Swift invert UIRotationGestureRecognizer for subviews - swift

I want to invert the rotation from a UIRotationGestureRecognizer for specific subviews. My rotation occurs in 90 degree phases (so CGFloat.pi / 2 )
func localhandleRotateGesture (localrotateGesture: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
if localrotateGesture.state == .ended {
if localrotateGesture.rotation > 0.0005{
localrotateGesture.view?.transform = (localrotateGesture.view?.transform)!.rotated(by: CGFloat.pi / 2)
localrotateGesture.rotation = 0
Works fine. I then access subviews and try to invert the movement
var thisCell = localrotateGesture.view as! CustomMessageCell
thisCell.cellButtonsStackView.transform = (localrotateGesture.view?.transform.inverted())!.rotated(by: CGFloat.pi / 2)
The subviews rotate the first attempt, and after that it doesn't! What is going on?


ARKit cannot rotate a SCNNode correctly on a vertical plane

I want to rotate a SCNNode, which is a painting image.
I can rotate it on the floor, but I cannot rotate it correctly on wall.
(I am using UIRotationGestureRecognizer)
func addPainting(_ hitResult: ARHitTestResult, _ grid: Grid) {
// Add the painting
let newPaintingNode = SCNNode(geometry: planeGeometry)
newPaintingNode.transform = SCNMatrix4(hitResult.anchor!.transform)
newPaintingNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(newPaintingNode.eulerAngles.x + (-Float.pi / 2), newPaintingNode.eulerAngles.y, newPaintingNode.eulerAngles.z)
newPaintingNode.position = SCNVector3(hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.x, hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.y, hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.z)
self.paintingNode = newPaintingNode
self.currentAngleY = newPaintingNode.eulerAngles.y
self.currentAngleZ = newPaintingNode.eulerAngles.z
#objc func rotateNode(_ gesture: UIRotationGestureRecognizer){
if let currentNode = self.paintingNode {
//1. Get The Current Rotation From The Gesture
let rotation = Float(gesture.rotation)
if self.paintingAlignment == "horizontal" {
log.verbose("rotate horizontal!")
//2. If The Gesture State Has Changed Set The Nodes EulerAngles.y
if gesture.state == .changed {
currentNode.eulerAngles.y = currentAngleY + rotation
//3. If The Gesture Has Ended Store The Last Angle Of The Cube
if(gesture.state == .ended) {
currentAngleY = currentNode.eulerAngles.y
} else if self.paintingAlignment == "vertical" {
log.verbose("rotate vertical!")
//2. If The Gesture State Has Changed Set The Nodes EulerAngles.z
if gesture.state == .changed {
currentNode.eulerAngles.z = currentAngleZ + rotation
//3. If The Gesture Has Ended Store The Last Angle Of The Cube
if(gesture.state == .ended) {
currentAngleZ = currentNode.eulerAngles.z
Does anyone know how can I rotate it correctly on wall? Thank you!
You're using eulerAngles instance property in your code:
var eulerAngles: SCNVector3 { get set }
According to Apple documentation:
SceneKit applies eulerAngles rotations relative to the node’s pivot property in the reverse order of the components: first roll (Z), then yaw (Y), then pitch (X).
...but three-component rotation can lead to Gimbal Lock.
Gimbal lock is the loss of one degree of freedom in a three-dimensional, three-gimbal mechanism that occurs when the axes of two of the three gimbals are driven into a parallel configuration, "locking" the system into rotation in a degenerate two-dimensional space.
So you need to use a four-component rotation property:
var rotation: SCNVector4 { get set }
The four-component rotation vector specifies the direction of the rotation axis in the first three components (XYZ) and the angle of rotation, expressed in radians, in the fourth (W).
currentNode.rotation = SCNVector4(x: 1,
y: 0,
z: 0,
w: -Float.pi / 2)
If you want to know more about SCNVector4 structure and four-component rotation (and its W component expressed in radians) look at THIS POST and THIS POST.
In RealityKit framework instead of SCNVector4 structure you need to use SIMD4<Float> generic structure or simd_float4 type alias.
var rotation: simd_float4 { get set }
I tried SCNNode eulerAngles and SCNNode rotation and I have no luck...
I guess that is because I invoked SCNNode.transform() when I add the painting. When later I modify SCNNode.eulerAngles and invoke SCNNode.rotation(), they may have influence on the first transform.
I finally get it working using SCNMatrix4Rotate, not using eulerAngles and rotation.
func addPainting(_ hitResult: ARHitTestResult, _ grid: Grid) {
let newPaintingNode = SCNNode(geometry: planeGeometry)
newPaintingNode.transform = SCNMatrix4(hitResult.anchor!.transform)
newPaintingNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Rotate(newPaintingNode.transform, -Float.pi / 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
newPaintingNode.position = SCNVector3(hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.x, hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.y, hitResult.worldTransform.columns.3.z)
self.paintingNode = newPaintingNode
#objc func rotateNode(_ gesture: UIRotationGestureRecognizer){
if let _ = self.paintingNode {
// Get The Current Rotation From The Gesture
let rotation = Float(gesture.rotation)
if gesture.state == .began {
self.rotationZ = rotation
if gesture.state == .changed {
let diff = rotation - self.rotationZ
self.paintingNode?.transform = SCNMatrix4Rotate(self.paintingNode!.transform, diff, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
self.rotationZ = rotation
And the above code works on both vertical and horizontal plane.

