Does Watson NLU support Hebrew? - ibm-cloud

does Watson NLU support Hebrew, including entities, sentiments? couldnt find it in the documentation
thanks very much

Lior, according to the documentation not. Not yet.
But, I can suggest to you use one Language Translator for using this API with Hebrew and translate to English for using each feature(English has more features available).
In the official documentation has one list of the Supported languages.
The following table shows the supported languages for each feature. Natural Language Understanding automatically detects the language of your source text by default. You can override automatic language detection if you want to specify the language manually.
Supported languages:
See the Official reference here.
You can see this article about other's API's and Supported languages. [Last Update: 24th of April 2017]

No it doesn't. It is very clear in the documentation.You can find it here.
At the time of this post, the compatible languages are:
Currently, English is the only language that supports all functions provided by Watson NLU. The rest have limited support.


How to tag sub-entity in an intent using IBM Watson?

An answer provide by #Simon O'Doherty in a post:How to capture the multiple values of one entity in IBM watson assistant after asking slot?
said that we can tag entity in an intent, however, in my watson, I do not see this function. Is it be deleted?or it's a version-limited function?
If not, do anyone know how to open the function?
My waston do not show any tag option when I try to edit an intent:
I ran into this, too, for my German language. The support for tagging contextual entities is coming slowly to non-English languages. There is an IBM Watson Assistant doc page showing features and supported languages. Japanese and German are not supported (yet?) for the tagging you asked for.

Can not add Filipino as a language in Liferay 7

I am having requirement to add below asian languages into Liferay dxp portal. I am able to add the languages except Filipino & Standard Mandarin.
Standard Mandarin
When I am adding filipino language code "fil" in file and restart the server I am getting an error that "Filipino language code is not available for 2 char".
I think it's because of filipino language code is in ISO-3 language code.
I am not aware whether liferay supports iso-3 language code or not.
Please suggest me how to overcome this situation.
The language codes are not specific to Liferay but to JAVA. Liferay uses the standard Locale functionality of JAVA to identify languages.
Try to google for the Java locale for your desired language and use that value. Something like en_GB, sk_SK...
You can also invent your own lang code. I once added Welsh into the portal with cy_GB and all worked fine.
Also, note that you need to take care of the flags for the provided languages. The config UI will look quite unusable without them. See here How to add language icons in liferay DXP

IBM Bluemix API for Japanese to English Translation

Does IBM Bluemix Watson_developer_cloud API supports Japanese to English translation?
I am trying to convert Japanese sentence to English using python sample example code provided in watson_developer_cloud examples but I am getting "?????????" as output. There are three domains - conversational, news & patent. Even in Language Translation demo for IBM Bluemix it only shows support for news.
text = ('は自動注入ですので').encode('utf-8')
print(json.dumps(language_translator.translate(text, source='ja',target='en'), indent=2,ensure_ascii=False))
If I am using:
I am getting model_id not found error. Please help!
Based on the documentation it seems that only News is supported at this time:
Release Notes mention the addition of English to/from Japanese for News category.
Japanese is not yet listed in the fully supported languages.
I suggest asking in the Watson Developer slack where the development team is around.

How to add language support for full text search?

I want implement support of full text search for some language (Ukrainian) in MongoDB. What resources I must provide (or make)? Do I need to make some changes in Mongo sources?
Ukrainian stop-words are not currently supported. For Cyrillic, Russian so far
Here you have the listing of fully supported languages:

How to find the official international country code for localization with iPhone app?

I want to localize my app , and I didn't find that the official international code for it. and I found the Korean is ko, is it right? and what are other codes? and the English is en-GB, is it right ? what means about GB, and when I localize my app , I add the en.lporj or en-GB.lproj? Thank you very much!
Correct, Korean is "ko". Full list of language codes. You may be able to append a country code to the language code for resources that are specific to a country. Such as "en_GB" or "fr_CA".
Please review the Language and Locale Designations document.
English is international "en". "en_GB" is for English in Great Britain. It's best to create an en.lproj that contains your international English. If you choose to add GB specific spellings such as "Colour" instead of "Color", add them to en_GB.lproj.
A nice easy list can be found on Applingua's DevZone blog: