Embedded WildFly server: how to catch exceptions and display log message - wildfly

We've created an embedded WildFly server with EmbeddedProcessFactory.createStandaloneServer(...), but any exceptions that happen in that server are eaten (they go to /dev/null?), so without those stacktraces in the console, it's hard to figure out which line is causing them.
How can we capture the exceptions and or log messages thrown by the embedded WildFly server?


Is it possible to send liberty batch logs to console

Liberty has rich support for logging and tracing as outlined in https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_liberty/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/rwlp_logging.html
Based on that, I am able to get audit, messaging, and trace logs sent to the console. However, one part of our system is using Liberty's JBatch implementation and these logs are getting lost inside our containers' ephemeral filesystem.
Is there a way to force Liberty to send these logs to the console with the rest of our output (so that it will get shipped to our log analysis service)?

Jboss fails after receiving a lot of queries using Jmeter

During Stress/Load test and after sending so many queries using JMeter to my JBoss server, the server becomes irresponsive / unreachable. I want to know if there is any mechanism that makes JBoss unstable.
This might be an issue with the threads, there might be some thread blocking or taking longer. On this case, you will need to get a thread dump, and verify where it's stuck/unresponsive. From the description it might a thread on JMeter that is using the resources and destabilizing JBoss. A server log could also show some issue as well.
Get the thread dumps on the moment it happens
Analyze it with fastthread.io or other thread analyzer, e.g. TDA.
Verify any issue on the server.log
For opening issues with JBoss 5/6/7 please update the logs and configuration files, this will make the debug easier.

Temporarily Unavailable GENERIC_HTTP_503

i have an application that runs through VM and performing multiple activities on it sometimes displays "Temporarily unavailable" message.
i have seen the debug logs and jetty server logs and it displays GENERIC_HTTP_503 error but for a rest call which is not known.
is there any way to know why exactly this problem is occurring inconsistently?
and is this because of server is overloaded with multiple requests?

An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters

We're getting the following error.
An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters. This exception was caused by: javax.mail.MessagingException: Connect failed; nested exception is: java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect.
I've read that this issue is normally caused by an issue with the CF mailer. But we are sent any errors that happen on our system, so doubtful it's that. Here is the flow (from what I've found)
Use cfpop to login to gmail and get emails.
Send mail (using cfmail) to me with a dump of the previous cfpop call (Part of another problem, so to debug I'm emailing myself what CF gets back from the cfpop call).
Error happens and is caught.
Coldfusion sends me this error in a email, using cfmail.
Do note I thought that there might be too many emails for CF to download them all, so I tried getting less mails to no avail. All cfmail calls use the same details (server, username, password). Also I've tested this on another server (multiple) and it worked then with no issue.
Does anybody have any idea? Anything?
Here is the code in the cfpop. Do note that I have called the underlying Java code to get this working over SSL.
<CFPOP ACTION="GetAll" NAME="popHeader"

SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) is screw up

I’m trying to investigate for which reason sometime my service SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) is screwed up and doesn’t respond, producing an error in my SSRS reports. When the users run their report they get an ambiguous and confusing error message like: Server Error in ‘/Reports’ application.
This problem was resolved only by stopping and restarting the service. It comes only a few times, but I don't want to get it again.
The stability of the reporting is the first priority for our team. I want to know the reason or how can we prevent this error in the future.