How to rotate and lock the rotation of a SCNNode by degrees?

I need to rotate a model that can be freely rotated, to exact degrees, regardless of how many times it's been rotated.
I have a UIPanGestureRecognizer that is rotating freely a 3D model around the Y axis. However I'm struggling to get it to lock to a integer degree when panning is stopped, and I'm struggling with being able to know it's rotation in degrees from 0-359.
let translation = recognizer.translation(in: self.view)
var newAngleY = Double(translation.x) * (Double.pi) / 180.0
newAngleY += self.currentAngle
self.shipNode?.eulerAngles.y = Float(newAngleY)
if (recognizer.state == .ended)
self.currentAngle = newAngleY
It rotates freely, but all attempts for locking to the closest exact degree, and being able to 'know' it's rotational degree in a value from 0-359.
I know that:
let degrees = newAngleY * ( 180 / Double.pi)
And I know that if degrees > 360 then -= 360 (pseudo code)
However, whilst the UIPanGestureRecognizer is doing it's thing, these checks seem to fail and I don't know why. Is it because when it's still being panned, you can't edit the private properties of the ViewController?
You can edit the value while the gesture is occurring.
Quite a few options, so this seems the simplest to start with:
You could try only applying euler when the state changes AND only when .x > .x * (some value, such as 1.1). This would provide a more "snap to" kind of approach, something like:
var currentLocation = CGPoint.zero
var beginLocation = CGPoint.zero
#objc func handlePan(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
currentLocation = recognizer.location(in: gameScene)
var newAngleY = Double(translation.x) * (Double.pi) / 180.0
newAngleY += self.currentAngle
switch recognizer.state
case UIGestureRecognizer.State.began: break
case UIGestureRecognizer.State.changed:
if(currentLocation.x > beginLocation.x * 1.1)
gNodes.bnode.eulerAngles.y = Float(newAngleY)
beginLocation.x = currentLocation.x
if(currentLocation.x < beginLocation.x * 0.9) { .etc. }
case UIGestureRecognizer.State.ended:
gNodes.bnode.eulerAngles.y = Float(newAngleY)
Then you could switch to an SCNAction (changing your math) to give more control, such as
let vAction = SCNAction.rotateTo(x: 0, y: vAmount, z: 0, duration: 0)

