SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) is screw up - ssrs-2008

I’m trying to investigate for which reason sometime my service SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) is screwed up and doesn’t respond, producing an error in my SSRS reports. When the users run their report they get an ambiguous and confusing error message like: Server Error in ‘/Reports’ application.
This problem was resolved only by stopping and restarting the service. It comes only a few times, but I don't want to get it again.
The stability of the reporting is the first priority for our team. I want to know the reason or how can we prevent this error in the future.


CloudRun Suddenly got `Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}"`

We have been running a service using NestJS and TypeORM on fully managed CloudRun without issues for several months. Yesterday PM we started getting Improper path /cloudsql/{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME} to connect to Postgres Cloud SQL instance "{SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}" errors in our logs.
We didn't make any server/SQL changes around this timestamp. Currently there is no impact to the service so we are not sure if this is a serious issue.
This error is not from our code, and our third party modules shouldn't know if we use Cloud SQL, so I have no idea where this errors come from.
My assumption is Cloud SQL Proxy or any SQL client used in Cloud Run is making this error. We use --add-cloudsql-instances flag when deploying with "gcloud run deploy" CLI command.
Link to the issue here
This log was recently added in the Cloud Run data path to provide more context for debugging CloudSQL connectivity issues. However, the original logic was overly aggressive, emitting this message even for properly working CloudSQL connections. Your application is working correctly and should not receive this warning.
Thank you for reporting this issue. The fix is ready and should roll out soon. You should not see this message anymore after the fix is out.

TLS/SSL error in between of web service checks

I have a powershell script to check a webserver page availability and task runs for every 5mins.
But I am getting TLS/SSL request is aborted error for every 3-4 hour once.
I have used the below one in my code and it's works fine.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
I had setup timeout secs(100) for invoking my web request but it doesn't seem to work this way.
Someone can help me why it's giving TLS/SSL errors all of a sudden? And how to fix this?
This is an interesting issue. It could be many issues:
This could be an issue with the server; Perhaps the server is dropping requests or has some internal handling issues.
The request may be timing out before it has a chance to receive a response.
There could be network errors unrelated to your script or the target server.
I wrap your web request method in a try-catch, if it catches than it tries again, up to a certain specified amount of times. If this does not fix it, there is a chance that the problem lies with the server and not your script.

Temporarily Unavailable GENERIC_HTTP_503

i have an application that runs through VM and performing multiple activities on it sometimes displays "Temporarily unavailable" message.
i have seen the debug logs and jetty server logs and it displays GENERIC_HTTP_503 error but for a rest call which is not known.
is there any way to know why exactly this problem is occurring inconsistently?
and is this because of server is overloaded with multiple requests?

VS 2013 Web Deployment Failing - Socket Error 10054

I posted on friday regarding this issue and received no response, however since then some updates have occurred which might affect whether people have an answer to my question or not.
I'm trying to deploy an MVC website to Azure, and in this particular project the web deploy receives a Socket Error 10054 and gives up after 10 attempts saying it was Unable to write data to the transport connection. It makes varying progress in between the socket failures but never completes within the 10 attempts.
I have since had a play around with other projects which are deployed to different url locations within this same Azure Account and they deploy fine! I think this means the problem is not on my end, i.e. port 8172 is open and deployment can be achieved with my current local settings.
What are the problems that can cause this socket error 10054? I saw somewhere that I should enable the "Allow untrusted certificate" option when deploying but I can't find that option within VS 2013.
Any ideas are welcome please,
This issue is driving me mad, it seems there's a real mixed bag of solution ideas which have worked for others but not me.

503 Server Unavailable - Dynamics CRM Web Service down - how to diagnose?

I provide support for a large application across multiple servers. System has been running live for 6+ months.
8th December: total system failure. iisreset across each of the servers sorted it out. Everything back to normal.
Post failure investigation showed various processes not able to get a response from a particular server which hosts an instance of Dynamics CRM (2011 R11). Specifically it seems the SOAP service was not responding (Organization.svc). 503 - Server Unavailable (really it was just the web service). I suspect it died.
Having the exact time of the error I checked the event logs on the server but these did not have anything of use. The last error prior to the failure was a report rendering error which was 9 minutes before the system actually went down. Surely if web service crashed this would be reflected in the event log?
Fast forward to today, 8th January and the system fails again. The 8th of the month again! iisreset fixes it... again!
Again, completely useless event logs showings no errors prior to failure.
Entertained the idea of Dynamics CRM trace logging but this is out of the question due to the performance hit.
Apart from the event logs where else to look? Are there possible external factors or causes? I'm trying to find the root cause but have run out of ideas!
While this may not address the source of your problem, maybe it can help minimize the symptoms. May I suggest that you configure the IIS server to recycle the application pool at a scheduled interval within your production environment.