link.
And he give all social in the demo (try to comment).
Other solution on code canyon.
After several trials, the best plugin for this kind of job is
It covers not only Google but other services as well (Facebook, Twitter,
Here you can find some details on installing it