Watson Knowledge Studio - Pre-Annotate error - annotations

When I try to run a Annotation in Watson Knowledge Studio I get the below error. "PREANNOTATE: The process failed. The selected documents were not pre-annotated because they contain annotations that were added by humans which would be invalidated as a result." What could be the reason.

It seems your documents were already assigned in Human Annotation Task and Human Annotator has already started annotation work. When such working document set is specified as a target for pre-annotation, WKS shows the error message to avoid losing the current work by Human Annotator.
Could you please choose original imported Document set as the target for pre-annotation, or create another document set from the imported set that does not contains any HA work.


VS Code Regex search to remove references based on containing text in string

I am attempting to remove all references of a managed package that is going to be uninstalled that spans throughout code base in VS Code
I have using a query to find the field permissions but am wondering if there is a way to search for the reference outside of specifying the exact field name compared to the field containing only "agf" since they are all using it.
Below is the search query:
In the field, I want to be able to find and delete the 5 associated lines from multiple files if they match "agf" in any combination. Something like the below:
With any combination of agf in the field, delete all from any file it appears in.
Not an answer but too long for a comment
You don't have to? Profiles/perm sets don't block package's delete. Probably neither do reports.
You'd use your time better by searching for all instances of agf__ (that's with double underscore), should find fields, objects... used in classes, flows, page layouts etc. And search for agf. (with dot) should find all instances where your Apex code calls their classes marked as global.
Alternatively Apex / VF pages with dependencies on package will have it listed in their "meta.xml", for example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApexClass xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
Last but not least - why not just spawn a dev sandbox and attempt the delete there? If it succeeds - great. If not - it'll list the dependencies that blocked the delete. It'll be "the real thing", it'll smite you even if your VSCode project doesn't contain all flows, layouts and thus could lull you into false sense of security. I'd seriously do it in sandbox and then run all tests for good measure, just in case there are some dynamic soql queries that don't count as hard, delete-blocking references.
After delete's done - fetch Profiles / Permsets from this org and the field references will be gone from the xml.

Get Status of Driver Inside Visual Basic

I'm currently trying to detect which drivers appear as "not working" in visual basic.
This unknown device is a good example of what I'm trying to grab (notice how it has the flag DN_HAS_PROBLEM).
I've tried using searches such as:
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher( "root\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_SystemDriver")
And running a loop in the searcher.Get() through this documentation
However, none of these seem to return what I am looking for.
Would anyone happen to know how I can get the DN_ statuses within Visual Basic?
The Win32_SystemDriver class documentation lists these Status properties:
Pred Fail
No Contact
Lost Comm
...whereas DN_HAS_PROBLEM comes from the CM_Get_DevNode_Status function, or perhaps also from other system calls.
There may not be a way to get that specific code from the API you're using, but perhaps the existing Status properties will suffice for your needs if you don't need to know more specific failure reasons.
If you do need to know that specific status, you'll have to call other APIs, like the one I called out.

Workaround for saving / editing a VSTS test case

I have an issue with VSTS manual test cases. When I try to edit one, I got an error message as follows:
An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary
Session Id: 73288d72-580f-42fb-9aeb-f5cadb6b3bc5
I only have this issue if a test step contains parameters. After refreshing the page and reopening the test case, the color code is black and it doesn't display the Save button. Also, the dropdown of the ... is empty.
Existing tests are fine, running them is also possible. Working with bugs, user stories and tasks is fine.
Screenshots can be found here
Is there a way to workaround this?
This is caused by the parameter name "#length", remove it or rename it to others like "#length1" would works.
This seems to be a bug with VSTS, I have help you created a feedback on MS Connect Page, refer to this link for details: "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" error occurs when save a test case contains a parameter named as "length".

OrientDB Could not access the security JSON file

Following my upgrade from OrientDB 2.1.16 to 2.2.0 I have started to get the following messages during the initialisation:
2016-05-19 09:28:38:690 SEVER ODefaultServerSecurity.loadConfig() Could not access the security JSON file: /config/security.json [ODefaultServerSecurity]
2016-05-19 09:28:39:142 SEVER ODefaultServerSecurity.onAfterActivate() Configuration document is empty [ODefaultServerSecurity]
The database launched but I don't like the warnings. I've looked through the docs but I cant find anything specifically pertaining to this. There are some links on Google that lead to dead Github pages.
First of all I need to get hold of either a copy of the security.json it is expecting (or the docs explaining the expected structure).
Secondly I need to know how and where to set it.
There are 3 ways to specify the location and name of the security.json file used by the new OrientDB security module.
1) Specify the environment variable, ORIENTDB_HOME, and it will look for it here:
2) Set this property in the orientdb-server-config.xml file: "server.security.file"
3) Pass the location by setting the global variable -Dserver.security.file on startup.
Here's the documentation on the new features + a link to the configuration format.
OrientDB LTD
The Company behind OrientDB

Data.c file generation

i'm very new to matlab, i'm working on a software which needs the following files as input model.c,model.h,model_data.c for a particular simulink model. I have a model for which i can't generate model_data file using RTW, i have tried to get some information on the files generated by RTW, but i didnt get sufficient info. If there anybody who knows about the RTW please let me know the blocks which are required to generate model_data.c
thank you
model_data.c is a conditionally created file (i.e. it is only created if it is needed, which depends on the way the model is set up for code generation).
For a discussion of the Simulink Coder build process, and what files get generated when, search the doc for the section titled "Files and Folders Created by Build Process".
For others who need help in future.
Open the Configuration Parameters pane. Go to Code Generation -> Optimization and make sure that Default parameter behavior is set to Tunable.