Apply multiple rotations to ARKit SCNNode

I'm working with an AR app that uses Apple's Focus Square to guide user interaction on both vertical and horizontal surfaces. However, it's only designed to work on horizontal surfaces. I have modified the method that updates the square's rotation to account for vertical surfaces as well. However, using the method that they used only one rotation can be performed at a time, whereas in order to have the square positioned properly on a horizontal surface I need to have two rotations performed (one to apply the original yaw correction, and one to pitch the square vertically).
The relevant code is below, but the specific changes I made are only at the beginning and end.
// MARK: - Appearence
func update(for position: float3, planeAnchor: ARPlaneAnchor?, camera: ARCamera?) {
lastPosition = position
let thisAlignment = planeAnchor?.alignment ?? .horizontal
if thisAlignment != lastAlignment {
lastAlignment = thisAlignment
recentFocusSquarePositions = []
if let anchor = planeAnchor {
close(flash: !anchorsOfVisitedPlanes.contains(anchor))
lastPositionOnPlane = position
} else {
updateTransform(for: position, alignment: thisAlignment, camera: camera)
private func updateTransform(for position: float3, alignment: ARPlaneAnchor.Alignment, camera: ARCamera?) {
// add to list of recent positions
// remove anything older than the last 8
// move to average of recent positions to avoid jitter
if let average = recentFocusSquarePositions.average {
self.simdPosition = average
self.setUniformScale(scaleBasedOnDistance(camera: camera))
// Correct y rotation of camera square
if let camera = camera {
let tilt = abs(camera.eulerAngles.x)
let threshold1: Float = .pi / 2 * 0.65
let threshold2: Float = .pi / 2 * 0.75
let yaw = atan2f(camera.transform.columns.0.x, camera.transform.columns.1.x)
var angle: Float = 0
switch tilt {
case 0..<threshold1:
angle = camera.eulerAngles.y
case threshold1..<threshold2:
let relativeInRange = abs((tilt - threshold1) / (threshold2 - threshold1))
let normalizedY = normalize(camera.eulerAngles.y, forMinimalRotationTo: yaw)
angle = normalizedY * (1 - relativeInRange) + yaw * relativeInRange
angle = yaw
if alignment == .vertical{
self.rotation = SCNVector4(0, 1, 1, Float.pi)
} else {
self.rotation = SCNVector4(0, 1, 0, angle)
My goal is to have both the rotations in the control statement at the end performed on the object. If the else statement is removed, only that rotation is applied and the square remains horizontal. I have tried making both modifications to the transform directly using SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(_:_:_:_:) but this caused the square to spin endlessly and position itself incorrectly. I also tried adjusting the node's Pivot but this resulted in no visible changes to the object.

UIScrollView with "Circular" scrolling

I am trying to make "Circular" scrolling in my UIScrollView, but unsuccessful.
What I want to do:
if uiscrollview reaches end, it should move to start
if uiscrollview at start and moving back, it should move to end
Appending scrollview isn't good way in my situation (other methods should get "page id")
Have you any ideas?
I've implemented this method, but it requires paging enabled. Lets assume you have five elements A,B,C,D and E. When you set up your view, you add the last element to the beginning and the first element to the end, and adjust the content offset to view the first element, like this E,[A],B,C,D,E,A. In the UIScrollViewDelegate, check if the user reach any of the ends, and move the offset without animation to the other end.
Imagine the [ ] indicates the view being shown:
User swipes right
User swipes right
Then, automatically set the content offset to the second element
This way the user can swipe both ways creating the illusion of an infinite scroll.
I've uploaded a complete implementation of this algorithm. It's a very complicated class, because it also has on-click selection, infinite circular scroll and cell reuse. You can use the code as is, modify it or extract the code that you need. The most interesting code is in the class TCHorizontalSelectorView.
Link to the file
Enjoy it!
Update 2
UICollectionView is now the recommended way to achieve this and it can be used to obtain the very same behavior. This tutorial describes in details how to achieve it.
Apple has a Street Scroller demo that appears to have exactly what you want.
There's also a video from WWDC 2011 that demos their demo. ;) They cover infinite scrolling first in the video.
Try to use following code..
Sample code..
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)sender
if (scrollView.contentOffset.x == 0) {
// user is scrolling to the left from image 1 to image n(last image).
// reposition offset to show image 10 that is on the right in the scroll view
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(4000,0,320,480) animated:NO];// you can define your `contensize` for scrollview
else if (scrollView.contentOffset.x == 4320) {
// user is scrolling to the right from image n(last image) to image 1.
// reposition offset to show image 1 that is on the left in the scroll view
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(320,0,320,480) animated:NO];
Hope, this will help you...
With reference from #redent84, find the code logic.
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: scrollView.frame.width * CGFloat(imagesArray.count), height: scrollView.frame.height)
scrollView.isPagingEnabled = true
// imagesArray.insert(imagesArray.last as? UIImage, at: 0)
// imagesArray.insert(imagesArray.first as? UIImage, at: imagesArray.count - 1)
var testArr = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
let firstItem = testArr.first
let lastItem = testArr.last
testArr.insert(lastItem as! String, at: 0)
testArr.append(firstItem as! String)
for i in 0..<imagesArray.count{
let imageview = UIImageView()
imageview.image = imagesArray[i]
imageview.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
imageview.clipsToBounds = true
let xPosition = self.scrollView.frame.width * CGFloat(i)
imageview.frame = CGRect(x: xPosition, y: 0, width: self.scrollView.frame.width, height: self.scrollView.frame.height)
print("Imageview frames of i \(i) is \(imageview.frame)")
func newStartScrolling()
ViewController.i += 1
let x = CGFloat(ViewController.i) * scrollView.frame.size.width
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: x, y: 0), animated: true)
print("X is \(x) and i is \(ViewController.i)")
if ViewController.i == imagesArray.count - 1 {
ViewController.i = 0
let x = CGFloat(ViewController.i) * scrollView.frame.size.width
//scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: x, y: 0), animated: false)
print("X (rotate) is \(x) and i is \(ViewController.i)")
scrollView.contentOffset.x = x
func backScrolling() {
ViewController.i -= 1
let x = CGFloat(ViewController.i) * scrollView.frame.size.width
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: x, y: 0), animated: true)
print("X is \(x) and i is \(ViewController.i)")
if ViewController.i <= 0 {
ViewController.i = imagesArray.count - 1
let x = CGFloat(ViewController.i) * scrollView.frame.size.width
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: x, y: 0), animated: false)
print("X (rotate) is \(x) and i is \(ViewController.i)")
//scrollView.contentOffset.x = x

