How deploy .NET Core web application via Visual Studio Team Services to hosting with IIS - deployment

I would like to deploy my .NET Core web application via Visual Studio Team Services to hosting with IIS.
I have tried to discover the possibility of deployment the final release but I don't know what type of task I can use.
I usually used the deploy via Visual Studio 2017 and using publish proccess with MSDeploy and setup profile like this:
profileName="Default Settings"
publishMethod="MSDeploy" userName="login" />
This site is not running on azure but on shared hosting.
How can I setup the Visual Studio Team Services - Deploy release if I only know these information?
What type of task is necessary to use?

Since you can deploy it with publish profile, you can to do it in VSTS build/release too.
NuGet restore (2.*) or Dotnet restore task
Visual Studio Build task (MSBuild Arguments: /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile="[profile name]"
You can use IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM tasks if you have admin account.
If the host supports FTP, you also can upload the published files through FTP task.


Deploy + desktop application + TFS 2017

I have a winForm application. I want to install it on the server every time the CI/CD happens. Later, after I install it(i don't know how to automate installation as well.), I want to run UI tests on it. What task should I add to my release management?
I only found web deployment when I researched. Since, mine is a desktop application, I need different build/release task. I could do it from vs2017(by right click project + publish)
I want similar one from TFS 2017.
You can try to build with the publish profile. See Publish profile.
In TFS using VS Build step with the MSBuild Arguments something like below:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(Build.StagingDirectory)\\" /p:PublishProfile="YourPbulishProfile"
You can reference this article : Using Web Deploy in Visual Studio Team Services Release Management
To run coded UI tests from TFS.
Firstly, you need to run your agent as an interactive process. Regarding how to deploy an agent on windows, please refer to this link.
Secondly, add your coded UI tests project into TFS version control.
Last, create a build definition to use Visual Studio Test Agent Deployment task and Run Functional Tests task to run the tests.
Reference below articles:
Continuous integration, test, and deployment tutorial
Deploy a Desktop App from TFS to VM for Coded UI Test.
I found a way to publish my desktop application on to the server. below is the article which explains the build tasks needed.
Click here

how to create build definition on Visual studio Team Services for a web role to send package to a drop location

I have loaded my web role project to Visual Studio Team Services. In the VSTS portal I created a new build definition. I added tasks Visual Studio Build and Publish Artifacts.
Task Visual Studio Build
MSBuild Arguments: /t:Publish /p:PublishDir=PublishDir\ /p:TargetProfile=Cloud
Publish Aritifact:drop
Path to Publish : $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
However after I run this definition I go to "Artifacts">"Explore" there is nothing in the drop location.
We use worker roles but the deployment sequence should be the same (unless you're talking about web apps and not roles)
In build arguments we target the ccproj and add that /t:Publish /p:TargetProfile=$(targetProfile) /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:OutputPath=bin\ /p:PublishDir="$(build.stagingDirectory)\\"
Then we have a deploy cloud service step with that as arguments for the packages $(build.stagingDirectory)*.cspkg and $(build.stagingDirectory)*.cscfg
Hope that works for you!

