How to tag sub-entity in an intent using IBM Watson? - ibm-cloud

An answer provide by #Simon O'Doherty in a post:How to capture the multiple values of one entity in IBM watson assistant after asking slot?
said that we can tag entity in an intent, however, in my watson, I do not see this function. Is it be deleted?or it's a version-limited function?
If not, do anyone know how to open the function?
My waston do not show any tag option when I try to edit an intent:

I ran into this, too, for my German language. The support for tagging contextual entities is coming slowly to non-English languages. There is an IBM Watson Assistant doc page showing features and supported languages. Japanese and German are not supported (yet?) for the tagging you asked for.


IBM Watson Assistant: Annotations tab for creating contextual entities missing

I am using IBM Watson Assistant on a Lite plan in Frankfurt. I am trying to create contextual entities by annotating intents as described here:
The described Annotation Tab when creating an Entity is missing. I cannot edit Intents as described either: Doubleclicking words in the User Examples is not possible, the described Popup is not showing.
I ran into this myself some months ago. See the list of supported languages by feature. Contextual entities are not yet supported for German. Thus, you are not seeing the annotation feature.

show diff on word documents

I'm designing a web application that will enable users to upload docx documents and will the show the diff between each revision.
I don't know how to approach the problem. Is it a bitmap, how do I decode the doc to show changes. Do Microsoft has an API I can use to simply send 2 word docs, and it will return the changes between the two?
I also have the same question on google docs. I think with google drive it's simpler. Saw this API
If anyone has done something similar or has an example to some similar app, I would be grateful.
Have you looked at Word's Compare tool? See under Review|Compare. Word's API also support the compare tool's automation (e.g. via VBA).
To use Word's API, you'll need to automate Word. For the details of the method, see:
See also:

IBM Bluemix API for Japanese to English Translation

Does IBM Bluemix Watson_developer_cloud API supports Japanese to English translation?
I am trying to convert Japanese sentence to English using python sample example code provided in watson_developer_cloud examples but I am getting "?????????" as output. There are three domains - conversational, news & patent. Even in Language Translation demo for IBM Bluemix it only shows support for news.
text = ('は自動注入ですので').encode('utf-8')
print(json.dumps(language_translator.translate(text, source='ja',target='en'), indent=2,ensure_ascii=False))
If I am using:
I am getting model_id not found error. Please help!
Based on the documentation it seems that only News is supported at this time:
Release Notes mention the addition of English to/from Japanese for News category.
Japanese is not yet listed in the fully supported languages.
I suggest asking in the Watson Developer slack where the development team is around.

Do keywords affect Bluemix Watson speech recognition?

Watson's speech recognizer supports a list of keywords as a parameter, but I'm trying to figure out whether these keywords actually affect recognition. For example, if you were handing Watson an audio clip you knew to contain proper names that might not be properly recognized, would submitting these names as keywords increase the likelihood that Watson would properly recognize them? Do the keywords interact with the recognition itself?
unfortunately the answer is no, the words wont get added to the vocabulary just because you added them as keywords, so they wont be found.
Looks like the answer to this is no (though I'd love to be proven wrong here): I ran a test clip that contained proper names that Watson mis-recognized, then submitted the same clip with those names as keywords, and it didn't change the transcript at all.
Not entirely conclusive, but it seems like the answer is no.

How do you tell Google to not read the fragment as an article?

Using the Structured Data Tool in Google Webmaster Tools I have an error where Google says we are missing the required author, updated fields etc. for an entry that we do not want to have these fields.
Is there a way to tell Google that this is not an Item/Article?
No, there is no way. Google recognizes that you are using it, and either reports that you are not using the Microformat correctly (in which case it’d be a "Microformat error", if there would be such a thing), or that it doesn’t suffice Google’s guidelines for displaying a Rich Snippet (in which case it would be no error, just a notice).
The Microformat hEntry requires entry-title, updated, and author. The Microformat h-entry has no required properties.