How to enable zoom in UIScrollView

How do I enable zooming in a UIScrollView?
Answer is here:
A scroll view also handles zooming and panning of content. As the user makes a pinch-in or pinch-out gesture, the scroll view adjusts the offset and the scale of the content. When the gesture ends, the object managing the content view should update subviews of the content as necessary. (Note that the gesture can end and a finger could still be down.) While the gesture is in progress, the scroll view does not send any tracking calls to the subview.
The UIScrollView class can have a delegate that must adopt the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol. For zooming and panning to work, the delegate must implement both viewForZoomingInScrollView: and scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale:; in addition, the maximum (maximumZoomScale) and minimum (minimumZoomScale) zoom scale must be different.
You need a delegate that implements UIScrollViewDelegate and is set to delegate on your UIScrollView instance
On your delegate you have to implement one method: viewForZoomingInScrollView: (which must return the content view you're interested in zooming). You can also implement scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale: optionally.
On your UIScrollView instance, you have to set the minimumZoomScale and the maximumZoomScale to be different (they are 1.0 by default).
Note: The interesting thing about this is what if you want to break zooming. Is it enough to return nil in the viewForZooming... method? It does break zooming, but some of the gestures will be messed up (for two fingers). Therefore, to break zooming you should set the min and max zoom scale to 1.0.
Have a read through this Ray Wenderlich tutorial:
If you follow through the section 'Scrolling and Zooming a Larger Image' it will get a image up and enable you to pinch and zoom.
In case the link gets altered, here's the main info:
Put this code in your view controller (this sets the main functionality):
override func viewDidLoad() {
// 1
let image = UIImage(named: "photo1.png")!
imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size:image.size)
// 2
scrollView.contentSize = image.size
// 3
var doubleTapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "scrollViewDoubleTapped:")
doubleTapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 2
doubleTapRecognizer.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
// 4
let scrollViewFrame = scrollView.frame
let scaleWidth = scrollViewFrame.size.width / scrollView.contentSize.width
let scaleHeight = scrollViewFrame.size.height / scrollView.contentSize.height
let minScale = min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = minScale;
// 5
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = 1.0
scrollView.zoomScale = minScale;
// 6
Add this to the class:
func centerScrollViewContents() {
let boundsSize = scrollView.bounds.size
var contentsFrame = imageView.frame
if contentsFrame.size.width < boundsSize.width {
contentsFrame.origin.x = (boundsSize.width - contentsFrame.size.width) / 2.0
} else {
contentsFrame.origin.x = 0.0
if contentsFrame.size.height < boundsSize.height {
contentsFrame.origin.y = (boundsSize.height - contentsFrame.size.height) / 2.0
} else {
contentsFrame.origin.y = 0.0
imageView.frame = contentsFrame
And then this if you want the double tap gesture to be recognised:
func scrollViewDoubleTapped(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
// 1
let pointInView = recognizer.locationInView(imageView)
// 2
var newZoomScale = scrollView.zoomScale * 1.5
newZoomScale = min(newZoomScale, scrollView.maximumZoomScale)
// 3
let scrollViewSize = scrollView.bounds.size
let w = scrollViewSize.width / newZoomScale
let h = scrollViewSize.height / newZoomScale
let x = pointInView.x - (w / 2.0)
let y = pointInView.y - (h / 2.0)
let rectToZoomTo = CGRectMake(x, y, w, h);
// 4
scrollView.zoomToRect(rectToZoomTo, animated: true)
If you want more detail read the tutorial, but that pretty much covers it.
Make sure you set your viewController as the scrollViews delegate and implement:
func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
return imageView
I don't think this is working for iOS 5.0 and Xcode 4.3+
Im looking for the same here, I found this its for images but it may help you.