Auto Deploy using Continuous Integration in TFS 2012

I have setup continuous integration for a WCF project and want to use the MSBuild Arguments to automatically deploy the application to a remote server but it is not deploying.
When running a new Build all the Tests pass and all the projects build but the website is not being deployed. Also, I am getting no errors back from the build to say anything has gone wrong.
I have opened up port 8172 on the remote server to ensure connections can be made to IIS and have even disabled the firewall.
In the Build Configuration I have specified the following arguments;
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site/MYSite" /p:MsDeployServiceUrl= /p:username=MySite\Administrator /p:password=thePassword
I compiled this configuration from the following examples:
I have configured the Server's IIS to enable remote connections and I can Remotely administer IIS from the build server. Also I have successfully deployed the Application using Visual Studio 2012 Publish option.
can anyone see a problem with my MS Build Arguments? Am I missing anything?
Any help would be very grateful
I have checked the build server to check MS deploy is installed and have installed Web Deploy 3.0 to ensure this is capabale, but has not solved my problem.
I have check the IIS connection logs to see if the remote connection to IIS is being made and there is no connection being made from my build server to the app server.
I have tried running MSBuild.exe for the solution and project on the build server manually with the following:
MSBuild.exe "Project Location" /p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=WMSVC /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site/app" /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=http://appserver:8172/MSDeploy.axd /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=False /p:Username=username /p:Password=password
The MSBuild is successfully building the project but is making no attemp to deploy it.
Any Ideas?
Turns out the problem was files were missing on the Build Server as desibried in the Answer to this question:
Similiar problem
Also when installing Web Deploy 3.0 using Web Platform installer not all the features required are installed in order to connect remotely to IIS through MSBuild command line.
I copied the nessesery files from my dev machine to the build server and installed Web Deploy 3.0 manually with all features and this now works!
Maybe there is a bug with TFS 2012???

Automate Application Installation with Powershell

I need to write a powershell script that would install my team's web application and all the web application's dependencies (ie: telerik, mvc3, third-party assemblies) with a single click of a button. Is this possible? Or does someone have to click "Next" to go through an installation wizard?
Sounds like a job for MSDeploy. This ships with PowerShell cmdlets (and a regular console executable.)
Seamless integration with IIS 7.0
Manager and Visual Studio 2010
interface for creating packages and
deploying them onto a machine, both
locally and remotely.
Seamless integration with the Web
Platform Installer to install
community web applications simply and
Web application packaging:
Ability to package a Web application
or an entire site, including the
associated databases.
Ability to package ACLs, COM, GAC and
registry settings.
Supports both live servers and zipped
packages as a source or destination.
Web application deployment:
Administrative privileges are not
required in order to deploy Web
Ability to add powerful parameters to
change text in files when they are
deployed (such as prompting to
replace a connection string when
deploying from QA to staging
Integration with the IIS 7.0 Web
Management Service (WMSVC) for remote
deployment by non-administrators.
Server administrators have granular
control over the operations that can
be performed and can delegate tasks
to non-administrators.
Web server migration and synchronization:
Ability to synchronize or migrate the
entire Web server, a Web site or
application. Synchronizes only the
data that has changed.
Ability to detect missing
dependencies during synchronization.
Automatically gathers content, IIS
configuration, SSL certificates and
ASP.NET configuration when you sync a
Web site.
In addition to the IIS Manager and Visual Studio 10, tasks can be performed using the command-line or public APIs.

Deploy web applications and windows services using TFS 2010

Just went from TFS 2008 to 2010 at a client site and now wondering what happened to the TFSBuild.proj files from the TeamBuildTypes folder. I've already got the builds and drops working and now I need to get the old deployments working again. We used to do this with AfterBuild targets in the TFSBuild.proj. That mechanism seems to have moved or disappeared in 2010.
Can anyone point me to an article or describe how the deployment options have changed in 2010?
Specifically, I need to support running psexec to install and enable Windows Services on remote deployment targets and I need to deploy some web sites / web services to remote IIS nodes as part of the automated builds.
EDIT: Just found this: I'm more than a little taken back by the breaking changes between 2008 and 2010. I'm gonna need advice on how to deploy remote sites and services in the new default build process template mechanism.
Check out Vishal Joshi's PDC talk on Deploying Web Applications with VS 2010 and MSDeploy. On his blog, you'll also find tips on building MSDeploy packages with MSBuild. You can run psexec from your MSBuild script or, potentially, from a customized build process template. With TFS 2010, you can use MSBuild and Windows Workflow to solve your build automation problems.
Alternatively, you can use the "Upgrade" build process template and continue using your TFSBuild.proj file. This is the default behavior for upgraded build definitions for backwards compatibility. In that case, your build is still primarily driven by MSBuild with just a thin workflow to allocate an agent and run MSBuild.
Another option is to use TFS 2010 Build Agent on the server that you deploy to. This is how Visual Studio Lab Management deploys.
I have written a blog post about this: Continuous deployment with TFS 2010 Build Agent